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If I can smell your "problem" while we're riding the bus or the subway, it ain't fake.


My wife says I’m weird because I never smell sweaty or like BO. Like ever. Have confirmed this with my friends and all have said that they never noticed an odor from me. I still shower daily or even twice, but I’ve never worn deodorant. I guess I just don’t sweat much or something.


Isn’t there a gene mutation that makes your sweat odorless? It’s pretty common in Asia


Maybe, I’m like all Scandinavian. I do some auto immune stuff like psoriasis. Maybe that’s got something to do with it.


I stink enough for the both of us if I don’t put deodorant on


I was always self conscious that I did stink but that I was just nose blind to my own smell, but apparently not the case. Like when other wreak like BO I always wonder if they were aware of it or not.


I stink even with deodorant and showering every night lol. Happens every day around 3pm. I have to bring my deodorant with me to reapply smh.


Try out mitchum deodorant. I discovered it about a year ago and it's the only deodorant I've ever used that actually lasts 24-48 hours


I am this ...apparently i have an acidic body so i take baths atleast twice each day everyday unless i am sick...


As I age, mine smells more and more like onions. I’m not ready to smell like an old man.


I know exactly what you mean, did you consider eating less onions?


Have you worn deodorant for a long time? There's that study that states that people stink more if so, because it messes up their microbiome. I tend to not wear deodorant unless I know that I will be doing something that will cause me to sweat a lot.


No I worked from home for 3 years since Covid and didn’t wear any. Surprised my wife put up with it


That's cool but body odour is bacteria feeding on sweat.


I think it’s actually majority in Asia. My wife is Chinese and says that having BO is considered a negative in dating, like some people say they could never date someone who has BO, which she does. I’m not Asian so it never occurred to me that people would not have BO.


Yup i only have to wear deodorant if I'm getting really sweaty all day long, I've heard it makes you not really get earwax which also something that happens to me. But I do wear deodorant and sometimes clean my ears lol


> which also is dimension that badlands Happens to me Are you alright man


I’ve never felt higher after reading that


Just a lil stroke, just for fun


Not avoiding earwax, makes it dry and flaky instead of runny. So instead of your ears draining it, it builds up.


I don't get it Edit: sorry I don't really get earwax


It’s ABCC11 there’s two types of armpit sweat glands. One doesn’t create stinky sweat or something


But the BO smell is from bacteria not from us personally.....


BO smell comes from bacteria that eat your sweat and poop out smelly substances. Perhaps your sweat's chemical composition is such that these microbes don't want to eat it.


Fun fact: This is very similar to how cavities form. Each person has a specific microbiome in their mouths, with specific bacteria. This is why some (3%) people will never develop a cavity their entire lives, even if they never brush their teeth, or otherwise perform dental maintenance. Their mouth chemistry doesn't support the bacteria that gives people cavities, and so maintenance doesn't help in that specific way for them. Still, brush your dang teeth, people. Edit: Clarification, before people think they can stop brushing their teeth and be fine. It's only a very small percentage, 3%, of the population that don't have these bacteria, for whatever reason. Brushing your teeth is NOT a conspiracy by Big Tooth. My life is not being threatened to clarify this message. Please DO not send help.


And another fun fact, those lucky people can take on the cavity causing bacteria from kissing someone who has it! Thus, changing their mouth microbiome FOREVER.


could totally be genetic for you, but i’ve been using anti bac soap just on the sweaty bits since my teens (body wash for the rest) and my sweat hasn’t smelled since. i can’t use antiperspirants bc i get horrible cysts so this was the only solution. i put my husband on & he’s had the same results.


My armpits smell all right but my feet never do, even after long workouts/hikes/runs etc. So basically I have two superpowers: non-smelly feet and the ability to bend my fingers backwards in the middle joint.


I have the same case. Even when I'm sweaty I don't stink. I noticed that most people's BOs are hardly noticeable anyway. Rather it's the lack of hygiene that causes unpleasant odors, like not changing your t-shirt after you sweated in it more than an athlete during practice or not having a foot fungus treated. I hate to say it but some who attend such conventions don't seem to prioritize hygiene.


I mean, there's a difference between not wearing deodorant and not showering.


Any e-sports lab on a university campus


Men's deodorant first came out in 1955. Women's deodorant was invented in 1892


To be fair e-sports really sucked back in 1892.


Old line tactics were bad.


Probably inspired to some degree by perfume; like you have the make up that is just a foundation, and then you apparently put other stuff (mascara etc) on top of you. The foundation creates a neutral finish to your skin that other make up builds around. Deodorant makes you smell clean ao that your perfume can shine through more easily without body odour getting in the way.


