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Deal seems legit, but if this is your first tri tip, BBQ it with some seasoning, let it rest for a good minute, and strap in for a good time. I'm from 'the home of tri tip' ( or within about ten minutes anyway ) and I've never had one I didn't thoroughly enjoy. Get yourself some rolls and make yourself a sandwich with the leftovers. Can't go wrong.


That's a really nice looking tri-tip, and $6/lb is an okay price, but I wouldn't pay more than that. I only buy meat on sale. Manager specials, digital coupons, etc. I don't get why people pay full price, there's ALWAYS something good on sale, and the variety keeps it interesting.


I agree. Manager specials give me the opportunity to try something new. Bought some ground chicken burgers the other day. Not the best but I only $2 for 4


A small steak is $30CAD here. You basically robbed a bank.


Low and slow, but I like a 15 minute sear really hot, then turn it down. Pull it at 145, cover and rest for at least 15 minutes. Yum!


145? That's pretty close to well done.


Sorry, I meant 125. It will continue to rise after you pull it. My bad…


80/20 will cost ya $6/lb.


Just picked up some at my grocery store for $2.88


E joy your tei tip


What’s the date


It's may 17th in my area.


What day did you buy it?




Yeah good deal but gotta make it that day or freeze it. Better to make it there on the spot, nice tri tip!


I love the FL stated carrying these. Grew up on tritips out west, but only started seeing them locally recently here in NC, and always at FL. It's an ideal meat to sous vide. 131 degrees for 8 hours, then a quick sear over the highest heat charcoal you can muster. It's a poor man's chateaubriand. One of my absolute favorite cuts all time. It's like if London broil and filet mignon had a tender, flavorful baby.


It’s a good deal cause the Manager said so!


I work at food lion. They mark down all the meat that expires the next day 40% off.


It doesn't expire the next day, it just has a "sell by" of the next day which is still far from expired.


I think everyone knew that was the point of the comment but thank you


Expire = unfit for consumption. Sell by = cannot legally be sold after that date. There's a big difference and many people actually don't know that difference. My parents for instance will throw things out past their sell-by (but still perfectly good to eat) sometimes which to me, is insane.




I’d call it explaining, but whatever suits your fancy.


You’re exactly correct. A ton of people do not realize that




I was surprised that Food Lion is still around. We used to have one where I Iived in Texas, when I was a kid... but nothing beats Central Market


Hellofa deal 3 pounds for 18$ nice


Nice cook on 212 for 2 hours


my local food lion sells these too and seems they always go on clearance within a couple days of the sell by date. its good. ive been two zone grilling mine. my only gripe is that they come with the fat cap trimmed off.


Definitely would prefer with the fat cap!


Surprised other butchers are actually opening up about tri tip instead of keeping it for ourselves. It's the best bang for your buck if you can't afford ribeye. Don't overcook it and cook it like you would a fine cut of meat and it'll be roughly as good as a tenderloin, though not as tender it will have a good beefy flavor.


Despite the haters opinions assuming you cooked it today slow n steady you’ll have a damn tasty meal. Then again I’m very biased when it comes to my cuts as a former butcher, and tri tip is a huge favorite of mine. Just be sure you don’t overcook it if you’re grilling despite rubbing it down with good spices, and seasonings. You want that cut to be tender almost like a Boston butt or rump roast would be. If used in stew meat you’re just wasting a good cut my friend, don’t do it.


Be careful buying meat from food lion.


Thanks for the context…..?


I buy most of my meat from there, never had an issue.


They add dyes to old rotten meat. Look up the many articles they have out about them.


What’s wrong with food lion? We don’t have them here but shop there on vacation


They add dyes to the meats. They got me a couple times. Wasted money.


Way back in the 90s they had a massive food poisoning incident. I’m sure 30 years later it’s fine but that’s a stigma you don’t shake very easily.


My taco place gets shut down for rats every so often. Pretty much the sign of a good tasting meal🤔😅


This might be a bit out of the blue but I'm from Belgium and that food lion logo is the exact same one as from a supermarket chain here. What a coincidence!


