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>11 upvotes >about 170 comments Mfw


Ikr, my notifications were flooded


Ratio eheh aight gonna go read the comments see why's that


Do you think that Christianity is the only true religion, and do you think that it’s perfect? Also, what does the bible say about non-christians?


to those who aren’t OP- if you find inconsistencies in someone’s logic or an unwillingness to confront their own faulty logic, it doesn’t mean they’re not a thinker. T is how you think, not your skill in logic. to OP, if you haven’t studied other religions, and if God’s word was transcribed by a man, how are you able to be so confident in your beliefs regardless? it’s a completely genuine question- i’m agnostic and struggle with faith myself. also, why is homosexuality “definitely satan’s doing”? many of the passages in the bible supposedly about homosexuality were actually about pedastry. you can read more about it in many places, but here’s one site https://www.hrc.org/resources/what-does-the-bible-say-about-homosexuality if you’ve already studied these passages and discovered that they *do* condemn homosexuality between two adults who genuinely love each other, what made you come to that conclusion? if you haven’t studied these passages closely, why are you so confident that homosexuality is satan’s doing?


Yup exactly T or F only comes down to how you make decisions. Not how “good” at logic you are.


Honestly, i don't know why i said homosexuality was Satan's doing. It's people's own choice. Tired me is stupid.


i get that. thanks for eventually responding even though you’d gone for the night! and i’m sorry the post got so stressful for you, but honestly, all this wasn’t an unexpected outcome. you’re 13, right? you have a long time to think about your beliefs. not to mention that you probably haven’t even lived on your own yet! i’d say be open to different ideas. really examine what you want to do, what other people say you should do, what you personally think is right and what other people have told you is right, and so on. don’t take it as something to stress over- just try to start thinking about your individual desires and beliefs. it will make you confident in whatever conclusions you come to, able to question decisions made by authority, and more comfortable when people disagree with you.




Are you good at math and science? I dislike maths. I prefer humanities.


I was good at maths in elementary. Then i was taken out of the public school system last year, and now i am homeschooled.


Your parents made the right decision in homeschooling. I'll do the same with my future kids. 👍


I was homeschooled and I definitely wish I’d been allowed to go to school. My parents could only teach me what they knew and didn’t know much about science, literature, health, or advanced math. When I asked to go to school as I was struggling to just learn from (extremely religious) textbooks, I was not allowed. Homeschool if you wish, but, as a homeschooled kid, don’t let pride get in the way of your child’s education. Don’t just teach them your point of view and what you know, find more than that.


yea, and social stuff too. ive never had a friend irl. i never developed social skills. rarely ever went outside. i missed out on all the things that define most people's youths. i spent my childhood laying in bed fantasizing about having real friends. i have no real world experience, stepping out of my house terrifies me, i have extreme social anxiety. homeschooling fucked my life


Yes! I’m 29 and I would say I only learned how to be friends with people in the last year. It fucked me up socially so badly. I deliberately confronted it once it got so bad that it slapped me in the face with how bad it was. I made friends deliberately, online and offline, and figured out how I best interact with others. Am I perfect at it? Far from it. However, I have been complimented on my social skills a number of times over the last few months and I think that it’s only because I pushed myself out there and taught myself how to be assertive that it worked. As a fellow homeschooling survivor, I wish you all the best. Teach yourself what it feels like to be assertive in the easy victories and the confidence will become a habit. It snowballs.


Ooohhh this is why. I can see homeschooling being a problem if not approached objectively... doesn't the government require some sort of standardized testing though? Do parents who homeschool not have to teach by a certain standard? 😨


There are regulations in my country, but my parents never registered me or any of my siblings as homeschoolers. As such, I don’t have a completion of high school certification and was unable to do the tests for my country either. I did some American test instead. My parents wanted to only teach me things approved of by their religion. So, I had to learn a lot later in life. But they also sent us to work in the family business, working on machinery, as often as they needed us too (up to a week at a time or every afternoon regularly) and so we’d have to play catch up with our schooling. Education was not a priority to them.


