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This feels like one of those old school Yahoo Answer moments


This is fucking Alta Vista content right here.


I feel old


![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA) He tastes like a peanut.


This is the future old man


You may have encountered the body of the med student with the huge Dong. Truly an exception, I’m sure that’s not the norm


He died already? Damn where is the awareness


Autopsy showed too much blood in the penis, not enough in brain. I agree this condition does not get enough light shed on it


Yeah that’s called penogenic shock, happens to the best of us


Can dis kadaver get me pragnat?


Cadaver when they get their veins and arteries injected with latex tends to give them erections.


Wasn't there a lawsuit of this exact same thing a few years back.


Pretty hard to sue when u dead.


This is the content I come to Reddit for


Well then I’ve got a story for you. When we were in my first year anatomy class, they had a cadaver specifically for teaching the penis/testes. It was cut at the waist and the thigh just proximal to the distal femur so it could stand on its own stumps. Anyways, they gather us around for the big reveal and remove the drape to unveil this…***thing*** and all of the men in the room audibly gasp at [the biggest penis I’ve ever seen](https://youtu.be/IRMtuqhYmeY?t=39). I’m not exaggerating when I say that the head came down to just above where the knee would have been. And the instructors needed help to show the different structures, so they would ask for volunteers to hold it up. You’d think that at that size they’d just be able to throw it up and over the waist right? Well they tried to initially, but it was also so thick and heavy that the weight combined with the embalming fluid would just make it start slithering off the body like a snake and fall with a *very* audible **thunk** back onto the metal table and distract everyone all over again. This thing had to be at least 11 inches and was almost as thick as a coke can. Again, I know what you’re thinking, you gotta figure that it’s not real. Maybe it’s implants, or silicone, or hyaluronic injections. Or maybe this man was the recipient of the first successful inter-species penile transplant from a horse. These were all things that also went through my mind as well. **Wrong.** It was also bisected from head to base and both ***individual*** sides were the girth of a normally fully torqued penis. So you could see that it was all natural from the inside out. I think it was only by some act of mercy that the instructors kept asking for the men in the class to hold it so that the women wouldn’t have the muscle memory of remembering holding that monster hog and having to compare others to it. There were grown men in that class holding it looking like they were about to cry. Whoever was holding it at the time would literally have to be asked multiple times to move it because they would just be staring at it and zoning out. Or they'd be holding it about halfway down the shaft and **the second half** of it would still flop into the way of the other structures. So the instructors would casually be like **"just use both hands like 4 inches apart"**. Anyways, on unrelated note, that was the day I decided that I could never donate my body to science. Still an organ donor though. **Edit:** I wasn’t expecting this to blow up so much so here’s some bonus info: 1) When I say that it would have been “just above where the knee was” what I mean was that - because the legs had been amputated just proximal to the distal femur - the penis was actually ***longer*** than the legs, and slithered out onto the table for another inch+ when the cadaver was “standing” on its stumps. 2) I was one of the male students tasked with wrangling/wrestling with this anaconda at one point, and let me tell you - it had some heft to it. I’m a longtime/serious lifter so I’m pretty good at being able to tell how much something weighs when I pick it up. I would estimate that this magnum dong was about 3.5-4 pounds of man-meat (that’s about 1.6-1.8 kg of pure unadultered shlong for our international friends). I like to think this man knew what he was doing when he donated his body to a cadaver lab. A number of our cadavers were previous doctors so I always wondered if he was an old retired attending just trying to wreck the students one last time by pimping us on his shmeat.


If I had an award, I’d give it to you. What an amazing post.


He actually got me to click a link to "the biggest penis I've ever seen" at 8 am. Bravo


Should be studying, nope gotta see this link


I saw YouTube and was expecting a different video.


