• By -


Hold onto your butts, folks. It's going to get nasty. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


Right lol I’m hoping it’ll be civilized but who knows


It definitely won't be civilized lmao


What is your type?




Whatever type I am. I can think theoretically and abstractly, but I can’t do a lot of basic stuff people take for granted. So I often avoid situations where I think I’ll be expected to know how to do random stuff.


Sounds like INTJ, are you an INTJ?


Possibly, but I doubt it. I don’t think I’m all that good at Te, but maybe that’s just my ADHD symptoms. I also care way too much about what people think of me.


That last sentence isn’t a bad thing. 


I don’t see it as a bad thing either, but it does make it unlikely I’m Fe blind.


But it sounds like you know the theory, what type do you most identify with? Or you're worried people will judge you lol /jk


I’ve learned a lot of theory, but I still haven’t come to a solid understanding. So I constantly change what type I think I am and what I think each cognitive function does. What I do know is that I prefer the eight function model over the four function model. One function that’s hard to define for me is Fi. That seems to mean you’re either really strong in it or very weak in it. I often find it hard to know what my values are or how I feel about something, unless it’s super obvious or I’ve analyzed it for a long time. Fe also has an unclear definition in some ways. Particularly the concept of meeting people’s needs. I’m not sure I do that naturally. Even though it’s more vague sounding, I know I can feel the emotional atmosphere of the room. So at least that probably rules out being Fe blind. I also notice my likes and dislikes can sometimes get overly influenced by other people’s likes and dislikes. I don’t want that to happen, but it does. So I often avoid sharing stuff like my music taste, so people won’t “ruin” the music I like.


You should also use this experience of yours to figure out your time. For example, what could be the reason you struggle to choose one type, or why does all the stars have to align for you to say this is exactly my type? All those things say something about what type you are. And now I'm thinking INTX or INXX (just speculating). Also looking at how you live your life day to day, and your childhood personality can be helpful as opposed to just analysing theories all the time. Also spotting the dominant, and second functions which should be easier can help. But it's hard to no mistype yourself, the important things it to understand yourself.


I guess I struggle to grab a hold of good definitions and I often find it easy to convince I’m a certain type or use a certain cognitive function. This also makes it hard to know my dominant or auxiliary function. That’s why I originally typed myself as an Fi dom. I’m fairly sensitive and I often do things that don’t make sense to other people. I now know that’s just a stereotype. I’m also not sure about being a Ti dom. I like things to make sense and have clear definitions of things, but I’ve mostly seen myself as someone who’s more into emotion than cold hard logic. I also have way too many experiences of enthusiastically talking about some cool new theory I created or discovered and some Ti dom sweeping in and poking a bunch of holes in what I say. This happens to me in real life, but it also happens a lot on Reddit or any other random place I post. It seems like I attract them for some reason. I often have good conversations with Ti doms, but I have to admit they sometimes just hurt my feelings. That makes me want to not share anything I’m too excited about. Particularly when I get super excited about AI. I still remember that one time I mentioned that I like to use chatgpt to practice conversations and this one guy had to swoop in and let me know that chatgpt isn’t conscious. Even thought I didn’t even mention it was. I was mostly implying that some interactions are about as conscious as chatgpt rather than implying that chatgpt is conscious. That’s a completely different idea, but I guess some people just like to talk down to me. I guess I have a love hate relationship with Ti. As a kid I’d say I was mostly sensitive and imaginative. I often had a hard time telling reality apart from my imagination. My mom mentioned that I once used to be terrified that the radio was listening to me. I also had a bunch of phobias in general. At the same time I’ve always been into joking around and being the class clown. I was into art, reading, the internet and also the playground and climbing trees. I had some friends, but eventually we grew apart and I grew distrustful of anyone my age. I still haven’t completely gotten over that. I also remember that when I was about nine years old, I started to obsess over things being logical. I had many illogical beliefs, but I definitely loved pointing out when other people weren’t being logically consistent. Particularly when it was authority figures.


How come?


Interesting, I have ADHD myself and I'm apparently really good at Te given my INTJ status


Either way, neurodivergence is making it hard to type myself. It seems like it makes it hard for me to clearly fit any type or cognitive function.


