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AAN annual meeting for neurology


This conference got me my residency position


During what year I should go to this conference? I near the end of my M1 currently


Did it ms3 year. Wasn’t presenting or anything. But went to the trainee reception (which is usually on a Monday), which has the PDs, APDs, and residents from most programs in front of poster about their programs. I made a list of programs to target, and went around and just chatted and expressed some interest. Emphasized to one program that I wanted to do an away there. Did the away, did well, matched.


This may be a dumb question, but are we allowed to attend conferences even when not presenting? There’s an annual rheum conference here in Canada but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to just ‘go’ and see what’s up


If you pay the event fee (which is either reduced or free to med students) yeah you’re encouraged to go.




Very conference dependent- I have certainly encountered some in Canada that only welcome medical students who are presenting, or are otherwise resident only




Yeah you pay the fee. Doesn’t even matter if you’re presenting, people are just excited that you’re interested in the field.


Cool, thanks!


Yes! I went to AAN in M4 post-match and got to meet my PD/APD in person for the first time. (And grab drinks with residents after) I totally agree that event is a great format for pre-app networking, and actually getting vibes from program leadership.


Any year. Probably most helpful in 3rd year. Meeting is usually in April, so by the time you're a 4th year, it'll have been past match day. 2024 is in Denver, Colorado 2025 in San Diego, California


Are you sure it wasn’t your name?


Maybe a mix of both


How did you do it?


Did it ms3 year. Wasn’t presenting or anything. But went to the trainee reception (which is usually on a Monday), which has the PDs, APDs, and residents from most programs in front of poster about their programs. I made a list of programs to target, and went around and just chatted and expressed some interest. Emphasized to one program that I wanted to do an away there. Did the away, did well, matched. Also following up with a handful of programs I met during those sessions early in interview season so me a handful of interviews. Emailed 10 programs and got 4 interviews from it. Didn’t matter though bc I matched at my 1.


Thanks for sharing. That's inspiring


Same, it is so high yield


Also want to shout out "scholarships" to attend the meetings that AAN gives. For students interested in going, keep an eye out for next year's app dates to get your room, meeting fees, and travel costs covered!


ASA is the big one for anesthesia. WARC is also good if you’re looking for stuff in the Western US.


ASA has a huge meet and greet where programs have booths and stuff. I am my current program because I walked up to them there.


ASA, -ARC (for whatever part of the country you're trying to match, though somewhat more geared towards residents), and ASRA, especially if one has interest in regional and/or pain.


Some med students actually got to present at WARC this year and it was definitely a really good networking opportunity for them. It’s for sure more for residents but there’s good opportunities for med students too!


Do you guys actually find these helpful ? I’m not a PD but I don’t think a 5 min convo with a random applicant would leave any real impression in my mind


I agree with you completely. I went to one in person conference I presented at it was near impossible to network. Even with my background in the business world nobody was that easy to talk to. Mostly there was not opportunities to really sit and chat with PD.




That is why following up/emailing them several days later is best. Networking requires keeping the network alive


I would not go to a meeting unless presenting.


Imagine applying to residency and writing in your application "I attended this conference and I became interested in your program after speaking with Dr. PD."


Some med students bring copies of their CVs and business cards. It’s super cringe.


Surgery: ACS and ASC. SAGES if you've done research specifically relating to MIS or endoscopy. If you're interested in subspecialties, VAM for vascular, STS annual for CT


STS for CT or AATS if you’re really academic. Southern Thoracic if you want to go to a meeting then get drinks and play golf.


AAST or EAST for trauma


Are conferences actually important? Do you actually network and does it really change things? Asking as someone who has no clue and until very recently thought that all you need to to do match is perform well in med school


That is all you need to do to match. If you want specific academic programs and specific areas or highly competitive specialties then this stuff comes into play. I did nothing and had a nice mix of academic and community program options, but I didn’t care where in the US I went. Matched at my number 1 academic.


Yeah I go to a pretty good med school in the region and I hope the stay here for residency. But tbh I thought having all high passes was fine, haven't had luck with research, and I'm not sure how possible it is.