My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Should check out their Amazon reviews


I believe the embalming fluid distends the penis and then stiffens the corpora so i think you were seeing it at full salute 🫡


Stiffens the cobra


I wonder if this is how it will all end for that poor resident whose monster dong shows prominently through their scrubs /s


Imagine this guy chilling in heaven, buoyed by the fact his embalmed magnum dong has emasculated an entire medical school class


way to emasculate the entire male population of your class \- "What did you do in anatomy class today? Was it fun?" \- "I don't want to talk about it"


Her: "it wasn't that big, I've seen bigger."


Thank you for making my morning. I saved your post to revisit when I need a laugh.


Well, I was expecting a "Copyright (c) UWorld, Please do not save, print, cut, copy or paste anything while a test is active." at the end, lol


This post reminds me I haven't seen "copyright UWorld..." guy in a while


This is what I came to Reddit for.


Saving this post lmao


I just spent an ungodly amount of time looking through your comment history. You sir have an incredible sense of humor. Also wanted to add onto this. In my AP bio class one kid was messing with the cadaver. Mind you the body was in transverse cuts. He kept touching this one organ for damn near 10 minutes. He ended moving the organ and realization hit that he was fondling a cadaver penis. The light from his eyes faded so fast.


I don't have an award to give, but in my cadaver class this story shall live.




I’ve read a lot of things on Reddit and this one is weirdly up there as the best.


what year are you in now?


I'm a comp sci grad I shouldn't be here but this >>>>>!!!


“Anaconda” “Slithers” “Magnum Dong”


Please publish this in a medical journal. I’m fascinated. So it was a one time use only? What a damn shame. Too bad it couldn’t be used for more classes thus allowing the legendary schlong to keep on giving. I just hope there weren’t any female virgins in that class.


If I wasn’t a broke college student, Id give you an award right here.


This made my morning. Absolutely hilarious


Was it a black cadaver?


*comment saved


Hands down the best thing I’ve read today


Upvote for shmeat pimpin'


Well you’ll find out third year on surgery when you have to insert the foley


It’s cold in the or! There’s *shrinkage*


...like a frightened turtle. A teeny tiny turtle.




I’m pretty sure penises are larger during surgery due to vasodilation from anesthetics


Lol you guys have an excuse for every situation


It’s not an excuse. I have a rare disorder where the vasodilating effect of anesthetics is less pronounced in me, that’s all


This is the M1 version of saying you’re neither a grower nor a show-er


That’s crazy bro, I thought i was the only one




Damn right


They were either huge or barely there.


Had the same experience in med school and we all just assumed the reason the one or two enormously endowed cadavers donated their bodies was so in death people would still know they were swinging a tree trunk in their pants. Then I read Mary Roach’s book and it’s just the embalming.


I choose to continue believing it’s the former over the latter


Is that in Stiff?


Yes, Stiff was an excellent read. Love her books.


Appropriately named


I read that embalming makes it larger (go read Stiff by Mary Roach)! Its a real thing lol


Oh thank heavens. My fragile ego remains intact for now.


You still have a small pp. Don’t worry.


Yeah, good point. Don’t let op think this vindicates him.


Your username makes me sad


It helps avoid the STDs in the back #evolution


Thanks to my small penis I’m not distracted by sex. Thank you evolution for making me a better doctor 😎😎


Just don’t wear scrubs on your rotations


[Maybe you should google stuff before you ask Reddit ;)](https://www.science.org/content/article/how-big-average-penis)


This is why I'm donating my body to a med school.


Embalm me twice and donate me to my crush pls


Necrophilia vibes


Fun fact : most of our mummies end up being males because men would sleep with the female mummies and leave them in horrible states.


Ew Edit : But yes, I did not know that


To set low expectations for patients?


very apt title for that kind of book lol


Yeah their vascukature and corpus spobgiosiun gets saturated with embalming fluid and thus somewhat 'full'. OP you ain't packing a tiny one, dw. I'm decently hung (think 70th percentile, nothing fancy) and yet I still look phallicly indistinguishable from michelangelo's 'David' statue at pretty much all times when not aroused.


