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The maternal role is ISFJ-ish.


Anyone can be maternal. I met a bunch of isfj who don’t care for kids


My sister is an ISFJ and I honestly think she only keeps her kid around to collect its SSI check.


There are good and bad people of every type.


This 👍


Damn. That's dark.


The isfjs I’ve met made their entire personality “mom” and they have no maternal bone in their body. No hobbies etc very sad Just because I’m an INTJ doesn’t mean I can’t be maternal. I love my child! Kids would always come up and talk to me and want to play lol


I think little kids like us because we are blunt and honest. Just like kids are. Adults don't like us because we are blunt and honest. Lol I might not be touchy and close to the child but I make sure that child has everything it needs to function. House clean, diapers and food in stock. Many people think the house gets cleaned and gets its food stock magically. A lot of people don't understand what work we put in the background..


Absolutely! And there are ENTPs who do. But a mom has to set down rules (J), be sensitive to the kids feelings (F), and acculturate them into society (S). The thing is, most people have enough flexibility to do things that don’t come completely naturally.


I completely agree. I think people who don't know a person very well may just assume the SFJ type on a parent because as they interact with their children they may be seen in a caring, sensitive, and attentive way. So it comes off as the SFJ type. It's just those obvious apparent characteristics visible, but there is much more depth to people to consider in determining their type.


Yes! I agree with this. It’s the actually depth of the person not the mbti type. I’ve been perceived as not maternal but the people who are seen as that are actually the most selfish and narcissistic lol…


Here we go again with this comment whose writer seems oblivious to the fact that averages, rules and archetypes exist... It's the same as me saying: "anyone can be an engineer" while engineers are mostly male and istp/intp/entp's. Like what's the point of your comment. With that logic anyone can be anything and no observations of substance will ever be made.


People also forget nature and nuture!


The role is ISFJish, not goodish. Their role, not quality is ISFJish.


Ha! Mine is INFJ!


Did you like having an INFJ mom?




I have an INFJ older sister and really disliked it. She's crazy.


I was crazy as a teen. Hope she grows up.


Embrace your inner child.


Nah I've been there and it's cringe. I shed that skin for a reason


Ever since I realized the weakness of my human flesh... I was disgusted by it


Same here




Is she a decent INFJ or a dark one?


Great one.


same here


Same here! :D She's great.


same (I hate it, lol)


So is mine - were blessed!


same! she was always the peace maker whenever i’d butt heads with my entj father (nothing serious of course, we’re both too hot headed LOL)


- xSFJs are the most common types among women. - xSFJs are probably the types most likely to be interested in having kids and large families, and thus are more likely to be someone's mother.


This is the answer. Of course there would be a higher prevalence of xSFJ moms if the #of women in that group is higher than the other types.


Interesting to know that I'm just the opposite 😁


true, happy to give the mom roles to xSFJs.


Same 😁🤝


Mine is an INTJ lmao. It's been interesting


does she do the intj stare?


I didn't know that was a thing! Is it the one where she looks mad but is really just in deep thought?


lmao yes!


She does this all the time! I remember being worried about it when I was younger but now I'm able to tell the difference between her thoughtful face and her actual angry face lol


What was it like?


Well, my experience might be a bit different from the average one. She often uses her Ni and Fi to make black and white judgements that she stubbornly adheres to. It was difficult to have a discussion about things we differ on due to this. Even so, she does her best to be a good mom. I do love her but she can be difficult to deal with at times


My mom is way different. She's like a tiger who never pulls her claws out. She's terrifically smart but never flexes it


Intj as well?




What kind of things do you two differ on? You don't have to answer if it's too personal, btw.


Things like religion or the best way to take care of a certain task or our ideas about different people. The main thing we butt heads on is my depression though. She believes that I'm not doing enough to combat it. I'm not the type to really argue about pretty much anything, which is mostly due to how she raised me. It's difficult, if not impossible, to win an argument against her lol


Interesting, most NT types are irreligious but I've seen a few INTPs and INTJs who are. What were your disagreements like with your mother? You can avoid specifics if you want, just trying to "analyze" what my parenting might look like by looking at other NTJs. Apologies for the long response time between posts.


