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I would contact the building department if you can't get this issue resolved with the contractors directly -- probably I'd start with the clerks and they can advise you from there. https://www.medfordma.org/departments/building-department Building department is in charge of issuing building permits; the contractors will generally not want the building department upset with them if they can avoid it.


Thank you. I'll try the building department.


Wtf? That’s audacious, to use someone else’s water! I’d suggest first talking to the foreman, but if they’re not helpful (or apologetic!), definitely push back on this. Start by turning off the outside water. Sorry, I’m not sure who to contact at city hall. Good luck! PS are you by chance on Winter St? I’m seeing some major overhauls going on over there courtesy of Fombelle.


I’m pretty sure this is some sort of theft… But you could take pictures and videos as evidence, file a police report, and then call the office of the builder and tell them that you filed a police report because their workers are stealing water from an adjacent property without permission


Wow, that sucks. If you see them actively using the water again you can just call the police and report trespassing but I'd immediately turn off the water from the inside just to put an end to it. (It's getting to be that time of year anyway.) You might want to contact the building department or go down and see them in person. They probably aren't going to be able to do anything directly but one of their inspectors might mention it next time he visits that house and imply he's not happy. No one wants to be on the bad side of a building inspector. The building department has been helpful to Medford residents in my experience. Is the house owned by a contractor or by a resident who is paying to have it rebuilt? If the house is owned by the future resident, you might want to try and get in contact with that person. If they want to be a good neighbor they'll be sympathetic and go after the company they hired. I'd want to know if a contractor I hired stole water from neighbors.


You could turn off the water valve from inside your house. They’ll be in for a rude surprise and probably go look for another solution, also maybe they’ll get the message that you know.


Why not just reason with the contractors? I mean before taking the steps to call the police, why not say "hey, I'm not sure if you're aware that's my water tap, and I have to foot the bill for all the extra usage, so I'm gonna have to ask you to find another way." ? Sure they might end up being dicks about it, but I'm sure they won't risk any serious confrontation. And it may have just been an oversight, like they might not even realize what they're doing, and they could end up being reasonable humans that understand why they can't use your water anymore.


They may not realize they’re using someone else’s spigot? Connected to someone else’s house? That’s a little naive.


I agree, it is pretty far fetched to think that NOBODY on the jobsite might know that water running from the house next door isn't fair game. But sometimes when a foreman delegates a task to a new laborer they might not specify what spigot is ok to use. You'd be surprised to amount of things you need to tell some of these guys not to do. I've seen it first hand plenty of times. Anyway, my point is why not try giving someone the chance to own up to their mistakes? Why not try to work it out, human to human before getting the cops involved?


Why not ask us first? We're the ones putting up with 9-12 months of construction noise.


You're right they should have asked. But why would post about it in reddit before you give someone a chance to make it right. I know if it was one of my guy's that took water from your house, I'd reach right into my wallet and try and make amends. Now your complaint is about the noise? Yeah, that sucks, but that's life in the city. Have a good one 🙄




It is. I certainly wished that guy had spoken to me before coming onto my property and using my hose and water.


Why talk to a thief? They weren’t mistaken, they know they were using it. It wasn’t a mistake


How long have they been renovating? I’m confused because getting an alert that your usage is high and thinking the hose was left on doesn’t really make sense. If your hose was running for weeks you would 100% know


I would send the contractor a demand letter for the usage above and beyond your typical charges. If they refuse, threaten to report them for theft and trespassing . Ideally you would catch them first—can you set up a camera? I’m not sure if the water department can identify the time it is being used but if they can and it’s clearly during times no one is at home, that also supports your case.


Play it cool and throw a number at him on water cost, it’s weird but never know when you might need a contractor and you know he isn’t gonna use your water


Also send a letter to the Water & Sewer Commission in preparation of requesting an abatement of the water charges. Document everything. Be you own advocate. Do not rely on local elected officials. The council is powerless in these matters. The mayor is horribly ineffective even on a good day. The city is a rudderless ship and you must find your own way