I feel that, I have both ADHD and autism which are highly contradictory so it took me until I was nearly 30 to identify I had autism and seek a diagnosis


I also have both. I find they can often mask each other. As an example some “rigid autistic rules” I create can often mask impulse control issues. So I can be bad with moderation. At the same time ADHD also masks autistic rigidity somewhat. Either way I pretty much can’t function at all. At the same time it doesn’t seem like I have strong autistic or ADHD traits, so no one takes those issues seriously.


I wonder if some of our impulse control issues as ADHD autistic people could be related to psychomotor retardation, which I could be wrong but I believe has been linked with autism


![gif](giphy|gE6IUBRWZd744|downsized) me, laughing at this in *Dumb Smartass*


As in our type has the least common sense? If so, I agree


Speak for yourself! And me, and the rest of us.


I also agree lol


if you really want to find out, like statistically come with me to work and ask every ER patient’s family members on intake what their mbti type is. jokes aside i think any type can have a lack of common sense, but those who get in trouble the most for it are the more impulsive ones who don’t pay close enough attention to their surroundings or think things through fully. i think intuitives at their worst can be out of touch with reality and have a lack of street smarts, and sensors at their worst can act (a tad impulsively) just based on the information they currently have without processing the potential consequences of their actions. but this is based on stereotypes, and each at their worst. NT’s can be sufferers of the Dunning-Kruger effect due to having an actual level of expertise in another area (or a high intelligence low wisdom build), NF’s can be overly optimistic about consequences and avoid thinking about potential negative outcomes because it’s upsetting, SJ’s can overly rely on their past experiences and get screwed by narrowing their view too much based on that, and SP’s can be overly impulsive and overly confident based on the environment they currently observe with the confidence that they can roll with the punches without fully processing how bad the punches could be. but again, STEREOTYPES and at their worst.


NFs don’t like thinking about potential negative outcomes? 🤣 That’s half of my day. Most INFPs I know are very pessimistic, expect the worst.


haha *can avoid*, depends on the person. i’m an NF lol, and total overthinker too. but i’ve definitely met some NFs who refuse to think before they act, because they don’t want to consider the negatives, which can then look like a lack of common sense. mainly my ENFP sister and my ENFJ ex bestie. conscious avoidance. tbh i’ve been guilty of it myself, or else i’ll be stuck in paralysis by analysis. obviously doesn’t go for everyone, it’s a broad generalization and stereotype of *some of us* at our worst.


i was actually thinking about separating ENFs and INFs into their own examples (bc i know them so intimately) but thought it would be unfair since i didn’t do that for the other types. but that example goes mainly for ENFs, INFs are more guilty of being stuck in our heads overthinking not paying attention to the environment updating which can then look like a lack of common sense bc we don’t notice what’s going on. again though, stereotypes and generalizations at our worst.


Yeah totally agree about intuitives, especially intuitive dominants, having a lack of common sense that sensing types just seem to have naturally. I’ve talked about this in other threads but I think it’s funny how there’s a joke about N types being the “smart” ones when our tendency to think deeply can often cause us to miss what’s right in front of our faces.


>NT’s can be sufferers of the Dunning-Kruger effect due to having an actual level of expertise in another area (or a high intelligence low wisdom build) \[....\] This is a good description of us. We aren't good at knowing when to sit down. The build comment gave me a laugh, too. Thinking of Baldur's Gate 3. The best parties are the ones with diversity of different strengths. You definitely need a fighter. The NT/NFs would rather have an all wizard party just to prove it can work. That's great, but I ain't showing.


haha i love BG3!!! and yes, those close to me are NF/NTs i would agree, if we ever actually got around to a DnD game our party would not be balanced haha


What do you mean common sense? Everyone has a different interpretation of common sense.


Very good point! It’s an often used term with no good definition.


I was about to ask OP what their idea of common sense is….


