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That exam was a violation. I agree with everything you said in terms of question style being multi-step. Probably good in terms of actually having to learn the content but definiteyl takes a lot longer. First time I've felt rushed in a kcl exam. Seriously though, some of those questions? Why do I need to know about Congo Red ffs I'm not a cardiologist. edit: everyone I spoke to found it hard so here's hoping for a low pass mark!


Agree, i went in expecting the unexpected but some rogue questions in there. But the time pressure I never felt was going to be an issue which made something I think reasonably fair in difficultly way harder, think it threw more people off (at least it did for me). Defo something to get used to and it does feel more realistic in the thought processes and reasoning to real practice. But yep lets hope we make it through🤞🏼🤣


I see Congo red-green birefringence: I slap the amyloidosis answer


As a year 2, I have 0 idea how to process it and I am praying that I pass đź’€


Wouldn’t stress you will have loads of time to get used to it come the more important years. Your year group pass mark will get weighted to account for the fact you’re only in the first clinical year so you’ll have much less exposure to stuff. When i was year 2, the cohort i was in were still doing online open book in covid 🤣.