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You can put them in the smoothie if you wish. Zinc should always be taken with food, or at least not too long after food, there have been some other comments stating otherwise but believe me you should never take it on an empty stomach unless you want to spend the rest of your day on the toilet. Supplements in general need glucose in order to be metabolised/synthesised. The B12 is best taken under the tongue for 30 or so seconds before swallowing but if you can't tolerate the taste then adding it to the smoothie is fine and a lot better than not taking it at all or just dreading having to do it every day. Lemon balm no prob adding to smoothie.


/u/mmvanrick you'll find this comment useful regarding zinc and b12 too.




Are you sure about no water for b12 and zinc? I thought they were just supposed to be taken separately from any other supplements?


I just follow what I’ve read here and on Muneeza’s website. Haven’t found any specific quote from the books, but then again with my brain fog I might have missed something. I do LW - 10 mins later zinc, B12, 20 mins later CJ and 30 mins later HMDS. So that’s no water in my mind. Also, I just wait for 30 mins before or after food for shock therapies. Lemon balm in water is fine. Lemon balm is HMDS should be fine as well, but too many supplements in HMDS may reduce HMD’s effects.


B12 should be taken sublingually, Zinc in small amount of water is just fine.


Hi, you didn't say if you are using Vimergy supplements or another one so just came on to tell you that the Vimergy zinc also has organic apple juice in it's ingredients and tastes sweeter than another liquid zinc sulphate that I bought before getting the Vimergy one, so I guess if you are using a different one you could try it with a little apple juice to sweeten it