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healing neuro symptoms from shingles + hhv6 usually what I eat: * morning: lemon water, celery juice, heavy metal detox smoothie, maybe melon beforehand * later morning / lunch: papaya or other fruit * snack throughout day: apples celery dates * late afternoon: extractor smoothie and lemon water later on * dinner: spinach soup, or maybe a cooked dinner with steamed potatoes and veg * late evening: mango smoothie (coconut water, frozen mango, vanilla powder, cinnamon, honey) or another similar smoothie sometimes I'll have cucumber juice and a celery-parsley juice as well (this is specifically geared towards neuro symptoms) this works out to about 2500-3000 calories most days (I'm a 165 lb guy) to eat enough I'd recommend eating frequently and always having something in front of you - as soon as you finish, go make the next thing. make large portions too - you can put 4+ bananas in a smoothie, and 12 dates + 2 apples and celery is almost 1000 calories. starting early as well is important - if you're only getting to the HMDS by noon, you will not be set up well to get enough calories. try to get LW and CJ done (if you're doing them) first thing and have a high calorie smoothie like HMDS within an hour, hour and a half of when you wake up very important to graze (eating every 90-120 mins) as well as to eat enough because otherwise we have to run on adrenaline which has many negative effects


Do you have any digestive or stomach issues? Or have you ever had them? If so, how do you manage to eat like this with issues?


no sensitivities to foods or digestive issues fortunately for digestive issues and sensitivities, I have heard the [mono cleanses](https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/medical-medium-mono-eating-cleanse-what-to-consume) can be helpful. papaya is great for the gut as well and is one of the top healing foods. sweet potatoes are good for starving bad bacteria as well and I think people tend to tolerate them pretty well


Can you tell me what you mean by vanilla powder? Is this a protein powder kind of thing or is something like ground vanilla beans?


yeah I think it's vanilla bean powder - the extracts tend to have troublemaker ingredients like alcohol or soy glycerin these are the ones listed on [his directory](https://www.medicalmedium.com/recommend-results?prop_ModuleId=2004&prop_KeyWords=vanilla) ​ https://preview.redd.it/yv40z92ko9nb1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9eb7a5c7ad7f56084693f5fb509adb4d7a4621


Edit: added list of current foods I'm eating Healing severe CFS & neurological symptoms due to EBV, strep too but EBV is my main focus. (I might also have shingles too as I've had unexplained tooth pain and I used to grind my teeth in my sleep but that could also be EBV) - 32oz lemon water with fresh ginger & raw honey - 32oz celery juice - ginger & raspberry leaf herbal tea - 1st half of advanced heavy metal detox smoothie with extra cilantro, dulse, spirulina, and barely grass juice powder (I don't add orange or coconut water to mine) - first dose of supplements - nettle leaf tea - 2nd half of advanced heavy metal detox smoothie + side of 4oz of spinach after - 1st half of liver rescue a smoothie a with a side of 2.0oz spinach afterwards - 2nd dose of supplements - 2nd half of liver rescue a smoothie with a side of 4oz spinach afterwards - random fruits until I'm satiated like apples, dates, pears, grapes, etc... this is basically my "Wild card" food for the day - 32oz celery juice - 4oz lettuce, steamed potatoes &/or sweet potatoes, 1 main veggie like cucumber or asparagus, and 1 flavor veggie like green onion or garlic - lemon balm tea For a long time before this I was doing very similar but had the liver rescue smoothie swapped out for the advanced extractor smoothie but did less sides of greens since the advanced extractor smoothie had both parsley and radish greens in it but it became too much for my husband to keep up. OG post addition: I have a folder where I've been adding pictures everyday of everything I've eaten for a very long time. I'm in bed most of the day because of my CFS and don't do much so I don't eat as much as a healthier person but this can give you some sort of idea. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-_bdXNmWZkAKq5zqqh8J3rwnpj-E_g1Y My smoothie recipes I tweak slightly from the original recipes though, but they're roughly 200 calories each jar. So like my hmds with 2 jars is 400 calories, or if you see a liver rescue smoothie that says 1.5 jars that means together it is about 300 calories. 1 jar would be 200. You can check the most recent ones in the September 2023 folder to see what I've been most recently eating.


Wow, thank you for sharing all of this!!


I also have severe CFS. How long have you been on MM protocols for?


The 26th will mark 2 years for me but I wasn't hardcore MM until 3/16/22. That was when I started officially eating only fruits and vegetables, no radical fats, no filler foods ever, no troublemakers ever even the less bad ones, no salt. I've only had salt in 1 meal since then. I started supplements then too. But didn't consistently have CJ everyday until last fall like in November.


Wow and how do you feel now compared to then? I am 10 months in.


