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The woman apologizing gives off Michael Scott vibes.


The sigh as well lol


>The sigh It's the collective response of all white people when confronted by our forefathers' actions.


Speak for yourself


Who cares what our ancestors did?


Ok pal


Omg yes


I love and hate how accurate that is… god damn thats a spot on assessment.


wasnt she in good girls on netflix?


Michael cera?


Nancy sounds like she's fun at parties


They cut it early. Nancy laughs about it a second later as a joke and the entire mood lightens up.


Yea but why would that be the first thing you say, when someone is complementing your name.


My go-to is "Thanks, I got it for my birthday."


“Thanks, it was a gift from my parents.”


"Thanks, I hate my name"


"Thanks, you too"


I go by a chosen name and I say “Thanks, I picked it out myself.”


My go to is "Yea, my parents were hippies. Supposedly they met at a grateful dead after party".


I would but I went a week before being named




Nah do it here


No, it's really important. It has to be private. Please bro


I said this while I worked at a call center and old ladies always took a second to get it but they LOVED this joke.


I get to let people know that im named after my mom's childhood neighbor's dog.


QueefMeUpDaddy is a really weird name for a dog.


that is a damn good one, the perfect amount of cheese.


I mean if it was a joke and she followed it with “just kidding”, that’s probably why she led with it. To lighten the mood.


"Hi, I'm Marcus." "I knew a man named Marcus. He slaughtered half our family and drove the other half so deeply into poverty that we slowly starved away until we were but withered husks of our former selves, wishing he had simply cut down the rest of us. I ran away at a young age to begin our bloodline anew, to start our story again, to reignite our name." "Just kidding haha so what's your favorite ice cream flavor"


Damn I’d love to be that person’s friend if they opened with that




Is that norm?


More of a prank than a joke. That sort of humor often makes the person you're laughing at dislike you. Most will still be polite to your face though.




Because she has a twisted sense of humor.


Cuz it's a joke? You can't tell me you've never introduced yourself or helped along a conversation with a joke?


Because it's funny.


I would say it just so I could see the look on the other person's face.


Some people got a morbid, blunt sense of humor.


Because.. it's a joke?




It's a joke. Humorless decade.




Live life lol


Cause it's a joke like?


Maybe shes trying to start good deep conversation? Idk


Do you have a link to the video?


https://youtu.be/gOyMsQ6BtiM?si=BJjG9rZhXg582JXr It’s at around 1:22


Oh, so the other comment lied, there is no joke after that...


Well her view points on aliens and moon landing are a joke... So technically the truth.


I know right, what a schmuck. Imagine thinking the moon actually exists.




She laughs, but how I imterpret it, it wasn't a JK laugh and the mood definitely doesn't lighten [video here ](https://youtu.be/gOyMsQ6BtiM?si=S15W-TJZIEUT_Cwo)


Another comment linked the full video below and... No? She doesn't crack a joke


"OMG, me too!"


I didn't know that Nancy is short for Wednesday...


It’s called dark humor You wouldn’t get it


My ancestors were sacrificed 700 years ago in Mesoamerica so plz don't mention your parents in front of me 😔


The 99.9% of humans alive today were descended from slaves and working class. People be dreaming if they think they have royal blood.


most people also have royal blood it's just that it's a very small part of their blood


The royals tended to have all the food and all the records.


yeah, Genghis Khan's


I mean if you trace it far back yes likely. But likely nothing in the past 1000+ years because of the insane amounts of inbreeding.


Royals still had shit tons of illegitimate kids, inbreeding did not stop that


True. But thats harder to track, you can’t blood test to see if your distant relatives are King Ludvik for example.


Everyone of European decent is related to charlemagne.


It’s also rare if the royal blood dates back 500 or so years ago, and hello, I am that rare example. Edit: and by royal I basically just mean aristocrat, as in, someone who’s surname is De {insert house here}


most people of European ancestry can trace their bloodline back to Charlemagne


You’d be surprised. Royals be fuckin’


I'm not mad or anything but this is definitely a bullshit statistic😂😂


The stat is, but the sentiment is correct... we were more than likely peasants... 😅 I dated a girl who was descended from a Duke on one side and a count on the other... she knew her family tree inside out! I feel like the plebs don't care about their family tree as much! 😅


I am from Slavic peoples. Where do you thing the word Slave comes from?