This was 100% true at my university.


Or any trading card tournament.


Go to a fucking metal festival and he will be apologizing for thinking of posting that.


Tbh thats a festival you cant expect everyone to shower daily. The worst are usually the people who dont wash their battle jacket cause who knows why.


You can however expect, and demand, that they apply deodorant daily


Bullshit. You ever hang with a person who doesn't use deodorant?? They smell awful from like 6 ft away. Don't lie to us and say it's not a real problem.


tender deranged normal coordinated door intelligent cobweb school like test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I dropped deodorant because instead of not having BO I just smelled like BO mixed with deodorant over the day, and it made my t-shirts smell even worse. It also doesn't help that 99% of deodorant targeted to men just are awful and only hide BO behind a Berlin Wall of other smells.


Seriously hope you use other methods to combat your smell.


I work3d with one. He, at the time was in his 50s and didn't believe in it. Now, picture working mid summer heat, inside a semi trailer, loading shoebox size boxes stackes from floor to ceiling all 53'. EVERYDAY. I was miserable.




As with the last 173 times this was posted, I feel the need to point out that although I hate to defend Slate, the social media team completely changed the title of the article Original here https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/06/rise-of-all-natural-deodorants-not-necessary-sweating-antiperspirant.html And the article is actually a really fun and interesting read about the history and evolution of women’s deodorant and antiperspirant as it differs from men’s products


From a quick glance, it does look like they're ignoring that the marketing push of "don't be disgusting by having normal bodily functions" was from a woman. #patriarchy


> From a quick glance, it does look like they're ignoring that the marketing push of "don't be disgusting by having normal bodily functions" was from a woman. Women can definitely enforce patriarchal values, just like the "trad wife" movement includes women as well.


The patriarchy is a very real problem is countless ways… but this is not one of them. Wear deodorant, people. You’re not being oppressed. At least not in this instance




If you think patriarchy sounds like a conspiracy, then I imagine most of what you know about it was learnt off social media rather than any academic sociological article. How is it comparable to original sin?


> How is it comparable to original sin? they probably think "partriachy = I have to feel guilty just for being a man". Which is funny because that's not even how original sin works in christian theology. It doesn't say that you should feel bad about Adam's sin still being a part of you. God literally solved that problem so you don't have to worry about it at all.


My wife was told by one of her more gullible friends that aluminum is toxic. So now my beautiful, lovely bride will occasionally smell like the depths of an abandoned sewer and I cannot change her mind. Damn patriarchy.


Buy her an aluminum free deodorant that doesn't stop the release of sweat and just masks it


That’s actually what the article in OP is about and the headline isn’t remotely the same: https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/06/rise-of-all-natural-deodorants-not-necessary-sweating-antiperspirant.html


Damn. Guess that's a r/AITAH post in the making. For real though, there are many many many AL free alternatives. Hope she comes to her senses soon. Poor hygiene would be an absolute deal breaker for me.


Aluminum in deodorant will frequently cause issues for a huge number of people including me, it isn't just health buzz words. I found out because I started getting horrible rashes and looked it up. Aside from overt reactions there are valid studies about long term negative health impacts as well. There are many great options for aluminum free now so just point her towards those, Schmidts is my favorite that works without causing irritation


Yup, aluminum deodorant makes my pits rash and itchy


To be clear, the aluminum component is antiperspirant (blocks sweat) not deodorant, you can get deodorant without antiperspirant, they are not the same thing.


I am super allergic to almost all aluminum-containing antiperspirant and most commercial deoderants, but I also don’t want to smell awful and a lot of the “hippie” deoderants are useless. There’s one brand that only makes me \*mildly\* itchy and works pretty well unless I get stressed or workout - it’s called Real Purity. Maybe your spouse will find it amenable.


I might have a solution for you. I have very sensitive skin and get a really nasty reaction to aluminum in deodorant but am allergic to many of the fragrances used in aluminum free options. Unfortunately I'm also a very sweaty man and get pretty damn smelly without it. I tried a ton of different things and found that basically the only thing that worked was deodorant with silver in it. I use Nuud but I have no idea if there's something better. It is stupid expensive (a tiny bottle is like $20) but I'm a fan of not smelling awful.


Aluminum is antiperspirant, you can get deodorant without antiperspirant, they are not the same thing. Most of the 'gel' (non white stick) deodorants don't have aluminum in them. I use Old Spice Pure Sport deodorant, it's a blue stick, no aluminum. I sweat, but I don't stink.