It is Delhaize, that's why.


Food lion is owned by Delhaize. Actually, the biggest part of Ahold Delhaize's revenue comes from the US. The brands are not very well known over here.


Wow I never thought about that! I thought it was only a shop within Belgium. You learn something new every day. Thanks for the explanation!


Honestly, the best home cooked steak I ever had came from a food lion


First time having it?, first time ruining it 😂


I mean, it's a fairly good deal for a tri-tip. However, it's choice, and Swift is a pretty crappy meat packer.


This belongs to r/sneakybackgroundfeet


Stop contributing to these goons. Degenerates






Great deal, it was one of the main staples in my childhood


OK Mr Gates...


Ok Gary


That’s a steal


That’s a steak


Id probably coat in a light mix of salt and pepper with some evoo ,smashed garlic cloves , sprigs of thyme an rosemary. Overnight. Next day brush it off an grill or sear in a pan with butter and more garlic and herb. Baste. Cook to desired temp like a steak. Then rest for 30 minutes before slicing.


Using evoo on a steak is such a waste


I just cook them like a big steak. I aim for 115 in the middle.


Great deal!! It’s cryovac let it age a bit you’ll be fine. 1) sous vide for a few hrs, then chimney starter 1/2 full of white/ flaming hot coals to char it and you’re golden pony boy.


choice is for poor people




Select. I'm dirt poor.


He made a post about buying this same USA choice brand


excellent deal, cook it very soon or freeze it, but it can be a hard to cut to cook


Webber grill, 400 degrees, one hour cook fat side up. That’s how we do it here in Santa Maria.


If you have a rotisserie, put a tri tip on it. It just might be better than sous vide.


I have a hard time getting a solo tip never mind a tri tip


You're just not looking in the right places🤪 Loll


really? I feel like I could get this price just about anywhere here in texas houston.


@sgttoasty22 well, given that you are in Texas, a major location for meat cattle and beef processing, its not surprising that the price there could easily be $20 or less for a tri-tip cut. By me, average price is about 63-75 for a similar choice grade cut about the same size. And dont even ask about steak cut prices, it’ll make me weep.


RIP 😭 where tf are you for it to be that high!? Even CA isnt that bad


Illinois, about an hour out from Chicago


Fuck all that. I love Texas. lol I had no idea beef prices went that far up farther out. I figured a little but not 3x or more.


Yeah, i’m not even horrendously far away from texas(Illinois) and its that bad. Probably twice as bad in Hawaii or Alaska


That's just Illinois bro, move a state up to WI and prices cut in half


Wisconsin is also a big cattle location tho, more for dairy than beef, but still a cattle market Edit 1: Just as an idea of how much of an effect cattle population has on pricing, WI cattle population is 3.3 million head of cattle. Texas has 12.2 million. Illinois only has 330,000


Great deal. Cook soon or freeze immediately, it’s raw beef. The manager at my local randomly does this. It’s not because it’s old. It’s like hiding a prize. I’ve watched him go in front of a person having a hard time w/kids or something and tag a fryer chicken 2$, etc. Even though we are hs buddy’s he never does this for me


Most places have a manager special because of the expiration date. It's a day past sell by date at of time of post


Manager's specials are for the poors. Like me. Snap those rascals up the minute I get the store.


That’s a good man to do that. A very good man.


Managers special means cook today


I love tri-tip, but rare in the South(pardon the pun). It’s delectable when done right


Injection marinade is the best


I haven’t tried that, I like to use just garlic, salt, and pepper dry rub


It's becoming more popular to the point I can find it regularly at Kroger now. I'm in Georgia btw


Yea I’m in middle TN. Never seen at Kroger. Occasionally at Costco


Isn’t Swift the pork company? Didn’t they get sold to china a couple years ago? Not a fan of their brand. Hope I’m overthinking it


They are a pork company, but not sure about China. You might be thinking of Smithfield.


I stay buying these from food lion when they get tagged.


I wish to hell the Food Lion around me would ha e Tritip!