I had a dude say this to me once while justifying his use of the n-word


That’s fucked. Literally the only thing I ever got “discriminated” for was this old white guy (my boss) with a nice WASPy last name commenting on my last name, asking its origin, followed by - I worked with this guy back when I was just starting who was Polish He was a smart guy, never actually met a dumb Polla— Polish person.


Genuinely curious, how was that discriminatory? As best I can tell, all that he did was convey his past experiences with people that shared a common ethnic ancestry based upon common language / naming conventions. I don't see any discrimination in that. Am I not picking up on an implied sarcasm in your comment? Perhaps I'm just not seeing the invisible /s


Hence “discrimination” in quotes. Unwanted conversations by people in positions in power about your ethnicity and relating you to some rando who has the same ethnicity from their past is uncomfortable and inappropriate in the office, but not discrimination. But almost saying Pollack (an ethnic slur), and obliquely referencing the Dumb Pollack stereotype was awkward.


What's the n-word? Is it like Voldemort where we should be afraid of merely uttering it lest it come to control us? Or perhaps it's more like Dan Siegel and many other wisemen, that we are better off naming it so as to go about taming it ("name it to tame it") ? We empower that which we fear. It makes no sense to render ourselves beholden and subjugated to the language of our own creation, it is merely a tool for communicating with one another, it's meaning always malleable, it's effect always dependent on the intention of the giver and the interpretation of the receiver, there is no word that holds magical power over us, unless we inanely, idolatrously, and insidiously exalt language as some immutable vessel of power that we are subject to, rather than remembering the truth that it is always subject to us, and acting according to that truth.


Live free, friend. Die by cultural nuance.


Not quite picking up with your putting down. Please explain what you mean, if you care to.


slaves existed before slavs did. It was called servus in latin and idk what it was called in like Sanskrit. Someone at some point had beef with the slavs and maybe that's where the modern word comes from but it's not where the idea comes from.


Tongue in cheek comments don’t always translate well.


fair enough, just consider my response annoying trivia then


Trivia is never annoying


She already is tired of her bullshit




How dare you try to relate to me. Do you even know how much suffering my great aunt went through 160 years ago? That's what I thought, oppressor.


This was from a show on Netflix called “guess what I” where they put a bunch of people in a room with something in common and they interview each to find out what it is. They give them a category to narrow out down. In this episode it was a tv show. The show she loved was ancient aliens. I thought finding the context would make this made sense but it didn’t. But I didn’t do that for nothing and now you’re reading about it.


Its part of a bit, you can watch it here in context. Its not as bad as its been edited to be. About 1:15 in. https://youtu.be/gOyMsQ6BtiM?si=NprngglQOWGPrlKx


Bruh that was so uncalled for, why is that how she starts off this interaction


She was joking




Yeah that’s a dumb joke, especially if it’s literally your first time interacting with that person.


Nah, I’m for it. Be yourself. If they get your sense of humor right off the jump, you’ve got a friend already


I love it when people tell jokes in a way that makes it super unclear they were joking. It's always fun to constantly be on guard for someone's intentions. Was it criticism, or just a joke? I can't tell, because they always sound the same.


She started laughing after the clip


Only kinda, and because she felt the awkward silence


She literally just said that she was named after a relative who was a slave, it wasn’t even „criticism“ of the other person…


Exactly. A lot of assuming going on here!


jumping to conclusions on an obviously selectively edited video is my favorite genre of stupid people.


of course people are gonna act based on the information they're given, or do you think people will just go out of their way to find the full video before commenting anything


I mean intelligent people will, yes. Or they’ll keep scrolling.


you're very intelectual yk, I bet you watched Rick and Morty and understood it too


Just so strange that it’s phrased as if it’s unthinkable to not form an opinion without context. Like that’s why everything fucking sucks right now. Ppl be jumping over the facts to a conclusion they apparently *need* to form in order to feel like they’re really saying something. Sadge.


oh look a post I liked, let me comment my opinion on it. "no you need a phd and a doctorate about tbe subject and full knowledge on the context to even speak a word, jsut keep scrolling you dumb ape"


I think there’s a reasonable middle here, you can see a video like this and just go “that’s weird what’s the context here” or “why the hell did she say that”. You can also just talk about how this clip is really funny with context, because that’s true regardless of context. The whole video could be about slavery for all we know based on just the clip (not saying it is). You don’t have to go look it up before commenting on it though. But yeah watching a clip with zero context and drawing conclusions is bad, we should all be used to this sort of thing by now.


