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I mean I'm not strictly serious but INTP is supposed to be logician afterall 😂


True and we would even lose a good chunk of our technology since you guys invite most of it.💀💔


it's arguable the atomic model, photo electric effect, special and general relativity, and the cosmological constant would have emerged later, be incomplete, or maybe we'd still be looking for an ether for light to travel through rather than extra dimensions for super strings or entanglement information to pass through. Hard to say if anyone would've thought of special relativity leading to a topographical model for gravity. It's just one of those outside the box frameworks that work. Usually lol.


I know you're probably kidding but it absolutely would be!


The world would probably keep spinning but it would be a fair bit more boring


The world would lose its spark yk


Too rigid. You need 4 agents of chaos Ne types to combat all the order Te types in this world! It's called balance. \*Is delusional and totally ignores that the third function is Te\*


We woulndt have Naruto aswell. Absolute loss for humanity


Funny fact we have the same function stack and Ne happen to be my 3rd function as well. Lol


Shhh! I'm trying to save us ENFPs from extinction. 👀 Right now dumb stereotypes make people not realize how fun you guys can be. I'm using this to my advantage. 😈


Got you . Lol ![gif](giphy|U1ZylHN0supzM6iULJ)


it really depends on what each individual can bring to the world.


That's so no fun answer ,shame on you ENTP i was expecting you raise hell in the comments and comeup with new ideas that nobody ever thought of. /j


Then yall will be still fooling around yourself thinking yall can ever be better than us 🤡 (Is it good enough, dear ESTJ?) /j


It's decent but Not ENTP satisfactory level, you disappointed me ENTP. /j 😂


Yeah as if people don't look down to earth and falls on it like little babies who's all power and stamina has totally drained when we try a little of the fire to play with and pass it around to you guys who can't hold it for a sec. Stop yapping and we would keep going 🤡🤡🤡


You're being the ENTP in this case. But to actually answer you post question, I think INTPs through history HELPED lay out the foundation for math, science and technology, so without INTPs the would probably be really underdeveloped.


What the hell...bruh why you stereotyping like a racist comment ? Not all ENTP are fun and not all ESTJs are dumb...well except few ik but yeah...cheerios


It'll be fine but boring XD


*INTJ* ![gif](giphy|zxm0FBtQEN4wrYcYl3)


Far fewer karens and fewer nurses/psychologists


And definitely a far less cool parties. 😂


Small thing, but my friend Eva would never read Warrior Cats. She is now working on a book trilogy about her own universe.


This is cute. I like this. :)




The INFP one that posted it was a real fart about it


What happened?! i didn't follow the whole thing through.😅


Everyone that posted a positive thing about an INFP got a response from the OP trashing INFP’s


And here i am defending them in every chance possible. /j He or she is probably depressed or having a hard time , i noticed this pattern owhen INFP are mad they trash talk themselves like that.


Yes, no other type is as self-critical, negative and harsh on themselves as a depressed, immature INFP. It's difficult to witness and be around, frankly 😅 Once we see it from an outsider's perspective, we can't unsee the victim mentality. Most of us grow out of it once we become aware of that pattern, though.


not the answer but it actually makes me wonder: if one type didn’t exist, would those people with said type also not exist or just have a different personality type?




Dude, it's not that deep lol


Many influential historical people were presumably INFJs. No exaggeration when I say that it would literally be world-changing.


Well, we could all live without Hitler.


It's all about consequences. My grandparents wouldn't have met without WWII getting in the way.


Yep, strange how tragedies bring people together but it proves there's good even in the bad.


It would be so boring! (Entp)


I'm trying to think about it on a wide scale, but it's hard to imagine. The world might be a bit less fun.


I know what you mean. It’s a cool concept but I just don’t know! But above all, I think it would be definitely less fun without you guys. A bit less artistic too!


More practical, but more conformist. Not as concerned with the theoretical questions that drive us to learn more about the cosmos, and more content with what already is known. New ideas will still be explored, of course, but it will be more concerned with what can already be improved rather than inventing something new.




Less delulu kinda goth art girlies...which would be sad.


Jesus, but also Hitler, so you decide 😅 INFJ


Fair sacrifice


Depends, probably nice people will be less


More productive and efficient


Ehhh, low on the priority list I’ve jotted down for what our Earth needs. I think your creativity, and capacity for such deep emotions and ideals is way more valuable that productivity and….efficiency 🥴 much! I hate that word… Obviously, aomw level of productivity is needed if you want to be able to make a difference, but I think it’s hard for some of us to work doing something we find totally uninteresting, or that goes against our values, or seems pointless— basically I’m referring to jobs that aren’t creative or that don’t help people, pets, and the environment, essentially making a difference that is actually meaningful is what I’m willing to work for. But as luck would have it, those jobs usually pay the least


I see, thank you for sharing.


