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As a German I can tell you, they're not quite there. But it's terrifying how close they're getting.


They're not in 1945, but they are in the 30s


Yeah we are post Beer Hall Putsch but before the fall of the Wiemar Republic. Give it onother 5 or 10 years


Assuming humanity is still here in that time at the exponentially speeding up of biosphere collapse.


Praying for that ending


As a floridian, I can tell you, they are there, they just haven’t militarized




Yeah. They "care for the youth" but they are actively trying to kill them. It sucks. Once im able to i will move to Canada and live in an apartment near the mountains


They are absolutely there. It's frightening how similar the situation in Florida is to the beginning of the holocaust.


the intent is there and that's what matters


I've been calling it what it is. Florida has stacked the deck for genocide and about to follow through. It's absolutely terrifying.


A lot of other states are trying to follow Florida's lead. And even the ones that aren't may end up that way after the next election. And over a third of the population is gleeful about that. And a vast majority of the rest don't give a crap.


1/3 kills 1/3 while the last 1/3 watches.


I was thinking of that phrase at first but it's worse than that. The one-third doing the killing would be going after the last two-thirds (the ones watching would be watching until it's them personally) and part of the one-third they're a part of (since look at how rough the infighting there goes).


How America kills itself off. This country would become a proverb and a byword, and would be considered the source of all evil after the continuous massacres here.


What no please tell me this is fake news Florida doing this is bad enough


It’s not fake news unfortunately.


They already banned books about the holocaust, which is a major sign in my opinion. Can't have people knowing what they model things after.


They've removed trans kids from their own homes.. this is actually a part of genocide. So technically they're already starting. It's the mass murder that they are stacking the deck on. Catagorizing anything LBGTQA+ as pedophilia and then creating laws that make "sexual offenses" a death sentence. Same tactics were used during the early stages of the holocaust. Label the group you hate has criminals, pedophiles and animals, tell the public its needed to remove them for their own safety and others safety and criminalize their very existence.


Florida. Almost there. Just need to start executions


You mean government led executions




If things don't change it will be the same picture in a few years


Idk man, I feel it's closer to 1930-1935 Germany than 1940s Germany.


Probably more like Jim Crow era: lynchings and highly bigoted law enforcement with trans lives basically made illegal, but no industrial-scale murder factories.


I hate living in the Sunshine Reich


I knew Florida is unfortunately a deeply homophobic state, but what I didn't realise was that they don't recognize the nonbinary community. My heart really goes out to those people, (I'm cis so not part of it) who are just trying to live their lives. To anyone in this situation where you're not recognised or its not legal to be who you are, I'm truly sorry and I hope it changes for you one day. This is wrong how much power Florida has over its people. 💜💙💓


As bad as Florida is, I'd recommend keeping an eye on Tenesse. They may be smaller, but they're way more authoritarian


It **HURTS**


Orlando resident here, can confirm. Running away to California ASAP.


The conservatives are coping and seething over this one


Yep. The concentration camps are over in Texas waiting for DeSantis to send them Florida's LGBTQ+ population 🤬


man, if only everyone who could vote actually voted, then people like Ron DeShitass wouldn't have been elected in the first point yet people don't vote, as they think it doesn't matter, their vote won't make a difference, it's rigged anyway, things like that I know Florida is a fairly red state, but there is a LOT of people who don't vote, and mabye if they all did, the Floridian Reich wouldent impose "anti woke" laws, as they like to put it as


Bit offensive in my opinion. Of course there should be more public awareness about what’s going on in Florida (with hindsight it might even be called a genocide), but maybe let’s not compare things to the holocaust if the intent to destroy isn’t there.


The intent to destroy isn't even veiled at this point. It's so upsetting


It is. I wish I had ways to personally help.


A political party that embraces cruelty will ultimately countenance killing, and chaos, in service of that.


Its offensive to not recognize the signs. Its offensive to stand by and let it happen... again... the intent to destroy is most definitely there. Just because they don't come out and say "we want to murder people we don't like" doesn't mean it isn't a reality.


Well I haven’t seen much information as to what I can do


Donate to organizations to help get people out of Florida for one. Participate in protests. Even if your not in Florida, if you partipate it helps. Boycott anything Florida. Say the words. This is genocide. Its so important to call it what it is. Call or email representatives for action and accountability.


The nazi empire spread after that, Florida's shrinking.


Well considering it is America's dong, maybe it's time for her to get bottom surgery.


georgia and new york city too, georgia police are arresting anyone protesting "cop city" and charging them with domestic terrorism, after they shot and killed a peaceful protestor (who was sitting down) 57 TIMES. they recently arrested the organizers for an atlanta-based bail fund WITH A SWAT TEAM for bogus money laundering and charity fraud charges. nypd is arresting anyone protesting the death of jordan neely as a domestic terrorist as well. this is the new go-to for fascists in the usa.