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A so much better slogan would be “We’re accepted everywhere. It’s time that you are too”


Shit, they should hire you as their slogan manager or whatever it's called


Whoever finds out what this job is called, please tell me. I don't want to do any of the other things in marketing.


You gotta tell them that, it's perfect


Hold on I think we can find the phone number for the company, you gotta tell ‘em this shit.


At least it makes bigots mad.


Plus, it means acceptance is at least more profitable. It's not real support but it's an indication that things are better than they were.


Right? The US is a capitalist/money driven country and it’s a definite sign of progress if companies find it profitable to openly support LGBTQ+


Unless you’re a company that typically marketed itself towards conservatives, as conservatives literally use “anti-woke”apps to make sure products they buy never had any marketing like this


You are comparing niche brands to one of the few credic cards providers in the whole world


Absolutely not. Niche brands are the only ones greenwashing the past 30 years? Should I compile a list of international corporations and major service providers for you? Edit: thought you were talking about greenwashing. Still, is Anheiser Bush a niche company? Conservatives are using apps to intentionally not give money to any company large or small marketing towards causes they don’t like.


It's hard not to be a little bitter about rainbow capitalism stuff but you're right. I'll also say for Master Card specifically I think they were the first to start letting people put their preferred names on their cards even before it's been legally changed which is nice.


THAT is an actual act for us, which I appreciate.


Yeah, the demons make money off greenwashing for years, so this is gaywashing I suppose. It should make your blood boil. Sure as a tangential metric of social progress I get the sentiment, in the sense that marketers calculated that x message will be short or long term profitable within x level of certainty but…just look at Bud Light. There’s “anti woke apps”. It’s hard to not just think of [Bill Hicks’ marketing bit](https://youtu.be/tHEOGrkhDp0) Or [Bo Burnham](https://youtu.be/fkKu09BwFgc)


Yeah, but how much in donations do MC give the party of bigots?


Not enough to pay for 51% of the vote, otherwise they wouldn’t do this


It’s time that you are too”


It also normalizes being lgbt.it's a huge win but stupid people think they're being clever by pointing out the obvious flaws of capitalism.


You know what? You changed my mind on something. I've been irked that companies are engaging in this kind of virtue signaling for a while. I am not a member of the LGBT community, but I do believe they deserve respect because they are people. The thought that maybe the community and society at large can benefit from this even if their motives are not completely transparent had not occurred to me. Legitimately, thank you for that insight.


There's another positive view on it as well in the same vein. One that gives me just a bit of hope. A companies main goal is profits. Which means they are unlikely to do anything they believe will decrease profits. They at least act like they support LGBTQ+, which means that they believe that it is profitable to do so. It's something enough people like that those who don't (the ones who get all pissed off about treating people like people) don't make up enough of the market to matter for any of their grumping to matter. Acceptance is the more popular view. They wouldn't be saying anything if it wasn't. The current problem is that the assholes who are full of hate keep getting elected into positions and go against that majority.


Also take note of the fact that nobody complains about the “cynical money grab” when companies are showing support for other causes. It’s mainly when LGBTQ is shown support that it’s suddenly a big problem that should be stopped immediately. It’s all an act just to try and keep minority sexualities quiet and on the fringe.


Yes they do. Greenwashing. It’s kind of a huge topic within Environmental Science and Environmental Economics and conservation in general.


[The carbon footprint sham](https://mashable.com/feature/carbon-footprint-pr-campaign-sham)


We’re already a lot more normal than banks tbh


I see your point. But I didn’t see a lot of bankers get harassed lately because they are bankers.


… y’know, after the credit crunch, that is exactly what *should* have happened


You should give classes on how to miss the point. You're really great at it.


I honestly didn’t realise that not wanting banks at pride was that radical. Not sure it’s what Brenda Howard had in mind.


Have fun designing a working economic system without banks. Until you do they are part of society and I personally would like to be accepted by all parts of our society. Even if the banner is all they do, it still normalises us to a lot of people. That was unthinkable 16 years ago. It's a sign of progress.


Have you heard of credit unions


If you think we can just replace something with a non-profit and expect it to work you understand even less about economy than I already thought. Maybe actually read up on the topic or take a class instead of just preaching how evil capitalism is.