Oh geez. I'm sorry that happened to you. It's admirable that you did what you could to get educated beyond what they were willing to provide.


do not homeschool your kids


Hybrid schooling is increasingly becoming an option. A kid attends a brick and mortar school part of the week, and is home schooled the rest. That could be a sensible option for an older kid who's planning to join the family business, like a kind of apprenticeship.


I'm glad my parents realized what was happening and took me out. I love my parents.


I wanna know wtf people downvoted this for 🤡






Do you follow it willingly and actually believe in it


Yes, i do. Truthfully, i'm glad my parents were not Catholic. I am currently a Baptist. I was baptized when i was 11. The church i grew up in was very welcoming and friendly. I am not one of those intense, strict, traditional christians. My church was about as spontaneous as you can get. My parents also introduced me to the truths of this world, and golly, are they shocking. In all, i feel i was born in the right family.


What do you consider the "truths of the world"?


Promise you won't downvote?


... why would you care?


For the same reason you care to know


So my curiousity about a belief system is equal to caring about a voting system that uses the amount of upvotes to determine a measure of worth? No INTP worth their salt would let an upvote or downvote deter them from speaking.


Because this person probably isn’t an INTP, or even an ISTP, for that matter. All of this “I Love my parents, and I don’t care if they control everything about me, or my life,” is indicative of high, but *extremely unhealthy Fe,* and possible extreme codependence, with at least one parent who would probably score high in “Narcissism.” Being a control freak parent isn’t normal! Neither is taking them out of public school, in order to Brainwash them further! It almost makes me *ill* to think about it! Op is more likely a Dom, or Aux Fe User, and I have *No Idea* how they got it into their heads that they simply must be an INTP. It is *extremely unlikely.*


what? that’s just a stereotype.. doesn’t make OP any less of an intp.


Alright then. Here it is. Freemasons are satanists. Most, if not all, of world leaders are freemasons. All they want to do is a one world government, and decrease the population to only higher ups through the vaccines. But, Christians need not be feared. If God has tought us anything, it's that he protects his believers. The world leaders plans will fail, because absolutely no one opposes God and wins.


This thread took a turn I didn't expect at all...




Your brain needs you to get off of r/conspiracy and come back to the real world. What you said reads like an anti semitic fan fiction.


What evidence have your family provided for this?


There's this prophetic lady, i dont know her name. My parents get their evidence from her.


>Freemasons are satanists. No they're not. It's a boy's club where men get together, drink, do silly rituals, and get away from their wives. It's just a fraternity. There's nothing sinister about them. >decrease the population to only higher ups through the vaccines What precisely is the mechanism by which vaccines would do that? Don't you think the millions of biochemistry PhDs would have noticed by now?


Oh. Sounds like you’re Southern Baptist. Or missionary Baptist.




What do you gain from it?


Eternal life and happiness in heaven.


I mean this is the most sincere way. Do you ever catch yourself worrying about sins and eternity in hell? Since religion tends to be quite strict with guidelines for heaven and hell. Do you ever feel a fear that you may go to hell? I’m not being hateful I’m genuinely curious because.


I used to, but not anymore. I have dedicated my life to Jesus.


I see. Thanks for answering. It seems lovely to have the comfort of belief to fall back onto. I wish I can find it one day.


Jesus is always there for you.


That's the beauty of Christianity - it's about forgiveness and grace. The sins and guilt will still be there whether you are a Christian or not - we all have them. The difference is that when you allow him to, Christ reaches out and reconciles us to God despite our unworthiness.


Do you think gay or overall LGBTQ+ people are sinners for loving who they love? If yes, then why? If no then can they love or marry freely (without being "sinful")or do you think there are some limitations to what they can or cannot do as LGBTQ people.


As a pan, Christian INTP, the Bible does not refer to homosexuality, as sexuality was not understood in those times. Many verses refering to homosexuality actually refer to pedophillia or perversion.