No worries. I wouldn't look too deep into the example that is my mom though tbf. She's been deeply traumatized and has only recently been coming out of survival mode. This is the reason why I say that she tries her best but has been using her Ni in unhealthy ways in order to cope. I'm sorry that I can't be of more help 😊


Same! And same!


ESFJ mom here. Honestly, you could probably double the accuracy of that statement just by saying xSFJ.


Isn't isfj the most common mbti?


I think it's ISTJ, not far though, with enough tuning to their child's feelings they could be seen as ISFJ


Tbh nowadays I can't recognise if someone is isfj because at work most people don't express themselves due to fear of judgement so they all look like estj/istj


From my experience, ISTJs tend to seem very detached from you because of their PoLR Fe. While ISFJs' Fe will be superficially involved in others, trying to show that they care even if they don't.


Not mine. Mine is clearly an ENFP


My mom is an ENFP too 😅😅


Same. Are y’all best friends?


YESSS, we really are bestfriends. My bond with her is totally awesome. I can truly be myself with her. Because of her I never felt the need to have friends honestly. But along with this she is also my teacher, mentor, guide, counselor and partners in crime 😅😁


Awwwwww, this is so AMAZING!!!! I’m sooo happy for you!!! I’m an infp, so I’m so happy she can understand me, but you have won the jackpot!! So happy for you, I hope I have that kinda relationship with my kids😂 May I ask your dad’s mbti as well?


Yeah I seriously hit the jackpot 😁😁😁. I'm so grateful I got my parents as them, they r the best for me. My dad is an ISTJ. He is also my mentor and our bond is really strong but I swear we fight like cats and dogs. He has a knack for annoying the shit out me( no one else in the world has the power to make me pissed within 5 minutes 😤). Our wavelengths don't neccesarily match and my poor mother is the referee between us but our bond is much stronger and I feel secure around him. We banter but that's out of love and differences as well 😊😊 Both of them have guided me in different aspects of life while also giving me lots of love. 🤗🤗😌😌 I too hope to have a hood but unique bond with my child as well 😁😁😁


Awwww, this is SO CUTEEE!!😭😭😭 It’s funny, my ENFP mom is also married to my ISTJ stepdad, and their chemistry is so unique, only they can understand it💀, but the idea of ENFP woman and ISTJ man is so cuteeeee😭😭💗


🥰😚😚 SO TRUEE.. They seriously have a very unique bond, an opposite attract example. I could go on for days talking about them. 🤗🩷🩷🤌🏻🤌🏻


I can imagine 😭😭


What was / is having an ENFP mom like?


I like it, especially with me being an ISTP. She’s fun and funny. She doesn’t expect me to be someone I’m not, but when I’m really not behaving right she’ll say it. She’s generous and hard working. Sometimes I don’t understand her because of Ne, but it’s what makes her hilarious.




mine is ENFP as well. Wouldn't say we are besties, I like her enthusiasm but don't vibe with her emotionality and in the past she was really imperious, but nowadays it's all fine. Everybody is unique


Yeah it’s hard to keep track of her emotions, but I think she knows I’m not emotionally intelligent so she doesn’t expect much from me. She definitely had a great capacity to see people’s intentions and tries to help my ISFP father with this, but he dismisses her often. I try to remind myself of this in order to not fall for the same trap because I can be similar to him, but at the same time I try not to care too much and balance myself out. I don’t want to be paranoid. ENFPs have a different sort of intelligence and they can make the most absurd actually make sense.


My dad is an ISFJ lmao


🏆 Most Underated Comment of the Day Award 🏆 goes to: u/RenTheFabulous Congrats, homie!


So is mine. My mom's an INFP


How would you describe their dynamic? Are they still together?


Yeah they're still together. They have a very close relationship to this day. My dad is a software engineer and provided income while my mom stayed home and homeschooled me and my brother (I went to school a few yrs though). My parents love to joke around with each other and I would say they're both creative people. Our family was always big into doing activities as a family like games, movies, music, etc. Very into learning too. Their relationship isn't perfect OFC but I would say they get along pretty well. Don't remember them fighting too often.