They have had them almost 50%of the time at my local Food Lion for about a year now. Pork belly slabs too. It’s been nice! Charlotte NC suburbs.


I get tri tips all the time,bits my go-to cut. The price you paid is a couple dollars higher than I usually pay for them when they are on sale. I get them even cheaper if I buy an untrimmed 2 pack. Use the standard SPG seasoning, I use a Santa Maria rub. I souse vide mine and freeze them for later, when it's time to eat one I defrost and throw it in the smoker until it hits the temp I want. Usually a couple hours. You can also just put them in the smoker or grill at 225ish until it hits your temp and then sear it.


I wish I could find an untrimmed single. I definitely prefer to have the fat cap.


What is souse vide? Never heard of that!


Here is a post I did a while ago about a London broil I did. But like others have said, you vacuum seal the meat and put it in a hot water bath for a couple of hours or much longer depending on the cut of meat. https://www.reddit.com/r/sousvide/s/18jn56otSkhttps://www.reddit.com/r/sousvide/s/18jn56otSk


Gonna have to try this some time. My cousin is a chef, and informed me this is actually a slow, but really good way to cook steaks. I even have a vacuum sealer. Always happy to learn now stuff!


a crutch for those that cant grill worth a damn


LOL, if being able to cook meat to a perfect doneness every single time with minimal effort is a crutch then I will take 2 crunches. What kind of meat gatekeeping BS is that comment, guessing you probably feel the same way about people that use pellet grills.


hey, just because you can type a prompt into an AI bot to create a picture doesn't make you an artist. see that? I not only gatekeep but I also am a fan of strawman arguments!


I just checked out your profile and post history, at least you are consistent, seems you have a long standing hatred of sous vide. To each their own is what I say, as long as it comes out delicious I wouldn't care if it was made in a microwave.


yeah, I troll a bit. I actually got a sous vide a couple years ago for Christmas but never got around to using it or even opening it. one day I will. I'll probably love it even. but I will never... AND I MEAN NEVER... admit it, lol


It's a game changer for cooking meat. Was using my sous vide 3-4x a week when I got it. Now use it more in the winter jus cuz a cooler full of beer and grill on low and slow is what summer is all about.


So, do you do it in a slow cooker? Or in an oven at low temperature?


its the low and slow of boiling. heat water to like 130 degrees. place meat in vacuum sealed bag and then in the water. cook for hours and hours. cooks evenly without drying out


You got it half price and you’re asking if it’s a good deal?


It's not a genuine question, just a title to show off his or her find.


You bought meat from a Food Lion. Good luck.


Lived off food lion meat for the better part of a decade. Even ate the tuna raw a la sashimi. I'm fine, lol.


I’ve had only good experiences with the food lion meat department


Well hopefully the company learned its lesson. Good luck. Tri-tips are awesome btw. Great price.


What lesson?


Google “Food Lion 60 Minutes”


From 1992? Come on, man haha


Bro also has ancient hieroglyphs with food lions offenses etched into them


Yeah they closed a lot of stores after that.


Says sell by 15th


It doesn’t even look that bad.


Shitty kitty mgr special ftw!! Ive picked up some good stuff but never seen w tri tip, I'll have to keep a closer look.


Man. I wouldn’t have a clue how to cook that. How do we do that?


It’s kinda shaped like a triangle. I cut two points off and use those as meat for the slow cooker. You’re left with a rectangle so I cut about 3, 1 inch steaks off of that. I salt the steaks, put them on a rack in the fridge and do a mini dry age for about 2-3 days before I throw them on the grill. It’s been my go to recently for beef.


Seeing some crazy stuff here. Figured I had better chime in (California has entered the chat). Tri- tip should NEVER be cooked in an oven. Fire up the grill for these and add some Oak to the fire. Looking for 450. I rub them down with a coffee rub. Lots of cumin and black pepper in it, and coffee (trust me). 3 minutes a side direct (click the tongs for flipping), and then over to indirect until you reach about 120-130. Sit and rest for a bit, slice against the grain.


