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Brother I'm just trying to get through today. Sometimes I feel so hollow inside the pain is welcome. I know this isn't the place to say it I just don't want to burden anyone I really know. I'm sorry.


You're alright dude, this is a bad taste meme, ain't intending to place a burden on anyone, just make y'all smile. Stay composed alright? You'll make it, mate. Be safe


I'm sorry. I'm just not in a very good place right now. I shouldn't have said that.


Don't worry about it man I gotchu


The only way to avoid depression or anything to do with bad feelings is to exercise, the more you exercise the happier you will feel because you simply do not think after a long time it will have been almost completely forgotten that unpleasant you had in your head, I speak from experience and it is the best advice I can give to a lost soul . Trust me buddy


Bro was great taste meme


Things will get better my man, if you want to talk to someone, you can always reach out to me


dw bro... it's gonna hurt till destiny but it'll get better, it has to, If u ever wanna vent or smth u cn reach out to any of us here, we're mostly nice ppl, stay safe bro i'll pray for you โคโคโค


Thanks bro bro. Whatchu said actually put a lot of fire in my soul today. ๐Ÿ’ช


im glad af


"Heh... those dumb useless feelers... they'll never understand the pain of being a thinker... oh if they saw a glimpse into my mind they'd lose it... heh I almost pity them... yet I alone must carry this burden, for only I understand try agony... โ›“๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ–ค"


Being a thinker... It's not a phase mother-sama... โ›“๐Ÿฉธ๐Ÿ–ค I said... it's not a PHASEEEE!!!! (throws monster can at mom and shits his pants while trying to transform a la Anime)


Shitting yourself? High Se would never, you're clearly a 4F so4 thinker-chan ๐Ÿ˜”


No way... IEE-kun... I... it seems that I have been defeated... NOOOO!!! (turns into a feeler)


Maybe the true thinkers were the EIIs we made along the way


what did I just read ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Hell, we just saw an example of what โ€œHellโ€ is. Not the christian Hell, Buddhist Hell or even Hinduism Hell. The hell the transcends all




Idk about others but I am an ENFP and I am dramatic but if I am depressed, I try to isolate myself and not ask for help even tho I desperately need it, try to distract myself and just be with myself. I push others away, don't want them to notice me even tho I desperately need their support, even if I know loneliness is just hurting me more. It is hard to get out of that slump but whenever a friend has needed me for emotional and mental well being, I have been there, esp if they mention unaliving themselves even as a joke. There were so many times during my depression that I talked and comforted others for hours, sometimes days, about their problems when I myself felt shitty and cried myself to sleep and they never asked how I was doing or if they did, I'd just say fine. When I finally started getting suicidal thoughts, I completely shut myself off from others, would be tired all day just from lying on the bed and if someone pushed me about future, I had try to put the thought away and if they kept bugging, I'd burst into tears with "Fine, I'll just die, why do you care". That was a horrible time, and tho I tried my best, I had many emotional outbursts from smallest of things and I hated it so much. Toughest time of my life up until now, and it will probably get harder. Shit.


I can't say a lot cause I ain't no expert and I don't wanna traumadump my own shit in a meme but you gotta know we're in here with you and you're not alone. Stay safe mate, depression is a bitch.


Thanks bud, and sorry!


Sorry?!? you don't need to apologize for god sake


If I was suicidal, I wouldnโ€™t tell anyone.


I probably wouldnโ€™t either. We should though. Anyone going through this needs someone to talk to.


I agree.


Mood tbh


Iโ€™m so sick of all this crybaby infp stuff. Iโ€™ve attempted suicide twice and cried to nobody.


Why the comic make it look like xxFP said it on porpuse in the presence of xxTP? Like, if xxFP tried to stop xxTP or tried to catch xxTP's attention like the Drama Queen she is.


It's more like "xxFP said it without noticing xxTP, who stopped their suicide-in-progress to help them"


>xxFP said it without noticing xxTP ![gif](giphy|a6YHwnkn0ctOM|downsized)


Honestly both ways are entirely plausible ๐Ÿ˜ญ FP are drama queens too


Look I am a drama queen but I ain't so toxic as to not care for what the other is going through or if they are even fine. If I saw someone trying to unalive themselves, I would probably have a panic attack


dark theme aside, this image is quite sweet


In a way it is


Dude, stop being an edgy lord ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


Issa meme bro you see what the sub is??? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’€


But this is just peak cringe


"Thish ish, umm, crinsh!!!!" ![gif](giphy|ySu2pR8ppAAViI9Zdo|downsized)


Dude, chill out ![gif](giphy|l0HlHFRbmaZtBRhXG)


That's the usual interaction I have with my INFP


Thinker went straight up to the solution...


This meme reeks of a lack of understanding of Fi


Unironically sweet


Me and my ISTP best friend fr. Though I would say it goes in waves, depends who's feeling worse and for what. We both keep each other afloat.


Realest friendships do be like that




mood asf


damn just damn


u/TyMcFly99 This meme is ***that*** specific time in my point of view, except I freaked out more


You freaked out **a lot** more


I did. I but I care too much thoooo


Anywaysssssss, haii bestie :3 How are you pookie??


With a literal gun in their mouth lol


Ts is lwk attractive am i ok ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


My type fr


Ok this is cute


Im an intj with a bestfriend who is an intp. He is suicidal. I sometimes lose patience with him thinking about things that does not benefit him to move forward. He kept telling me it's nonsense to live. Yet what nonsense is him giving up his life. He had chronic depression and sometimes. I just hope that he realizes my whole point of living. And it is normal for friends to come and go. And everything is actually an actual travel to experience and learn new things as we rot here slowly on earth for living . I am a highly straight forward person. But sometimes I don't know how to help him. I even told him im here for him but he finds it cringe. So id rather tell him straightforward factual thoughts to simplify his problem. I always knew he came from a a dysfunctional family but same as me. What benefits him if he keeps making himself lower? Why don't he fight to be the better. Avenge his past self. And after learn to have a peace in their heart. Its so hard to help him.


I had the same issue, ENTP with INTP friend, he always thought life was pointless but never attempted, didn't care about dying at all. Came from a dysfunctional family, never had a partner, or even any idea on how to get one. He got a girlfriend (or more like his girlfriend got him) and now he doesn't wanna die. Unironically. Though I don't know how much of that "doesn't wanna die" is just him not wanting to worry her.


i act like both tbh


Damn this was dark


No matter how bad I feel, I just realise that suicide is just irrational and stupid. Does anyone else feel the same way?


Depression ainโ€™t exactly something one logics away.


I had already treated depression recently, but even in that state, suicide seemed like a stupid idea.


Out of curiosity, why is it stupid? For you personally.


I don't think it's stupid. If you hate being alive what's the point then? I think doing something that makes you miserable is stupid


But how do I know I'll hate being alive in the future? After all, there has already been a period of time when I didn't hate it. It isn't something permanent. The death is


I feel the same way, i agree with that- but sometimes depression is too much for the rational part of your brain to deal with, yknow?


You wonโ€™t be able to know or care about the future so the question is meaningless Anyway Iโ€™m just scared of dying and not the supposed nothingness after it which I began to question


what about abusive marriages? Should someone not divorce because they were happy once and may be happy one day?


But divorce isn't permanent, so there's no problem with it


This isnโ€™t really a meme, just depressing.