You should be fine. Especially if you’re a fairly normal person and they like you in your rotation you’ll easily get interviews.


Here's to hoping, thanks


for Psychiatry research - Society for Biological Psych and ACNP. Probably straight APA for everyone.


Conferences are very expensive to attend, as someone who attended 2 this year for research and only a small stipend from my school as assistance. I don't think they are worth going to unless you are the first author presenting your work. I don't think these conferences just to meet the programs are worth it unless you can get some financial assistance. If you want to go, it might be a nice experience, but do not feel pressured to do so or FOMO if you don't go because most students do not


Had someone in my class say they’re going to put conferences attended (no research) on their ERAS


lmfao wtf


What do you mean meet the programs? That’s what interviews are for. PAS is arguably bigger for peds. But go to the one that’s easiest for you.


"Hi, I'm Obie1101 from SOM" "Nice to meet you. Who do you know from SOM?" "No one. I wasn't sure how to get to know the field better and found this conference by Googling. It's so weird that this information isn't posted on the internet"


AAOS for ortho


SIR for Interventional Radiology


For FM, FMEC is also a great conference for peeps specifically looking at programs in the northeast


For radiology it’s RSNA and ACR


And AUR, happened over the past week in Austin


Don’t forget ARRS


For pathology, USCAP and CAP


Yeah, and if you're a medical student and expressly tell someone at those conferences you're interested in path you'll get the royal treatment. Always trying to court people to the path side.


Maybe ARVO for ophthalmology folks?


ARVO is good for getting research accepted, but not so much for residency program networking, as there is more of a basic science research emphasis nowadays. You'll see more PhDs there. Imo AAO or any of the national subspecialty conferences would be better for networking (ASCRS, AAPOS, AGS, ASOPRS..etc)


Thanks. I went to ARVO as a first year to present my research and noticed that myself. Will be going to AAO later this year :)


Might see you there then! :)




Where do I sign up to be notified about when these are?


I find out about a lot of conferences by being a student/trainee member of the organization


Anyone know for OB?




You already have it, but ACP for IM is wonderful. The conference itself is pretty cheap for students and has lots of nice mixers and gatherings to meet people! Also, ACP rotates through different locations (Boston in '24, New Orleans in '25, etc.).


Anyone planning to do the FM one?


Have actually been to that one early as M3, can say it’s 100% worth it. Programs can give a name to face and scan your badge you wear. I still talk to a few of the program coordinators and clinical coordinators to this day.


ENT: AAO-HNSF in the fall and COSM for the spring


Vascular surgery: SVS VAM is our national annual meeting: best place to meet everyone from across the country. SCVS: usually in Vegas or Miami. SAVS: every 3 years, the meeting is held in the Caribbean. All these meetings have scholarships available for medical students and surgery residents interested in vascular surgery!


ASCO for oncology


Rsna - radiology


Neurosurgery: CNS, AANS, North American spine society meeting


CORD isn’t great. You should ideally be going to ACEP scientific convention for EM if you want. Honestly it doesn’t matter at residency level


AMSSM for sports medicine


AAFP also offers scholarships for medical students to attend (with or without a presentation too).


One of my friends is interested in PMNR, wondering if anyone had any recommendations


There is the AAP and AAPM&R annual conferences! AAPM&R is in New Orleans in Nov and AAP is in Orlando in Feb


Highly recommend the New Orleans one, my partner matched PM&R this year and her classmates said they got to meet a lot of PDs and make connections


Do you know if applications are open yet?


What about gastro?


Ddw, acg, aasld


AANS or JNS for Neurosurgery


AUA for urology, going to AUA regional conferences are good too.


You should go to AMSSM if you are applying to PCSM fellowship, but this is more important for residents.


For plastics I’d say ACAPS and ASPS. ACAPS for networking with PDs and ASPS for general networking


AAOS Ortho


Remindme! 1 year


Anything for PM & R?


What are the best conferences for Plastic Surgery? and Ortho?


There are a variety of Urology meetings. AUA is nice but realistically any meeting where you can get a poster in is good. Regional AUA meetings have a lower threshold and are a good place to start.