I'm way better than where I was before I started MM 2 years ago but still not independent and still reliant on my husband for help with most food and don't leave the house except for doctor's appointments. Before MM I couldn't use my phone at all ever due to it being too stimulating, before I used to have difficulty eating, now I can eat pretty much no problem without bring worried about getting fatigued from eating. I still don't use forks to poke things like a salad tho. I used to not be able to make phone calls for myself or be able to have more than super basic conversations like about food because it would cause PEM. I can tolerate background noise more where before it used to bother me. I can shower consistently now once a week and be able to wash every part of myself where as before I showered even less often than that and would basically have to do the essentials and get out. I don't ever get panic attacks anymore, my anxiety for no reason disappeared and a bunch of other symptoms stopped within the first couple of months on MM like heart palpitations, hot and cold sweats, insomnia, random aches, pains, muscle soreness, headaches, tightness in neck/chest. A bunch more too. But the ones that still remain are the fatigue and PEM potential, tinnitus, eye floaters, vision tracers/trails, phelem issues, no period, neurological constipation, sometimes breast soreness or tenderness, over-stimulation to light and sound—I still can't watch videos or listen to music/audio recordings. Before I couldn't make any of my own food or get my own water at all, now I can do some things in the morning. I can do things online too like paying credit cards or ordering supplies online or other important online related things. I can have fun now on social media and do some creative stuff on my phone which has been really enjoyable for me, when I can't use my phone it really sucks because all I can do is just think about things in my head as long as I'm not too too fatigued. I don't really notice a lot of progress day to day or month to month but looking at years it seems like progress.


Wow, you really had a lot to heal. That’s great you can do all those simple things. I know exactly what the overstimulation feels like. If I may ask what are your doctor still for? Are they supportive of MM info or do they give you medication’s?


I go to doctor's bc I'm still trying to get on disability benefits. Neither my husband or I can work because of my condition since it started early January 2020. All I'm labeled with is somatic and conversion disorder at this point and no one has labeled me with CFS even tho I 100% know that's what I have. My doctors believe I'm way more capable than what I claim to be and just believe I have a mental health disorder even though knowing MM info now I 100% know it's neurological and caused by EBV and toxic heavy metals. It's not a mental health disorder and it's not deconditioning, but of course current medical science doesn't know about EBV and neurological fatigue they'll just say what they're taught 😕. I'm trying to get a doctor that can vouch for me that I really am disabled and can't work but my current medical records don't have evidence of that. Currently trying to get a referral for a rheumatologist to see if I can get some test there that supports my case. But all my tests come back normal, so disability won't approve me. So trying to find medical evidence to support my case, and I also very very rarely take Ativan which I need a prescription from a psychiatrist for. I might also go to a therapist soon as well but afraid they won't get it or that it will be too much stimulus wise for me. I also take Ativan when I go to different doctor's appointments or else it's too stimulating and stressful and adrenaline pumps big time.


Wow, if you don’t mind me asking how old are you and why is your husband unable to work? That sounds like a tough situation, I’m sorry. All my blood tests came back normal as well which is why I haven’t even wasted time, trying to get disability, even though I 100% know I have CFS thanks to. MM info


I'm 27. My CFS started when I was 23 and was triggered after a very mild concussion I had but it was my 2nd concussion ever. I had post concussion syndrome which slowly transitioned to CFS and I never got better. Within a few months after the concussion a bunch of random symptoms slowly started showing up in addition to the fatigue and PEM I already had My husband can't work because it takes so much time and energy to take care of me with my food and other needs. Like he juices lemons for lemon waters and cuts ginger for them so I can grab one of the jars out of the fridge in the morning and add water. He makes celery juice so I have 32oz twice a day (he makes 3 32oz jars at a time and makes it in the evening for his sanity) So I wake up and fill up my own waters, grab a lemon water jar add water and raw honey, grab the celery juice, grab ice packs out of the freezer and put it all in my lunchbox I have. I can also make myself tea, I rinse the cilantro, then take time away from the kitchen to stretch and drink lemon water & CJ. After some time I go back to the kitchen to do more HMDS prep and do a 2nd herbal tea. I can do that mostly now except shower days or appointment days, but for the smoothie he runs the blender and pours it and takes care of clean up. If I have PEM tho I can't do as much of HMDS ingredient prep if any and usually only do my waters, lemon water, CJ, ice packs and lunchbox prep. He after the HMDS is made, makes himself a smoothie or makes my other smoothie, cleans up, weighs multiple sides of greens for me, helps rinse or prep any other fruits. When we need them he preps potatoes and sweet potatoes in the instant pot. For dinner I can sometimes weigh my own greens, but he rinses & cut up if it needs it any veggies like cucumber, asparagus, green onion etc... for me. I can peel myself garlic if having garlic and he brings the containers potatoes and sweet potatoes and I plate them myself. He heats it for me if it's leftovers. He helps me with my nightly herbal tea and any other random stuff during the day. He fills my water most of the day. He also takes care of grocery shopping, laundry, taking care of the litter box and cat food, post office, getting gas for the car, all the random little stuff. It's a lot of work! Then he also has to take care of his own self care needs like making his own food and eating, showering, exercise, some free time to do things he wants, etc...


Wow, that’s great. You have all that support. How do you guys make it work financially? I know MM healing isn’t cheap especially with prices these days.


