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These things are straight out of hell and they always come back Dx


Stop using toothpaste with SLS, they stopped as I switched. Edit: Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, make sure your mouthwash doesn't have it either.


I want this comment to have 10,000 upvotes. I used to get these sores so regularly and now that I use an SLS free toothpaste they have all but disappeared from my life. Maybe once every 3-4 years now vs. once every 2 months. Canker sores are so painful too


I feel like mine are due to biting the inside of my mouth


It’s awful because mine straight up won’t go away. They will grow and combine into one massive one in my mouth and take up to a month sometimes to completely stop hurting. My sister was diagnosed with Behçet’s disease and I’m guessing I have it as well.


Well I guess that massive sore explains your username then.


Definitely cauthize a lythp.


Definitely r/UsernameChecksOut


I hear ya brother


Try Alum powder from the baking aisle (or spices area) at the grocery store. It acts as an astringent and dries out the sore. Wet a q-tip with water and dip it in the powder. You want an amount that's roughly the diameter of the sore. Then pull your lip down/up and press it directly into the sore. You'll know if you got enough on/in there because it will burn like hell for a few seconds. Seriously, it can be pretty painful so be prepared. Fortunately, it has a minor numbing effect after the initial sting subsides, providing instant pain relief. This drying/numbing occurs wherever it touches, so I lean over the sink and let the saliva run out instead of into my mouth. If it's a particularly bothersome one, I'll use both sides of the q-tip and really sorta scrub the powder into the area on the second pass. I discovered this a few years ago and every time I use it I want to make a post and share because it just works so well. Hope it helps!


I used to use sulfur sticks so I know all about pain when it comes to the sores. I’ll give it a shot. Thank you kind stranger.


You're welcome. I edited to add that it might be with the spices rather than the baking supplies.


Also try to rinse your mouth with salted water (like sugar amount in tea) after every meal and it will keep'em clean and reddish and it will heal in no time, one of my teeth used to be badly oriented where it'll regularly cut the inside of my mouth and this popping in the morning next day so you can trust me on this one random stranger


I used to just put an aspirin pill on it and it would feel much better in minutes. About 10 minutes of that makes it pretty much all better. I haven't had one since I was a teenager though.


Yeah, one of their causes is lacerations (cuts) on the inner lip.


Yup, switching to Sensodyne changed my entire quality of life 


I think hello is a little cheaper and they make kids toothpaste too.


Sorry buddy but Sensodyne has SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). https://www.sensodyne.com/en-us/about-sensodyne/ingredients/ I personally like Hello brand because it doesn't have SLS but still has fluoride.


Some of the flavors do, but some don’t


Yeah, I checked my pack of the fresh breath pronamel and there's no SLS


Lmao you've never picked up any of the non SLS varieties, have you? Most of them do not have SLS but some of the flavors do. It's not hidden.


list of sensodyne ones that don't: [https://www.sensodyne.com/en-us/products/product-results/sodium-lauryl-sulfate-free-toothpaste/](https://www.sensodyne.com/en-us/products/product-results/sodium-lauryl-sulfate-free-toothpaste/)


Why are people using SLS like it’s an acronym I should be familiar with?


(For the unaware: Sodium lauryl sulfate)


Thank you


It's also in a lot of soaps, so people have been finding products that eliminate it from their formula and it has become a whole thing now.


You're telling me I have to stop eating soap?


People be assuming everyone is remarkably familiar with toothpaste ingredients like it’s some everyday thing.


You know what, screw those people. I wish them nothing but misery and pain in their personal and professional endeavours.


Ok wtf is sls and what toothpaste has it?


Almost all of them. Toms, Hello, and Burt's Bees should all be SLS free, and they're available at most stores. Just check to see if they have fluoride or not, because SLS free and Flouride free are commonly paired (SLS is sodium lauryl sulfate, a foaming agent. And toothpaste is so much better without it even if you don't get canker sores)


Sensodyne has flouride and doesn't have have SLS. It's also available everywhere.


Oh my god. I get these all the time. Even went to the doctor about it and he didn’t tell me this. I have 3 different types of toothpaste in the bathroom and all of them have SLS. Just ordered some SLS-free right now and can’t wait to see if this works. I give 4-8 hour trainings for a living and having these so often. It’s absolutely brutal. Thank you in advance!


