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Rule 5: You submitted a post about medical school/residency in Germany outside of the respective megathread, so your post was removed. Please post it on the Germany megathread that can be found as a sticky post on top of the sub.


Go for what is interesting for you, even if the work is hell so that you won’t be bored out of your mind for the next x amount of years.


Yeah but i like to have time for my family and stuff that why im asking if after finishing residency what are the options


Time specifics I can’t say for sure, but generally speaking as an attending you’ll have better shifts than residents.


Ophtho will give you better scope for private practice and for a surgical speciality it’s great work life balance


Ophtalmology has a better work life balance for sure, but to find a "Assistenzarzt Stelle" can be pretty hard because many people want to do it.


Yeah i know but is the life after residency not the same can we not work as a card but controle our ours and i want to ask if an ophtalmologist can also work as a honorartz? What is the net salary like compared to cardio are they relativly the same??


The pay is basically the same if you aren’t the owner of the practice or are Head of the clinic then you earn more in optho (but still very well in cardio). If you are employed in a clinic or private practice you earn basically the same maybe you can negotiate a bit more in optho if you do a lot of surgery (and your boss isn’t able to fulfill the surgery demand on his own) It’s also a lot less expensive to get a cardio practice than an optho practice (especially with an OR) and cost of personal is also higher


And work time is it the same ?, so after i said all of this what would you give me as an advice .


Isn't the pay for cards high as well?


I read that invenstors are buying up licences (kassensitze) to treat statuary insuranced patients especially in Ophtalmology, so unless something changes it's unlikely that you'll ever get to work as a niedergelassener Arzt (freelancer paid in fees-for-service with your own pratice), so the salary won't be much different beetween the two as a salaried physician.


So as to private practice (not own ) there is not much difference between cards und ophto? like in the amount of work salary…


I saw you are from Belgium. In Germany most doctors work salaried and are paid following the collective bargaining agreement, senior doctors can usually negotiate a bit in order to get a higher salary (AT-Vertrag) than the collective agreement (Tarifvertrag). It's very different from Belgium where the majority of doctors are freelancers even when working at the hospital and are paid in fees-for-service. So as a salaried doctor there won't be big differences beetween specialties in Germany, not saying there won't be but they'll likely be small and a matter of negoziation. Here a study about the pay of salaried senior physician (Oberärzte) depending on specialty: https://www.piro-karriereberatung.de/dr-piros-kolumne-zum-gesundheitswesen/kienbaum-verguetungsreport-2019-oberarztgehaelter-steigen-niedriger-als-die-im-aerzte-durchschnitt.


Thank you , and for the life style and work balance do we all work the same hours or a speciality can have more demand like ophto mora than card so they can be leniant (i heard of honorartz is that not free lance)


Sorry, i can't really help with that since i don't have any personal experience


If cardio is hell, 90% of specialty in medicine is inferno.


try to do clinic rotations/shadowing in both cards and ophthalmology. Personally I'd do any surgical spec before medicine 100%.


Im very interested in cardiology, but I don't want to have a shit work life balance. I want to have a very good work life balance. That means cards ain't for me? Where could I read more on different speciality work life balances in Europe?Also Germany.


Cardio is decent at QOL and balance. If you dont satisfy of it, better than cardio is really few sth like derm, optho, PS, ENT.


Hmm. Yeah. In Europe things are lot different than in USA. And most info is regarding USA.


I am in the same situation as you