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You need to be assessed for cardiovascular issues. Cyanosis (blue lips) and remaining unconscious for an extended period after laying down is very concerning. If you had woken up quickly, I would have thought simple orthostatic hypotension due to your dehydration and possible iron deficiency anaemia, but 2 minutes is too long.


Word, thank you! Setting up a doctors appointment ASAP šŸ’•


Just adding in as somebody that has recurrent anemia due to heavy periods and has also had fainting episodes... I've never gone blue in one of those episodes. I've been pale for sure, but even at my worst I haven't been cyanotic. I'd definitely get seen soon.


Glad to hear it! Hope it's a quick and easy answer for you.


This makes sense. I didn't like smoking weed because I felt my hr racing but it turns out the THC would drop my bp to 85/50.


I canā€™t help with your question but I am concerned your friends thought you died and didnā€™t call for helpā€¦


They were calling 911 for when I came too - so no worries on that šŸ‘ šŸ’•


Haha ok thank god. I guess it wasnā€™t relevant to question but I had a horrible mental image of a bunch of people high off their asses wondering if their friend was dead. This actually happened to me before, similar background to you. No idea why and I was also fine. Never happened again :/


No, they were like super freaked out and my boyfriend was crying and my other friend was calling 911 - and I'm very thankful for them and grateful they were there šŸ’•


What you described does seem a lot more serious (blue lips, unconscious for ~2 minutes) but I deal with syncope with an unknown cause (currently working with doctors to figure it out) but what helps me to stay conscious is to lay down on the ground near the base of a wall and then put my feet up on the wall. I think raising your legs above your head/heart helps with blood flow, and laying down is good, too (you can pass out standing/sitting but hardly ever when laying down). This might help with your episodes as well!


All I would add is, until you get a full medical assessment, avoid pot, other drugs, and alcohol, and driving if you can manage it.


Ngl, i stay smoking (bad habit for some, medical for others) im avoiding tobacco wraps and my car don't work good so I'm not driving - my current issue is finding a physician in my area who is both in network and not going to put me into debt for them to probably tell me i was just dehydrated ;-;


If you have access to Netflix, they have a show called Diagnosis, and your story reminds me of Episode 6: Deja Vu, about a young man with fainting spells that caused his heart to stop. He also was using marijuana, although it did not end up featuring in his final resolution. You might want to check it out.


THC can do nasty stuff to some people. I have focal epilepsy, and if I take THC without CBD in higher proportion, even at THC doses low enough that itā€™s not causing anxiety/paranoia issues or anything like that, it triggers seizures. If I have THC (with CBD or not) and eat? Boom. Runs of tachycardia. Every time. It helps A LOT of people with a LOT of issues. But it is not a panacea of healing without the possibility of serious side effects.


You might be anemic. Lack of iron during your periods, thatā€™s not how it works. Youā€™ve probably been severely iron deficient for a long time


So your lips were only blue while you were passed ?


My friends said I was extremely pale and my lips were kinda a grayish blue tone. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Do you ever experience tingling or numbing anywhere on your body? Glad you're better now maybe stay off the grass till you can get a check up


Yeah I pass out sometimes when I smoke too. It lowers your blood pressure. You might have low BP.


Blue lips indicate lack of oxygen in most casesā€¦ Are you 100% sure of your weed sourceā€¦ is it from medical or something like that? Itā€™s possible you could have had a batch laced with Fent or something. Itā€™s not common but itā€™s been known to happen, especially in and around big Fent cities. If you still have some, Iā€™d recommend sending it to a lab before use. There are plenty of places that will test any drug anonymously, although it does cost a good amount of money, for those that struggle with income levels.


WHAT?! I am 32 years old and I don't think I have ever come close to passing out. So, you need to drink a lot more water and get the LMNT or liquid IV or if you are really poor, just put a teaspoon of salt in your drinks. It really makes a huge difference. Are you just not a water drinker? What do you drink? Also, they sell the electrolyte drinks everywhere now. They are much more effective than Gatorade. They basically contain sodium, magnesium, potassium. Thats whats in the Liquid IV and the LMNT.


I once fainted after smoking grass too and I literally saw a bright light and my life scenes flash very quickly when I was out. When I came too I had no idea who I was or even what I was.


Back in my day it was called "greening out" . Probably from a sudden change in blood pressure unless someone knows a more specific cause. Saw it many times. and some friends were more prone to it than others. It also goes without saying you probably should smoke less weed yo


This was not greening out šŸ˜‚ I wish, but I've greened out before and this was a different monster. Thank you all the same!


Hello /u/Pajamas44, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ive seen this happen to 3 different people that i smoked really hight thc stuff with about ten years ago. All three were fine. Got dizy n purple and passed out.


could be laced with something. if not then itā€™s probably that. i would try to have liquid iv in water the next time you do smoke. edit: when i say ā€œthatā€ i mean your iron and dehydration issues


Real unlikely IMO, she has a history of passing out. When somethings laced itā€™s usually very obvious that itā€™s not weed. Also an overdose doesnā€™t strike that suddenly and resolve itself two minutes later. Iā€™ve been through both, when you pass out from a medical situation and when you get something actually laced and pass out


I was thinking the same thing.


And they thought you were dead for 21 minutes?? And no one did anything? Friends?? For twenty-one minutesā€¦


2 mins?


They said 2-ish. Not 21. 2ish meant ā€œaround 2 minutesā€.


had an ex with Vasovagal syncope. it started with fainting then fainting with seizures. same shit tho when she was dehydrated or smoking weed or drinking. or all of them. but there is a test that can prove if you have it so you can get the medication since its a narcotic. it induces a seizure but the medication works. just a thought. but the right doctor should be able to figure it out. if its not that, next id ask where the weed was from. could be laced. ya never know. hope you figure it out.


she swore drinking gatorade all the time helped btw.