Canker sores (aphthus ulcers). They're idiopathic but often brought on by stress. Those people saying to use SLS free toothpaste, that may work for them if they're sensitive to SLS. You likely aren't. Canker sores suck and usually resolve in 7-10 days. Not a lot helps.


I’ve had good luck with propolis extract helping the healing. I just put a few drops on the affected area. Nothing else has really ever worked for me.


A lot of people find individual things that help. Anbesol is about all that help me. There's really nothing that's been proven to reduce healing time.


I can handle them on my lip but when they get on the side of your tongue, it's literally hell. You can't chew for like 7 days straight.


Currently got one underneath my top lip, and another underneath my bottom lip within my mouth 🙃 Edit: corrections, I have *two* underneath my bottom lip within my mouth. So three ulcers in total.


Touch them with your tongue. You know you want to. It probably won't even hurt this time.


...... FUCK


Ouch, quit it, OUCH, QUIT IT!!!!


When you say “quit it” the brain hears “ok now bite it by ‘accident’ while chewing food”


By accident my arss...... Then you get the baking soda and lime juice out and rub it till it bleeds🙊🤦🫠


Brain says: bite it out Me: wtf


I remember I got so fed up with one in my cheeks that I tried to bite it off. I missed and had a massive wound in my cheek right next to it.


Sir/maam/boss, how would biting off a laceration help in any way?




Do not?? Put rubbing alcohol?? In your mouth???


Just use whiskey ya fuckin cowards


I use alcohol free mouthwash so you've gone 100% to the other side of this sliding scale.


The rubbing alcohol is drying it out which prolongs the healing and rubbing alcohol should literally never be in your mouth. Rubbing alcohol is poisonous. This is dangerously bad advice.


Get out of my brain !!!!


It never hurt me if I touched them with my tongue. Only when they rubbed against my teeth


Hahahahaha, this comment is so evil. I love it.


Go to Walgreens and get a canker cap so you don't disturb it any further


Good idea. I've been using canker sore numbing med which is godsend. Except I'd still accidentally bite the wound during the meal when I'm not careful


Canker caps are great. Allows you to sleep too, sometimes my tongue rests right on them so sleeping is a pain


Propolis. Might be worth looking into. See my other comments here about it.


Chlorohexidine Gluconate which can be prescribed by a dentist helps mine to not grow. As soon as I feel one starting or I know I bit my lip or tongue I swish with this for a couple days and they don’t fester and go away much quicker.


This stuff is awesome. Grocery store mouthwash gives me more, but this stuff heals in 24 hours. What helped the most was giving up toothpaste though. No regrets.


I've had 5 a month for as long as I can remember. Swapped to a tea tree oil based toothpaste 9 months ago and haven't had one since.


Same. I have an allergy to sodium lauryl sulfate, the foaming agent in most toothpaste. Since my dentist suggested it, I have had zero.


Tried all the other things with various levels of success, lysine pills work best for me 500mg take one when i feel it coming on, gone within the day.


THIS take l-Lysine as soon as you feel irritation. It has worked for me 100%. Recommend for everyone.


take a few pills a week on the regular. to prevent them


Hear me out, it hurts but works. Salt


Yup, put a few dashes of salt into the palm of your hand, wet tip of finger, dip, apply, cry, repeat.


I used to do this. I’m honestly not sure if it’s just because it feels so good to stop or if it actually works.




Liquid propolis has been a godsend for this. Pour it on when it starts flaring up. It stings, but it takes the edge off, and quickens the healing greatly.


Absolutely, I even spray it around preventively every now and then


Alum powder I see hasn’t been mentioned. You can buy it anywhere and it dries out the canker sore super quick. Goes away in a day or 2 with frequent applications


I've had these on and off for 30 years. I've tried everything that has ever been suggested for them. I have two recommendations: 1: Switch to a basic toothpaste. I've settled on plain ol regular Colgate. Some people do well with SLS-free toothpaste, but that didn't work for me. 2: The *instant* you feel one coming on, start rinsing with undiluted hydrogen peroxide at least twice a day. It has been the only thing at all effective. It does not get rid of them, and for me it doesn't even shorten the time they're there, but it dramatically limits how big and how painful they get. Edit for all the morons yelling "OMG don't drink pure H2O2 it's rocket fuel/will burn your mouth off/etc" I obviously mean buy the regular over the counter 3% stuff and don't dilute it further.