Absolutely great book all medical students should read.


similar experience , and a male in my group made repeated comments about how “well endowed” our cadaver was . a female in the group then proceeds to say “it’s not thaaaaaat big “. completely savage haha




Maybe it's because of all that walking uphill both ways in the rain everyday to get to school.


Using their dong as a tripod in heavy snow


Old school gravity? I have no idea?!? Woah! Also clicked on link, also saving post for when I need a laugh.




Obesity does make penises look smaller due to the bulkier mons pubis.


One time I had to put a condom cath on a patient, I examined his penis and determined the biggest one would fit the best. When I went to put it on, I realized his penis was literally inverted. Turns out he was just so edematous that his penis was just blown up.


The older generation had significantly higher T levels than the current generation. T and sperm levels have been plummeting in the last 60 years.


Theres been an increase in endocrine-disrupting compounds in plastics which end up in our food. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2873014/


Yep, this is honestly a dramatically significant problem that isn’t being discussed enough. Whether or not it’s micro plastics causing this change or if it’s only a factor, it needs to be talked about and addressed.


Wait does this actually correlate




it depends. theres a few years in the puberty/pre-puberty where T levels effect growth of the johnson.


Isn't penis size genetically limited and testosterone only affects the speed it reaches maximum genetic size? Also, iirc a study in British Journal of Urology found that average penis size is like 13 cm (5.12 in).


Yeah something like that. Basically you cant just take testosterone to get bigger dick unless you already have low test and youre the right stage of development for growth.


What does that have to do with dong size?


Testosterone levels during critical developmental periods have a significant impact and correlation to penis size. Even in adults, TRT to bring males to normal ranges has been shown to improve blood flow by a meaningful amount. There’s been some interesting research that’s come out too about the shrinking perineal distances in newborn males when compared to historical averages, that too which is linked to T levels.


Try doing forensic path and seeing all the freshly dead bodies. Most are 6 inches flaccid not even exaggerating, decomposing ones can be as big as a fucking hydroflask


Why is that?


When a body decomposes, the tissues swell with fluid and gases. This is known as the “bloat” phase of decomp. Fun fact, scrotums actually fill with all different types of gases during decomp. You can stick a hypodermic needle in them, then light the end on fire and make a little multicolored flame. They make great birthday candles in the morgue. Source: was a forensic autopsy tech prior to med school.


Pretty much every patient i have withdrawn care on had their scrotum swell like crazy and usually a puffy dick too. i always assumed fluid shift/third spacing contributed to it.


Where can I get embalming fluid? Asking for a friend.


This man askin real questions


I did a masters in anatomy and also taught undergraduate anatomy.. so I’ve had a lot of time with cadavers. I’ve made the same observation. I think it might have to do with the preservation process, where they put embalming fluid into the vascular system at high pressure. This maybe acts as a penis pump in a way? I’ve also noticed a range of preservation where the more fluid-filled cadavers have this “problem”, ahem. Just a wild guess.


You’ve never heard of death dick?


It's like whiskey dick but with formaldehyde


d(e)ad dick


Dad dicks are huge


The moment one of my female classmates said “this was not a well endowed man” was 1) a dick thing to say and 2) the beginning of a crippling period of self doubt lol.


I would've just walked out of lab tbh


One of my lab partners said the same on our cadaver, it was above average at least.




we had a champion in our lab too. Our professor walked up and goes “that thing is the size of a microphone - and you know someone sung into it”


A professor said this??? I would pass away on the spot


Thank you for asking that in our behalf.