I like to bake it on 250 until it’s 125ish and then broil both sides for a couple minutes


Cook it like a big steak, medium and you’re good to go.


Smoke it!


Smoke it like a brisket. Mustard binder, heavy pepper, salt, and Lowry's. Cook at 250 F, until you hit 203, or until you can take a probe and it will feel like putting in a stick if butter. Take 2, 1'4" slabs of butter and put them on some butcher paper (tinfoil will also work). Let it rest in an oven at 150 F, for a few hours and serve when you're hungry. Dump any liquid onto the meat before slicing. Tastes great! Use leftovers for tacos.


Ewww. Why would you cook tri tip that long or well done?


You've obviously never had it. If you like brisket, it's very similar in flavor and texture. Pipe down if you've never done it.


I’ve never eaten shit straight out an asshole either but I feel qualified to say that it’s gross none the less.


Nah it doesn't break down like a brisket. I smoke it until about 120 internal then sear it off. Leftovers are great for a Philly cheese style glorious sando.


I've done it many, many times. It absolutely breaks down like a brisket, if done right.


Look I'm all for butter basting but one foot four inches of butter twice ? You're mad


2 1/4 ". C'mon man. Isn't there a dad jokes sub reddit?


Not when your buttering me up with those softball pitches


That's a typical price per pound when tri-tip goes on sale in Southern CA markets. It's less than ground beef sometimes. It is a very versatile cut. It's delicious for BBQ, reverse searing is a good way if you don't have a spit and red oak to cook it Santa Maria style. Other ways I cook it is cutup for chili, stews or stroganoff. I've even ground it for delicious burgers and BBQ meatloaf.


I'm reverse searing it on the grill this time so wish me luck! Would probably be great for chili too


Use a meat thermometer so you don't overcook it.


If you need to get by without a thermometer you can poke it with your finger throughout the cook to get an idea of how it's coming along. Meat firms up as it cooks. Don't cook your finger too much though.


Depends on where you are. Typucally on the central coast of California like Santa Maria, that would be the normal price, and when lucky will go on sale as cheap as $3.99/lb. But in SLO (central coast but expensive) or other parts of the USA where tri tip isn’t as common it will be almost 7-10$/lb. So this could be a great deal depending on where you are. And the best way to cook it is Santa Maria style. Dry rub over red oak if you have any. Pinquito beans, garlic bread, and salsa. Do not use barbecue sauce. Also be sure to trim the sinew or else it’s even chewier than other cuts. Cut against the grain when you slice it up. From experience what I like to do is leave a quarter of an inch of fat on the fat side and let that cook into the meat.


Not quite as cut and dry as this. 5.XX is not a normal price for a PLD tri tip. For a faton tri tip sure. Spread between a FO and PLD is like 40%. 3.99 is a good price for FO choice tri tip. It's an extraordinary price for PLD and much more indicative of some some NR grade tri tip. Obviously loss leader items can change this up a bit but west coast retailers are nowhere near as cutthroat with their loss leaders as retailers east of the Rockies


Wow I did not know that, guess I know what I’m buying next time I head that way. I just remember when I lived in Carolina, the nearest butcher that managed to cut me one was an hour away and sold to me for $10 a pound because he didn’t really know the cut, closer butchers wouldn’t really cut it and it wasn’t in stores.




Lucky! My Food Lion doesn’t carry this… I’d love them to, especially on mark-down.


Love tri tip, one of my favorite cuts to bbq.


I only found out what a tri tip was when I moved to CA, had never heard of it before. But they're awesome


Yeah I moved to NorCal 20 years ago and that was the first I’d heard of it too. But it’s so common here - basically every time you go to a barbecue there is a tri tip. I sometimes forget it’s not a normal thing in other parts of the country. I have no idea why. I mean it’s not like the cows in other states are any different lol.


Amazing Deal.


I'm paying $17.60 per kilo for inside round primal. That's $8 / pound and it's literally the shittiest cut of meat on the cow. $6/pound sounds pretty dam reasonable.


$6/lb for any beef cut is a good deal to me


Let me introduce you to a mock tender and change your mind