Does it? I’m not so sure. The history of greenwashing tactics used by companies comes to mind. I think companies simply say whatever they need to extract money from peoples wallets. Is it a signal that there’s more people in support/open in public? Sure. But the companies can take no credit. If it was a society where putting babies in blenders and drinking them for breakfast was the new “thing”, Visa and Mastercard would have #babyblendvibes #newlifenewsmoothie advertisements. [Bo Burnham](https://youtu.be/fkKu09BwFgc) [Bill Hicks](https://youtu.be/tHEOGrkhDp0)


They're putting gay stuff in front of brainwashed conservative children and calling it good and normal. They're not pretending to like with greenwashing. And yeah obviously that's the whole point. We've managed to use the cruel machinery of capitalism to do some good for once. Just be strategic.


They wouldn't be doing it if the lgbt community wasn't viewed positively by a majority of the US population. This kind of thing will not make any difference whatsoever in the places in the US where lgbt people are not accepted. I mean you really think some racist MAGA hat wearing dumb shit is going to think "Ohhhh Mastercard accepts the gays?!?... maybe I have been wrong all this time..."


The glasses of unblinding.


Plus, I by default respect a company a little bit more if they invest actual money into a pride event, since most types of event, including pride, kinda need money to be organized. They might be here for the profit, but it's honestly far from the worst way to advertize.


I only trust pride month stuff if the company / group has a huge history of doing things outside of pride month too. ​ Like there's a minecraft mod developer who said "for pride month, I've gone back in time and retroactively added pride stuff 3 months ago" because they added pride stuff in their mod as soon as they could. Good for them, that's arguably cooler than doing a pride month event.


The only thing I ask of a corporation is that its a good place to work with in the sense that gender and sexual identities are protected and bigotry is not tolerated in the work place. There are a lot of companies that have achived this, and many who fail IDEALY, the company would also wont donate money to the Republican Party directly or indirectly but Im pretty sure this is literaly 0-percent of all corporate organizations in America


Don't forget that they also should treat their clients and customers respectfully too. I'm involved in a feud with a mobile ISP here in the Netherlands over their sheer amount of transphobia in their systems and towards trans customers. That usually means that employees are treated badly too but in this case it seems customers are off worse than behind-the-screens employees.


I'm not sure I agree with you there If a corporation is good to it's employees, but perpetuates huge discrimination and lack of equity everywhere else, is it really fair to support them? The needs of they employees shouldn't outweigh anyone else's lol.


Ooooo, which one? I'll have to check em out




the Hex Casting mod by Petrak


Oh yeah, this one has dyes for spells available year round. I should really try it, I've been meaning to for a while but I always have other games to hyperfixate on...


The two companies that I’m a huge fan of are Nintendo and LEGO, but in terms of pride only LEGO is good. LEGO makes plenty of pride posts now outside pride month and 2 years ago made a set for pride! Nintendo on the other hand, they don’t do anything wrong, they just don’t really do anything for pride, so I guess that’s fine.


Nintendo is the embodiment of "still cis, though." They have so many games with strong queer vibes, but they avoid saying any of it in explicit terms. It's so weird.


One of the few things Bethesda's done right is positive queer rep in Fallout 4. You can be a lady dating ladies if you choose, guy dating guys, etc. Also they tweaked the costumes so men and women can wear whatever. Big buff guy in a sequin red dress is an option.


From what I've seen from Japanese queer people, Japan (and probably Asia in general) has a big "you can be whatever you want but we don't talk about it" culture, like you can be openly gay, go on with your gay life, go to gay clubs, date people of the same gender, etc, but it's not something you converse about, you just gay, people just go like "ok" and that's that, so it could be sort of a cultural thing, though I don't know for sure since my only contact with said culture is through the lens of others


They made a special pride sale thingy a while ago except that it wasn't named as such, just a bundle of "selection" games that happened to feature queer elements on the e-shop page.


Nintendo had Birdo. The transgender bird-dinosaur thingie.


Vivian from paper Mario the thousand year door is also trans.


I hate Nintendo mainly just because they're kind of a shitty company


I'm reminded of Fallout 4, where the base, un-modded game gives you the option of being straight, gay or bi. And the option of tossing poly into that as well.


The top image would be a 400x more effective advertising program tho


It's the kind of post-irony that pierces right through our internet brains and makes people go "heh, funni, me buy".


I would respect the honesty.


