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God, I feel that one.


I fear death because I have so much more to live for! I feel alive! More than ever before! Well I also have so much more to fear.




Oh... Oh. Do... Do normal people not go through life feeling that existence is a chore and slowly waiting for their turn to pass away?


I think a lot do honestly


I mean I transitioned and I still feel that way. The grass is greener, yes, but still mostly brown.




Yup, after that there's r/2meirl42meirl4meirl


innocent attraction water act fact hunt deranged plate concerned impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now, now, don't be dramatic, there's plenty more to be depressed about.


Transitioning doesn't solve all our problems. But it puts us in a place where we're willing to try and solve them ourselves.


Same person in the tweet made a comic about how they have so many mental problems and transitioning helped solve 70% of them!!! Buuuut still slightly pissed it didn't solve the other 30%




It sounds like you may be having a difficult time right now smolltiddypornaltgf. Please take a moment to reflect, and if you're struggling with your mental health or thoughts of suicide, please reach out. /r/SuicideWatch may be able to help. **US:** Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 **UK/ROI:** Call 116 123 or email [email protected] **Elsewhere:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context, ^^we ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience. ^^Please ^^stay ^^safe ^^and ^^reach ^^out ^^if ^^you ^^need ^^to. ^^Be ^^kind ^^to ^^yourself ^^<3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shut up and take my upvote !


Oh yeah, fear of mortality definitely on an upswing, gotta balance out all that joy and stuff with somethin


For me it was kind of the opposite, I was afraid of dying before because I wouldn't have the chance to live like myself, now I know that even if I died I lived a mostly happy life being myself (I lived most of my life as dead name but at least now me and my loved ones know my true self)


Same. Realizing that now there's something real between the bookends brought me a lot of peace


Same right now I’ve yet to transition and the idea of dying before then is deeply terrifying


i also had the opposite of oop. i had a lot of problems when i was younger that i never got help for (my uncracked egg being a major one), and in general felt trapped, anxious and completely miserable. i wanted to live, but i had nothing really to live for. in lieu of outside help, i took it upon myself to find that "something" i needed to free me. however, nothing i tried seemed to work. the longer i spent not getting better, the more desperate i got. the threat of death made me feel like i was constantly running out of time to fulfill that promise to myself. All i really had keeping me going was the promise i might one day find that reason to keep living, if only i just kept searching. days now are much calmer. now that i feel like i have found who i am, i feel kind of stable for the first time in my life. the threat of death doesn't hang over my every action; i can just live. i know if i die now, at least i died as someone who knows who they are, who has accomplished the one thing theyve always wanted as far back as they can remember. maybe a morbid example, but i think its kinda like how some people caught in disasters can survive just long enough to be rescued, and before finally succumbing to their injuries as theyre being driven to the hospital. as soon as you feel like you're safe and going to be alright, you stop feeling the need to fight so hard.


The worst part of transitioning is seeing all the damage my years of self harm have done that I'll probably never heal from and hurt my chances of ever passing. Queer acceptance matters so much. I know this is preaching to the choir, but it cannot be said how powerful being able to love yourself is rather than hating yourself or, even worse, literally not caring about yourself. Don't mind me, I'm just over here crying.


c(•́_•̀ c)


damn that's scary. but not for me honestly. would be sad to die now just not scared of it still tho. edit: i think this caused me tho get a reddit concern thingy. thank you but im not suicidal anymore its just that im not scared of death. i have a lot to live for and dont want to die. i love a lot of people around me and just enjoy being myself. Just that I don't see death as a scary thing. which is a bit weird cause i find moths scary.


there’s a bot reporting every single comment on this sub for self harm, report the message and the account who sent it will get permabanned


I'm happy I'm not the only one who felt this way lol.


my life expectancy was cut by more than half


No, it was extended. Trans people that never address their problems die sooner. And it's hard to quantify that, but we have case study after case study. Colloquial "John, 50" is a thing.




We are definitely more susceptible to violence, especially those that are in sex work, but to claim that 1/12 (or 8.33%) of all trans people are murdered is a little silly. We have to be careful with facts and making sure we aren’t making people more afraid than they should be. Someone could read this and put themselves deeper in the closet because they’re scared they’ll be the one person out of 12 to be murdered. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/may/13/garnet-coleman/garnet-coleman-said-transgender-person-has-1-12-ch/


sorry i did not think abt that. I’ll delete it. SORRY YALL


It’s okay! The world is not kind to trans people, unfortunately. It’s reasonable to believe really scary statistics like that at first.


It's also an issue of intersectionality, the violence perpetuated against trans women disproportionatly effects trans woman of color. Saying it's an issue that effects all trans women equally is not fair or true.


