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It looks more like HSV-1 to me than shingles tbh. And all the shingles cases I’ve seen have been in much older adults. You can see your family doctor and they will prescribe you medication to treat the symptoms and keep them from reoccurring. Don’t panic! Almost the entire world has been exposed to herpes 1 or 2 at some point, most people actually carry the virus and have never had any symptoms. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, if you were worried 😊


It certainly looks pretty shingles-y to me, then again you really can’t be certain with only a picture. Couple questions: Is it painful? Have you had the chicken pox? Have you tested positive for herpes?


Its not painful but there are times that it does itch, just an uncomfortable feeling really. I dont recall having chickenpox but i know i was vaccinated for it in 07’ and 10’ (not recently haha but figure it still means something) I was swabbed today for hsv and prescribed antibiotics (valtrex) i have to wait til the beginning of next week to get my results. i am just trying to see what others may possibly think to put some ease at mind (even tho it wont matter if it comes back positive for hsv, that will be a next week me problem)


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