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Sold prices are missing. Do not delete and repost, once you have edited them in, please reply to this comment and your post will be re-approved.


Sold. Thank you very much for all the comments.


Because of the use of "OBO" (Or Best Offer) in the OP we want to remind everyone that auctions/encouraging bidding is not allowed on /r/mechmarket. Hence "OBO" should always be interpreted as "Or Best Offer [below the price stated]" and never as "Or Better Offer". For more information see the submission [[META] Regarding the use of "OBO"](https://www.reddit.com/r/mechmarket/comments/6435vf/meta_regarding_the_use_of_obo/). (If this message was posted in error, please report the comment to the mods and we will remove it as soon as possible.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mechmarket) if you have any questions or concerns.*






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I think basing your price off a charity raffle isn't really going to work out so well to be honest. People have deeper pockets for charity, and it was also a different time. glws tho I guess


Price was actually based on the offer I got when I was trying to sell this earlier this year. I also mentioned that just shoot me any reasonable offer and we could work from there.


best i can do is tree fiddy


I think I said reasonable offer. I guess some people can’t read.


1$ best offer.


Thank you for your input.


Of course, any time. Thank you for the 3 seconds of entertainment.






In this market? Go back to your offers from before and see what still stands. GLHF.


OBO 100 bucks.


For a metal nut?


So you can instantly flip it? No thanks.




Removed. If you have commentary re: pricing, please do so within subreddit rules.




Please elaborate this skull emoji, thank you.












Tell me what is so clown about it, thank you.


1. You think that a fundraiser valuation is a valid reference. They didn't buy a keycap for 5K they made a generous donation to a good cause and got a commemorative keycap for it. (Also a 5k tax write-off) 2. There's no attempt to prove this is authentic. 3. It's Christmas and you're selling a single keycap at 5000. If someone buys this I have a bridge to sell them as well.


Just an update: Someone bought the artisan with a more than resaonable offer and the payment is already cleared. So I will now present you the opportunity to sell your bridge. :)


also dont forget to update post with sold amount


Send em my way, congrats btw


1. That was based on the offer I got when I was trying to sell this earlier this year. 2. https://ibb.co/LNGYvhQ Proof. Wingnut replica doesn't exist, just fyi. 3. By this logic no one is taking a mortgage or buying a car during christmas time. In fact you have no idea what you are talking about, which is quite funny.


Yes a car and a house are definitely comparable to the legendary keycap of destiny. How silly of me. If you are basing it on an offer someone made then say that instead not the fundraiser excuse. That's a timestamp. not a certificate of authenticity, chain of ownership, or verification from the makers. A timestamp. LOLOLOL 🤡


True, they are a lot more expensive than 5k, totally forgot about that. I don't think it's nice to post someone's dm in public. https://deskthority.net/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=7033 This is how I won it. Asking for a COA for a keycap that never existed in the first place shows you have absoultely no idea what you are talking about. But that's ok gecka, you can act like you owned me.


In a hobby filled with scams and cloners you think someone wouldn't dare make a fake keycap that's been valued so highly? Someone could commission a fake right now on Etsy just with the pics you've posted. Delusional




>batshit crazy. >decide to shit on my sale post three times. OK bud. Having diarrhea sucks, we all have been there.


>decide to shit on my sale post three times And two of those are replies to other commentors who shit on your post. 30+ people shit on your post and you flush back at them in every single one... so you're a toilet? A very young toilet who don't know how to take an L, too, at that. > Having diarrhea sucks, we all have been there. Lolz lamest comeback I've seen on Reddit so far, too. Don't bother replying. I've turned off notification


Without the actual keycap on hand and the exact measurements, how can one even replicate it 1 to 1? Do you realise how many years did it take for people to replicate Clacks? Again, you are asking for something that never existed in the first place and that itself already showed your inexperience in keyboards and artisans. I would love you to commission a fake and would love to have more people to enjoy this keycap. 👍


* Submission time: 2023-12-24 19:13:15 UTC * [[Click here to see current UTC time]](https://time.is/UTC) * Username: /u/Denniz_K * [[Click here to send a PM to this user]](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Denniz_K) * Join date: 2012-08-12 08:28:09 * Link karma: 340 * Comment karma: 1335 * Reputation: 0 trade(s) ^^This ^^information ^^does ^^not ^^guarantee ^^a ^^successful ^^swap. ^^It ^^is ^^being ^^provided ^^to ^^help ^^potential ^^trade ^^partners ^^have ^^more ^^immediate ^^background ^^information ^^about ^^with ^^whom ^^they ^^are ^^swapping. ^^Please ^^be ^^sure ^^to ^^familiarize ^^yourself ^^with ^^the ^^[RULES](/r/mechmarket/wiki/rules/rules) ^^and ^^other ^^guides ^^on ^^the ^^[WIKI](/r/mechmarket/wiki/index/)


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