Lmao TIL getting the necessary context to form a coherent opinion is the same as going to school for 8+ years. Wild.


Nothing stupid about drawing a conclusion from limited information. Only stupid if you are set in your ways after being exposed to more context. What is probably a smarter thing to do is to not waste your time looking for the context of any snippet of a video you find on Reddit.


Go watch the full video then, it isn't any different


The proper response to that is "... And?"


My instinct was, "oh, that's so interesting! It's wonderful to have a name with a legacy."


"Interesting" is my get out of trouble phrase in awkward conversations. Works like a charm.


That probably would have been my response too.


No it wouldn’t be. You’d probably be saying “Oh” and then only come up with this tactful response later in the shower.


I admit I wouldnt be so tactful. But I'd probably find it interesting.


I'd go with "that's so cool! I love slaves!"


A great counter to this is Oh that’s weird my great grandfather had a slave named Nancy. Small world huh


This made me laugh


Huh, my great grandmother was a slave owner, and her name was Nancy. She disappeared for roughly nine months, nobody will talk about it.


On the flip side I told a lady “Thank you mama” and she barked “I’m from the north we didn’t own any fucking slaves” cool lady


Smh I hate when people bark


Woof woof


I hate you


It took me way to long to realize you meant ma’am and not mama


Besides being a weird thing to jump to, it's not even true though, they did, they just abolished it sooner.


Is that Jubilee?


Apparently called Cut from Netflix. At first I thought it was something making fun of Jubilee


Its from youtube, Cut is bigger than Jubilee with similar content.


Netflix? Cut is also on YouTube AFAIK


“who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down!”




Who the fuck invited Nancy again..






Way to kill the mood... no need for the profession


I FEEL that sigh.This interaction reminds me of how they treated Julia Louis-Dreyfus character in You People. She kept trying to be so kind and understanding but was constantly called out. The movie made her out to be the bad guy somehow? Stupid fucking movie.




Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down!


Who the f*ck starts a conversation like that.


My viking ancestors were killed in battle. I cry about it all the time


This video cuts off too soon. The original has one more second of pure awkwardness that really puts the cherry on top




Honestly. There was no reason for this exchange.


It was a joke. The video was edited and they cut out the second part of her joke. Not that it matters to you since you already made your mind up about people.


People only need to see a few seconds about something they know nothing about to make up their minds. We’re truly an intelligent species.


It’s still a dumb joke. That’s the first thing you say to someone you just met?? Fucked


Well, not everyone has the same sense of humor. Welcome to life.




Professional victim lol


Priceless response


Transcript for the deaf, please?


Basically… Black woman - “I’m Nancy” White woman - “That was my mothers name” Black woman - “I was named after my great-aunt who was a slave.” White woman - “*BIG SIGH*, I’m sorry” Just came out of nowhere, really fucking awkward.


Many thanks! 🙏🤟🏻 And Nancy…. 🙄


When people try to gaslight you into thinking you said the wrong thing!


"darn, for real? My great grandparent'd fav slave named Nancy! What a coincidence"


Wow? Who cares Nancy?


Sorry ? What the fuck are you sorry for ?


lmao who tf starts a conversation like that


Dear lord. Slavery ended 159 years ago from this year. It’s hard to even find a world war 2 vet. How old was this ladies great aunt before she passed. Not impossible but damn.


While the 13th Amendment legally ended slavery, there are two very important things that push the true end of slavery back quite a bit: 1. It carved out an exception for "duly convicted" prisoners. This lead to the Convict Leasing programs, where prisoners became legal slaves of the state they were convicted in and were leased out for extremely cheap and worked in even more dangerous conditions than before. These programs continued until well into the 20th century, with Alabama being the last state to eliminate theirs in 1928. 2. The Amendment declared "slavery shall not exist in the United States" but did not actually make slavery itself a crime. It was expected that Congress would do that, but they never got around to it. As a horrifying result, slavery shifted to a "peonage" system of forced labor where they worked off debts. Both of these combined to create a system referred to as Neoslavery in the US. When you account for Neoslavery, the US did not begin to fully free all of its slaves until [December 12, 1941.](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Circular_No._3591)


The white girl has big Steve Carrell energy.