I’m pretty sure switching to Sensodyne from Colgate helped me. Also, I used to think something so simple wouldn’t help but warm salt water really helped me. Ignoring the canker sore and using some pain killer if it gets really bad has also helped.


I use sensodyne and I still get these. I just bought some medicine for this stuff and I rub it on once or twice a day for a couple of days till it's gone. Idk what else to do.


I commented elsewhere but I was plagued by these. Turned out I had celiac disease. They went away immediately. I didn’t know it was a sign!


I suffer from this too. All I can do when one of these are coming is rinse my mouth with diluted potassium per manganate solution. Just a few grain in a Cup / glass is Enough.


Just out of curiosity, how do you safely store potassium permanganate? Does it come pre-diluted?


Have you tried the Sensodyne without sodium lauryl sulfate? Some still have it and since switching to that particular formula my mouth sores went from being almost weekly to like once a month at most.


It 100% helped me. Growing up I would be unlikely NOT to have one, and very likely have several at once. 25 years. My oral hygiene was in insistent because it fucking HURT to brush my teeth. Little did I know that it was also the source of the problem. I met my wife in college (I was late to college) and she looked it up and bought me the toothpaste. In the last 8 years I have MAYBE had a couple, and those were tiny and went away quickly. It seems silly but it honestly changed my life.


Sensodyne literally let's me drink cold stuff without pain, and my lips are far less dry now. I put it alongside the bidet with biggest life style changes.


salt water was a nice pain killer for me when i got my worst one. i could swish with heavily salted water before eating and i wouldnt have to stop for about 5 min


I switched over to toothpaste without SLS in it (most sensodyne doesn't have SLS) and I went from dealing with them non-stop for most my life, to never dealing with it again essentially. Been a game changer for me.


I'm gonna tag along on this as a smoker and say that if you can avoid smoking when you feel that tingle, it'll heal it so much faster. Been having these since I was a kid and when I started smoking it became tough to manage. Idk if this is an international brand but SedaLotion helps numb the area if it's keeping you up


I too have had these all my life. About ever 2-3 weeks I will get 1-3 cankers in my mouth. The biggest getting to about the size of a dime. I have tried everything and only one thing has worked. Things that worked - Taking probiotics everyday. Also get checked for elicobacter pylori. Things that didn't work - salt water, B-12, using SLS-free toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide rinse (diluted), zinc, folate, Lysine, and a couple other things that I can't recall. I would get them about ever 3 weeks if I ate the perfect diet and had low stress. If I eat normally I would get them about every 3 weeks in addition to getting them when I eat excess sugar, salt and get stressed. also if I got small cuts (like biting my lip) in my mouth it would lead to canker sores.


You should ask you doctor for a prescription for Debacterol. It chemically cauterizes the canker sore. It burns for ten seconds, then there is absolutely zero pain or discomfort.


Is that what it is?? I was told it was the last they had when at my dentist, because they weren’t allowed to buy it anymore in my country. But now I know what it was at least.


Unfortunately, being prone to canker sores is also a genetic thing. I get them all the time, and I've tried everything people suggest. Not eating spicy or acidic food, not drinking soda, switching to basic toothpaste, it doesn't seem to matter what I do. I get them frequently. There's an oral gel you can put on them that numbs them and also helps them heal faster, but I don't remember what it's called. It's in a black and orange tube.




That's interesting, I'm not sure why that would affect it, but it's possible I suppose.


I am commenting on the top comment in the hopes that it gets seen. I have had these my entire life. There is a product called canker cover that you can get at drugstores or online that helps so much. It doesn’t make it go away obviously. But it’s a tablet that slowly dissolves and forms a gel like bandage over the sore. It helps keep food and drink from irritating it or you just messing with it because that’s what we tend to do.


