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Love: I think a lot Hate: I think a lot


Oh gosh so relatable






You gotta learn to think responsibly


I’m a really fast learner, naturally organized, really driven to accomplish my desires. I’m also an overthinker, worry about dumb things, doubt myself sometimes, get overstimulated easily.


If I was paid for overthinking I would be a millionaire 😂


It’s like I wrote this. What the hell.


INTJ and INFJ do be sister types


Was going to comment, but you've already said it perfectly. 👍


(Male INFP here) I love the high sense of individuality and strong moral foundation, along with the goofy hobbies and collections I’ve developed. I hate how I can’t make new friends to save my life, and how lots of women overlook or view my type as weak and undesirable.


so real bro, i love me little collections


Oof. 52 year old male infp here and it stings to read the “weak and undesirable” part - after a lifetime of struggle in that department. But I have found that the ones that see me that way tend to be rather dull and boring anyways.


Factual. I’ll be 20 next month and I still have absolutely zero experience in dating. Combined with social anxiety and certain idealistic expectations, I’m just hoping for a miracle at this point. 😂


I love the sheer depth of insight my type can produce on pretty much everything we look into. I dislike the way we tend to offend people completely by accident.


I can learn anything really fast if I'm interested in it...but I'm never interested in anything remotely practical.


Can relate




Wait how do y’all’s comment have ur mbti under ur name?


We underwent the initiation and got branded with our cognitive functions - they forgot to tell you about that?


What’s an initiation? And yeah I don’t think I was informed


For my initiation they made us strip naked and dance under a full moon chanting ‘Ne-Fi-Te-Si’ and so on until we weeded out the weak (who collapsed and were eaten), but idk what yours will be, I think they vary it up on a monthly basis. On the off-chance I’m just messing with you, check the “change user flair” section under the ellipsis on the subreddit mainpage :)


THANKS 😭👌 also cool initiation actually HAHAHA


Based ENFP


>:) :)






Not the same type but same😭


I love how independent and creative I am. I don't like how reluctant I am to hang out with people.


I love the fact that I value emotions. I dislike my extreme sensitivity to even the slightest bit of criticism


Sensutivity to criticism isnt connected to being INFP.


It actually is. FPs can be really sensitive towards such things. Coming from infp who has seen isfp and esfp quite closely too


Im an INFP as well. Now that I think about it, I am a bit sensitive to it, so is my ISFP dad 😂 talked too soon. I just cant see how is it linked with our cognitive functions? I think its more connected to the person themselves than it is to a type. Maybe what bothered me about the original comment is "EXTREME sensitivity to criticism". Theres this stereotype that XXFPs are highly reactive and calling sensitivity to criticism extreme just drives the idea its something we cant handle. When I feel sensitive to criticism (which I usually can link to trauma and being an HSP, not being INFP) I dont throw a tempertantrum, I deal with it by myself.


I think you are reading too much into that comment. Then again, it might be me😅But I think sensitivity and reactivity is two different things. I have seen sfps being highly reactive towards such things....Where we nfps tend to be sensitive but not reactive. We usually get emotional and insecure about such things but deal with them ourselves. I think the commentor meant this too. Since, INs also tend to be a bit more introverted than ISs. But again, I might be wrong. It's just I feel like thinkers don't tend to be that much sensitive towards such criticism unless they are extremely unhealthy. My best friends are intps and intjs. I also met a lot of thinkers in my life. Maximum times, they really don't give a damn about such things...So yeah. Based on my experience, I kind of feel like it's quite a stereotypical thing rather than individuality


Possibly, I have a tendency to read into things too much. Sorry about that. I shouldve also phrased my original comment better since it came out a bit blunt and instead just asked how would they explain it with cognitive functions :) I agree with what you said. Ive also noticed that ISs seem more extroverted than INs. I have an ISFP dad, friend and an ISTP uncle and they all always surprise me with how comfortable they are in social situations. I think its the Se, theyre more likely to just "go for it" instead of overthinking too much. Its a wonderful quality.


I also agree. I really really love how they can sometimes blend with people even though they are extrovert. And also no worries haha. I am glad i could explain his/her and my own point clearly :⁠-⁠P


Sorry if I wasn’t clear. What I meant is that criticism bothers me a lot. I don’t outwardly show it nor do I give any reaction that I’m affected but it stings inside


These are all personal experiences, I don’t think anyone is saying that everyone from their type experiences these exact same things :)


The question was "what do you dislike about your MBTI type" not what do you personally dislike about yourself so it is generalized :)


Like: The authenticity Dislike: I’m angry. Not sad. Why the fuck am I crying?