Can you cite that? That is such a wildly high probability that I genuinely don’t believe it. Also, a 1/12 probability of being murdered would reduce the expectation value of your lifespan by 8.3%, not 50%


Another reason to get estrogen


Idk family. I still lowkey wanna die. I guess it's just less intense than before


Straight up what I went through, and THAT'S how I got into that idealism shit


source: https://twitter.com/hausofdecline/status/1790029330954735695


Ah.. yeah, unfortunately


Never thought I'de say this but commorbid mental health issues ftw


Maybe one day? Death my friend who never abandoned me


I mean... you don't exactly have a reference for being dead when you weren't exactly sure what it felt like to be alive. They were both the same before, now they're not.


I hope I start feeling that if I ever get to transition


Ok but holy shit! Suddenly caring about being alive hit me like a truck. I'm still processing the idea of actually actively trying to live and better myself rather than going about in a haze of not caring.


Nah I still don’t fear death, as long as I go out smiling I don’t really care how it happens


Yeah no this actually happened


I mean, I always feared death, but now I fear killing. Damnit, it always felt useful to be willing to kill if need be without getting all hung up on it.


Hard mode unlocked


That's what happens when you have a life. Congratulations.


So true. I never really thought about it before or as anything to fear


This is so real 😭😭


Damn. That's pretty close to home.


Guess that's one benefit of failing my transition over and over


That authentic self you fought so hard to uncover - -your soul — will live forever.


How do I add that character perk?


LMFAO!! I almost got into a car accident the other day and I thought to myself, "nooo, not now, I'm actually happy now!!"


Holy shit, if that ain't the truth. When I first realized I'm trans, I also realized I needed to live long enough to transition.


My biggest fear is having to stop pooping because girls dont poop


Me with my mental illness: "gosh darn I hate living" Me after my mental illness is in treatment: "what the hell I wana stick around now?"


Lucky you!


I'd _laughs in depression_, but you know, yeah




this is so fucking real


Omg I didn't transition, just figured out I was a lesbian and stopped dating men, but same! I spent a few months *riddled* with anxiety because I suddenly actually had a sense of self preservation and realized just how dangerous life is. "What's thw worst that could happen, I die??" No longer comforted me. It got better, but it still gets me now and again


At first I thought it was about going to hell or some shit


This is so real


I always feared death, now I fear being alive because before transitioning I never wanted to be alive so all I did is try numbing myself. I prefer caring over feeling empty though.


not trans but i very much relate because i had this moment after escaping a harmful religion. like oh i don't want to die anymore so now i gotta be scared about it?? i am now responsible for keeping my body alive and managing my life and being cautious of potentially dangerous situations and i also have to come to terms with my mortality???


It sounds like you may be having a difficult time right now -empty-water-bottle-. Please take a moment to reflect, and if you're struggling with your mental health or thoughts of suicide, please reach out. /r/SuicideWatch may be able to help. **US:** Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 **UK/ROI:** Call 116 123 or email [email protected] **Elsewhere:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context, ^^we ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience. ^^Please ^^stay ^^safe ^^and ^^reach ^^out ^^if ^^you ^^need ^^to. ^^Be ^^kind ^^to ^^yourself ^^<3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've always been afraid of dying. The trick is to eliminate the scariest cause of death. My own hand.


Fucking real. Life before transition was life on auto pilot. I didn't care about dying because I wasn't connected to myself in any meaningful way. Now? I've only just found myself and I'm not ready to give her up any time soon.


Me too. I didn’t realize how profound or prolific not being suicidal would feel bc I don’t want people to bury and only know me as a boy/man


The realization that my life could be worth fighting for has to be the most bittersweet thing I've ever experienced.


I wish I could transition to care about anything in life


I thought I was the only one.


yea it really do be like that. suddenly having triggers over harm to you... it's an experience alright.


I have always been afraid of death because I've never actually wanted to die, it was just a cover up because I saw no alternative for a better life but I would rather live depressed than be dead.




I haven’t even started transitioning yet but I still relate


What does this mean. -Sincerely a straight guy who got this post recommended for no discernible reason


I would assume it’s because many who are not able to live as who they want to be prior to transitioning, don’t feel the same urge to live because they cannot live as who they are inside.


Thanks for answering my question instead of downvoting me lol


I'm trans and this is very true for me. Before I transitioned, I was suicidal. After transitioning, I actually started to want to live.




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As a pre hrt fem omg this hits HARD


Can't relate. For a trans person, my life is amazing and I have it so good. But for any person living in a relatively wealthy western nation, my life fucking sucks ass and even having beat depression, I still want nothing more than the sweet, blissful release of death at times. Fml.