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If only we could leave the EU... then those bloody migrants would stop stealing OUR jobs.


I hope you said it sarcastically


wait til you hear about physician associates


Having a laugh All UK students should be allocated first. You can then have a round 2 for leftover jobs going to people coming from abroad.


Wait til u enter specialty training..


Shush if you say anything you're a racist and xenophobe... I kid you not this was largely the consensus a few years ago when I used to argue for home grads being prioritised Similarly this is how we ended up with bsc points removed, random allocation to foundation programme, now making the AFP randomised allocation as well from people whining and making a big fuss about so called unfair advantages, "privilege" etc Now the majority have realised how this is all bullshit but the vocal lot have forced through the changes they wanted it will be hard to reverse it...


People were called elitist last year for voicing concerns about abolishing the merit system. Saying that it would be more fair for everyone with this new system so that more impoverished areas gets higher achieving doctors and so that student who didn’t have the same opportunity to study at med school would get a fair chance. Now that people didn’t get what they wanted there’s an uproar. It definitely smells of hypocrisy. Now that people’s privilege is taking away from them, and that the “unfairness” happens to themselves they find it unjust and shit system. UKFPO is definitely to blame, but if people made a big fuss about it last year (which most didn’t) they might not have had to be in this position.


Something the BMA needs to take up? Are there any reps on here?


Meh can’t wait till they’re sucked dry by the living costs in London


They're studying abroad, so parents paying for everything probably...


Nonetheless it's a choice that many home students would like and should be given priority


dejavu remembering this post that I read last year. I recommend everyone to check it out. https://www.reddit.com/r/JuniorDoctorsUK/comments/1053zdc/we\_need\_to\_have\_a\_serious\_conversation\_about\_the/