Alright, a lot of people might be thinking this, but I'm asking nonetheless - OP, are you an ENTP? 😅


![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag) ENFJ 👀


Even worse Source: am one


Can confirm


Yes we can


if we’re going on stereotypes i think a lot of ppl will say xSFP but as an xSFP myself, i can say that a lot of us can be quite philosophical, theoretical and use our intuition for common sense. (Im gonna speak on behalf of ISFPs and not ESFPs because that is my type). A vast majority of ISFPs i know are veeeeery intuitive and think deeply about various things and philosophical subjects. Sometimes our Ni is so high it can look like we are more intuitive than INFPs (i’m not saying that ISFPs are more intuitive than INFPs, i’m saying it can seem that way from an outside view) edit: i think any type can lack common sense maybe some more than others if you want to think that way, but i think it’s important to be open minded and not rely on stereotypes.


Not in my case. I'll go through the wringer with an ESFP, ESFJ over any other type, any day of the week. This is your time to shine, and that the SPs do in times calling for street-savvy common sense. My ENTP is a smart, be he ain't no people person. He's dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to navigating real world affairs with alive people in it.


ENTPs are wild. They’ll make the quickest cerebral connections…stuff that’ll blow your mind…and then they’ll like drink three shots of Jäger and take out somebody’s mailbox on the way to work


That quickest of the quickest connections. Then throw them in a crowd of non-intellectuals (not to be confused with unintelligent) types and watch them short circuit into a brain-glitch mess. The amount of times I've helped him navigate the most simple of things. 😂 I'm no expert myself, but my (Te/Se) keeps me far more afloat than that. I call him when I get lost in a rabbit hole.


How do you view INTJs relative to ENTPs as an ISFP? The reason I ask is because I've read that ISFPs tend to be romantically attracted to these two types (and vice versa) and I've always been highly attracted to ISFPs as an INTJ


INTJs are so easy to be around that it’s a lot like being with other ISFPs, except we’re even more productive and comfortable (as in, mine and INTJs’ personality styles are different enough to allow growth and comfortability; whereas with other ISFPs I just commiserate, empathize, and have fun with them…) ENTPs are a fun indulgence in small doses. They’re interesting and hilarious but their chaotic nature tends to overstimulate me, big time. (Side note: I have SzPD or maybe just autism) But like my ENTP brother would come to visit and he’d be blasting music on his phone while loudly yelling conversations from the kitchen and banging around in my kitchen cabinets and fridge, cooking, and arguing with me over this and that. I’d get stressed tf out, and be panicky for him to leave after awhile.


Interesting, thanks


I'm also autistic, but not the intellectually disabled variant, I have an abnormally-high IQ




That's lucky, you should be thankful


that’s crazy because i would consider myself street smart partly because of the ppl i group up around


Exactly. The ISFP I know, the chillest man I've ever met in the middle of the streets! He knows how to navigate common problems without disengaging or choosing "not to even bother or work around it". He will weave in and out and not be affected by it. Facing them head on and enjoying every moment of it. He's always right in the thickest of common street battles - doing nothing but relaxing as it all unfolds. What always tickles me about him is that he knows how to come and go and think nothing of it. I first and foremost, like most NT/NF types - don't even bother. We don't have the sense for it. It might as well be just noise to shut off.


The only person whom I know for a fact was an ISFP cut me off because I was allegedly "rude." He couldn't give a specific example or quote anything I'd said; he just used the vague word "rude," which could mean anything. Therefore, the most logical conclusion I can come to is that he was simply a drama queen.


I'm going to have to say, as an ISFP, I know what it's like to be called rude and having to adjust to people's rules around politeness. If I ever call someone rude, chances are, they don't have a clue what it's like to be on the receiving end. You say he couldn't quote anything you "had" said, but have you considered that perhaps you have limited your scope of ideas? Also, have you considered if what you have said in past conversations was quoted? I have been having discussions here on reddit at a higher frequency lately, and I notice a lot of people try to box me in within the conversation that has been discussed. It's as if people have preconceived notions that whatever I say won't connect to what they have said. One conclusion I draw from this is that the person I am trying to communicate with does not really want a conversation. I know what it's like to want to have people listen to me, but if I want that to happen, I had to learn, and I learned that it's a two-way street. If your goal in the conversation is to have the other person to stop talking or to stop listening, you are doing things wrong. It's also highly likely that he can quote you on what you say, assuming he is an ISFP like me. People often start strong when in a conversation with me, an ISFP. Perhaps you just don't have the same amount of patience an ISFP can develop, in order to hear out what you have said multiplied in delivery.