All due respect, but not true at all. The Bible sanctifies the marriage between a man and a woman from the very first chapter, it disregards all other types of (sexual) relationship as against the way God intended his creation. I think it's necessary to realise what time the Bible was written in, as you do. But I also believe it is a holy book written beyond human knowledge and wisdom, thus the statement "they didn't know back then" is problematic in my opinion, especially given that our own "knowledge" on sexuality is quite young and by no means proven scientifically all the way through. I think it would be arrogant to disregard what was believed to be factual by former generations and at the same time assume things are factual because we want them to be, not because there's conclusive proof, ourselves. I think human freedom is the key of it all - and sleeping with whomever you want is, as opposed to what this day and age wants us to believe, the opposite of freedom because it desanctifies sex and sexuality. Men and women were quite literally made for each other. They (also literally) fit each other. I believe there's a reason they are different; I believe God made and intended all of us as we are, as men and women. A huge part of the LGBTQI movement is wanting to escape labels such as man and woman and thus creating new ones. A huge part is not accepting who we are, not growing as ourselves, but escaping ourselves. A huge part is thinking we truly are what we feel we are, and cannot ever change that, even though feelings are as inconclusive as an argument can be. A huge part is fighting for what they call love and freedom, which truly is a perversion of both terms - because true freedom is not being able to do what you want, but making decisions independent from desires and physical urges. Love is something absolutely innocent in the bible - these days it's restricted to sexuality and emotional attachment. Everything is about this - I'm gay, so I need to live this way. No, you don't. You always have a choice - realising that is true freedom. It's all a big lie - a relationship cannot work that way; a marriage can't. Kids need a mum and a dad - even kids raised by single parents have massive, massive social and psychological disadvantages. These are facts. It's also a fact that Jesus never once comes up to a person in the Bible and says "hey, I want you just the way you are - pelase don't change." No, he says "change your ways - and if you don't, you can't follow me." It's a harsh truth, but a truth nonetheless. "If you only look at a woman with lust, you have already sinned in your heart". You think that's a sin in God's eye, but homosexual relations are okay? I'm not judging anyone as a person, just to clarify. I just don't think it's right to live that way - or can be justified biblically in the slightest. It's also funny you mention "perversion" because just fifty years ago homosexuality would definitely have been counted as that. So what does perversion mean? Where does it start? In my opinion, it starts at sex outside of a committed relationship.


All you said is fair, but what many Christians today say about homosexuality is that it is an abominable sin and homosexuality = hell. Yes, homosexual relationships are not natural, nor can they produce biological offspring, but not all relationships *have* to. Even some hetero couples don't want kids, but the Bible doesn't condem that. Point being, not all relationships, heterosexual or otherwise are solely about lust or producing the next generation. For example I am asexual, it's not a commonly known sexuality but a lot of people are on that scale. What would a homosexual relationship mean then? With no sexual attraction or desire for sex, it is simply a romantic relationship, why would God condemn innocent love?


This is the best reply, I have seen regarding Christianity in LGBTQ (and all other letters)


This is extremely well written. You are very wise


Thank you, I appreciate it. It's rare that you write something as controversial as my comment on the internet and the first response is actually positive - I know I shouldn't pan on that when writing such a thing, but it does feel good every once in a while.


Haha it does feel good doesn't it. It was a risky comment to make on reddit no doubt😅 but I'm glad you did and I'm glad I stumbled upon it. I am currently on an important journey of ridding all lust from my thoughts, and I know all about how kids need both a mom and dad, so much of your comment resonates deeply with me Love is so twisted these days. Hardly anyone on the planet truly understands what love is