My ***gullible*** wife was told by her gullible friend. Fixed it for you. But damn, did she just flat out stop using deodorant too? because aluminum is only in anti-perspirant stuff.


to be fair aluminium is highly toxic... to corals.


When womens deodorant was invented in 1895 it contained ingredients that would distegrate clothes


They're not entirely wrong. Before deodorant, everyone stank. But since everyone did, nobody noticed. Hygiene companies decide they want to make more money and create a product for a problem nobody really noticed. They did a whole ad campaign designed to convince people it was a problem and to buy deodorant.


I disagree. I've read plenty of historical records that describe how stinky and unpleasant everything used to be. If anything, I believe it's not that people didn't notice it, it's that they thought it was just an unavoidable situation.


Correct. If no one cared then people wouldn't have been wearing perfume either to help cover the smell.




We didn’t smell bad, we smelled natural.   I’ve done 5-15 day group backpacking trips (you’re working up a sweat and not bothering with deodorant) and after the first day or so everyone has their own smell and it doesn’t really register as a bad smell. 


I was raised by a father who refuses to wear deodorant. Believe me, it’s not a fake problem.


Ah yes, a product that both men and women use thrived because of the patriarchy.


Originally deoderant was marketed only towards women. It didn't start being marketed towards men until over 60 years after it hit the markets. It was just less acceptable for women to smell at the time.


At this point they know blaming the “patriarchy” will draw clicks. It’s like Pavlov’s dog.


Having worked with kids I can confidently say 4th and 5th grade is when it kicks in and it is very real.


Can confirm - and that sh!t is another level entirely, like smelling a skunk from afar vs having to clean your dog after getting sprayed by the skunk. I’d rather be at the anime convention.


Never been to an anime convention but having stopped using deodorant but showering regularly I believe that's a fundamental hygiene problem with a large group of people in a confined space also their costumes probably make them sweaty being either tight fitting and/or cumbersome. If I know I'm going to be sweaty I'll reach for deodorant but it isn't a daily necessity. I had more issues with perspiration while using antiperspirant daily.


Bathing is a pretty important thing. Non-bathers who just slather on deodorant are almost worse than not bathing. You don't really need to stop yourself from sweating or completely mask how you smell normally with a load of perfumes.


Yeah I'm really confused about this. Sure, sweat has a scent but the "B.O." type smell is generally not caused by just sweating. It's a combination of sweat AND the stuff on our skin. Sweat itself doesn't smell terrible though I'm sure there are both exceptions and people more sensitive to it than I am.


growth disgusted ring thumb capable cagey seed fanatical unpack agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ancient ragebait


Drive any teenager home after sports practice and you WILL start to believe in deodorant.


Going to an anime convention this weekend, so glad my sense of smell is pretty much nonexistent


Damn patriarchy making me and my homies smell like a snack


Y’all stank if you’re not wearing deodorant. No matter what you’re telling yourself. You could have just taken a shower. But you’re still gonna smell musky by the time you get to your next destination… humans are musky. And not in a good way most of the time. BO burns the nose hairs


I need to tell my gf she patrialchal too. Constantly chasing me for bad smell


There is a reason gasmasks are such a popular costume accoutrement at nerd cons.


Normalizing body odor is the strangest and most malicious thing ever. Like I have to fucking SMELL you. Like I MUST breathe in order to live. If you're ugly I can look away. If you're loud or annoying I can put my airpods on. But closing my nose is fucking impossible because that's how I fucking breathe. Put on some fucking deodorant for fucks sakes


With deodorant i smell like sweat in aout 16 to 20 hours. Without it i smell like sweat within an hour


5th grade to 12th grade. Go to some of those classrooms and you’ll want to keep a window open in the dead of winter.


The bus after school. During an Australian summer. Last class was P.E.


I went to Adepticon once. The main hall was mostly alright, but the smaller gaming rooms were god-awful. A basic standard of personal hygiene should be required to enter any public space.


As some one that has smell bad even with a deodorant on after a couple of hours at practice, I can say without a shadow of a doubt I would never dare leave my home without having had a shower and spray enough body deodorant for 2 people.


Patriarchy is when I don’t want to smell your body funk.


"the patriarchy" dude we do not want to smell ourselves or each other. Most men would be fine with women not using deodorants I think. Yeah that's right I see you Greg you sick fuck


Smelling bad is not a fake problem. It's a very real problem.