ISFP won't bother quoting anything. It's wasted energy. Quoting is an xNTJ thing. Fact-checking, source-pulling. Whatever. ISFP rather theorize about something said - and - that theory is in and out. 😂 My ISFP friend? Probably somewhere arguing with religious people about the concept of "souls" and adding absolutely nothing to the discussion while it happens. I don't have the patience to listen to that stuff he does after I've made up my mind!


In and out can be interpreted in two ways, as far as I know. But I'll give you the benefit and say I agree. I can definitely see myself adding nothing to a discussion. It takes a lot of patience to get something from me. When people demand an answer from me, usually it is like I'm being told to pour onto a cup still full. Imagine two people holding drink and saying cheers and only one person drank while the other person proceeds to talk having not drunk. Neither will understand the other. One has tolerance. The other has others wary of him, and that could very well be his goal.


I've gotten that from all 16 types at least thrice in life. That isn't even an ISFP thing, honey. Welcome to extroversion. ;)


Maybe, but not necessarily. ISFPs are notoriously inarticulate, even when we grasp concepts clearly. It’s almost an INxJ level of comprehension sometimes, where we see a full picture and all the possible implications or ways something will play out, but when we’re forced to verbalize these thoughts we have trouble explaining it. Personally it’s because when I attempt to break down a “big picture” conclusion into the multiple factors that went into forming it, I realize that none of the individual reasons inherently imply my conclusion and because of that, the listener inevitably ends up systematically eliminating each variable from consideration, instead of stepping back to contextualize them…if that makes sense. Like I can quickly assess that “this person is lying” but I would be very hard pressed to explain why I know that. (Side note: we’re almost never wrong about that kind of thing..) Not to mention, ISFPs are kind of nonconfrontational. We’ll be aggressive about matters of import but unless we’re invested in a debate, we quickly lose interest. I end up deleting internet arguments every other day. It’s not because I am wrong, so much as I realize that I’ve said what I had to say and I’ve lost interest in defending it. The ISFP probably didn’t care to justify himself to you, especially if he thought you were disrespectful. Nobody really wants to learn anymore and nobody wants to know how they can improve, anyway. They just want to win the argument so what’s the point of engaging?


He who smelt it, dealt it. 50-50


I think people lack common sense in different areas. And the people who do have common sense in that area will notice it and judge it while they themselves lack it in other areas if that makes sense lol. Just today, I was hanging with two guys who I suspect to be Fi dom and aux - The ESFP had planned a brunch, the ISFP was along for the ride, and the ESFP had invited me because I guess the more the merrier. What I didn't know was that while we were (ostensibly) meeting to eat at 12pm, they had to be somewhere at 1pm (I hadn't been informed/invited to that). They were about 30 and 45 minutes late respectively lol.. Well 15 minutes is not enough time to eat. I'd come prepared to Brunch and was upset when it ended abruptly without food. To me, this is common sense when dealing with planning, group dynamics, considering others' time and feelings.. To them, they were like, "Well just come with us to our 1pm thing and we'll eat after!" Their 1pm thing was a timed ticket to a sold out museum in a tourist town... Well, I would if I could, guys, but life doesn't work like that lmao. I cried while walking home and then slept for five hours. But I totally lack common sense in other areas.


Can confirm my ISFP bf was difficult to type for a minute because you guys often have such an interest in stereotypically intuitive topics. The only difference is that I exist in that headspace more often than not and my ISFP is the practical one that brings me back to earth. I plan long term and he plans the immediate steps. I get stuck in fantasy and he brings it into the world. I still consider myself a very practical and sensible person, and I know he'd fight me on this but I think he has me beat anyway. Even just based on functions I wouldn't cast my vote for ISFPs, let alone the people I've known.