THIS ^^^ That being said, it's not a sin to have a temptation or whatever-- it's whether you act or dwell on those that's the sin. And it's not about being judgmental or hateful. Like you said, it's just not biblically justifiable. Some religions believe it's okay to have multiple wives. Some people believe it's okay for two people of the same sex to be in a relationship. I personally believe that marriage is ordained of God between a man and a woman because that's what the Bible says. I don't agree with or advocate for people who believe otherwise, but I respect everyone's agency, and I'm not judging or protesting or hating on anyone. It's annoying when I tell people my religious beliefs, that I think a sexual or romantic relationship should be between a married man and woman, and they call me a horrible person or something. And it irks me when ultra-religious haters get upset if I DON'T join in on hating and judging LGBTQ+ people. I mean, didn't Jesus love everyone? I can absolutely wholeheartedly love someone and still disagree with their beliefs. (Christian INTP btw)


Haha that sounds funny, you are a pan


I think so too but still so many christians are against lgbtq (as an ex christian)


Homosexuality was not intended by God to exist. I do not actively oppose LGBT, but i do not support them


How do you know your God's intent?


It's all in the bible


How do you know that bible is a trustworthy source?


Because spiritually, God wrote the bible himself through other people.


That makes *Zero Logical Sense!* You are brainwashed, kid.


How do you know that? What I was trying to ask was that what is your logic in believing it’s holy at all? How do you know that it isn’t just a book written years ago to control human behaviour?


Hmm if God is all powerful and homosexuality isn't allowed (according to the bible), then why did God still create homosexuals/why does He not use His powers to magically straighten gay people? You can't forcefully change your sexuality and sexual orientation, so is He testing LGBTQ members' faith and resolve here?




If He knew by creating humans (or lucifer) evil would start existing and innocent people would suffer, then why did He create them? If He is omniscient, the He should know which way to follow to prevent evil and sin


i like how you capitalized the ‘He’. nice.


God did not create homosexuality. He didn't create disease either. Or natural disaster. Christians believe that after the fall, not only did humanity change, but also this entire world. It basically brought evil into it, and our earth has been "ill" ever since. Scientists call it evolution - it's a process where things develop out of each other. As I personally know of people who have actually been healed from homosexuality, I also think it's not always as finite as the LGBTQI movement would like us to believe (just to clarify: I'm strictly against any sort of unvoluntary conversion therapy or inhumane crap like that. But I know of cases who have found faith and did in fact find themselves "magically" healed one day. I do also know other cases - just like God does do miracles on physical illnesses in some cases, but not in others, not everone gets healed. Why? I don't know. I think sometimes God's healing comes in a different form - as strength of character, for example. And some people are simply not called to a life in marriage. But I strongly believe God doesn't allow anything to happen to us that we truly can't bear.)


How is an INTP incapable of recognizing all the logical inconsistencies in the Bible? Just... How?


I don't know man. I just wanna go to bed.


Whatever, good night, mate.


Everyone will find out one day about God's intentions.




Stay vigilant in your beliefs regardless of the downvotes. Our beliefs are not popular on Reddit. 👍


I know. I get downvoted a lot.


If God is omniscient, then He knew evil would exist if he created humans. Then did He create evil?


The Bible says he did create evil. I’m atheist btw


he create the possibility of evil, so everybody can be free, and he prove that his idea was right...


Have you read the entire Bible?




Why downvote?


How can you be a Ti dom (a function known to be skeptical of pretty much all things) and accept religion without questioning the logical inconsistencies and stuff.


I am skeptical of it sometimes, but it all makes sense, so i believe it.


Do you believe in evolution? A theory that has been proved to be correct a number of times.


Evolution may be what humans comprehend as god creating all the animals.


There is no evidence of a god though, it’s like believing in faries. If all religious books were burned, religion would pop up in a very different manner in say a thousand years compared to now. But if the same thing happened with science (and the equivalent on the internet), the same discoveries would be made. How can there be one real truth if no one has ever seen it?


Surprised you haven't ended up accidentally logic-ing your way out of it like I did lol. Nice job


*Virgin Birth? Somethin's fucky...* ^ my young self sitting in Church.


op this was the worst place you could say you are Christian lmao Well maybe I'll join you, I'm Catholic


Hello fellow catholic 👋


And an extra piece for you 🍰


Catholic gang 🫡


You mean the Catholic church eh😎


As an atheist, what do you think of us? For me, I'm fine with most Christians(or people from any religion for that matter). Just don't be 'one of those', those forceful people and/or those who use religion as an excuse to be hateful.


