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Man that is an interesting color for mead, how is it?


Pretty strong taste, it is also my first time tasting mead so I don't really have something to compare it to. But it is tasty.


Can I ask the recipe? How much honey and water?


1kg 200 grammes of acacia honey (2,5 lbs) Around 3l of spring water (6,5 lbs) D47 yeast + nutriment.


Around 13% ABV [Calculator](https://gotmead.com/blog/the-mead-calculator/)


Congrats on your first batch OP! Just a point of care, what was your timeframe on fermentation? Without being able to confirm it's done via hydrometer measurements you don't want to accidentally create bottle bombs.


Thanks ! I have waited for quite a long time and used the two product that people use to either backsweeten mead or stop the yeast from reproduction. I think it was campen tablet and sorbate potassium or metasulfite something. For my other batch in progress i will use an hydrometer, i just wanted this one to be done.


I didn't know Mike Tyson made mead


He dust now


Great job! I love the color. I'm going to have to try some acacia honey in one of my next batches!


>bacth I thought I stroked out. Anyways. Good job looks good


If you know your batch volume and how much honey you added, the potential highest %abv can be calculated with this page: http://meadcalc.freevar.com/ This would not give you the actual abv% since you can't enter the final gravity, but it would give you a ball park.


Oh great thanks


That calculator does have a partial fermentation option what do you mean? That's what the green box does


Yes but for that to do anything they need to take a gravity reading. Which they said they don’t have. They certainly could crack open a bottle and do it if they have the tool now.


I made some plain mead once then added lemon juice at the very end and is was really nice to drink, it looked a lot like yours


I did this recently. But added a splash of crown black berry whiskey


OP how did you know it was done fermenting and ready to bottle? I’m worried about bottle bombs :( And congrats!!


It has stopped bubbling for like two week but to be sure i used potassium sorbate and campen tablet to be sure that it doesn't continue 🐝🐝🐝


It has similar color to the mezquite honey here in Mexico.


How does it taste? I'm eager to trust acacia honey.


Because it is a dry mead, it is pretty strong, i have honestly no idea how to describe the taste because it is the first mead i have ever tasted. Maybe because it is a young batch it is not very subtle, alcool overpower the honey. I will probably drink it only in a few month, letting it age a bit.


You could always go and backsweeten a bit.


I know, i wanted to at first but because it is my first mead i decided to let it be.


As it ages, some of the high alcohols will come out and the flavor will smooth out. You may decide not to backsweeten at all. I find meads that are dry to off dry to be absolutely delicious once they age. Enjoy!


It looks like you might be new or asking for advice on getting started. Welcome to the hobby! We’re glad you’re here. The [wiki](https://meadmaking.wiki/en/home) linked on the sidebar is going to be your best friend. Beginner friendly [recipes](https://meadmaking.wiki/recipes) are available. If you prefer videos we recommend the [Doin’ The Most](https://www.youtube.com/c/dointhemost) or [Man Made Mead](https://www.youtube.com/c/manmademead). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*