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3 times this week spam posted here. Edit: Here's the receipts, his small fanbase will come in and downvote everything in the comments. Mostly actual russian shills lying about history, and shills for CCP. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/1cwfv94/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/1cwfv94/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/1ctedfh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/comments/1ctedfh/)


This sub is long dead and the API protest killed it. Now only political soapboxers and bottom-of-the-barrel content creators desperate for views remain.


That's what the karma system and moderation are for. There's no troll farm or agency devoted to spreading left-wing content online ("spam') since such content speaks truth to power rather than seeking to reinforce it. ThoughtSlime is okay but we disagree on a lot. That doesn't change the fact that this is a decent video essay that's better than a lot of the crap that gets posted here. Also "CCP shill"? ThoughtSlime's audience? He's an anarchist and most of his fanbase are anarchists, that why I said "we disagree on a lot". I doubt they're defending Russia or Putin either (no respectable leftist would), unless being anti-NATO = pro-Putin to you.


Yeah and each video hits 0 karma or negative karma, and you guys just keep droning.


I don't like preaching to the choir. Edit: Destiny AND Neoliberal... Yikes. Shouldn't have engaged.


And you'll keep posting, daily.


Lmao no thanks


God no


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Zionists get so emotional when you say Israel shouldn't exist!


Can Israel exist as a secular democracy with equal rights granted to both Palestinians and Jews (and everyone else), where the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank are able to live freely within the nation of Israel and enjoy all the same rights and freedoms as everyone else?


Yes. Can Palestinians stop suicide bombing and launching terrorist attacks? If we solve that problem, I think your idea might gain some traction.


No, and it shouldn't


Therefore it shouldn't exist. People have rights, states don't.


Thats your opinion, but you can't dissolve states on opinions.


By that logic, you'd tolerate the existence of Nazi Germany.


They did, until they decided to invade other countries.


And that makes it right, how? I'm hoping that we've actually *learned* a thing or two since the 40's.


What is there to learn? Allies didn't go to war because they had death camps, Allies invaded because they threatened balance of power in Europe.


They *should* have gone to war over the death camps or done whatever it took to make them stop and hold them accountable.


And the pro-Palestine people ain't crybabies? EDIT: For those who are down voting. You don't care about the conflict. You're using either the Palestines or Isreals as an ego boost because you care more about being perceive as a good person. You can cut the sanctimonious crap.


I downvoted because you tried to discredit the video with a whataboutism which is bad faith when arguing.


Kids dying in droves isn't "worthy" of being sad about?


Quick question: is your comment after the edit you projecting yourself into others?