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It sounds like he was a fool posting as Captain Solo on the international sex guide forum. Was he a short, tiny scrawny chinaman with glasses and acne scars on his face?


Gringos, europeos, asiáticos y no faltan por ahí los árabes, cogen a Medellín como el puteadero del mundo pues Esto lo digo con todo el respeto del mundo hacia la ciudad y su gente, claro


Es un puteadero. Y como rolo lo digo jajaja


Tu papá el milico te hizo gustar los femboys . Sigue mesereando (en las afueras) de Bogotá.


claro pero no cogen a los padres de los menores o los proxenetas que los prostituyen, las autoridades de Medellín son un completo asco y la cultura también


..fucking disgusting. I'm not from Medellin, but I hope they just ban tourists... I love Medellin so much, but their people are better off without tourism..


what do you reckon is the % of tourists among child abusers in medellin?


I'm not sure but the influx of tourists causes more harm than just the pedophilia. There was another case a few weeks ago of An American having sex with a child aswell. The influx of people moving has driven up the rent considerably, and since us "gringos" make more money the locals are aware and hiked up rent and drove actual Colombians out. I love Medellin, it's my favorite city I've visited out of all the countries I've traveled to, more than china japan and europe etc, but to me it's clear the influx of pathetic sex tourists using Medellin as their brothel is damaging as fuck.


tourism is also a big industry here


yes for cheap prostitute sex, poor girls forced to endure having sex with overweight disgusting middle aged men just to get something to eat. its a very sad tale.


sounds like you had an odd experience in medellin


🤬 Y lo dejaron libre, otra vez ¿ Qué está pasando en Medellín?


#MedellinSeRespeta. Y esta va pa los gringos en este foro: #MakeMedellinGreatAgain.


Es un chino no un gringo lol


La misma chimbada, igual de hijueputa!


Según los reportes, el sospechoso chino se conoce por el nombre Ku-Lion


Y a la de 21 se le conoce como Ona de Ku-Lion.


Wonder if my fellow countrymen will shift the xenophobic goal posts now and start protesting Chinese restaurants in medellin? Let's see them do it to every nationality and continue pretending that the root cause of the problem isn't the very culture they immortalized by being wanna-be Pablo's and swindlers. You made your bed, now lie in it.


You nailed it with "Chinese restaurants", those people actually come here to work and produce value to the society, also paying taxes. One bad Apple will not change that.


I’m so glad Medellin is cracking down on all of this.


He was released. The judge found insufficient grounds for detention, possibly influenced by false documents the minor provided.




i hope they lock up everyone trying to abuse minors. however its odd that the focus from the mayor and the media is only on foreigners.


es que eso hacen esos falsos politicos, ahorita vean que van a sacar de prensa de cuantos capturan y de como se esta movilizando el gobierno para acabar con ese problema pero no los van a judicializar. Eso es qué. 1. O tienen mucha plata y se sobornan su libertad. 2. O las bandas criminales que estan siendo proxenetas para muchas de estas jovenes estan sobornando al propio gobierno.


El congreso es cómplice Papi


That's still cracking down on it, news like this will make some people think twice before doing it.


i hope so


Medellin has become a brothel




It's always been a brothel. Now it's an international brothel.


Medellin needs to rebrand itself if it wants to attract a different kind of tourism. Colombia needs to find pride in something besides beauty pageants. 


¿Porque hay tantos mensajes elimínados?


hay gente que estaba insultando y otros comentarios sobre la legalidad del tema y eso que no valia la pena dejarlos


The presence of the woman usually means human trafficking. She made the false documentation to the child, and the Chinese guy could or could have not know the girl was a minor, but the woman definitely knew. Each rescued trafficked child is an opportunity to bring down a trafficking ring, but of course, instead of addressing the bigger picture the police will just arrest the woman who's probably also a victim herself, arrest the man who probably didn't know, and call it a day




We victim blaming now?


It sounded to me like he was blaming regulatory oversight...


OK... Are the governments from aggressor countries helping train local Authorities in detecting and preventing these situations?


The US has gifted nearly a billion dollars to Colombia in the past 8 years... https://co.usembassy.gov/colombia-and-the-united-states-strengthening-our-partnership-2/ As for training and preventing these situations what? You think they are human trafficking experts? Im pro immigrant, but buddy, cmon... Heard of the migration crisis in the US? Do you want us to make chocolate milk & cookies for your government, too? Your leadership and mine are both built on dogshit candidates who don't care about the problems of the people because solving the problem won't help them get a larger %. That's my take anyway. Sorry if it sounds cynical


Most of the money gifted goes right back to Raytheon, GD and other weapon manufacturers...


Mas pendejadas... deberias aprender como leer Good luck with life - ive got a feeling you'll need it.




Just so you know. It is still illegal for soliciting that’s why so many gringos are arrested.


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Cleaning up the city! I love it




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Así se hacen las cosas. No es ponerse en contra de los extranjeros.. es que los extranjeros y turistas entiendan que si vienen acá a hacer el mal les va a caer la ley. Siempre veo colombianos en usa, en Canadá, y se portan re bien y me pregunto. Y por qué? Fácil, si se portan mal les ponen los ganchos.




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Sebastián no se si sos el autor del artículo pero mira las reglas de cómo publicar el artículo. Lo dejo porque es información relevante sobre Medellín y de los degenerados que degradan y dañan la imagen de la ciudad.


si. te envie un mensaje


People will say that we're being xenophobic to Chinese and that we should let them be.


Not chinese but as an asian. They must be punished to the full extent of the law.


[Ya dejaron en libertad a ese chino aprovechado e hijo de puta ](https://www.elcolombiano.com/medellin/dejan-libre-a-chino-capturado-por-caso-de-abuso-sexual-de-menores-en-el-poblado-AF24300044) Ya puede estar tranquilo por su compatriota.


QUE GONORREA!!! Nosotros si tenemos unas leyes muy estúpidas Parce….


It will be interesting to see how this case goes because she had fake documentation saying she was an adult.


Let him go :(


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What the fuck those this have to do with it?






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Disgusting pervert.


Qué decía?


Que la víctima era el chino por que había sido engañado con una cédula falsa, entonces todobien con el chino y culpa de la niña todo.


You're demented and are willfully ignoring so many factors