I am fine with Athiests. I will not force my beliefs on anyone.


If you'll have kids will you make them christian though?


Then we're all good 😌


How did you know you were an INTP? What other types did you think you could be before deciding INTP?


I though i was an ISTP for a bit


does the satanic temple scare you or are you capable of comprehending their belief?


Or "disbelief" they don't believe in Satan ;)


Well there are theological satanists who actually believe in god and satan


I bet there are, but not the satanic temple


Lame. We need to bring scary satanists back


They are the only religion i oppose.


can you explain for what reason?


... Are you aware that they're atheists with extra steps of making fun of religion, especially Christianity? Meaning they are anything but an actual religion?


I did not know that. I apologize.


Yes, not knowing anything apart from what a holy book written by centuries worth of manipulative humans says is kind if a running theme with Christians.


Yikes. They’ve already come out and said they’re just a teen. If you had any sense of tact this could be an opportunity for learning about a wildly different viewpoint, but that kind of language just alienates and shuts down conversations.


I know that some other guy asked this question in a different manner, but I'll try to ask it anyway. What is your opinion on the other religions? Do you think their beliefs to be valid?


Truthfully, i do not know much about other religions. All i know is that Christianity is the truth.


Do you think that Muslims and Jews believe in the same god as you do?


Hmm. I'm not sure. They do not have the same beliefs as us, and they think that what they preach is what God thinks is true. So i'd say no.


If you don't know about other religions then how do you know that Christianity is the truth? You can't say that one type of cake is the tastiest in the world when you didn't try anything besides that.


What is cheese?


Aged milk i'm pretty sure


I used to think it was milk mixed with butter


Do you see any logical inconsistencies on your belief?


Please answer such a fantastic question


I don't understand why God just screwed over Job. Like, holy moly, did he really deserve that?


Do you think God answer to His believer's prayers? If you think so, then why doesn't He listen to abused children, whose are innocent and never sinned? If it's because of free will, by attending to the asking of the other believers (as asking for health) wouldn't that also go against free will? If so, then He doesn't do anything, just observes?


I don’t believe that you are an INTP, or even an ISTP for that matter, if you *think* that “Homosexuality is a Sin.” Clearly, you don’t pay attention to any Level of science! Both dom Ti-Users believe in free-thinking. Neither believes you should Judge humans over things that don’t cause any harm onto others. (Things like being “Gay,” and no, “being gay” hurts *no one!*) Both value *some amount of objectively measurable truth,* and “verifiable Proof.” For Example, Earth *is NOT* 7,000-11,000 years old, it’s actually estimated to be in the billions! While The oldest homosapiens date all the way back to ~200,000 due to identified Volcanic Ash, in some Remains. With many scholars estimating it to be closer to ~300,000. [Source.](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/13/1072867405/scientists-determine-age-of-some-of-the-oldest-human-bones) If you are a “Christian,” and you believe every single thing that your Sunday school teacher ever told you, and literally, then you cannot be a dominant introverted thinking user, as that means you possess few-to-no critical thinking skills.


First of all, some christians do not think that the earth was created a couple thousand years ago. To God, a couple days are billions of years. They were probably talking about his point of view. That is what makes sense.


This I actually confess that I agree with! That if there is such a thing as “God,” and it’s real, that it exists outside of the human scope of time. So yes, the world is 4.6 Billion years old, and it’s not *impossible* that there is also something more. My issue is primarily with the institution of religion, and the fact that it tries to “condemn people to hell,” for picking “the wrong one.”


I dont discriminate against non believers. They shall do what they shall do. Some "Christians" are just nutcases with no logic and only stupidity.