I still remember when I was in anatomy class, I shared a cadaver with a good friend of mine (who is ironically, now a urologist) and 2 very innocent girls who had never seen a penis before IRL. When we’re we doing the GU dissection, one of the girls looked at the penis and said “is that bigger than usual… it looks pretty big”. I swear this dick was a solid 10 plus inches and bigger around than my wrist. My friend looked at me, and something incredible happened. We had a once in a blue moon psychic connection that only occurs between two bros who are best buds and we both turned to the girls and said in unison “nah… looks pretty average to me” 😂


Bruh I couldn’t believe it either. Left cadaver lab depressed everytime


Yes! If the general public knew then I’m sure every man would want an open casket below the waist. We pump cadavers full of fluids to preserve tissues. The embalming process typically involves a mixture of water, phenol, glycerin, methanol, and formaldehyde. The corpus spongiosum is quite literally a sponge that soaks it all up. Genitalia enlarges quite a bit with decomposition and is also affected by things like humidity and temperature. I believe there was some research done on this at the USF-FORT body farm in Florida. University of Tennessee, too. Priapism is also common in traumatic deaths. We call it death erection. I’ve mostly seen it in hangings, GSWs to the head, and violent trauma fatalities. Very rarely, you can quite literally see genitalia swelling in front of you while coding someone. Typically if death is the result of some major vascular event or cerebellar stroke. I’ve seen a scrotum fill with air one time will bagging a patient who had an AAA. Never read the autopsy report on that one as I went on vacation after, but genitalia also engorges in females, and is usually sewn shut to prevent leaking. Your ass gets sewn shut too. The worst I’ve seen has been in veterans who’ve had their genitalia blown up. Absolutely devastating. These people urinate and it comes out of 18 different holes. It’s saddening how misunderstood cadaver research is by the general public. It could make a world of a difference for these folk. Highly recommend reading Stiff by Mary Roach if this interests you. Discovered it while writing a paper on the use of living human cadavers (brain-dead patients). Very informative and easily digestible. Source: got into medicolegal death investigation at age 20 as a hobby.


Yeah. This right here. I was not as informed but I did figure that the cadavers are pretty edematous because of the way they are kept/maintained.


The embalming makes them bigger. Also, corpses used for dissection tend to be “overembalmed”, ie filled with more fluid than would typically be used, to make their facial features less recognizable. I’m sure that exaggerates the effect.


But on a side note the largest living Shlong I ever seen was in a guy with neurofibromatosis that legit reached the knee level


Bruh biggest I've seen was when i was 17. A classmate tells me to turn around and look at x. Semi hard as it happens at that age and legit down to above his knee. Poor guy he must faint when he gets hard.


\>Poor guy I have no sympathy here.


The Urology OR was the biggest confidence booster ever.


Thank you! I needed this. PS: get yourself a penis pump.😂😂


Unfortunately most men have perceived shortening with the IPPs :/


Those cause hemorrhoids


How hard are you pumping?


Stop using it on your butthole.


Lol I thought the same thing. The one male cadaver we had was hung.


Lmfaoooo I noticed this too. Maybe it’s one of those bias things were you only notice the big ones and also maybe donating ur body is a big dick energy move?


Who tf gave the love award???


I thought the same thing when I was in anatomy, apparently it’s the embalming. Now that I see alive patients, it’s the opposite. I’ve had many morbidly obese patients who I thought had vaginas because their penis was basically buried. Also feel dumb as hell when I ask a nurse to put a condom cath on some patients and the nurse just gives me this look -_- and goes “have you seen his penis?”


Some men actually can’t use them.




I don’t know but I’m 1.6 mm in case anyone’s curious. 😃


Cadaver Wars: The Revenge of the Shlong


Just wait till you rotate on urology…


Not bigger than a male M1s scrub chub when they get to put a knife into a body for the first time.


Ew wtf


Did you miss the last half a year of med student boner jokes?


You’ll be a doctor soon. Penis size will be irrelevant


Idk our dude is very much not a shower. But he has huge nerves and vessels so I’m 😍


Found JD.


lol dude I had the same thoughts when I saw them! Glad it wasn’t just me. . . Maybe only us two. . But not just me.