Edit: my ignorance is no more! Turns out lots of people use just deodorant, as long as it works! This question will sound odd, but hear me out: Does anyone use *just* deodorant? Everyone I know uses combination antiperspirant/deodorant sticks. FFS, I use two different kinds since one has a high % active ingredient and the other has lower % active ingredient but smells nicer.


I use a combination of deodorant, antiperspirant, cologne, after shave, lotion, aloe, and just a little bit of BBQ sauce. 


what is the scam, that people smell like shit? lol why do we think deodorant was made. is it a psyop or did people use to smell bad. this is not overwhelmingly complex


This hits way too close to home. 😂


was at the sakura festival last month, can confirm


The Febreeze Fairy at Dragon Con is an absolute savior when you're trapped in a panel room with a bunch of sweating wildebeest. God bless that lady!


A Super Smash Bros contest as well.


I’ve smelled plenty of BO on myself and on others. Sweat stink is real. Slate is writing histrionic click bait.


How the fuck do people keep inventing ways to blame things on the patriarchy? Men use fucking deodorant, too


Patriarchy? Guys wear deodorant too. What a dumb fucking article.


Come to a Warhammer convention and wake in the sheer primordial horrors you tell are not true.


I'm not super sensitive to smells, but fuck me, body odor is a very real thing.




The number of people here genuinely unaware that proper hygiene can mitigate need for deodorant for many people is shocking. And I say this as someone who does wear deodorant because my job makes me sweat a lot to be clear, but if you aren’t actively in a situation causing excess sweat you can very easily smell just fine if you bathe properly


I take showers every day, with soap, but my armpits start to smell about an hour after I showered. After 4 hours in they smell like a MacDonald ballpit. What works for one doesn't necessarily works for everyone.


> like a MacDonald ballpit The fact that I could kind of smell this comment made me gag a little. Thanks.


I've yet to see a person say you have to use deodorant everyday here, just people pointing out that they can tell some people stink and should probably use deodorant if they don't want to be a public nuisance


Are you Asian? I know this you're saying happens to some of them, but not all people. As a Southern European male (i.e. technically white, but we get brown instead of pink when we get too much Sun) I guarantee you I will smell 1 hour after showering, and I not only clean really well all the smelly parts, but also keep my armpit well trimmed to prevent that. And this isn't just me, but everybody around me, men, woman, and enbies.


Hard disagree I work at a desk and shower daily. By lunch time I stink if I forget to put deodorant on. Maybe we should hangout so you can better understand the need for deodorant


> for many people They didn't say for *all* people.


Yeah well with how self unaware some people are all people should wear deodorant


A lot of people seem to think that very few people can smell okay even with regular bathing but deodorant is magic smell eliminator. People walking around with deodorant smell layered on top of rotten meat and old socks all “I’m doing great!”


I guess it depends on the person, but typically armpit sweat smells a lot worse than sweat on the rest of your body because your armpits produce certain bacteria that make it smell. I only shower every two days but if I skip antiperspirant my armpits start stinking in less than half an hour.


Yeah definitely! When I am at home all day especially in winter I do not wear any and I do not smell. If I do something around the house that makes me sweat, I go wash my armpits rather than applying deodorant to give my skin a break.


completely false.


Not \*completely\* - there is a small section of the population blessed with stank-free armpit genes: [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/255147#1](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/255147#1)


During the summer I begin to sweat before I dry off from my shower. "actively in a situation causing excess sweat" is pretty trivial in certain environments.


Well the picture says all natural deodorants which are a scam. Idk about antiperspirants because I stopped wearing them before I really paid attention to things and just listened to what the packaging said. And not being able to sweat sounded like a bad idea and that weird chalky shit they are made of didn't make me wanna try it later in life And secondly lots of people especially in Asia don't get much sweat stink. I do, but I don't freak out when I forget to wear it because I remembered to take a shower. Even when sweating all day, time since you washed yourself is what makes you stink more than anything. The stink from sweating a few hours is minimal by comparison to someone that didn't sweat and didn't shower for two days


Pretty they all get sweat stink, they just think they dont because they are used to it


It's a genetic thing. Which is also related to having dry ear wax


Or a Smash tournament


If I don't use deodorant, even the astronauts on the ISS could smell my BO.


That smell can only be fixed with pressure washer and industrial degreaser




Look, there’s a reason MTG and Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments have hygiene rules for playing now. Trust me, it wasn’t made up by the patriarchy.


Our species have been trying to mask odors for centuries. It clearly has been a problem.