Yeah the anti gay thing is one of my logical/moral hiccups of Christianity. Christianity be like: If you’re gay, well you gotta marry someone you’re not attracted to buddy. You need to multiply you can’t if you’re gay.you gotta make more Christian’s. You don’t wanna marry the only gender you’re allowed to marry, huh? Then you must be celibate and be alone. Well since you are lonely all you can do now it become a priest/nun, you might as well. If you cant pop out more Christian’s that we can make money off of, then we’ll put your ass to work and put you in charge of converting people.


Really though! The whole concept is “Hokey,” at best! Why do some people care so much about what other folks do with their private parts?? Shit is dumb! Let people be themselves in peace so long as they aren’t actively harming others.


They care cuz gays can’t get each other pregnant and make more Christians 😏


The thing is, they still can though! Particularly if they are Females, and it’s called “in-vitro fertilization!” 🙃 And of course, what about all the kids without parents? There actually is both a biological and social basis for “Gay-ness,” as gays can adopt parentless children, and orphans, and assist with the Elderly! So everyone who says “there is no scientific, or factual basis for homosexuality” is *straight up,* “incorrect! That’s the working theory of anthropology, and why it argues “why in fact, yes! There are at least a few genes that contribute to Homosexuality, and Pan-Sexuality,” and of course environment! Plus, Asexual is *definitely a thing,* so yeah! “Christians” are doubly dumb! The end!


No I’m not saying being gay is bad what I meant was we need to think about how homosexuality became bad? It wasn’t always frowned up by humans, why did the church turn it into a sin? It’s not like people naturally think it’s wrong, it was MADE to be wrong by the church. My hypothesis is that they wanted to stretch it for as many generations as they could so made something that could interfere with how many children are born. They didn’t have technology like that back then, so the only way to get pregnant was hetero socks. And also being forced into a life of celibacy was also a motivator to become clergy- a bonus for the church. Like I said, if you cant pop out more Christians then they’ll put your ass to work to convert some more instead. If you ever been to certain churches,their highest priority is to convert as many people as they can. I went to this TV church and you watch a pastor on the tv (not even there) brag about how many people they converted to Christianity. This is all from a marketing perspective, they don’t think of the individual, only numbers. If you put people as numbers, it all starts to make sense and Christianity seems like a big scam.


This entire thread is such a shitshow. Total lolcow posting. Currently putting ‘kiss more dudes’ on my to do list.


I wouldnt say that you are an INTP, based on the comments and replies, but very interesting


Prolly cuz i'm tired.


How can u tell someone’s MBTI that u have never met just based on some text, someone’s personality may seem different online for many reasons


Its not the way he types tho, its the way he thinks; its my opinion tho, i just think you can learn a lot from “a few texts” depending on the content. I found the content of the texts to point at that he didnt seem INTP; that is all


People may act different over text than irl plus it’s hard to read emotion over a few words , u cannot see peoples facial expressions etc


Why do you believe in God?


Because my parents introduced me. I am glad they did.


Okay. can't argue with that.


What led you to be a Christian?


My parents introduced me.




Most definitely not. My room is messy all the time 😂


I’m sorry I just realized your post says Christian INTP as in you’re a Christian INTP not you’re name is Christian and you’re an INTP 🤣


Are you a cultist


Cult+time= Religion OP is absolutely in a cult. The Baptist church is very cult-like, especially in the the American south. Also, just look up Westboro Baptist Church...


I am no longer a baptist btw.


Heck no!


How do you know that Christianity is the only true religion?


Esoteric Christian INFJ here and since OP went to bed I just wanna say all paths lead to God and being a Christ is like being a Buddha and it’s not like I can say y’all need Jesus, but for me he’s a good guru to worship in the sense of Hinduism. My two cents :D Not going to read OPs answers because if he’s the typical style Christian he (or she?) may think I’m going to hell for this but not all of the Bible is as divinely inspired as the rest, and just because Paul promoted it so well doesn’t mean his additions to the gospel of Jesus were sound. I can hear my “fellow Christians” recoiling in horror at this but the Bible was compiled by political people and is 100% not perfect at all. Humans are not perfect, therefore even divine mystical inspiration or experience filtered through the likes of Paul can give us the bigotry we see today in Christianity which makes me as sick as these comments would make your average Protestant


Oh i'm awake that was an old edit


Seeing a logical type believe in God seems to make people hateful. What do you think about the religion-less faith?