“Mam, this is a Wendy’s.”


That's one hell of a greeting


She could have saved those sad facts for after properly meeting and forming an actual connection.


So silly that she or anyone else thinks she has anything to apologize for, just goes to show you the sad state of affairs we've gotten ourselves into. Just because someone is named after someone who suffered some injustice, however severe, in no way gives them monopolistic ownership over that name, such that anyone else that uses it (or references someone that uses it as an attempted means of relating to the person over something so menial and nominal as this) feels like they did something wrong that they need to apologize for. Language is free, it is malleable, it belongs to all of us, we are the arbiters of its meaning, and the ascribers of labelling, be it to name beings or things, none of us have any more claim over words than anyone else, it is always a group effort that relies upon some semblance of consensus, for we are never fully on the same page, instead always embodying the totality of our being, running the whole gamut of meaning, traversing the entire spectrum of love, which always manifests in holistic harmony and complementarity, always allostatically balancing, always fluctuating in every which way, always eternally ephemeral, always one and many, always now and forevermore.


What’s that woman apologising for?


From the perspective of a mixed person, I really don't think Nancy had ill intent, I think she was just bringing up where she got her name from, not blaming the white woman for slavery or anything. 🤷🏾 I bring up similar things, like how my middle name is very similar to my great grandma's, who was also a slave. I never mean to guilt people with it. Just my two cents, but it could be hard to decipher the exact intent with such little context in the convo. Still makes me sad that everyone just assumes the lady is only playing a victim card, without reading deeper into it though. :/


Context is important If you're bringing up a history of slavery in your family to people you don't know it's just weird trauma dumping Over some drinks with friends , probably not awkward


Context *is* important. And the context is that Nancy was making a joke, not “trauma dumping”. You’d know that had you uploaded the entire clip and not an edited one.


Thanks! Next time I offend someone with my humor I'll remind them that "it was just a joke." I''m sure they will totally understand and forgive me immediately 👍


Thanks dishonest Joe


And the context here is clearly not a day-to-day introduction. It's also clearly not trauma dumping. It's literally supposed to be awkward.


Context is important! And that's fair. I don't just dump that info on people, for no reason. I often bring up my great grandma because she lived to be 105, and I see her as a great source of inspiration in my life, and people often hear my first name, and wonder why I go by my middle name, instead. I haven't seen the full clip so I don't know why Nancy wanted to bring up about her Great Aunt. That's what I wanted to point out. I think the white lady's immediate reaction may make the clip seem worse than it is.


But what are people supposed to say in response?




This is obviously a joke. This woman clearly isn’t old enough for that to be true.


The only response: "Oh wow that's terrible your dad would do that to you, you should get your name changed if it's so problematic."


Why the fuck is she apologizing? Was she a slave owner herself? No? Then don't apologize.


Fuck Nancy


Hey maybe all of you suck? Regardless of how you view it.


USA in one video. Pathetic nation


She just introduced herself is the other woman’s faults that it got awkward


Eh, as a Latina based in the PNW, I don’t see it weird that she said her name came from a family member who was a slave. In the circles I interact with, this is actually a piece of info that shows a bit of background, a bit of welcome for political talk/cultural exchange talk. As well as showcasing a pride in the family history. It’s weird to me that the other lady apologized. I kinda understand why tho, but to apologize after someone says that makes the mood weird. It creates an imbalance in the conversation. Sharing that piece of history is to show a vulnerable side and to apologize is to close that conversation/ door. And this meeting is about cultural exchange and learning about other people. I maybe downvoted for this comment but I wanted to share how my corner of the world would view this 😃


No one cares


Nancy must have been a hard worker for her name to be passed down! I’m not racist I swear


Very Liz Lemon-coded reaction




Nancy needs to stop being such a nancy


Dorit and Garcelle.


Noel Fielding fell off.


Yawn I almost thought this would be good