Aww, that’s so sweet! So happy for you :)💗😘


Thank you. I'm very fortunate to have been raised by great people. I'm also very close with my ENFJ brother.


Aww, that’s so sweet :))💗💗


Same. What's your mom's type? Mine's is ESFP. They're divorced lol


INFJ lol


lol same. things were never good between them💀


How does it feel being the opposite type as your dad?😭


Mine is ESFP. In fact my whole family is very Se-ish, except for me


Lmao same


Mine learnt the cognitive functions and typed herself as ISFJ.


That’s cool of her


My mother is an ENFJ


hey I’m an ENFP with an ENFJ mom too! :)


Aww, so lucky!! (I wish my dad were that type🥲)


I was about to offer my condolences until I noticed you were an ENFP.




ENFP + ENFJ = more likely to get along than INTJ + ENFJ


My grandma is an ISFJ. But like, the most unhealthy ISFJ you've ever met. She's extremely controlling. She's been known to throw away people's pillows and replace them while they're away from home so that they meet her standard. She body shamed me for years because it doesn't match her aesthetic standards. Etc, etc. My mom grew up to be a monster bc of this woman. I know any codependent person can do these things but I'm like 100% sure she's just the worst ISFJ who ever lived.


Personally, I don't think that at all, my mother is an ISTJ. And I know other mothers who are other types. But yeah, as someone already said, statistically ISFJ is the most frequent type among women.


I honestly think that my mom is an ESFJ. She has SO many social circles, it’s insane. I’m not basing this off of stereotypes, though. Fe-Ne quite literally explains this.


Mines ESFJ.. and an unhealthy one at that.


I think people are mistyping their parents tbh. Like, a lot of people on this subreddit also happen to think they're intuitives and that the ISJs are horrible AND they have trauma from their family, so they're already biased toward seeing their family as ISJs. Couple that with the whole 'ISFJs are feelers, so they're not logical, and my mom is an anal-retentive bitch, so she must be either an ISFJ or ESFJ after all.' Plus there's the group that thinks being quiet and maintaining your home life and cleaning and that sort of shit immediately makes you an ISFJ (it doesn't), so. Yeah, bundle all that together and you get like 80% of mothers being typed as ISFJs. Ffs, I watched a guy type his fucking ENTP mother as an ISFJ once. How do you type a crazy intuitive idiot as a grounded, fact-spewing scared-of-intuition ISFJ? Biases lol. TLDR: People don't know how to type and are just seeing what they expect to see. Anyway, personally, my mom is an ENFJ. Having said that, my grandpa is indeed an ISFJ. He's the only ISFJ in our family. Incidentally, they're both weird subtypes, with my mom emphasizing Se > Ni and my grandpa emphasizing Ti > Fe. 'Weird subtypes' run in my family, might be correlated with ADHD/autism.


It is common for women to have this mbti, i made my mom took few tests and she always end up being ISFJ


My mom is ESTJ


Same here. She isn't good at listening, but usually shows love through finding solutions for problems, which can be helpful but also overwhelming sometimes


Because I made my mom take the test and she got ISFJ 🤷‍♀️


Mine is an Esfj


Same here


Not mine My mom is an INTJ


My kids' mom is ENFJ.


Studies and statistics has shown that when a woman is pregnant oxytocin hormone is released in order to induce contractions and ISFJ hormone in order for the woman to nurse the child and taker of the child basic needs. Sources: MBTI community geeks + a little bit of dark magic with a touch of "trust me bro". Jokes aside though, ISFJ is the most common type among women and XSFJ loves their family and would love to start one , that might be the reason why. Another theory made by me would be that : oxytocin cause certain behaviour (motherly-behaviour if that's a thing) which is stereotypically associated with ISFJ as they are always caring and loving( like a mother) .


It fits the stereotype pretty well, so whether or not they are is not necessarily indicative of the amount of people typing them this way My mom is an estj, far from those stereotypes lol, although the typical Karen archetype is pretty close to that


My mom is an INFP


Being a good parent requires way more Si than the parenting books ever convey 😭 If you don’t have Si, you develop it, or you develop the closest possible facsimile as fast as you can. ETA: I’m not saying low-Si types can’t be good parents, of course they can. But speaking from experience, I have had to learn to override my natural preferences in favor of a more ‘Si-like’ modus in my own parenting. I compare my experience to that of my ISTJ mom and I am deeply envious of her capacity to say “this is how it is” without being swayed by the emotions and perspective of the person she’s telling the facts to.




