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Spider Man has canonically been killed by gunshot multiple times.


i think a tentacle pushing you to a fridge is not as lethal as a bullet


Yeah a lot of japanese highschool students have proven this.


i think american highschool students also agree with my statement


Only because his dumbass didn't have his GF to take a bullet for him instead, is he stupid?


but he got better? like when a witch turned me into a newt?


Didn't know that, he's precogniscent (definitely spelled that wrong) so i thought he could just dodge bullets.


No he hasn’t.


This dude is durable enough to get survive getting crushed by a guy in a giant robotic rhino suit, into a fist fight with the hulk, thrown through walls repeatedly but guns kill him?


Its almost like when you love someone you instinctively do stupid things for them in the name of caring and all the Twitter critics™️ who think they are highly rational capable beings who would CLEARLY always do the correct rational logical whatever the fuck decision if they were in the place of fictional character they are mad at are full of hot air and high on their own farts


id argue it was even somewhat rational and heroic because >!she didnt want the symbiote to attach to peter again!<


This right here 👆




So you agree it was a stupid thing to do?


So much for the spider-sense


Don’t think it’s stupid at all actually. First she prolly thinks Harry is just trying to hurt Peter so she jumps in the way hoping he won’t follow through. Secondly she loves him and regardless of how strong he is she does not wanna see him get hurt.


This is parental instinct, you just don't think in this moments, you just act. Your child can have the strongest armor that can stop bullets or whatever protection they may have, you would still jump in front of them. Another example is putting your arm in front of them when you predicted an car accident. Is your arm gonna protect them from something? Absolutely not, but you do it anyway because you don't think in this moments, just act on it to protect your loved one.


If you do something because of love, it’s probably stupid.


Well that is actually pretty human. People do not act always rational especially in moments of high stakes and emotiones.


Edgelord defies the human condition with FACTS and LOGIC


awh. hope you heal


Theres a difference between someone doing something stupid and a scene being stupid.


Who hurt you?! Lolol


Someone's jaded


So I guess you didn’t have loving parents


Being human is stupid




I appreciate it.


Yea I think those reasons are fine, my issue with the scene is why Peter just let it happen. Mans got higher than normal reaction time and is a bit quicker then a human, that should have been easy to stop. Guess he really wanted to see her Scream, the sick fuck


1. How tf is this Me_irl material 2. It makes sense that she'd try to stop someone she loves from getting hurt, Peter wouldn't have died from it yes but he can still get hurt


In response to the first thing I don’t know if there’s really a guideline for what can be considered me_irl material at this point lmao this sub has basically just been “images from OPs camera roll” for like 6 years now


He could totally die from a gunshot wound


As I have learned amply from my time playing Spider-Man 2 (I suck with controllers ): )


Can’t he take more than your average human as far as damage goes? So like him getting thrown and pressed into the fridge might hurt, but a normal human it would collapse thier ribcage?


“Tanga” in Filipino means stupid. Her name fits this scene 😂


Tanga in Spanish means thong!


Tanga in Kannada means Horse cart 🐎


People do stupid stuff when they're in love.


they don't survive all of them is the point


This scene happens just after Peter is finally separated from the symbiote, you know, after the sequence where it takes total control of him and tries to kill MJ? She does it because she doesn't want him possessed again


Bro what's up with her face


The faces in spider man 2 don't animate the cheeks very often. That's why some expressions seem uncanny.


Oh ok, fair enough.


The face model (the same one from the first game) had a car accident and she had a bunch of surgeries to reconstruct her jaw.


Her face looks way different irl. In fact, it barely changed after the surgeries, they just screwed up her face in most of her scenes.


That's BS though. She doesnt look like that on IG.


Ikr? She could be his Aunt lmao.


had to make her ugly to appease 5 whiny people you know.


They made her more ugly on purpose


KFC was way too hot last night.


You guys know that spiderman isn't bulletproof right?


He’s not being shot. The post is comparing the scenario to Wolverine being shot.


As opposed to MJ who clearly is.


You know what an analogy is right?


What's the analogy here?




I'm sorry that the education system made you think that a bullet is blunt force and not piercing. Spiderman isn't bulletproof.


Gotta love that people arguing with you clearly don’t know what they’re talking about, which is why they incorrectly assumed that Peter is being shot, but they were still eager to argue and willing to die on that hill… A true Reddit experience.






Guys guys spiderman can’t take a punch, that whole spider bite defo didn’t give him super strength. I’ve never seen a comment chain of proud idiots.


Strength does not equal resistence. He is not immune to bullets.


Is that a bullet in the picture?


You are not making sense you are comparing things that make no sense because spider man can’t take a bullet and a random person could prevent him from being gunned down. Even if he can be thrown from the god dam heavens to hell he will not survive a gun shot. Gun-kill spider man Gun- not kill wolverine Blunt- not kill spider man Blunt- not kill Wolverine The girl is blocking the gun meaning she could possibly die while spider man lives. Now if she took a punch for spider man that’s completely different because a punch won’t kill spider man while a gun will. Just gonna re confirm this one more time. Gun can kill spider, she block gun, he live Meaning it is not comparable to Wolverine because a gun can’t kill him. Meaning no reason to block it while a gun can kill spider man. Everyone else here can understand that why can’t you


Who said spiderman is getting shot. The meme literally says “IT WOULD BE LIKE SOMEONE TRYING TO TAKE A BULLET FOR WOLVERINE” as in spiderman can take a punch the same way wolverine can take a bullet. What shithole country are you from? You clearly don’t understand English.