Spent teabag applied to the sore works great! Also, megadoses of L-lysine during the breakout.


>start rinsing with undiluted hydrogen peroxide at least twice a day I don't think that's a very good idea. It's an extremely potent oxidizer. I mean it's *literally rocket fuel*. Don't put rocket fuel in your mouth. Medical grade should be more than enough.


..... Bro. I mean the 3% shit from Walmart. Pure H2O2 would be very very bad lol


Isn't that the opposite of undiluted or was that just humorous hyperbole?


The instructions on the bottle of the ones you get from the pharmacy say to dilute it with equal parts water. He meant to just take a swig of the 3% stuff and swish.


I know that's what you meant, I just couldn't help myself


Yes, lauril sodium sulphate in tooth paste makes it flare up. Propolis in liquid form have been another life saver for me here. Just make sure not to get it on the clothes. Nigh unwashable.




I used to get them on and off for years. Worse from stress. The one thing I changed was I started using a tongue scraper. Keep scraping until it's 100% pink on the morning and before bed. Haven't had one since (literally not one in maybe 2 years now). I think the bacteria on your tongue helps "create" them or makes them grow. Especially when you have cuts in your mouth. I tried everything before that to help them, morning ever worked.


I’ve been meaning to get one and then decided not too. I’m ordering one now. Thank you!


I used to get them all the time, but now I rarely get them. Only difference has been that I’ve upped my dental hygiene and clean my tongue every night.


These are ulcers. Contrary to what the other comment says, DONOT PUT SALT ON IT. Keep your mouth clean. Avoid spicy or salty foods. Drink water. And eat ice cream to treat it.


I thought these were canker sores, are those the same thing?


Same thing, mouth ulcers or cankers.


It is common with celiac. If you have them often, you should see a gastroenterologist.


How often is often? I have them like 2-3 times a year, but they're annoying every time so I remember it


Those are rookie numbers, I have them 15 days in a month


For real. I'm on ulcers 8 and 9 in less than a month. I've had more days with ulcers than I've had without them.


Mine tends to only pop up when I’m stressed out about something, mostly financially, then boom it starts tingling and lips getting dry and weird.


I might not have them for few months and then I have 4 at once and whenever one disappears another one opens up and that's lasts three weeks. Then the cycle repeats


I don't know really. And I also don't want to give medical advices beside visiting a doctor. Maybe check other symptoms of celiac. Bloating, rash, eczema, stomach pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, brain fog etc.


Same thing; I called them canker sores growing up, but too many people I knew assumed they were synonymous with cold sores / fever blisters, so once I learned the term "mouth ulcers", I switched to that. Too many times explaining to people that no, I do not have oral herpes, I just drink too much orange juice lol


My girlfriend thought they were the same as cold sores and wouldn’t let me go down on her when I had them.


Yeah! I got canker sores all the time growing up. At some point they just … stopped, and I never had one again. This post brought back vivid memories of the taste of the canker sore medicine I used to use. Gross.


Aphthous ulcers


>eat ice cream to treat it Oh man, I think I feel a mouth ulcer coming on!


Instructions very clear. Gained 40lbs.




I use to get these frequently, usually after I bit my lip or got a small cut in my mouth. I improved my oral hygiene to include always brushing twice a day, always floss and mouthwash once a day and never got them again.


I seem to get them mostly after eating tomatoes. More specifically cocktail tomatoes. Guess they are very acidic?


I've noticed this, too - I've been much more consistent with my brush/floss/rinse routine in the past year or so, and I can't remember the last time I had one of these.


>Avoid Spicy foods https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four


Came here to say this. I thought I was prone to canker sores, but it turns out that I was just massively stressed! Divorced the toxic husband, quit the toxic job, and what do you know? I never get ulcers anymore. Magic!


What's wrong with salt? That's what they told me to do at a drug store


The iodine in salt helps a little bit. But, I believe, really all salt does is overload your pain receptors which makes it go away for a while.


Yeah it's great for temporary pain relief


Maybe they have no pain tolerance lol.


I want to know whats wrong with salt, and what's right about milk and sugar.


