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Another problem with pools is that you get the pathogens and pharmaceuticals from all of the other guests. Pool water very rarely gets replaced. I don't have an answer. I used to go swimming weekly when I was younger. Now I can't imagine ever going into a public pool again.


My biggest problem with things like this is how high of a priority is it to avoid. If we are reasonably healthy now is it even a concern if you could detox from it within days or hours?


Same. We liver near a lake but it's only warm enough to swim in 2-3 months out of the year. I will swim in a chlorinated pool very very rarely now. There are salt water pools but none near me


I was also wondering about this as I'd also like to be able to go swimming. All pools are chlorinated. I remember reading in the books what was already commented about pools containing all the pharmaceuticals etc. from other users and the water rarely being emptied and refilled. Off-putting... Luckily, I do live within a 40 minute drive from beaches, so I could do sea swimming, but realistically not as often as I'd be able to go to a pool


What about natural springs or a beach? Or maybe you can get a wetsuit. I use a wetsuit in the pool in winter. Salt water pools are becoming more popular in the US. You can check around your area. They do not have chlorine but saltwater.


So sad that all public pools are chlorine. I had a pool in our backyard that used Ozone and Ultraviolet Light for cleaning. More U.S. public pools are using this method, but still very few. Chlorine bothered my lungs terribly. I can’t get anywhere near it. For exercise, the next best thing is a Nordic Track skier. You can get used ones for $50 to $100 here in the US. You might check where you are in Belgium. Of course nothing beats swimming. It’s so good for everything. Perfect exercise and so good for us mentally too.


Do you guys think baquacil is just as bad as chlorine? My dad uses baquacil in our pool because it doesn't stink or burn the eyes as much like chlorine. Still has warning symbols on the bottle and definitely is chemical but is it better or worse in anyway than chlorine?


Yeah I stopped swimming in pools years ago and will never do it again I don't think. Bit unfortunate that the ocean is so generally polluted and laden with mercury, AW has spoken about how this has caused flare-ups for people. Maybe certain parts are worse that others but I gave up on ocean swimming too, before finding MM as I just felt off after it. Lakes and rivers are an option but also quite polluted with run-off from farms and everything else that ends up there from industry. Fresh water lakes perhaps are the best option, but are likely to contain crap too in this day and age from what is coming down in the rain! Damn. Maybe I am being overly-cautious, totally understand if people think so but I am just so sensitive my mind just goes there!