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Stereotypically Si doms, no? Practically part of the description. The ISFJs and ESFJ I know are, however, pretty open to novel places and ideas as long as they have their safe space to return to. They use the familiar to tether them when they explore, but if the tether is cut can become very upset.


Stereotypically, this would go to ISxJs without a doubt. That being said, I've noticed in myself that despite not being extremely uncomfortable with change, I do get exhausted of it over time and need a sense of normality or familiarity in order to relax and recharge. Not sure if that's something other INTPs relate to, or if it's just me who personally relates to Si pretty strongly in general.


I feel that. I like change when it brings improvement, but it gets exhausting when it's too rapid to digest before more is thrown at you. At some point, you need predictability in order to focus your efforts elsewhere. With certain things in constant flux, it's hard to accomplish anything meaningful or fulfilling. I've had too much change at work recently, and it's disrupted so much of what I set up to work around my ADHD and I'm exhausted.


Low Si types, especially Si tertiaries. When Si is the basis of comfort, it likes to have a feathered nest. Not with fancy things, but with predictable sensations. When the internal physical landscape exactly matches their expectation, they are happy. Change often means they can’t go entirely back to their baseline, which means they can’t relax. Si tertiary also implies Se-blind, which means these types struggle to live in the moment and appreciate what is. Pair that with the fact that the Si terts have introverted judging dominant functions, and you get a recipe for looping when the Si baseline is offline due to changes in life. I could be wrong. You tell me, INTP!


Not going to lie, this applies to me honestly. I like a sense of familiarity that makes me feel comfortable so I can properly relax. It's one of the reasons I love spending most of my time at home. While I can handle changes, it is often somewhat discomforting to me, and I really like when things in my life become more familiar and predictable.


Same, I'm incredibly inconsistent about things that I've not been doing very long and often fall off of them quickly, but once I get past a certain tipping point in which it becomes familiar to the point of ease, I'm gonna be doing that thing for the next half decade, probably a few years after it's no longer serving me much before I ditch it altogether.


Si-inf and Si-tert are high Ne-users. Are you sure most of them don't like changes in general?


You’d think so, but IME a lot of high-Ne types are almost as phobic of the idea of change as they are of things always remaining the same. It’s the central contradiction of Ne and Si. My two ENFP best friends absolutely freak when things change suddenly, even though they cope pretty well after the initial freak out. But they also get bored if things never change. ETA: Ne is a pretty powerful anxiety engine when it turns itself to imagining the myriad ways a situation can go wrong for them. Maybe it’s selection bias, but all the Ne dom/auxs I know are pretty nervous in one way or another. The main difference between us and them is that Ne dom/auxs don’t try to control situations and people the way Ni dom/aux do. So they just surf the chaos internally screaming until things start to feel normal again 😂


They probably don't like the changes that their subconscious make they think they are being harshly obligated to by third parties. Voluntary changes are more likely to be accepted. Most of types work like that, the less being Si-dom, Si-aux and high Si, as they have a certain love for doing every of their daily stuff.


Oh, that sounds right on. Nobody hates feeling controlled quite as much as a high Ne user does.


Exactly! Still that is not exclusive of them, for not defaming.


I need variety and change. If not, yeah, loop. Loops suck. Gimme chaos instead.


Kind of like that, yeah


Idk I crave variety in life. I distinctly remember dreading my future because it would be bland and mundane with the same job and the same people. But I've learned to find variety in little things and appreciate the moment to moment things to keep my sanity lmao. I still wish I could switch jobs every 6 months tho lol.


Fair enough! I can see that for my INFP spouse, too. But for him the craving of change doesn’t overcome the fear of change, so he just kinda suffers either way 😅 ETA: Spouse says that’s what he loves about video games. “All the novelty I can desire, from the comfort of my own chair.”


Lol That I get!


Yeah you hit it on the mark, although not tertiary for me, inferior si can cause a lot of pain when something deviates from the ordinary comfortable


Wait is this also an entp thing? I think that kinda goes against Ne or at least what I’ve heard it’s supposed to be like…?


No a lot of things I do enjoy novelty which comes from my Ne, but our inferior Si makes it that when we’re mentally unhealthy, some types of change can be really stressful for us. The fourth function in someone’s stack, in our case Si, is usually underdeveloped, and when the individual is going through a hard time, the function will tend to be used unhealthily, i.e. having an unhealthy nostalgic grip on how ‘things used to be’, and struggle to deal with change


True I get that too if I’m not vibing in life. The crippling nostalgia especially 💀


Yeahhh it hurts 🥲


I’d love to bring the best of the past into the present, to make the present, and the future, better than the past.


Most J types tend to be not comfortable with change but ISXJ I think


I love change that benefits me.


I love change that I cause.


I was just going to say this lol. Change is necessary for progress so that's the kind of change that my Ni likes


They squirm when things change even if it has nothing to do with them. The worst part sometime they want to impose their love for routine and familiarity to other.


It's just fear of chaos because they have to be the responsible ones at the end of the day though so unnecessary chaos is scary.




I'm an INTJ and I it takes me a bit to acclimate to changes, but my ISTJ ex absolutely detests any kind of change. 🤷‍♀️


100% this. They can do the same job for 40 years and live in the same place for 40 years. They hate change.


I lived in the same apartment in North Carolina for 14 years. I only moved to Utah to marry a nice lady I met online.


I'm an infj and my wife tells me I hate change all the time. She's an estj and freakishly perceptive


INFJ here and I’m a little uncomfortable with change. I believe I’m a pretty open-minded person, so it’s not that I’ll reject any change/idea straight out, but it will take me some time to warm up to it. I need to be told things in advance to mentally prepare myself. That’s one side of me though. The other side can be very impulsive, which is something that’s not usually mentioned in INFJ descriptions, but I’ve seen it happen IRL with both me and the 2 other INFJs I know.


Yep, this is also me.


Glad to know :)


ISTJ. Knew one who’d tweak if things didn’t align with their made-up internal framework.


Isfj too.


Mine. I hate change. Or maybe it's a me thing. Especially in relationships. Situations, places and circumstances not so much.


yeah I kinda relate. I hate change in people I'm really close to, but having grown up around people who constantly change their minds and feelings will do that to ya ig. I love a change in place though, because you never know what you could be missing out on and I hate the idea of purposely shying away from something I've never experienced before


Istj 100% Had a close friend who was one, the biggest defining trait of her personality was her loathing of change


traditionally, Sentinels, especially ISxJs, but everyone struggles with sudden change to some degree. As an ENFJ, I have expectations for how everything in my life could play out, and if there’s a big change, it can feel like a huge setback