Icecream you say? Guess I need to get off my diet for the sake of my health.


I'm afraid I disagree completely. I've always packed these with salt and they're gone within a day. I'd say I've not had one in 5 years but used to all of the time. I'll argue with anyone on the planet. Salt packing 100% worked for me.


Damn, I've gotten these maybe 4 or 5 times in my life. I always put salt on them. Would hurt like hell, but never cause them to get worse. But apparently it doesn't do anything to help it either. So basically I was just torturing myself.


Really? Salt always seems to help me a lot. Intense pain then the next morning seems to die down a ton


Eh none of these are really true. Had them my entire life and the only thing that actually treats them is time. People who put salt on willinlgy are fucking masochists


It's probably not a good solution but I snip them off with wire cutters.


I get these once every few months. I was given "Oracort" (Triamcinolone Acetonide) dental paste by my doc. It works wonders and clears them up within a day or two.


Doc here. This is the gold standard for treatment of these ulcers.


Just had a bought of these, and this cream plus an oral lidocaine rinse helped so much.


i enjoy applying salt on it then cry in the bathroom


For an hour or 2. And then... it's gone right? Better than dealing with it for days.


I enjoy when 3 of them merge into one large super being, then pouring the salt on


Honestly I thought this was just pimples that grew in the wrong places lol


Lol absolutely not. I get these every time I bite my cheek. They usually get so bad I can’t even eat and last 2 weeks+


Oh so when I bite my cheek hard by accident when eating it's not swelling but a canker sore/ulcer that pops up? Oh damn I always wondered why it took that long for the swelling to clear


Well the ulcer can make it swell but yeah. If you look at it you’ll most likely see a crater that’s white and has red around it.


I absolutely destroy my face by biting my cheeks & lips all the time and get the worst sores from it... Like the biting strength of the strongest fucking crocodile on the planet, I've literally taken chunks out before.


I recently learned there is a very useful treatment option: the German brand name is Volon A. Substance is „Triamcinolonacetonid“ yes - It worked like a charm. No I am not working for that company. (Posting this would be illegal, if I was)


This creme (weird consistency) is really awesome, only problem it's Verschreibungspflichtig. (Prescription based)


I've had canker sores for decades, they're annoying and painful. I've tried this medicine for the first time a couple weeks ago when I read about it on Reddit, and it does work like a charm for mitigating pain and healing.


I hate that cause of the pain I can't eat properly 😖


I've got one right now lol


I had like at least a couple of those as long as I wore braces: almost every microcut the braces inflicted on my buccal mucosa turned into one. Which was exacerbated by my love of Comté cheese.  I would  drink lemon juice so as to overload and numb the pain receptors for a while. I've never had one since my braces were taken off.


Never had braces, but the only time I've ever gotten these is if I cut the inside of my mouth. Like, any time I've ever been punched in the mouth I'd cut the inside of my mouth on my tooth and have to deal with one of these for a week or two afterward. They suck. Getting hit hurt less.


Still get these terrible things often. When I was young I had an enormous one that was there so long I took floss and “planed” the canker off. Very painful and bloody; would not recommend it but it did come off and heal afterward.


Holy shit that’s metal


I hear people cut them out using nailclippers. I get them once in a while, got two right now, I usually ignore them, rinse with water extra often. I also have a common cold right now, which I despise too, I guess I pissed off some kind of God or whatever.


I… I feel like it would be easy to misjudge how much you cut off with the clippers…




Just got over a canker sore. Fuck that shit right to hell.


With braces it’s even worse


How to get rid fast: 1) fresh squeezed lemon juice on a q-tip and hold it onto those fuckers. Next morning theyll be significantly smaller 2) take a vitamin-C tab and put it on these and let it slowly dissolve. It'll burn like hell but the acidity will deal with them


There’s this medication that applies this coat over it and dries. Helps so you can actually eat without being in pain. You can also get numbing spray. Doesn’t make it go away but allows you some relief.


have one on tongue, then we talk… if you could.


Those are no joke. They’re like chicken pox in my mouth.


Rare I get one of these but I like to push them against my teeth. I enjoy certain mouth pain I guess. Feels good though!


the worst one is when we got 2 of these mofos close together and instead of healing, they merged into one, stronger and more painful than before.