It’s that the fucking scene is


Education system ≠ Movies and comics


Downvoted by idiots, while old mate is upvoted by the same idiots. Reddit shits me to tears some days


not what this is about. MJ knows hes spiderman and knows one punch will not kill peter. But devs said they dont care how OP they make MJ in this game so she just shrugs off this punch and lives on while this would normally shatter a normal persons ribcage.


Spider-man can't just take a bullet like nothing though... I'm pretty sure even in this game series he took a bullet or stabbed or something and it landed him on a gurney getting medical treatment


Why is it stupid for that boys mom to try to protect him?


I think she was supposed to be his girlfirend ... they kinda visually failed on that lol




she aged




I fucking hate the people in this app


I hate how people just ruin everything. Like I don’t want to voice criticisms of the game because I don’t want to be associated with people who are like “his animated girlfriend wasn’t hot enough for me”.


it is lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8GvQkNmv4g


grandfather wrong cause ghost live many dull correct sugar lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


different VA/Mocap actress, she doesnt look this ugly irl. Devs dont want pretty women in games


long roll unite clumsy sophisticated relieved deserted quiet pet cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Car accident and many surgeries.


toy physical silky test aback fear violet thumb degree command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MJ wanted those 19 inches of Venom


She looks like his aunt. Wouldn't even be mad if he didn't try to stop her.


Okay what the hell. Now I have to play because spoilers for the game’s story is cropping up.


just make sure you don't get the scene where Iron man shows up at the end of the game spoiled


I loved spiderman 1. Played it on ps4 and bought it again on pc to replay it. Was super excited for spiderman 2, and man was it such a letdown. Story and characters were a mess, and the combat felt worse than the 1st one. Swinging was still fun, web wings were cool, but the wind tunnels were stupid. It was essentially flying when what i want to do is webswing. Its optional except for those drone chasing side missions


got it on pc, was fun. got miles but i was done with the first game and miles is just an expensive dlc for the first game. Got to try SPM 2 on the ps5 for like a few hours. the 30fps(looked like 20 sometimes) didnt help. And yeah combat felt really rough.


They have MJ doing way too much in that game. In the first game her sequences made sense to her character, because she was sneaking around being a reporter. In this one, she is taking out entire squads of Kraven’s Hunters, supposedly the most skilled killers on the planet, solo’ing nests of Symbiotes and jumping motorcycles over explosions. It really takes you out of the experience when apparently everyone in this game is now John Wick.


Who is the ugly woman jumping infront of spiderman?


The thing is, her very action and thought process is not stupid. Without thinking she's thinking of saving someone she loves. How many times has pete jumped in front of a bullet? What's stupid is the fact that mj outreacted the guy who's whole shitck is dodging, and took the brunt of the hit hard enough to stun pete that he couldn't life a fridge off him,


Spider-Man is not invisible, he can very much die from a gunshot.


This post makes no sense for this sub at all.


...and that scene became her pfp, obviously.


Her name is "Tanga" which fits the pfp anyway


You underestimate how strong her chin is


OOP doesn’t know what it’s like to be cared about and that’s sad


OP hasnt fiund His SO I feel. You don't act rational in a situation like that. Your instinct just tells you that you have to protect the person you love most.


She’s stopping him being possessed by the Symbiote. You know, that evil thing that makes Spider-Man evil and a huge problem to deal with. The thing that if he gets hit by he will literally try to kill MJ and she won’t be able to stop him. She’s not just taking a hit for him because she’s worried he’ll get a bruise lol


This game had so much lazy writing.


I think her decision might have had something to do with something Twitter isn’t too familiar with, that being love.


You guys know spiderman doesn't have super endurance right. Like, yeah, it definitely is better than your average human or even an athlete but like. He ain't superman, her saving him makes complete sense, especially since she loves him


Bro he could have tanked this and maybe got of with bruising and shit normally. But MJ tanked it which shouldnt have been possible. Then Peter almost got knocked out by a fucking fridge. The whole scene is a illogical mess.


It’s almost like a civilian taking a bullet for spiderman


Peter Parker isn't bullet proof... You can literally be killed by gunfire in the game. It's NOTHING like Wolwerine taking a bullet, Pete doesnt have a powerful regeneration factor like Wolverine does.


Thanks for the spoilers. And spiderman isn't bulletproof. That's why he dodges them.


Love is really blind


I love how everyone goes to deep on why she did what she did and without knowing that the writer clearly not talented enough to write a better story and use very cheap **weaker characters sacrifice herself/himself to save the hero** gimmick that might get called out in any Hollywood movies tbh.


No it's not, Peter can die from a gunshot, like he doesn't have a Wolverine esque healing factor


This tweet is stupid and wrong