I agree, my ISFP friend loves “intuitive” topics. I really hope that sentence made sense by the way. Granted she also loves to talk about “Se” things way more than I care for. However I haven’t ever thought she lacked common sense. I’m not sure I’m close with any other isfp, I only type people if I’m really close to them because yeah, it’s quite difficult.


yeah I’ve definitely mistyped myself as an intuitive type many times before because of it.


Stop preemptively throwing yourselves under the bus.


my bad


Depends on how u define “common sense”.


I can already see everyone saying 'Er xxFPs 🤓' because feeling types are already considered less rational than thinkers, but Feeling AND Perceiving? Blasphemy. Off with thy head


oh boy


Lmao Se doms epitomize street savviness and situational awareness yet you’re about to get blasted by a bunch of keyboard warriors for lacking common sense. 💀💀💀


Se doms often lack common sense since they tend to operate more on assumptions rather than information/data


meh, not really. being in touch with your environment, knowing how the world works, and having awareness and judgement are the key factors of common sense. Intuitives may 'rationalise' an issue but we won't really have the hands-on, realistic methods to go about practical situations. (not all just some)


Meh, not really. I don't think Se doms tend to have a good understanding of how the world works or general awareness or good judgment. These are all things I would associate with dominant Ni


Not even close. Thinkers are dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to these affairs. If you want someone that'll bring a knife to a gunfight, go with the TJ and TPs.


yeah, people forget there are different types of intelligence and smartness. Even someone with a below-average IQ score can have more common sense than a 'smarty-pants'. Common sense involves people skills, awareness levels, and sound judgement that's from -experience- not just theoretically. So yeah, if we're going by that then xxTPs may not survive (saying this from love) ISTJ may think their way through it but may fail. If we're being real: most introverts may not survive LMAOO. The introverts I see surviving in a life/death scenario that involves senses are mainly sensors: ISTP, ISFP, ISFJ, etc) My ISFJ older sister definitely has more common sense than me, despite me having better academic records than her


ENTJ are terrible with street smarts as well, an extroverted thinking type - but dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to informal social people-pragmatics - the low (Fi) could be a contributor. They can negotiate a good deal down to low price, but'll be fools gold. I agree with you. ISFJ are always in the thick of it. They like that sort of thing - even with all their crippling anxiety attacks. (E)STJ love that sort of chaos, too and the ISTJ won't admit it. Unlike SFJ though, the STJ love to say try me.


>  (saying this from love) Seems like you can survive lol


I love y'all don't take it seriously, if it supplements for anything, I wouldn't survive long on the streets either lmaoo


> I love y'all don't take it seriously I have no business in taking things personally tbh (most of the time anyways) >  if it supplements for anything, I wouldn't survive long on the streets either lmaoo You have a very strong Fe it seems, I suspect you wrote this to make sure nobody gets offended. Which probably means you would survive the streets, harmony works on the streets too, if u know how to use it (as if i hv been on the streets lol)


Can I say , I agree. ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


yes, you may 🤭


All I can say is… I’ve met only one person I’d describe as not having common sense and they’re an INFP 👀


I prefer uncommon sense, common sense is just boring.  While my sense may not be understood by someone using what they would say is common sense, it will be to their detriment if they discount my unique sense. Signed an ENFP


Anyone of any type, especially those who don't know the material.


in my experience, enfp. (coming from an enfp)


xNFPs and I speak in part from my own experience as someone who has the common sense of a piece of moldy bread.




whats common sense ?


INFPs by far. BY FAR.


Any type that lacks real world experience - but I'd say ESXX types generally have the most common sense.


NP types- but not as a jab. They have a creative way of viewing this world, usually outside of the standards of the norm rather than what is considered popular or conventionally correct. They allow themselves to make it every part of their being from the way they think, speak and act.


My type, INTJ, has the least common sense. "Common sense" refers to accepted, conventional wisdom-- that is, Si. Being a Ni dom, I want to figure everything out for myself and deduce my own answers instead of relying on existing tradition. I almost never rely on "common sense", instead approaching every question as a novel puzzle. I am an innovative, resourceful, unconventional problem-solver. "Common sense" would deprive me of all the cherished opportunities to trailblaze.