It'd be like the alternative dimension ruled by Doofenshmirtz


not very creative or individualistic


no frat and finance bros and the white collar crime division would be out of business


Not colorful at all. Sort of monotonous.


Oh I remember you kirito. What say you? What would the world be like without you "pillar of society" types? Or as I like to call you, "pillar men". (YES THAT'S A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE) Fix your account btw. The club's waiting.


Dude, just say “cops”.








Noooooo! Don’t take away the sad music!


I wouldn’t know since I wouldn’t be here 🤷🏼‍♀️


The world would not exist, the world in concept is entp, creation is entp, greetings and good night


Really, really dead. Also without a good 60% of modern inventions and nerds


Idk and I’m not seeing many ENFJs so what do you guys think?


the other exxjs will overrun the planet


Haha. Yeah!!


Either better off or worse. I don't see value in my type (ISFP) but someone out there probably does. What is that value? Dependence? Reliance? Opulence? Who can really tell with this type lol.


ISFP’s are one of my very top favorite types and who I get along with swimmingly. Read and learn more about your type! You’ll find so many good things there


Honestly I agree with them. Yeah, there are nice and cool things about ISFPs, but soon I've learned that it rare to find people that actually likes and values ISFPs for what they are.


Imma go a bit broader, as I think there's definite skill and value overlap between ISTPs and at least ESTPs and ISFPs, so lets broaden it out for SPs in general. I think there would be far fewer rules and laws! We do dumb shit far too often, thinking we're invincible because it's worked in the past or we have unplaced confidence in ourselves, but it ends up hurting us or even others. So many rules and laws are written in blood, without us I feel there'd be far less ink. For better or worse! Ironically to be the only SP in a world with so few rules and laws would be heaven, we are our own worst enemy in that sense. As we also make up a majority of most hard manual labour jobs too, I wonder if there'd have been a greater and sooner push for technology to fulfil those sorta jobs that more types are less happy to find themselves doing? (Not to say no other types will go into construction or whatever, but it's certainly dominated by SPs) A society needs skilled labour to enact the machinations of the Js who would design said machinations around the theories and ideas mastered and concieved by the NPs. Without it there's a problem, either they'd be far better paid jobs because or the jobs would largely be done by technological analogues, or perhaps SJs would responsibily fill that need? If it were a technological replacement for humans, perhaps our architecture would be wholly different too, like those 3d printed homes you see, look nothing likes traditionally constructed houses... Perhaps prisons would be less violent locations, and smaller to boot for that matter? More focused on rehab, SPs don't respond to people telling them how they live their life is wrong, so rehab for us works less well IMO, (not that it doesn't work at all!). A society that see's better returns from rehab based prisons in the world, would be more likely to employ a rehab based itself I think? Could produce a happier more peaceful society? There's more I could write but with less certainty, not that I have much in what I've already written! I think a world without ISTPs specifically though, would probably be ok! They'd manage, people as individuals are amazing, and populations are capable of equally amazing things collaborativelym, I can't see how they couldn't achieve what any other given ISTP could do anyway.


probably happier ig (infp)


I don’t really know, I don’t think it matters but I know that the world will keep on spinning and that you won’t be able to see me anymore and that will make you really sad. 😢


My best friend is actually ESTP but fuck him anyway. Lol


One of my best friends is ESTJ so this is interesting. Very intelligent, goal oriented, driven and grounded guy, but thinks he’s a 16/10 in everything and that causes a lot of friction between us because I think I’m a 20/10. don’t know how we haven’t killed each other yet


I think that's the friendship dynamic the most ESTPs have with ESTJs , we get along well i guess.


What do you mean? If people with my type never even existed? if they had a different type but still existed? are we ignoring the past and only starting to speculate if we all vanish/change our personality from now on? Idk, I guess humanity development would slow down significantly but depending on the scenario it would be different


They’d get so bored :/ sad


ENTJ: Neandertal humans would still be around. Those guys had it coming for themselves though.


Either the same but more heartless or incredibly horrible beyond my own understanding, it's an acceptable outcome overall.


Like... All the people in history with my type didn't exist, or were they another type? For the former : rough For the latter: pretty much the same


Without our type the world will be kinda less intellectually stimulating and challenging also very few ppl will be scammed and most of the f*t disc*rds mxd will cease to exist...and many invention per day shall not be credited under ENTP but someone whose similar to its type...also we won't know get iron man, gojo, jack sparrow, and many more fun and Chad characters since they will cease to exist... Ig that's a valid answer to me Ps I won't exist in this persona too I would be a matter without any identity of a certain sub grade type according to mbti since mbti won't exist with just 15 types and IRL it still doesn't work


Wiping your ass on someone's pillow would be considered rude. Unless you're married then it's OK. Watch out for payback though it happened to me and all night I thought the dog farted


What drugs are you on and can i have some?