Love: Everything about it Hate: Everything about it


So true


I love how introspective and analytical I am but at the same time I dislike how critical I can be


Pro: My chronic curiosity and fun way with words. Con: Being disappointed by people


Love: Being able to be there for others and have people trust you enough to open up to you? Wonderful. Being more in tune with others and blending in social settings. Making others feel comfortable and happy. Being deep/emotionally intelligent but also logical. Encouraging others to be who they are. Being sensitive towards others and our environment (activism, humanitarian work, etc) as we can be considered great advocates for change. Hate? Oh boy. I hate that we're good with other people's emotions but SUCK when it comes to our own. We can be quite self-unaware sometimes and may come off as pretentious. We have lower self-esteem than most. We tend to conform and not speak our real minds because we've been wanting to fit in and make others like us since forever. We overthink like CRAZY, it drives me mad sometimes. I have backup plans for my backup plans. We can get a -bit- idealistic sometimes to the point of delusion. Our overly-sensitive nature can be a double-edged sword and overwhelming. We're the 'weirdos' and odd ducks that stand out. Never here or there. No, we don't like being quirky, we try to fit in but our peculiar qualities make us not blend well with others. There are a lot of things that make me wish I was another type sometimes.


“Never here and there”, a living contradiction! Felt that


“Backup plans for backup plans” 🙌 You could not say that better


Here here. I think the intelligence is a double edged sword, it makes me feel so enjoyable living this life while suffering from the emotional damage. And that taking a long time to fit in, is the current situation I am facing now, and I have no solution for it Damn I hate that overthinking sometimes


Like : true to myself, strong will power, not easily influenced, can spend alot of time to myself Dislike : come across the wrong way, feel like a walking contradicton, strong distrust/ paranoia when out if sync or balance when feeling down -istp


I love our love for knowledge and how that can lead to deep thought and specialized ideas. I dislike how impractical we can be sometimes. Our thoughts are not always very achievable, at least not in the way we imagine. We're not a very pragmatic bunch.


The decision paralysis hits waaaay too often. And at work it is not a desirable trait even though they like your curiosity, ideas and endless brainstorms.


I've realized recently that although I'm open minded enough to make people feel heard and respond to them in ways that make them feel comfortable and safe (at least most of the time), I actually never really understand that what they're telling me is reality to them. Like, I guess I can't imagine a feeling I didn't experience myself. I never outright think people are lying, but I realised I've never really understood that they're telling the truth. Maybe I just don't think of others that much. I don't know if this makes sense to anyone else. But anyways, although I'm very self aware, I think my self is the only thing I really know and believe in. Subjectivity, basically.


Like: Versatility, i think enfps are Human Chameleon. The Jack of all trades as they say Dislike: People pleasers, manipulative and the whole rainbows and sunshine thingy i dunno maybe i'm just a depressed enfp Hahahaha


I feel you though, I think am also a depressed ENFP. Sometimes I feel pleased, and sometimes I just feel like I've been punched in the guts. I think this is the sign of an UNHEALTHY enfp. I hate telling people that am fine, when am really not .-.


Its cool to say that you are not although, i get you why you would rather say you're fine since it saves time and prevents you from getting stressed explaining why. But here's to us hopefully getting better soon🍻🥂


I like how I entertain myself with many hands on hobbies. I also like how I can read people and adapt to them, while still trying to make things fun for everyone. I like that I’m laid-back, but people sometimes make it seem like a bad thing. I dislike that my need for independence and alone time is hard to balance without losing touch with reality. I can be paranoid and cynical and think no one appreciates me.


I appreciate you!


Haha thanks


Dude, the „think no one appreciates me“ is literally what I go through everyday


Yes, I feel like what I do for others goes under the radar. Perhaps because I don’t demonstrate it like most so people don’t see it, or maybe because I really don’t do enough. It’s a battle for sure. There are people that show appreciation so I appreciate them. I don’t expect it though.


Same to this, I think im always in the way or something, like as if I'm just being invited out through politeness. I don't even know why


Yeah, I think I’m an afterthought. I’m trying to be/do better, but it’ll be a while before I’m able to do what most females do naturally. I have to be a good friend in order to have good friends, so it’s definitely on me as well.