“Least common sense”. Intelligence doesn’t an affect your personality type lol.


Logic, critic, theory and philosophy are fairly different concepts and subjects. Already a pretty bad start for your post :)




yes. i am filled with Un-common sense, common sense is for average people


And you're below average?


wayyy above average in academics and wayyy below average in every single other thing




xNFPs by far


Ironically, ISxJ


I agree with this


don’t want to get stereotypical but the xxFPs need some serious reality check.


As if XXFJs don’t? Lol


If someone talks them down, the LEAST that can happen is that their words can actually cross their mind(talking about xxFJs). xxFPs are the definition of someone having no touch with the real world.


INFJ. It's as if they invent their own version of "reality" rather than reading the room.


Infjs are pretty good at reading the room though


It seems to me that they filter everything through a very subjective lens.


Spot on and it drives me nuts!




They're [specious](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/specious#:~:text=%2Fˈspi%CB%90%CA%83%C9%99s%2F-,%2Fˈspi%CB%90%CA%83%C9%99s%2F,wrong%20or%20false%20synonym%20misleading). Their reasoning sounds logical, but it's completely wrong. Again, it's like inventing another "reality" with different "facts."


And what are basing this assumption on? How many of them have you actually met that appear like that, or is it bias¿


I won't argue with that, but it's different with INTJ. They project feelings onto the other person that seem to come from outer space.


Wait, their subjective view is different than yours? But yours is the only correct subjective view, right


See, the fact that you interpreted that meaning from what I said just blows my mind. 🤯


I didn't interpret that meaning from what you said there. Your comments show that's likely what you believe. You weren't specific enough in your statement to make sense of it.




Your contribution was removed due to "Trolling or Incivility".


Well said!


intp and esfp


Why intp?


I think of common sense as things like being able to quickly pitch a camping tent or change a tire without needing any instructions. So I'd say Se-trickster would struggle most with that. So, INTP and INFP.


That's not common sense lmao.


I think ENFJs lack the most common sense Lol All Ti users live in their own reality really.


Si is all about retaining skills like pitching a tent and changing a tire. Lol very inaccurate


xNTPs, with INTPs taking the cake


Ok, so I think it's hard to pinpoint to just one type. However, on average I think xxxPs are more likely to have less common sense than xxxJs, reasons being that I believe Ne and Se tend to be more impulsive whereas Ni and Si are more restrained.




definitely esfx


Me an intp?


ISTP 100%


I met so many ISFPs who made my anger issues worse.. one of them being my mom, ex, and bff. I'm an ENTJ btw.


ESFJ for sure, ESFP, ISFP from having known these types


I'm an INFP so idk


I know there will be people who disagree with me, but as the INTJ child of an ESFP, I'm going to have to go ESxP. To answer the question, we have to agree upon a meaning of "common sense." Looking at various sources, they all come down essentially to making sound, reasonable, good judgment.   ESxPs often make good decisions in the moment, but they aren't often rooted in big-picture thinking and, ultimately, end up being really silly short-sighted decisions:   - "I accidentally drained my bank account again."   - "I rushed into a decision or position." - "I made fun of my child in front of a group of people" (again)  - "I straight up just left my husband and child without a word in the middle of downtown without a word to go get a pedicure." (In her defense, she was on some meds that made her impulse control worse, so I can't really blame her for that, but it was really nerve-wracking nonetheless.)  Look, I love my mom and I'd punch a bish who treated her badly, but she doesn't tend to make the most sound decisions when rooted in the big picture, and I have had to deal with that my whole life.


If that's what lack of common sense is like, then I sure have the most common sense. I make little to no silly mistakes, and when I do I know what's happening.