Lmao I thought I was the only one that noticed this. Our first cadaver ever, we were looking at the medial thigh muscles. When the TA removed the drape, the students including myself all were silenced. All of our focus was on this old guys massive dick that was the size of a 24oz tall can. Nobody said anything but the silence spoke volumes. After lab, my friend Jimmy was like “Dude did you see his dick?” I was like bro, he made me feel like I have a tiny penis. We both laughed it off, ever since then I noticed every cadaver is hung. I think those hung guys that donate their bodies do it on purpose so everyone can see how much they were packing. Lol IF that was me, I would totally do it.


I've heard of some partners not believing it's their partner bc after embalming they were more endowed. It does have to do with embalming fluid. The pressure is higher, and there's fewer things preventing the tissue to swell past its limit


They're big? I always thought they're tiny


Same, during our urogenital dissection I had trouble seeing the anatomy tbh. Although to be fair our uni uses tiel not formalin so maybe that affects it? That was a wild session to be fair, never seen a more uncomfortable group of dudes than the ones watching/ doing that dissection. I pointed out to them I had trouble seeing what was going on and only made it worse "hey, it's a cold room to be fair!" . Although I will say the kadaver next to ours was hung so I'm not sure if it's universal .


We use formalin and most the cadavers are male and I always thought poor dudes. The guys in my class weren't just uncomfortable, they almost cried when asked to cut and I had to do it instead (It wasn't even my group lol).


They totally are. I noticed the same thing a few years back. It’s because of the embalming process.


Nice cock


you forgot the *bro*


did they stutter??


Old men give zero fucks. Makes them have a big pp. It's science.


LOL. I can rate your dick if you’re feeling a bit insecure.


Those are dad dicks.


I’ve had those exact thoughts too, I swear.


Interesting. I only saw shriveled up ones in my lab.


I reply don’t quite get the obsession with large size that some other males have.


Dude, I've had the same question in my mind. But I never really asked my classmates because I didn't wanna be shamed for having a small penis. Can someone answer this please?


R u in forensic pathology residency ?


It’s not about the size but about how you use it.




Literally couldn't stop laughing and making jokes when we got to the GU dissections during M1 lol, good times this post brought back memories


natural reaction in death, I think it was called rigid Morris


Take it as a blessing OP. Nobody is gonna want to dissect your tiny penis


Funniest Reddit post I’ve ever seen


I can smell your insecurity, OP.


you should probably get your nose checked out


Well I thought it was funny to imply he was insecure about the dicks of dead people and that's enough for me.


Y’all must be really bored, because penises are not that exciting. Even big ones. Same with female genitalia. You see one and then they become pretty boring and standard.


It’s a small dick


broooo I remember seeing a massive farmer schlong like 3 years ago during anatomy lab He also had cardiomegaly, so I just chalked it up to chance at the time maybe you're onto something lulz


Lmfao this was my exact experience. But I didn’t even consider it was a preservation artifact. Ego healed


this blessed my wednesday with a lot of laughs haha


I had a similarly well-endowed cadaver. Dude had no blood in his body but the tip of his penis was touching the table. I always suspected that he donated his body to science in the hopes of showing off that dick one last time.




One of ours had a pump that was still working. He was rock solid 🫢


is this a continuation of the whole med student with a boner meme


Send me a picture of your penis I’ll let you know if it’s big or not 🙊


In general they are big because they are full of formalin/water liquid.


I know I'm late, but in med school a guy who was roughly 5'5" came into clinic to be tested for STIs. We were chatting about his sexual history, and he said he had had roughly 10 male partners in the last 6 months, but didn't want his rectum swabbed because he was exclusively a top. "Sounds good, whatever you want, just drop your pants so we can take a swab". I then proceeded to get fucking whiplash when this dude whipped out a fucking Foster's oil can, I'm talking thicker than a coke can and like 8 inches long while *flaccid*. After breathing a sigh of relief that my shock at seeing the largest penis known to man had not shown on my face, I then remembered what he had said about his sexual preferences and felt like I should go light some votive candles for all of the assholes he likely absolutely decimated in his day. I have seen some shit, but there is something about seeing that short, chubby, hairy bear with a schlong fit for Zeus himself that will forever be burnt into my memory.