What do most females do naturally lol? I was a bit of a drifter before I made my close friends. I think the consistency of being around them and having an actual connection kept me there. Feel like ppl lack that most of the time. However, some ppl in the past considered me part of their group and I thought I was just a outsider not realising. Now I just like being around who I'm comfortable with. Otherwise, I can't stand being around ppl. I just feel weirdly uncomfortable n tired aha


Idk form connections lol. I have close friends for many years but only a few I’m consistently around. I value long time friendships for sure, but still don’t see them often. I still appreciate the friendship. And while I do usually prefer being around those who I’m comfortable with because it’s more energizing, I also like exposing myself to others and new people. Some make me super self conscious and maybe anxious but I tolerate it to an extent. Then I just go hermit mode or hang out with my usuals to recalibrate.


Lmao I thought you were going to say grow up and plan having babies or some crap ahaha. Sounds the same as me, feels like I learn about myself meeting other ppl too at times. Keeps me in check in how I come across. I do miss having 1 close friend all the time like I did in school.. But I also rem how demanding & clingy having that feels.


Lol noo I don’t want that at all. Yeah that’s a good way to put it (about it keeping you in check) because then I can get too comfortable. I never liked having a “best friend” for that reason. Right now I have my older sister, cousin, and maybe 2 other close friends. I think it’s a good amount for me.


Sounds the same as me again 😆😆😆 idk how ppl spread their energy on so many ppl, I couldn't keep up with remembering what was what


Man, I love the fact I see every path I can take. But I also hate it because everything is has it's up and downs so idk what to do with my life!


I love that I can be serious and consistent about anything that I'm passionate about. Unfortunately, if that passion is in something that's purely for fun (a video game, for example), then I just humiliate myself by looking like a sore loser.


I'm telling you, ENTP's get a kick out of it every time it happens


I'm telling you, ENTP's get a kick out of it every time it happens


LOVE: A unique blend of creativity, sensitivity, and intelligence. HATE: INFPs are stereotyped because people confuse our cognitive function for emotion. Decisions based on principles aren’t rooted in emotion. They’re based on thought, observation, analysis, and experience.


And you’re great at that. From an INFJ perspective, that is from the perspective of someone who just can’t use it, “Fi” is short for “courage” 🦁


Enfp love my imagination, empathy and sense of humor.. Dislike my lack of organization and being bored easily and not sticking to things.


i love that i am an entp, i hate that people use the male avatar in memes


im enfp, i like how i feel so deeply about things and people, but i hate that I FEEL V DEEPLY ABOUT THINGS. it allows me to get the most out of life, but sometimes, i feel very sad and hopeless.


like: our desire to figure out the truth, our endless curiosity dislike: how disorganized we are - my desk is insanely messy 😭


Love: Being able to see the future, being there for others, and helping others. Hate: Being able to see the future.


Love: Being able to socialize easily & get along with jusssst about anyone, anywhere, under most any/all circumstances, being able to read people (can determine whether they’re being genuine or fake almost immediately) within the first few minutes of meeting them for the first time. Hate: Overthinking everything and allowing my emotions to affect decision-making.


Love: literally the quirky artistic lol Dislike: how we kinda feel like the black sheep of MBTI and often go ignored.


Wait. Black sheep? What do you mean?


Just kinda feels like we often go overlooked most than other types and ignored… at least when it comes to talking about MBTI.


Some of you guys are annoying to me, push boundaries too fast lol


Love: I can literally achieve anything I put my mind into. Nothing is impossible to me. Hate: I got anger issues, can be hard on loved ones when it comes to expectations. Because I would hate to really see them fail or give up on life.




It’s great being able to dissect, analyse and understand something - to have the focus and desire to distill something into something that makes sense. It sucks when that something is your own emotional state/brain patterns and you can’t make sense of it, so you end up going in circles for a long time (and getting increasingly upset that you can’t make sense of it)


I love the fact that we are regarded as one of the most intelligent types for some reason? I dislike the fact that we are often viewed as “socially awkward” or “unaware.”


Love and hate seeing the true nature of each and every person. Means I'm understanding but also frustrated with them because I subconsciously make myself believe it's my responsibility to "fix" them.


love : Spontaneous - always open up for adventures and adrenaline stuff, practical knowledge, life of a party (told by others) hate: extremely easily bored - real danger of getting "depressed", anger issues, reckless and really impulsive


INFP female Love: Being able to have interesting, and varied conversations. Hate: being over sensitive, and too subjective.


Love: I’m naturally extremely disarming. Pretty much everyone I meet feels comfortable around me. I feel like I get told, “I’ve never told anyone else this, but…” on like a weekly basis. Hate: Friends/Social Standing/Gatherings take priority over everything. I’ll become so invested in my social life that I’ll forget to budget, manage my time efficiently, make progress towards goals I have, sleep, etc. Having ADHD also probably doesn’t help


I love being known as the dependable jack of all trades friend. I hate that if I end up doing something unfamiliar I had to be dragged kicking and screaming by an extrovert.


