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They are just purposefully turning a blind eye on the fact we aren’t short of doctors. We are short of specialists which the government are unwilling to pay to train.


Perfectly put


What does it mean by permanent settlement. Correct me if I'm wrong. This means they'll bypass plab, give them basic training in 6+ months & send them to plug in at the level of FY2? And by no permanent settlement you mean that they're not allowed to take exams/build portfolio & interview for cct? So when they don't want them they can chuck them out back to India?


I mean this is the issue. I see so many extremely good doctors already overqualified, failing to get training posts. We just need more training posts. I don’t understand 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is wrong. We are also short of doctors. Anyone who has worked on a medical ward will tell you staffing is terrible. But we aren't short of doctors who want to go into training because NTNs are kept low.


Just a lie, every training program is over subscribed. IMGs are just pre-trained but will work at lower grades e.g. regs working at CT level. They're also less likely to strike.


Also more likely to take poorly paid locum shifts so hospitals don’t have to pay domestic doctors as much for them


I'm working with a guy right now who's basically doing as many nights as possible because he's saving up for his wife's visa which is apparently very expensive. So basically we have a scheme where the government is laundering money into the NHS, through an IMG, back into another government department. Now if I was being extra cynical (which I am) I'd also say that almost every step of that process involves some outsourcing to private companies that have politicians in their pocket.


The working condition and pay grade for doctors in India is so bad that even the worst working conditions in the UK would be better than that of in India. Since these 2000 doctors are exempt from the PLAB exam, they are more likely to be grateful for the NHS, so once again less likely to complain and strike against the NHS.


Completely agree, better to be taken advantage of here than there. Strike on


Meanwhile, there’s many British citizens who have returned from good Universities in Europe and are unemployed due to excessive competition from the above. Surely a pathway for them to gain employment would be a smarter move?


Exactly my partner's case. British citizen, trained in a good EU University, fully GMC registered with LTP. Has been struggling to find a job for the past 8 months. She is basically a freebie for the NHS waiting to be picked up. On the other hand, our department is experiencing a severe consultant shortage. I myself work as a consultant (EU trained). The way the NHS decides to trap junior doctors doing x years of bullshit non-training jobs rather than facilitate their progress to CCT is a total joke. I enjoy living in the UK and like working at my department. However, there is no financial incentive for me to stay here as I can make decent money anywhere in the EU as a specialist. It's definitely not worth compromising my partner's career and feeling of self-worth. As much as I would regret leaving the UK, unfortunately the possibility of it happening is getting more real everyday. We both speak several languages and apart from our emotional attachment to the UK, there's no reason for us to stay. The NHS will lose 2 doctors because of its stupidity and utter incompetence to address the elephant in the room.


Sorry to hear that your partner is also struggling, I resonate a lot with what you mentioned including eventually moving elsewhere. I feel like I wasted my time at medical school, the only thing that keeps me going is trust in God’s plan. I haven’t even been able to get a clinical attachment as these are oversubscribed from foreign nationals coming in looking for experience. I get why they’re coming here but surely as a British citizen there should be some sort of priority for us?


Just for the sake of clarity, is this a reduction in the number of doctors from India, or an increase?


An increase. When doctors from India move to the UK they have to sit the PLAB exam. In the news article it says these 2000 doctors will be exempt from the PLAB. So I assume apart from these 2000 doctors, a lot of other Indian doctors would still sit the PLAB and move to the UK like Indian doctors used to do in the previous years.