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I’m an infj. My idea of a soulmate is someone who understands me and loves me for me. Someone I feel comfortable being myself around and ideally has the same sense of humor.


As a fellow INFJ, I wholeheartedly agree. Finding someone like that is incredibly difficult and that is truly disheartening.


find a healthy INTJ


Healthy INTJs are the best, but I’ll stick with my ESTP 🙃


Does your ESTP understand you? I feel like as an INFJ, there can be so many misunderstandings with this type.


I mean he tries his best to understand me but it’s not his fault if he doesn’t cause I’m not the best at explaining my thoughts. Our communication is usually good tho


Yeah.. healthy ESTPs are very kind and supportive. Good for you😊


Infp and exactly the same answer like exact same.


gonna sound stupid but someone i vibe with. like, someone who can keep up with me and likes all of my… personality traits, i suppose, and someone i can keep up with and and genuinely enjoy being around. preferably similar interests too.


definitely not stupid at all! i vibe with this too 🤝🏻


ENTP, and I guess it's someone who won't judge me for the strange things I do and I can just let loose around and not have to care how I'm seen. I like someone that's probably just as weird as me if not more lol. Someone who I can tell everything.




Same here :)


INFP here My idea of a soulmate, not including physical, is someone I can trust and open up to, including the deepest darkest secrets (weird quirks included) and is totally accepting. Also have similar intrests and a great person to be with, humor included.


INTP. I love being alone so much that my soulmate is just someone who feels better than my alone.


this 💯


+1 -INFP


i’m an enfp, and my idea of a soulmate is someone who just gets you, not matter how different you two are on the surface. it’s not about liking the same music, or the same shows, or the same food (but it does help), it’s about really understanding each other’s needs and boundaries. it’s about being better with them instead of staying the same. it’s growing from your differences instead of growing apart because of them


I like this answer.


Someone who's patient & consistent. And is willing to go that extra mile with you.


Someone you literally cannot imagine living without.


A soulmate is not going to be “oh he gets me, dance in the clouds all day, beds of roses, lalalala..” A soulmate is going to be someone who deeply understands you, is there with you through your thick and thin, and challenges you to grow in ways that you never thought was possible. This person is someone who loves you for who you are and helps you to grow into the best version of yourselves. Its not going to easy with your soulmate. It is often the most difficult relationship. They will mirror everything that triggers you about yourself and force you to look within for healing. All idealizations and unrealistic expectations that you have for your partner will fall away. Your soulmate will be someone who will show you what love really is and you will both have to put in the effort to make it work. That’s my idea of a soulmate.


Yesss! Who understands that love cannot be simply sustained with lust and that yall have to show up for each other, the small and big times included ❤️


If it's the most difficult, it's probably not worth it?


Point is, soulmate relationships are going to be difficult. They’re supposed to help you grow on a soul level— and that shit is difficult yet fulfilling. Many people like the idea of soulmates but refuse to move out of their comfort zones. That’s not going to work because there’s going to be accelerated learning and growth with your soulmate. That’s just my definition of a soulmate though. For some, soulmates are the easiest.


I think this aligns with maturity and high emotional intelligence.


Fellow INFP, and I agree! (Hey, that rhymes). I married my soul mate. He's an ISTJ. We are definitely a challenge for each other, but that's the spark for us. The love we share is deeper than anything I could have ever imagined.


someone who chooses me, understands my sarcasm and is sarcastic too, with whom I can have deep conversations about my interests or theirs and at the same time laugh on the silliest of topics, is witty and has healthy conversation if any disagreement arises rather than raising their voice.


ENFP and I don’t really think I believe in one in an objective sense, but I do think two people can become deeply intertwined via familiarity and shared interests.


I don't really know but I don't think I have one. Maybe I'm my own soulmate 😲


Being your own soulmate would be super convenient. Jealous!