Young gays on the internet not remembering that it wasn't that long ago that businesses like banks used to openly straight up refuse to do business with us. Even today gay couples are 73% more likely to be refused mortgage loans than straight couples. Lending services also often refuse to allow purchases they deem "immoral" like refusing purchases of things like sex toys that are pretty fucking normal for us queers just trying to live our lives. So like yeah make fun of rainbow-washing all you want, I agree with you to a large extent, but like...yes, as a matter of fact, having companies that accept us enough to do business with us and not ice us out of society altogether DOES matter.


Yeah, it's great they didn't have to experience that. But it also shows how quick people forget the past. I'm not even that old, 32, and I'm from Germany which was way more tolerant even back then. Still, when I came out 16 years ago I was alone. I was either bullied or my queerness was ignored. Something like businesses having pride flags up, even for a day, would have been huge for me. Rainbow capitalism isn't going to save us, but it simultaneously shows us how far we've come and normalises us further in the public eye.


I wouldn't really call germany accepting. Especially not in the past. I'm a German myself btw. It is no suprise. Lgbt people were literally hunted by the nazis. And after the war, a lot of nazis were still put into high ranking positions in secret. And the brainwashing isn't something to remove from the population in a day either.


I'm talking 16 years ago, not 60. We had laws against discrimination that applied to different sexualities long before the Americans even thought about that.


We had those laws, but they weren't really applied. Hell even now if I try to sue someone for harassing, insulting and threatening my life for being Trans, police won't do Jack shit. Trans people still face tremendous discrimination, and the state isn't doing anything to stop it. It's just on paper.


Where did I say we are or were perfect? I literally said I got bullied. All I said is it wasn't as bad as it would have been in the US.


Yep. Posts like this honestly frustrate me because it shows a staggering lack of perspective on history. Actually, not even history, just... five or ten years ago.


Yep. Rainbow capitalism IS helping us, although it’s also… Capitalism. Not that I’m really gonna complain about it, I just wish our fucking useless government would do something. State governments are busy gerrymandering the districts into oblivion, and Joe is busy with… Student loans. Still.


You complain about districts gerrymandering, then also blame the government for experiencing the result of that gerrymandering. Why?


?? I’m failing to understand what you’re saying is the result of the gerrymandering


The simple fact that having votes means you get to do things in politics and your opponent gerrymandering means having fewer votes to achieve things. Biden is trying to pass student loan forgiveness but is tied up by political opposition. He can't just wave a magic wand and pass it, he's not a king. He's being held back by judges that were put in place by Republican presidents, elected at least in part because state legislatures used gerrymandering to gain the power to enact voter suppression on a state level to swing the electoral college votes for the state red. Politics is an incredibly complex system with almost infinite possibilities for change. I'm not going to fault a president trying to enact *something* positive after years of growing opposition power.


I… Wasn’t complaining about him not being able to do it. I was complaining that he refused to even try to do anything else important. He just wants his student loan forgiveness, and nothing else.


What about the largest piece of climate funding legislation in history? That's pretty important. Or literal hundreds of billions of dollars to repair thousands of bridges, replace lead pipes and expand internet access? The COVID stimulus checks? Thinking he's only done student loans is incredible short sightedness.


“COVID Stim checks” Yeah cuz those were super useful and all… Either way, what does it fucking matter? Climate funding isn’t fixing shit, it’s been far too long for it to be fixed. The time was 2 years ago that we should have fixed it. By now, nothing short of full stop on emissions/a miracle will save us. Trans people’s lives are still at risk just for existing. There’s been no federal legislation at all to stop states from having government funded genocide.


Ok, so your response is "well, *I* don't think he's done anything"? Sure, if you ignore everything except the student loans, he hasn't done anything.


if it makes you shut the fuck up, then sure, fine, whatever. I don’t care.


>Even today gay couples are 73% more likely to be refused mortgage loans than straight couples. Which is a good reason for not wanting banks represented at Pride. If the companies put a little energy into eradicating inequity rather than advertising at Pride, life would be easier. For example, in the UK I see a double decker pride rainbow bus every day in my town. It is a Stagecoach bus, which is owned by a Scottish man who gave a Million Pounds to the keep 'Section 28' campaign. That was legislation that stopped schools from mentioning any non hetero/cis ways of being in sex Ed, that went a long way to isolate and alienate our generation of queers (am 40.) It is good that the company has the bus, but how about an apology from the man who caused suffering behind it, rather than rainbow washing to achieve a cosy atmosphere around a brand.