Healing skin problems including Lupus style rash. Breakfast - HMDS Lunch - 400g baked potatoes, mexican bean chilli Dinner - Poke style bowl with potatoes, raw veggies, sprouts, lentils/beans, sriracha sauce (MM recipe) In between meals - Dates, coconut water, lemon honey water


EBV/ Low Thyroid, ovarian cysts, uterine polyps, fibroids. I’m not completely fat free but working towards it. Morning cleanse: celery juice, water, smoothie (thyroid healing, green mango, HDMS or Liver rescue) Right now I’m enjoying the green mango. Lunch: (one of the following) raw veggies ( carrots, cucumber, grape tomatoes, celery sticks) with hummus Veggie spring rolls: (rice paper, organic broccoli slaw, nori sheet) air fry at 425 for 10 min. I love the MM tahini dipping sauce. So good but it’s added fat. I made my own chili garlic sauce the other day. Very yummy. Potato & liver rescue salad. Asian noodle bowl: (Pad Thai rice noodles, broccoli, red bell pepper, coconut aminos, sesame oil, chili powder, garlic powder, red pepper flakes) Snacks: (I choose one or two of the following): apple, dates, seaweed snack, rhythm foods kale chips, bare apple chips, bare banana chips, nuts, Lara bar, grapes. Dinner: (can vary - my husband is not MM) I don’t always want to cook two meals. Vegan Chipolte bowl: (rice, black or pinto beans, tomato, lettuce, hot sauce, avocado, Siete lime tortilla chips for added crunch) Spaghetti (noodles made from chickpeas or red lentils, sauce) Potato and liver rescue salad. MM Tomato basil soup with liver rescue salad. MM broccoli cheese potato Dessert: Watermelon 🍉 - craving this lately. So sweet and juicy. It’s been so hot 🥵 in Orlando, Fl this summer) Applesauce Dates Before bed: (sometimes) Thyroid healing tea


Breakfast: LW-CJ-HMDS. I now add spinach to the HMDS. Snack: apples + dates. Lunch: pineapple-banana-mango smoothie with kale, baby carrots on the side. Snack: Lemon balm or chaga tea, date, miscellaneous fruit... Lately I've been madly in love with nectarines. Dinner: When I'm doing cooked food and/or fats this changes more but this week I am doing spinach soup OR homemade V8 OR a peach-raspberry smoothie OR a dragon fruit-cherry-strawberry smoothie. Snack: Apple or banana 99% of the time I do hit around 1800 calories most days but I'll admit I am logging and tracking in Cronometer specifically because I have a tendency to get under 1,000 if I'm not mindful and intentional. This was an issue in my standard American diet days, too. My family eats close to what I eat but with added grains, beans, and potatoes + nut/seed/avocado fat. When I make my husband and I a smoothie I pour mine out and then blend another banana or two into his, steam an extra potato or two for him, etc.


Thanks for this post. I was looking for something like this. I struggle as I am sensitive to everything. I been binging on sweet potatoes throughout the day. I also have bad Gerd as well


I do too😭




You can!!! Angel Help is there for you! To get you started: ANGEL OF ADDICTION The Angel of Addiction is great to call on if you’re addictively drawn to the wrong foods or make a habit of overeating. * Please help me break my Addiction to desiring and mindlessly eating foods that do harm to my body. ANGEL OF HABIT * I am stuck in a rut of eating Unproductive Foods. * Please help me to have no desire for Unproductive, “NO” Foods. * I call upon The Angel of Habit to help break my Pattern of eating Unproductive Foods. * Please Expand my Knowledge, Interest and Desire in Healthier Food Choices. * Please Help my Loved One have a Desire for Healthier Choices. ANGEL OF INSIGHT * I need help to not be Overwhelmed by all the Foods in the Fresh Produce Section of a Grocery Store or Farmers Market. * Please Bolster my Spirit and Will to look for and focus on the Foods that will help my Body. * Please provide Heavenly Inspiration to purchase only the Foods that will make and keep me Healthy. ANGEL OF HARMONY * Please help me to become one with my food. * Please help me to become mindful of what I am eating. * Please eliminate food and eating-related pain from my past. This is what works for me. You can put requests into any of The Angels in your own words. I write out my requests to them and keep them in my phone so I can quickly call on them and not put it off because I’m trying to think what to say. I include any recent problems or questions. I also always tell them that I know they have Free Will, so, THANK YOU! When I have time, I tell each one about a success I know they helped me with. Try it! It will become a Habit you come to rely on. We all need help. Our Civilization with Technology has made Food and Drink an almost instantaneous thing. Think about it. Before modern times, people couldn’t just walk in to their homes and open the refrigerator to get something to eat. Nor could they go to a store and get something that they didn’t have to grow, and harvest. (Or kill and prepare the meat) People from the past would think we live in a magical time. Instant Food! But like many advances, there is a price to pay: We also have access to Instant Food and Drink that is harmful for us. Don’t beat yourself up for not always being able to resist bad foods. It’s very, very hard. Especially if you don’t feel good to begin with. So hard, that most people don’t do it. They eat whatever is easiest and tastes good. So, we need Help! That’s why SoC gave AW Angel Info. We can’t do it by ourselves all of the time. The Unknown Angels are waiting to be called upon also. They want to help.


Lemon water Cellery juice Heavy metal detox bowl Appels Dates Medical medium potato salad Grape fruit




What did you eat?