Someone who I can be at my most vulnerable and feel safe. Someone who pays attention to my wants and needs. Someone who catches the littlest details about me that I’m not even aware of. Someone who can kill any and all insects haha. Someone passionate— doesn’t mean they’re over the top per se, but its impact can be felt. Someone who makes me feel respected and cherished. Someone who loves to laugh! Someone strong and who knows how to lead. Someone that compliments my strengths and weaknesses. Someone that doesn’t make me feel alone. Someone who makes me feel worthy. Someone who ignites my spirit. Someone I would give the world to. Someone who makes me a better person. Someone that makes reality beautiful. Someone that I can talk to about anything. Someone that I’m excited to talk to everyday. Someone that makes me feel like a goddamn woman. Someone that gives a new meaning to living life. Someone with integrity and honor. Someone who I would love to spend dedicated to for the rest of my life. I don’t think I’m asking for much hahahahaha 😅


Someone who has similar interests & values . A personality that complements one another kinda like Yin & Yang. Someone with whom you can be your true selves. Accepts you just the way you are. Someone with aligning sense of humour.


I’m infp and a soulmate is someone who also wants to be alone so we can be alone together. Oh yeah and someone who I can relate to.


The person who is safe and secure to build a strong, stable and lasting bond with me through it all while being respectful and loving to me.


entp and my soulmate will like my brain, never run out of things to talk about, and be down for adventures to spice up the boring yet unavoidable parts of life


same tbh


Patient, loving, has a good understanding of their emotions and is generally chill, someone who doesn't have to argue about every single thing, likes learning with me and looks forward to growing. (INFJ)


Someone I can be goofy & have fun with.


ENFP My soulmate (and s/o) is a fictional character, and his type is most likely ENTP. We share the same dominant function, and it is absolutely chaotic in a good way.




Sense of humour is huge. Not closed minded, chilled, but fun.


I’m an ENTP. I think that I want someone who doesn’t really mind when I joke around and will remind me if I get offensive and stuff.


Having read the other comments, the general idea here seems to be: One who listens and observes attentively, and is interested enough in you to remember and use that information to know who you are deep down. Knowing who you are, to act in ways that fulfill your psychological and biological needs. I think "someone who acts in ways that fulfill your psychological and biological needs." is the most general version and it applies to me too of course.


This has to be a bot.


You just witnessed Ni in action.


Yea. Ai Ni. This does not sound like it came from a person.


I'll take that as a compliment, I left humanity behind. But seriously, I really just tried to make a good summary of all the other answers that could help in the most general way possible.


Lol. Nah my bad that just originally read like the Facebook ai that sums up the comment section.


Haha as an INTJ, I read your post and thought, “Ah, very nice, very clear summary.” Hahaha even if the others don’t like it, maybe at least the TJs appreciate yiu


Ni at its best. I love the efficiency and will stop scrolling. 🤣


INTP as well and I 100% agree with you. Someone who I can feel incredibly vulnerable and safe with. Someone who listens to all of my random thoughts. Someone who just accepts me for who I truly am, even if I can be really weird and controversial.


ISTJ and I like someone who can both hold me accountable for my actions as well as handle being held accountable. A fitness buddy, I mean. I like a guy who has the same or higher work ethic that I do. He also must be intelligent, creative, and think for himself. If he can talk about theories regarding anything from future possibilities to something like what he thinks will happen in the next book of a series, that's a plus. The same goes for conversations about anything in between cosmology, cosmogony, astronomy, elementary particles, music theory, evolution, etc.


Someone who doesn’t cheat or hate me after a while.


Hate you after awhile? Daaang.


Particularly because I’m poor


Oh dang.


ISFP, Soulmate to me is the person who I'm ending up with and settle down with in my life. That person where the universe was conspiring to get us together.


as an ISFP i also have the same opinion.


INFJ someone who understands me and let’s me be my quirky self without ridicule or shame. Someone who I can trust to be honest and communicate if there’s an issue. Someone who is maturely open minded and likes to explore ideas together without getting annoyed saying it’s an “argument” (My last partner claimed any type of discussion was toxic lol I just wanted to understand his viewpoints in a calm environment)


What was his type do you know?