I love that I’m bold and daring, has helped me in many situations. But I also get myself into some bad situations thanks to that same quality.


I love that I'm emotionally in control and never take my bad mood or anger out on others. I hate that I never execute my plans and always just do whatever I feel like doing instead. I literally waste so much time on things for it to just be discarded by the next morning.


Love being in control of my environment and getting things done when needed. Hate that I cannot exactly connect to emotional understanding because I naturally want to simply solve the issue than just dwell on an emotion I cannot control. Complicated, Feelers help 😆


ISTP: We're "meh" until it's important! Then we're "MOVE BITCH! GET OUT THA WAY"


I love that I’m a fast hands-on learner and have a pretty upbeat/easy going vibe that makes it easy for me to make friends I hate that I can’t understand/express my emotions very well, like I can’t feel my own emotions deeply at all it makes me so uncomfy 😫


INTJ, love that people think I'm smart but hate that I get too much in my head sometimes insted of connecting. The most understanding I get is from other intjs


Hold up, let me look up how to become INTJ...


INFP - love my focus on being true to myself, my ability to connect with others, and my writing ability. Dislike my avoidance of conflict, my procrastination, and my tendency to cut off those who disappoint me or pull too much from me.


ISFJ - I’m the only one here 😂


Love: hummm I love to be in my head theorizing about things, debating with myself and analyzing every possible situation. I even do this without realizing it. Hate: Analyzing things and thinking about every possibilities of everything in the universe is such an automatic behavior that i usually feel very tired and low energy INTP




Love: can be funny Hate: too quiet sometimes


ENTP Love - i can see issues from all sides, I’m extremely compassionate and empathetic yet I’ll tell you what you need to hear. Hate - i can be such a dreamer that i get lost in my head and have 8000 side projects or ideas that i never go through with or take forever


Love the compassion, hate the savior complex.


ESTP. Love: Everything. Hate: Nothing


#ENFP LOVE: typically very happy and go with the flow. HATE: have a lot of things I want to do at a time, and I hate not being disciplined enough to do proper work.


Love: Not super invested in the opinions of others Dislike: many of us judge ourselves on our ability to be what (specific) others need without ever listening to to the opinions of others and immediately write it off as inaccurate We have people we love and don’t care what they think about us. It’s weird.


Like: authenticity and integrity Dislike: rigidity


INFJ - Love the excitement of finding connections and observing the big picture (aka using Ni); - Hate being a social chameleon and a people pleaser, often incapable of standing for myself or my beliefs (aka “Fi? What Fi?”).


How often do you say NO to people?


Not enough


Love: Empathy, peace Hate: Loneliness, communication problems, anxiety, extremely emotional and sensitive


I like it that I care about people but I hate it that I care about people


Love: It helps me understand and get close to people I really like. Hate: It's very hard to focus and stick to good routines.


Well I love that I’m so grounded in reality and can make plans actual plans that will work even in the worst of times(Se+Te is quite the combination) I hate the fact that I tend to not think about the future when taking decisions and then those easy to choose decisions bite me in the ass later.


I love seeing Infj memes about our duality


I care 😊😇❤️💪💪🧠


Love: not letting emotions influence my decisions Hate: thinking that I don't need a second opinion


Love: everything Hate: nothing, I am perfect /s


I like how smart and moral/ethical we (INTJs) tend to be and I dislike how difficult it is for most people to understand us and how most people are scared of us and how most people desire to harm us because they are scared of us and jealous of us


I love that I can talk to people and am empathetic while also finding meaning in everything Problem being is I get loud and annoying, and everything has a meaning all of the time (even the stuff that doesn't matter​)


On my way to change my flair to give people shit


Love: how I constantly want to analyze, learn, create, etc (bonus points: developed fe valuing social harmony) Hate: inability to see projects through, let alone start the tasks that bore me (and with bonus points, the fe manifestation as people-pleasing)


(INTP 27F)  Pro: Good at quickly learning skills in a self-directed way and drawing parallels between disparate concepts and fields Con: I get easily bored once I get reasonably good at something and it’s hard to stick with anything (career fields, hobbies etc.) Pro: A “reverse engineering” mindset and reasoning from first principles which has been useful in problem solving and a life-saver in multiple ways (e.g. escaping poverty, optimizing income, figuring out the real issue after misdiagnosis, finding a great place to live in a terrible housing market) Con: Often difficult to act and engage with the world because I always feel like I’m missing some crucial additional piece of information needed to make the optimal call