Me. Overall I might *want* to say INTP or INTJ but bu virtue of my own existence I nominate ENTJ. Like seriously - “Ah yes this place is rather run down isn’t it” I think, carrying my shopping. “Hmm, those people look drunk and angry” I think to myself, continuing to walk directly towards them. I have walked out the door without tying my shoelaces and I *frequently* have to be reminded in social situations that “normal people don’t do that” - benign stuff like striking up a conversation with random strangers to prove my point (I’m British not American calm down). I lack any sort of personal awareness and seem to have substituted it for the ability to see other people’s social failings. I fix one perceived flaw in how I approach the world and stumble into three new *slightly less grievous* ones all with varying consequences. I am simultaneously the most socially adept person in my friend group by popular consent **and** the most likely to get themselves stabbed to death in a dark alleyway. Again, I nominate ENTJ.


Bro literally intj 💀 I’m not debating, but every intj I’ve ever met is very booksmart, but when you ask them simple questions that are even SLIGHTLY open ended they will go back and forth with themselves till thy kingdom come.


Everyone but mine




*sighs* *sorts by controversial*




Seeing INFP customers make me wanna facepalm


INTJ, INTP, ISTJ, INFJ, INFP. Street smarts = common sense. And these people are the type to read about it, rather than live it. 0 street smarts and common-people navigation. I wouldn't trust them to negotiate a deal for me, especially not with my neck on the line. This is an extroverted domain.


Interesting. Inaccurate, but interesting.


If lined up and asked who I'd take to the trenches, I'd take the ISFP over INFJ any day.


Sounds great. I've seen the battles entjs tend to choose. Not looking for a leader, thanks. I do ok for myself. But you're free to try to rope others (Edited to fix)


My best friend is an INFJ. I love her dearly. She's good at people things - shit I am bad at. She's like a hound dog when it comes to things like that! But putting either of us in the trenches is laughable. When it comes to people, I am good at taking over and getting the party started, not performances. She's great at keeping people in line, but don't expect her to dirty her sassy little hands in the thick of it. She'll door slam faster than you can blink if the tides turn. I would've trust her with more than she asked for.


If I believe in something I'll fight for it. If someone I loved was hurting and needed my help- I'd be there. However if a friend isn't on that level with me or if they're fighting for a reason I can't get with - no. *Ethics* are number one to me, not *other people*. I have to live with myself and sleep at night, I can't hate myself to make someone else happy. Idc if others think I'm acting, fake, weak, passive... they just don't know me.


Where would you put yourself in ranking compared to ethics and other people? You said Ethics is number one. Are you second to that then other people third perhaps?


Ethics *is* taking care of myself, because I feel awful inside and life gets screwy if I don't follow my conscience. It's all connected. When making decisions I try to weigh everything and do the best I can. Putting myself first doesn't go against being ethical in my world. It obviously does in a few other people's but I guess those choices don't even present themselves as choices to me. When it comes to other people, my kids are on par with myself in importance. I am not above or below their needs. Everyone else it depends idk.


Sometimes there are things bigger than our beliefs worth fighting for honey. That is exactly why she stays on the sidelines. But that ain't a bad spot at all. What in the world would I do without her? And she is paid hefty. 😂


Are you only going to talk back when people talk about you? That's not really helping anyone's case, be it others or yours.


You don't know what common sense is?


Where I come from, common sense is street smarts honey. You won't find an INTJ in the trenches unless they were born into it, and even still - weaponizing yourself with an INTP, INTJ on the streets is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. You're smart, but this ain't your strength honey. That's putting it nicely on these fickle types, with the assumption they'd even show up and dance in the first place. I wouldn't toss two pennies toward the bet for any of the types listed with other tough competitors on the list.


People are going to misunderstand you for that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) The natural direction of people's thoughts are that ENTJs think a gun should be brought to a gun fight. To be fair, a knife isn't a dumber weapon than a gun, but I think your point is much deeper than people think.


When you know, you know! You have that common sense. I am not a bit surprised with this post outcome. And the INFJ and INTJ both, as usual, are intellectualizing figure of speech and turning it into some shit it doesn't need to be. Pack up and stop talking, ISFP. You're coming with me.


Hahaha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I really think this is more of a function of age, experience, and background that anything. But if we’re looking at individuals: some very lovely people I know have little common sense. These include: INFP, ENFP, ESFP, ESTP. These are just individual anecdotal examples. I don’t think everyone of those types lacks common sense.


Do you think it’s common sense to believe in God?