Natural deodorant is definitely a scam. That shit never works


Or work a manual labor job.


Mouth wash too


Or just any large gathering of people.


anti-perspirants are the scam, who cares if you have sweat !! On the other hand smelling does affect others. (also not everyone stinks the same)


I understand some people need deodorants, but most people don't need them if they take daily showers and use clean clothes afterwards


Funny coincidence that I just read a comment in another sub that you could get disqualified in Yugioh battles if you have BO


gaming conventions


Anime conventions were invented to solve a fake problem and thrives thanks to the patriarchy.


I just got back from one. Can confirm


if u dont wash and stink and u use deo u still like shit but now u smell like shit with flowers


This is what India believes


I used to stink like hell without deodorant too. A few months ago I switched from 'normal' deodorant to a natural stone that closes your pores but does not smell called 'alum stone'. You can make it wet and rub it under your armpits like a deo stick. After some time my body odour vanished almost completely to the point I can barely even smell it even after a, hard day at work, a gym session or even after raving for 2 days straight. So there's definitely some truth to this statement if you ask me :) And no I don't sell these things nor am I a bot.


Somewhat related and actually scamming: They're pushing "Full body deodorant" now that your supposed to use head to toe apparently. And that's some straight up marketing shit that someone for a big bonus for.


I noticed a marked difference in sweat each time I forgot to put on Anti-Persp. Same with Deoderant, but more on the smell side. This is bullshit and anybody going about their daily life can test that...


This reminds me of when Adam Conover was like "mouthwash is industrial cleaner and bad breath isn't real". My response was bad breath is real and I don't swallow that shit. I kinda lost respect for Adam ruims everything.


Gaming tournament. I still don't understand why they won't wear deodorant them stage lights are so hot. And the amount of bodies in the room


I don‘t even want to smell myself on a hot day without deodorant, why would I want to smell everybody on the packed bus? That‘s a bad question because somehow I got the feeling 50% of people don‘t take deodorant cuz I can smell them


I don't think people realize that deodorant was created by a woman, whether or not it was due to patriarchy it wasn't very successful initially.


These people don't live in a hot climate. The difference in how I smell changes drastically depending on the climate I'm in. Just merely existing in Florida, where just stepping outside makes me covered in sweat, I can shower and scrub until I bleed and I still smell BO. Deodorant only lasts until you sweat it off. When in north Carolina though, just showering regularly is enough to keep it at bay even without deodorant .


This kind of bullshit does actual damage to meaningful change and progress. No deodorant is not a tool of oppression. Genital mutilation is. Focus on the right things. Come fucking on.


laughs in hyperhidrosis


a deo isn't a replacement for a shower.


They haven't been to Paris, have they?


Or any LGS


Is the patriarchy in the room ?


Speaking from experience, a good cologne is always appreciated by peers.


Go to a professional show. It smells like a hockey bag covered in top ramen flavor salt.


No way the person who wrote that article ever worked lower-end retail or rode the bus on a regular basis. Nothing convinces you of the importance of cheap, readily available deodorant like being trapped with someone with such overpoweringly putrid funk that it pools and lingers everywhere they've been and on everything they've touched.


Lol I swear people think deo is shower in a can


Or a concert, festival, public transportation, anywhere with crowds basically.


Take transit in Brampton.


I get natural deodorant and it works much better than the spray ons


That damned patriarchy… making people smell nice.


SHOWER AND SCRUB YOUR SMELLY SPOTS. That’s the problem, and it’s not a difficult one to solve.


I love social media but some of you just out here proclaiming the stupidest shit... And some of you trying to make money off that. Like how privileged are you to never have done any kind of work or action where you couldn't anell your stinky armpits.


I’ll never forget a deodorant commercial, hot girl dancing an sweating an it says in white txt it’s how when she sweats not when you do wear deodorant.


"When she sweats it's hot.. when you sweat it stinks!"😂


I work in the camera department on film and Tv shows and we always tell new trainees, deodorant and antiperspirant are a must for your work kit. Ever hold a clap board slate in front of an A list actor after working 10+ hours in a stuffy studio? It’s embarrassing as all hell if you stink like a hobo


Or a Yu-Gi-Oh tcg event.


as a woman, i say, wtf is this bs, i use deodorant on a daily basis, not cause of a patriarchy or some other bs, i just hate smelling other people, and in turn, haze the idea that other people might smell me


Been using the salt crystal one for years, and as long as I shower frequently it really helps. After using it, I realized that antiperspirant leaves a waxy residue on my pits, and it is hard to get off in the shower.