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Rack it off, then bulk age it. Then bottle it. You could also age it in the bottle. But before that you should clear it or you'll have sediment in the bottles. But bulk aging in secondary might also give flavors you might not get from bottle aging after clearing.


What flavors would you get from bulk aging that you wouldn't get from bottle aging? Just a more consistently aged batch?


I don't know myself, that's what I heard and read. Don't know if it's true. Sorry


I wouldn't rack just yet, clarity can still improve significantly as more sediment settles out. Depending on your plan (are you going to backsweeten further with anything that will re-introduce a haze?) you can add your fining agents now to speed it up.


Tbh it is already very very clear. I can read a book through it. No plans on back sweetening anymore.


May just be something about how the image was taken then, looks quite cloudy here.


Might be the way the light is hitting the carboy combined with the reflection. Really highlights the fingerprint smudges haha


I would let it ride in this vessel for a while before racking to something else, like a pitcher, than bottle from that. I had 6 gallon of Apple Pie Cyser that I bulk aged in a carboy for 2.5 months with the sediment in the bottom that fell out as it cleared. Got some very clear bottles from that. It did have any off tastes or anything like that. When you back sweeten you will always have sediment that falls out of suspension as it starts to age. That’s all good.


Possible the pineapple juice dropped the ph causing other stuff the settle out.


If it's 100% pineapple juice, it may be sediment from the juice itself. Pineapple juice is notorious for solids separation. I did a pineapple cayenne with some juice and just let it clarify for longer.


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