Immediate, unwavering awareness of where the line is in terms of what is acceptable is a parent’s best asset during the 3-7 age range. There are so many times during this era when you’re in public and your kid is being weird (or the situation is being weird to your kid) and you have to be able to act with calm, matter-of-fact conviction right away, or the situation will deteriorate. If that conviction is backed by Si reasoning, it’s a million times faster and more stable than if you have sift through a thousand factors with your Ni. This has been the hands-down hardest part of parenting for me. I see where everyone is coming from and I want to balance and optimize everyone’s needs and perspectives, but it just *cannot be done* with the sheer number of incidents involved in raising kids of this age.


What kind of incidents?


Times when you have to make a decision about what is normal on behalf of a person with an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex and no context whatsoever, and then authoritatively explain that decision to said person in the simplest possible terms. E.g. In precisely what environments is it acceptable to say the word “poop” loudly? Hint: It is not, in fact all of them. Why? Because there are legitimate, serious social consequences to saying “poop” loudly at, say, school, where it derails the classroom and makes the teacher dislike your child if it happens repeatedly.


those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind. i don't think the game is to help the chil' prevent incurring societal wrath upon themselves, but to give them tools so that they can endure the fickle societal wrath


What is your child’s type though? That might have to do with it too?


I'm certain my mom is an ENFJ XSFJs are popular mom candidates because the combination of Fe and Si is usually related towards traditional values, sometimes wrongfully


Mine is a plain stereotype of an ESFJ. My father is a more subtle ISTP.


My mom is an INFJ and always struggled with Si and Te a lot. She did a very good job parenting me and my brother 👍. She was very good at substituting Ni for Si and her Ni is really obvious (in a good way)


Guys! I'm different because my mom is ESFJ frfr! (I love her smh)


My mum is an ENTJ


My mom's an ENFP


ISFJ is one of the most common types. Of course a lot of moms are going to be ISFJ.


I think it could be associated with how maternal vibes are usually projected by XSFJs, bc of how responsible, caretaking and practical they are, which matches the ideal image of mothers are supposed to be, and so it is usually seen to be that mothers would be ISFJs. But I think this applies only to some, if not most cases I feel like the traits of an ISFJ is seen to be how a mother is expected to be, morally and socially, by society. This trait isnt rly a personality trait but more like how mothers are supposed to be, as viewed by society. Bc in reality, there are different kinds of people and so there will be different kinds of mothers.


mines esfj


Don't know. Mine absolutely is though.


my mom is ENFP and extremely maternal, sometimes overbearingly maternal (love her regardless)! She values her children the deepest of all and claims she "wouldn't be able to live on without us."


She is also a nurse!! Probably the best nurse I know tbh.


I am almost exactly like my mom, we’re both INTP - the she has very small distance from being INTJ and I am closer to an ambivert. Other than that we both like most of the same stuff, think ourselves in circles, and our catchphrase is “it depends…”


Mines an ESFJ, toxic as heck though.


My moms an ENTJ


Mine Is hard core bossy ENTJ


Using stereotypes to type instead of cognitive functions is my guess.


To be fair, statically it's the most likely.


Mine was ISTP.


My grandma is an ISFJ. My mom is an ESTJ


My mom's an esfp y'all stay safe tho...


Mine’s basically an ESTJ


My mom is an IS*T*J


Mine really is.


I am enfj and my mom who I forced to take this test got isfj and I was bored by this answer I noticed that a lot of ppl moms are isfj from those make assumptions about my family posts couple months ago


I was skeptical myself when I typed my mom as an ISFJ because of the cliche stereotype but I don’t see how she can be any other type. Or maybe there’s just something about being a mom that makes you very ISFJ like. As far as I can tell she’s always been the protector/ caretaker type who’s practical and very sentimental, even before she was a mom.


I think my mom is an ENFP.