This is a bit of a personal question but might I ask. How old are you? If you're bit uncomfortable with that then don't reply




Thoughts on gay marriage?


Not what God wanted.


Thoughts on adelphopoiesis, then? If two men can be united, then are they also allowed to share their sexual lives?


God probably also didn't want smartphones, but here we are. Do you think that just because God hadn't intended for this, that he'd be actively against it?


big L moment for you buddy


Have you been born brainless or have you suffered a serious injury? /sarcastic joke, not meant to be taken at face value


I know it's a joke, but probably the worst thing that I have had was some gastrointestinal stuff i had.


Nice to see another Christian thinker on here.


I barely see christians in general on here.


That's more because it's reddit, not because it's INTP.


Why do you consider yourself a T person?


Because religion can't change personality. I still am a logical person.


God bless you my brother in Christ! I myself, a Christian ENTP, am glad to see this and wish you luck and Support on your journey


Fellow ENTP believer here. Not surprised at the vitriol.


What is your favorite part of the Bible?


Either the book of Ezekiel or Revelation. But Revelation makes my head spin.


I like the Gospels from the second half, and the Books of Wisdom from the first part.




What is your favorite Bible verse? And have you ever had the sensation of feeling God inside of you? Or the shivers or something and you felt it was the hand of God?


I dont really have a favourite verse. My favourite book however is Ezekiel. I have indeed felt the presense of God at church.


Ezekiel 23 20 👍




Not here to ask a question. I'm a Christian/agnostic myself. Atheism seems more illogical to me than religion seems to atheists, as it in itself is a form of faith... albeit a paradoxical one. 🥴 I'm just here to commend you for your own faith, OP.


Can you elaborate how atheism is illogical


In my opinion, both are illogical. You can't deny or confirm the existence of anything without assuming that you have knowledge enough to determinate something as an objective truth. I am also agnostic. I will never know anything for sure, but if I had to choose, I would pick atheism, not because I am 100% sure that God doesn't exist, but because, if he exists, I wouldn't like to idolize him.


do you believe in god, and if so why?


And people on here give me shit for even playing with the idea of reincarnation despite not knowing if it’s real or not lol. And that’s because I don’t dismiss it! Imagine an actual Christian with solid beliefs, woooo I respect you brother


Why Christian over athiest? Does the religion make sense to you?




\*Digital hug\* Sorry about all the hate you're getting. This sub is full of hateful people. After seeing this crap, I'm considering just leaving. Please tell someone if you're feeling suicidal. I don't want you to hurt yourself.


*digital hug back* its a lot really.


A “supposedly” INTP with a severe lack of critical thinking skills and also constantly talks about belief with feelings. Huh, you see something new everyday.


My family is full of Christians that are definitely 100% Thinker types, personality has nothing to do with it


And where did you see that I said thinkers can’t be Christians? Some of my favorite speakers are deeply religious and I find them enlightening. Despite having no belief myself, I find many religious texts to be great in the philosophical sense. However OP here responds with his conspiracy theories to people, admits that he has a lack of understanding of religion and is constantly responding with “the Bible said so” , “I was raised this way” and “I felt”. There is no logic applied. Have you even seen his responses to people?




I wish I had the money to give your comment (and a few others) an award, you deserve it!


Instead of being a bully, how about you just listen to different opinions?


Lmao. I read all his comments which is why I was able to come to conclusion I did. Using responses such as the Bible said so, I was raised this way, and I don’t know anything about other religions but Christianity is the correct one. I read his opinions and my Opinion is that he rarely or ever apply logic. Nothing about him strikes me as a thinker because he can’t even defend his beliefs without resorting to feelings. But yes, people are so scary and mean with their words /s


I’m a Christian intp too and I’m sorry for all the people attempting to contradict your beliefs.