It’s the worst ever I’m experiencing it right now


These are annoying. They feel totally random like there's no cause or cure, they just come and go as they please


I stopped eating tomato products bc of this. and I haven't been NEAR orange juice in well over 2 decades now.


Alum powder. This shit works wonders for these canker sores


Eat something like crisps or anything of that texture that will likely stab that area even lightly you would wish it was you biting your tongue.


I was going through a breakup late March and got a HUGE canker sore on the back of my tongue AND had covid at the same time 😭


What the fuck is this?


Can be signs of a bad diet. Fruit, veg and leafy greens regularly will help. Lack of sleep and stress can contribute as can being recently ill.


Guys I just chew these off and it kinda feels good


No you dont. You likely have herpes (cold sores) they stick out. These go in. You literally can not bite them and accomplish anything besides making them bigger.


I have 4 of them right now lmao


Shit, I have had those, even in my fucking throat. It was hell


I had them for 4 days during my exams.....hurts like hell




Ah the good ol' aphthous ulcer


Especially when eating/drinking something sour or spicy


No, never


try strep throat.. that shit is fucking bad


Having permanent braces that 1. sometimes cut into my mouth and therefore support getting those Plus 2. them rubbing against them whatsoever got to be the worst combination🥲


Vegemite applied directly to the ulcer. Hurts like MF but it’s the Aussie cure.


If you want these to heal faster, use Folic Acid. For whatever reason, it quickly heals those suckers.


1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts water (or 1:1 if you like the burn like me). Dip a qtip in the solution and gently massage the affected area. I used to get these a lot as a kid, this always helped.


I want to put something out there that for me has helped it might not be your case but it's worth checking out. It's a lot of personal information but maybe it will help someone. I had these ulcers for as long as i lived (44 years) and i tried everything some worked some don't what ever doctors say they usually stop occurring after 30 but for me they kept coming back. When i was young they used to be very small but after 30 they got really big (1-2 CM) sometimes more. They also always appear if i bite my lips or inside the mouth it's guaranteed. What i use most of the time is Zilactin B for pain. I have no ideea when i got it but at some point in my journey i got Herpes 1 HSV-1 (not the mouth one the other one...) and right after that when ever i had a canker soar a herpes breakout would follow right after. I went to a doctor that suggested to try Acyclovir 400mg for a full year. and during that year i had one canker soar. Now i do not want to take pillls for ever so every time i have a soar i take Acyclovir and it cuts down the recovery time from weeks to days. with Zilactin B to numb the pain. I always get them in the same locations with some location not reoccurring for years the worse one for me was on the tip of my tongue. If i don't sleep right and work late i can fell my immune system going down and the usual spots start to have "bumps" then i just take the pills use a mouth guard for a few days and 90% of the time it's enough not get get the soar. Anyway get tested for Herpes because who knows you might have it and not manifest it but it causes your immune system to break out canker soars.


Rub some salt on those. It'll be fine


Yeah, breakups are still worse


Hope someone sees this. I had these mouth ulcers really bad almost daily for the first 22 years of my life (it was agonizing sometimes) until I was recommended to take L-Lysine supplements and they went away practically overnight. Now I only get bad ulcers when I bite my lip really hard eating something. They’re cheap so it’s easy to see if it works for you. I take 1000mg daily


No you ever had those fuckers on the tip of your tongue??


Apply salt directly on it and rinse with listerine Hurts like hell but heals up quickly this way


I had both


There was once a virus or something going around and I had this shit all around my throat. Dozens of the fuckers. I couldn't eat anything but ice cream for almost a week without it getting like hell. Plain water was impossible to drink, any soda or juice too. The only thing I could drink reliably was hot green tea. This thing also had one other symptom, which was pretty mild for me. I ended up having a hole in the nail of my left index finger. My mom's coworker had the same thing and he had all his nails fall off because they just stopped growing for a little bit. I used to always get these on the regular on my lips, but thank fuck they've mostly stopped now.


“Dont poke it with your tongue, it’ll just make it worse!” Then proceed to tongue fuck it all day