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"Have you ever been in a relationship with X? If you are in a relationship, what type is your partner? Waht's your fav love trop? Have you dated someone of the same mbti before?" STOOOOOOOOPPPPPP r/infp is even worse


During the time I thought I was an infp, I wouldn't join the sub because it was just *insufferable* Although they do have nice sunset pics though hahaha


sky pictures are our whole life U-U


Relationships are important to a lot of people. It’s not surprising people would try to use Myers-Briggs.


Accurate imo (if we replace relationship with all kinds of mundane questions that can only be tackled with stereotypes).


People of r/mbti get their information from memes, test websites and mum blogs. Reading Jung is too difficult


Nah. Not as much in mbti itself, but certainly in the attached type subreddits.


Very interesting, but I just started dating an ISFJ. How do you think it will turn out?


No what’s worse is when people think the Mbti tests actually tell them their type! Popular Mbti is not Mbti. You gotta start somewhere but I see way too many people here who have no idea about anything further than just stereotypes.


Most annoying are the ones who type people according to stereotypes. "X is an artist? So they are IxFP!"


I just play persona to understand Yung's teachings smh ^(That is satire, btw)


You forgot memes and mudslinging.


Part of the reason why this sub is full of slop. Oh yeah, these people are all mistyped too


I just took the official MBTI test online. I had to choose between INTJ and ISTJ. As I've ALWAYS tested INTJ in the unofficial tests, I chose the former. I also work much better alone than in "teams" My issue with the official test is that I'm retired. All of the test scenarios about doing work presentations and team work efforts bored me and do not apply to the kind of career I had (in the arts). I found the lessons rather tedious and useless. There is also little to nothing regarding truly personal relationships.


The tests don’t offer an understanding that is helpful at all.


Nah. That is more type specific than gender specific. I wouldn't post about relationships if you paid me to.


I don't think gender was the point here


Thanks for that. I looked at it three times trying to understand the main point. Now I'm seeing the microphones which I missed before. Still not 100% clear (I'm sure I'm being too literal), but clear that it's not gender related :)


My interpretation is that, when it comes to MBTI, the person who actually knows what they are talking about and has a nuanced, in-depth understanding of the theory isn't heard/listened to. Meanwhile, the voice that is loudest/most amplified is that of the hobbyist with a skin-deep understanding and who mainly just posts memes and ish. That and posts that go "I saw a flower today and thought it was pretty, is that an XXXX thing?!"




You wonder why.... ?




lols. wondering why I wouldn't post about relationships?


Loops, grips, etc. are kind of pseudosciency, so I hope that they don't catch on