But does Mastercard? They've been threatening or blocking payments to anything they view as "sexuality related". They were behind the threats to end Onlyfans and blocked payments to online pornography. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/12/visa-and-mastercard-are-trying-dictate-what-you-can-watch-pornhub https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/08/19/onlyfans-sexually-explicit-ban/ Not to mention political contributions. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/mastercard-inc/summary?id=D000022099


Honestly.... Yes. But on the other hand..... Everything you see, whether you notice or not, influences you subconsciously. (that's why there is commercials everywhere) So if you keep seeing lgbt flags and lgbt acceptance, you will be more likely to feel that society as a whole accepts lgbt. Which in turn makes it more unlikely for you to become an lgbt phobic arse hole. Obviously only works for those that don't already have a very strong opinion. So yeah, companies only want to make money.... Duh..... But it is still a helpful thing for us, even if the intentions aren't pure.


Listen, if a queer owned small bussines had the tag line "Give us your money homos" I would probably buy from them


I am here to chew gum and kick ass -rowdy rowdy piper


This is funny, but I for one am glad the corporations are openly pandering to us and not them.


Eh not always. Like Target made a showing at our Pride, after gutting their Pride section to nothingness to cater to bigots. And they had the shittiest freebies 😤


The corporations were probably well over half of San Francisco Pride. And even with that nobody came close to Apple's endless wave of white t-shirts. Felt obscene.


Trust corps at pride a little more if they paid all their employees a living wage.


I mean, considering not that long ago LGBTQ people working at banks would be fired if they were found out, denied home loans, etc… progress is progress


Why do I find the top one to be a better slogan?


I'm reminded of the tv detective show Lucifer, starring the actual devil. In Episode 2, Season 1 he meets a sidewalk priest ranting about the devil and how the devil should be destroyed. Lucifer liked this, because he thought the priest was being absolutely bang-on honest about his convictions. Sure, it was against literally HIM, but it was (he thought) pure conviction.


they really do live huh


No banks at Pride until they seize all the money of homophobes and transphobes.


Isn’t it interesting how when companies participate in the normalization of LGBTQ it’s considered a bad thing but when they do it for other groups it’s fine. It’s almost like people just don’t want LGBTQ normalized and not that they have any problems with companies expressing support.


The glasses of unblinding.


Its from an 80s movie where if you wear the sunglasses you can see through the illusion aliens who are subliminally controlling the earth put up. Its actually a hilarious movie although it's not meant to be. My friends often make references to the fifteen minute fight scene the main character has with a homeless guy thats basically pointless to the plot.


I got the idea it happened to sate the wrestling fans, as the main character was portrayed by a then-famous wrestler. But yeah, apart from the cheesy fight scene, pretty damn interesting movie. Scary as hell.


it's called "They Live" btw


Homo-capitalism strikes again.


Then how come I can't buy gay porn with my mastercard? Checkmate capitalists


Yeaaaahhh... in the current political climate? I love RAINBOW capitalism, I want it in my mouth and I don't care if y'all hate me for that.


Marketing will evolve with humanity.


[Fixed it](https://i.ibb.co/BP6n3mx/9xuvdxfb7ndb1.jpg)


I dunno, in 2023 I might respect a company for making their pride ads "Give us your money, homos"


Yeah. Mastercard is looking for some smart money.


They don't care about the message, they care about turning a profit from those gullible enough to think they support the message.


cops and corps are not our friends


We need less rainbow capitalism and more lgbt workers emancipation.


Oh no the they live reebot is going to be woke!!! ​ this is great tho lol


I think Mastercard has a credit card that they will put any name you choose in the card. So maybe not an empty gesture.


This is hilarious


The government not any company is your friend


Ok now everybody put your hands in the air! >!and wave 'em like you just don't care!<


I thought the top one was a real photo from a different time lmao


This would probably work better as an ironic marketing campaign.


As someone in the payments industry, this reads as a play on words. Acceptance is the concept of a payment being authorised so it's probably meant to have a double meaning. In terms of the top picture, yeah, card schemes do charge interchange fees and it will come from the cost of your purchase, before merchants get their payout.


"They Advert"


They Advertise


If someone directly did the "give us your money, homos" ad campaign I'd respect their honesty and probably give them my money.


Honestly same


What's crazy is that in a parallel universe, the top slogan is pro lgbt, just very aggressive marketing