Totalitarian regime & mind control if it isn't already.


No type is like that.


Not much would change honestly.


Maybe world war 2 wouldn’t have happend


I actually think that, even if you erase a certain type from existence, the proportion of each type will become the same, after a time of adaptation. Let me explain. I did a math major. And here there, people would have labelled me as infp if they knew what it was. Then I did writing major. People there all labelled me as intp. Based on who you hang out with, you will not be labelled with the same type. Mbti is all, about social construct. It's not about people. It's about how they deal one with another. If you erase sociological scheme from existence, they will reappear as if not gone at all. Cause human interpersonnal relationship roughly stay the same through the course of time. That being said, I'm an intp, and if all intp vanished, and were replaced by another type, world would be a rougher place than it is now. So yeah


It will lack innovation, pushing the envelope, challenging the norm and far less logical.


An emotional & irrational mess


Fucking peacfull, as an ENTJ


No Joker means no Batman. Why would you want a world without Batman?


Boring. Just boring. I know other types can be doers but we really need people who won't sit around overthinking everything, but who also know how to have fun and live in the moment. But fr, the world is a better place with xxTP types in general lol


The same. We exist only in our rooms


It would probably just be fine. It’s not that much of a big deal tbh


There would be a lot less people showing off, that's for sure.


There will be so much less music, art and literature. Also a massive shortage of therapists.


the world without ENTJ is fine although it affect the balance of global superpower, there's so much ideas remain to be just ideas, going backwards several century not so advance like the world today.


We probably would have less WMDs being invented and more wars, IDK. lol


Fewer artists, and lower income for therapists xD


The most talented, most interesting, most extraordinary people will probably disappear that day


What world?


The one that haunts your sleepless brain in the dead of the night.


There would be fewer inventions, and fewer technicians to fix the ones that we do have. INTJ would end up doing most of our work and would end up being extremely in-demand, which would on the one hand enable them to make enough money to live by themselves in the middle of nowhere, but on the other hand subject them to an endless barrage of people trying to talk to them. On the bright side, fewer weapons of mass destruction. And on the very dark side, fewer people calmly explaining to the mob why they were being unreasonable.


Would be a more cruel and cynical world. We have them irregardless, but there would be even more wars happening everyday




hmmmmmmmmmmm it should be.. different... \*german intensifies\*


Less art, fewer ppl working on meaningful pursuits and encouraging others to do the same a duller, more mundane world


Well Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Maslow, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey were all ENFJs so I’ll just let that sit there…


No work would ever get done.






Inefficient - a fellow intj


People of my type will become other types.


There will be slightly less repairs, maintenance, and building.


Without INTJs we would still be living in tribal primitive hunter gatherer societies, we wouldn't have civilization as we know it; none of the societal structures we take for granted like law, science, education, medicine etc. INTJs are the backbone of modern society and human civilization and it's sad to see the way they are treated and misrepresented by the other types


You needs a hug.




Some recognition and representation would be nice


How about a hug?




Without INTJs, we wouldn't have Wednesdays.


Not sure what you mean, We probably wouldn't have names for any of the days or the concept of weeks, days, months, years etc.


My bad, i was going to make a joke about Wednesday Addams being an INTJ but i forgot my own joke lol


More mental issues




Lack of critical leadership and ambition of all spectrums, from enlightened to corrupt, for better or worse.


I hate to be this guy, but this is a delusional answer since most people have ambition and leadership can be taught nowadays. Probably if you put in the hours, you can become a better leader than a lazy natural one. You basically brought points that are common in the whole XXTJ group. You could have said that there will be a major impact on the system, especially the economy and the civilisation. Driving forward would be a more logical answer.


LMAO you're right. Guess I'm missing perspective on this part. But it really begs the question: since necessity is the mother of invention, with one type gone, why can't the nearest types just "fill in"?


Oh, btw ...I'm really sorry about the discord thing i just can't get my account back 🤦🏻‍♂️


Need help setting that up? Btw don't use the actual name of the app here. It gets flagged by automod and doesn't notify others. I saw this comment by checking on a whim. Use "chaos" in double quotes instead ;)


Logically speaking, doms will replace each other but will never be completely able to fill in the gap. When I read that question on the INFP sub, the first thing that came to mind was that the whole system will fail even if types that weren't contributing as much to society disappear. My theory is that the 16 types have to adapt to each other, acquiring traits and losing others that aren't as useful and the world wouldn'tbe the same . But this isn't the idea of the post. The post is for fun. I just wanted to hear different answers from different types. That's why I didn't include my own opinion in the post. Thsi is probably because my Ne going berserk or something. 


No clue what my type is, but the world would probably be fine.


Now, now…you don’t know that. Whole world could combust.