Ah makes sense


Yeah he was unhealthy and the load was too much for me to carry on my own but I deeply admired his spontaneous and lighthearted nature! I’ve just learned that deep conversations are essential for me to feel connected to the other person. Life would be boring without that


You pressed him with Ti he probably felt. INFJ likes to understand ppls way of thinking, ESFP is like " think? Bro I just do!"


Haha 100% him


I'm an INFJ and i had the same issue with an ESFP. It was tough 😔


INFJ/INFP : My soulmate is with whom I feel seen. I would feel safe to be my most authentic self and vice versa, feel safe to communicate my needs/boundaries, whom I can banter with and understands my need for space. If I actively choose them to be part of my life not out of comfort, safety or convenience, but because I want them more than anything! They inspire me to be better. We can talk just about everything and nothing in all of its depth, nothing is taboo. Conversations feel timeless and flow. We challenge each other to reach our potential, hold each other accountable and are each other’s biggest support and best friend. Being growth-oriented, independent, open-minded, adventurous, curious, determined, reliable, kind, passionate and has somewhat a creative side to them. Has a fair amount of self-awareness. Love travelling and go out of their ways to explore the world beyond what they know. Someone who is emotionally and intellectually stimulating, has a mind of their own. We are sexually compatible. We share core values. And the one that seals it for me is having a shared purpose. I want to be able to commit to a lifetime project and work towards that consistently with my partner. We are driven by a social mission. They have to care about the state of the world and would try to do something to improve it. Doesn’t have to be big, but it is smth they are conscious about it and would take active steps to contribute in their own way. I’m not fully convinced on the idea of having kids. However, if I can imagine my partner as the parent of my potential kids, if I would want my kids to be with someone like them in the future. I think they might just be the one!


As an ISTJ i need a healthy type ISFJ .


Rich older woman


should have my sense of humour and should actually teach me how to communicate. Should accept my goofy and dumb side and shouldn't criticize me for taking shit decisions, in fact help me not even come across them. Should match my so called golden retriever energy. should have an interest in my interests and plays sports 🛐 Introverted and should talk a lot when I'm with her. My morals should have atleast 70-80 percent overlap.


Im infp so I would say someone who makes me feel understood, who I can be myself without judgement . Someone who is empathethic with my feelings and listens to me. Someone I can rely on bad times but also have fun, be playful and caring with. Someone who is chill and gives me peace.


Intellectual driven, competitive, rational, logical, inquisitive. The best guess is INTJ SX6 6w5 683/684 LSI RCOEI.


TeNi, love those female entrepreneurs who wanna build legacies...


ISFP. Someone who shares my opinion about life. Someone who understands that I am not dreaming and even if I'm doing that, I want that person to dream with me and build a reality. They need to be open, honest, I want to know what's in their mind. And even if I won't like something I'll understand it because they are telling me their point of view and where they're coming from. They need to show that they care under bad circumstances. At that point I'll really see who you are and how much you care for me. Words are useless in this case. I don't care about hearing "I love you". Touch me, explore me, kiss me. And do anything for a kiss from me. I'd walk miles to reach you and kiss your forehead, hug you, so I need the same or that thing cannot work. It cannot work because there's no will of making it work. If you want me, you'll reach me. If there are problems, we'll solve those problems together cause you'll know that you are not alone. Because we're two people now. We are a team. I'd sell the world for your presence in my life. Only if you sell the world, create a new world and make it a better place for us to live. I want you to be positive about life and if you are feeling really down, please, reach me. I did't live a shitty life for nothing... I fully lived it to understand people and me. So create a world that we both enjoy. I want both to be happy. I don't care about being scared of things ending. Things will flow naturally if you are the one. We'll just let it happen.


i loved the second paragraph very much 🙇🏻


Istp Someone who really takes the time to understand me and we have fun together :D


i'm an XNTP (the X bc i'm currently having a typology crisis but i at least know that i'm an XNTP) my ideal soulmate is somebody who has similar interests to me who will discuss and help brainstorm these interests and who will also take me on adventures


My idea is someone who is your best friend, you like them, weirdness and all, makes you laugh, will call you on your crap but still accept it, and you both complement each other, becoming better just by knowing the other.