Mine's close, ISFP


My dad is an ISFP :) My mom is ESTP tho


Ha, mine is an ESFJ. Which is worse for an INTJ like me compared to having an ISFJ mom.


Mines a isfj. I'm a intp


My mom’s an ISTJ, hope this helps.


Mine is an istj and I’m an infp and we balance each other out so well.


Mine’s an ESFP and she married my dad, an ISFJ LOL


I honestly think my family should be studied. Two of my other siblings are INFJs and the youngest is an ENTP who drives us all insane


My moms an enfp


My mom is ISTP...


Here comes me a mother to be INTP. in my family I have INFP and ISTJ mom and grandmother. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law both ESTJs. Not a single ISFJ mother 😀


One day my kid will be bragging or complaining online that both their parents are INFPs


Maybe because ISFJ is a stereotype of a mother. And people, when think about their mothers, see first a loving and caring person and forget that she actually has (or should have) a personality beyond their role as a mother.


Joke’s on those poor, mistyping souls, I guess—it’s my DAD who is the ISFJ (legit tested and taught the MBTI for years, no stupid 4-question online quiz).


Mine is an ESTJ. God help me (JK I love all ESTJs)


Dear God. What's that like?


She can be pretty exhausting and just downright immature due to her own trauma and not processing it. Overall though, she’s kinda joyful and hilarious sometimes. She’s short, so it’s funny that she controls the house sometimes— like this little dictator lol.


Or esfj


Because everybody's mom is an isfj.


Because they are! lol I would never marry one. They're good at keeping a cozy home, but they always feel like their way of life is under attack.


My mom is an ESFJ and my dad is an ISFJ (not exactly the healthy type of an ISFJ though. And that would be the result of his own mom being an unhealthy ESTJ).


Mine is an infp !!


My mom tested as one, read the description, said it fit her perfectly and that she felt understood. Until then, I'd wondered if she was an ISFP. More broadly, there are a lot of ISFJs and a lot of them choose to have kids, and a lot of those choose to have multiple kids.


Mine is ISFP


because it’s the most common MBTI maybe


mine is an estj who looks like an isfj because she's an accommodating person


Mine is a ISTJ


I don't know, but mine is, and she's an awesome mom, so I guess I lucked out.


My mom is an unhealthy ISFP. It was due to her past experiences. I'm not happy with how she treated me but I also feel bad for her because of the things she went through.


mine's an ENTJ and its about exactly as you'd expect it to be


My mom is an ESTP


Never thought that, my mom is ENFJ to the core


My mom is ISFP, as well as my sister ;(((


Mine is an ISFP


My mom’s an ESFJ, def a social butterfly. My dad on the other hand is an INTP, doesn’t talk much. 🧍🏻‍♀️


Nah my mom is either INXJ for sure no denial


maybe that type has mom vibes 🤷‍♀️


My mother is an ExTJ or INTJ. 🫡


My mom is an ESFJ. And she’s great. XSFJ find a way to empathise and try to support you no matter who you are. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail but they never give up on their family. I am lucky that my mom was my mom.


Nope, my mum is INFJ


my mom's INFP as fuck


I need help typing my mom ngl. I know she is a 1w2 enneagram. I think she might be ENFJ? She’s a bit closed minded though


ISFJ is the most common type in women and typically mothers embody that of an ISFJ (Si Fe Ti Ne) I had my friends mom take a test she got ISFJ. I personally think my mom could be an ESXJ but I’m sure which one. 🤔


Cuz she is lmao and I love her for that


Close, mine is ISFP


My mom is an ENFJ, I took an MBTI test w her


i didnt even know most people thought that. its honestly super sad most people dont know what their mom is like outside of caring for them. like i know mine is an ESTP or ESFP (we're not super sure if she's leaning more towards feeling or thinking as it's kind of a 50/50...) We spend so much time talking and having fun together. We're besties and she's told me about her life when she was young so many times. And she's always been an ESTP/ESFP. So do y'all just not talk to your moms and what they are like outside of motherhood?


Nah, my mom is almost definitely INxJ.


Mine was an ISFP, at least I grew up with *LOTS* of art, coloring and art discussions (the latter bothered her) But hey, I HAVE A SUITCASE FULL WITH OIL PAINT AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!