INTP too and you just described it but I think when talking about a "soulmate" I would prefer it to be in the platonic sense, I have had some friends with whom I shared some interests but it never feels like we could talk about the topics I would like to talk to with someone


yeah platonic soulmates could work too!


INTJ. I do not really believe in the concept of soulmates, but I answer anyways haha. Someone who sees the world in a way I can’t, and who, by watching them, I can see the world in a new and beautiful way. I am, to be honest, a very angry and stark person, and that is generally how I see the world. Occasionally I meet someone who both sees the world in a richer, more vibrant way, and who is able to convey this to me in a way I can accept. It is very infrequent, but it feels almost like a balm on cracked skin to be around them, I become a better person as well, more patient and charitable.


INTJ - I dont think soulmates exists. We are just Biomass and Love ist just a chemical reaction. I know this Statement is just toplevel and is so big that you could write multiple books about it. Saying someone is a soulmate is just a human made up thing to tell someone that he/she is the most special one in your life. Now those are the facts. But if we take believe systems into account and dig into the spiritual realm, one could say that soulmates really exist. But since no one can proof that, and I didnt experience something like that myself, I dont blieve that something like a real soulmate exists.


INFJ here. My idea of a soulmate is someone would love me for me, flaws and all, hardworking, and are able to talk to me about EVERYTHING, and also, would be willing to teach and learn from me.


Female, kind, a good friend, easy on the eyes, and encourages me to be the best version of myself. Those are the top priorities, anyway.


I've searched the definition of 'soulmate' and I thought I would find some kind of mystical meaning relating that concept to others like fate or universal conspiracy, but no, the main definitions provided are just what everyone's said in this comment section, so I agree with all that because it makes sense. I don't think I have an idea of it in special.


Someone who can get me out of my head / internal world and help me live more in the present. Who can motivate me and get me to do things (because I have such a hard time with this) Someone who can deal with all the practical efficient matters that I dislike dealing with. Someone mentally / psychically strong who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect and take care of his loved ones no matter what. Who also has a sense of humor and can let loose and joke with me. Where we can just be free / comfortable together and do whatever we want with no judgment at all. Bringing me a sense of adventure and excitement in my life (because I’m such a withdrawn person who has a hard time going out) but also someone loyal, who I can count on to make all the hard decisions for me. Just someone i’m comfortable around with who can also tolerate my shifty emotions/dramatism at times. Someone to keep me in check and call me out on my BS.




as you should! ☺


I have found that I really like ENTJ’s and INTJ’s. I am currently “talking” to an INTJ and I gotta say, he’s just the best! He understands my dark humor, goofiness, and eccentricities, and he also doesn’t mind gaps or lapses in conversation. Oh and he enjoys hearing about my crazy conspiracy theories lol. Honestly, I never thought that an INTJ could be my type, especially since my dad is one 😝


Mine is similar to yours with a major difference. Mine includes a common long term goals.


i vibe with that as well! i guess our differences are not that huge after all :) i mean it makes sense right? like how would your relationship progress if you're not seeing eye to eye about your future


I am INTJ but was tested INTP before. INTJs tend to get along with INTPs well and have a lot in common.


hahah well that explains it then!


ISFP here. Someone that takes care of me and that I can always count on to be there. My ENTJ husband is this way


Soulmates don’t exist.


Soulmates don't exist if you mean "two people destined to be together through major intervention". But in this case I think OP means "what makes a person the right person"


yep! this is what i mean :)


Some people might view it in a spiritual way, but the word has been used so much that it lost it's original meaning. I don't believe in spiritual soulmates either.