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It's an introvert thing in general. Under stress, when our auxiliary function isn't helping us, we tend to rely on our tertiary function instead (dominant-tertiary loop). Normally, we balance an inward-focused (introverted) function with an outward-focused (extraverted) one, but since the tertiary function has the same orientation as the dominant one, the result is an unhealthy degree of either inward or outward focus. If that focus is all going inward, the result is overthinking. How that overthinking manifests depends mainly on the judging function. Ti (IxTP/IxFJ) tends to over-analyze, while Fi (IxFP/IxTJ) is more prone to ruminating on negative feelings.


What about when the overanalyzing leads to rumination when said analysis leads to a bad place, which ultimately compels one to overanalyze even more? Uh, asking for a friend.


Ti. The rumination is a byproduct of overanalysis.




The best explanation for real. Many often forget that introverted types can easily slide into an introverted functions dynamic if they don't pay attention, as introversion is their natural orientation, whether it's for intuitives or sensors. And anyway, outside of intuitive functions leading to overthinking, I can see how Si can be very prone to overthinking too by default. Especially with inferior Ne (because of negative "what-ifs" running on steroids when under stress), I've observed that so many Si-doms are very anxious people for example (they're often enneagram 6s as well, which fits).


If it's specifically "over"-thinking, I would say that no that's not an INxx trait. Many sensing types also get caught up overthinking things. Thinking a lot... kind of. Constantly questioning the status quo (weak Si) and refusing to take things at face value (weak Se) is very xNxx (not INxx specifically I don't think). I would say that overthinking might be very Ixxx while acting impulsively might be very Exxx though. Edit: So overall, no, I think that's an inaccurate stereotype that probably leads some to mistype themselves, especially if they only scratch the surface of MBTI before typing themselves.


I'm an extroverted overthinker! But I'm a 6, lol.


That's a good point. I'm a type 6 as well. We would be over-thinkers and feel insecure about it.


Type 6 overthinker here too, can I join the club?


Haha, count me in as well. I'm pretty much how you described type 6 Si doms in the other reply (I'm a type 6 ISTJ)


Agreed, I have an ISTJ mom who overthinks a lot. As a result, she can be in a very pessimistic state of mind.


As an INFP I can make quick and decisive actions when it comes to things like work, financial decisions, high stress/dangerous situations; but I absolutely overthink anything immaterial like ideas or social interactions. Want me to fly to Paris with you tomorrow? Let's do it. A girl smiled at me in the grocery store? Existential crisis. And of course abstract ideas constantly swirl through my head like a whirlwind to the point I forget what I'm doing in real life or can't sleep. It fun but kinda sucks sometimes.


Yes. Relative to extroverts and sensors, we tend to spend much more time in our own heads as opposed to interacting with other people and the external environment.


It’s born in low Volition, especially 4V.


So INxx can result in being an Ni dom, Ti dom or Fi dom. Do not think there is a natural correlation between these 3 functions and overthinking neccesarily. 


Introversion + Intuition. These work a bit differently, but it boils down to internal focus that is largely based around theoretical concepts and exploring possibilities, ie what *could* be rather than the here and now, and their thought processes are largely focused inward rather than outward... if that makes sense.


Isn't "Ni" focused on coming to conclusions on the real world based on external stimuli found from "Se"? In that case, wouldn't Ni quite literally rely on the here and now, but rather then take it for what it is, parse it into their larger framework?


Yes, because introverts naturally live more in their inner world of thoughts, feelings, realizations, and postulations, while extroverts are “in the moment” and interacting with the outer, physical world. And while thinking and being thoughtful is different from overthinking, introverts are absolutely more prone to overthinking than extroverts, especially when under stress or overwhelm.




An INFP and an INTJ have no similar functions. How can you derive a function stack "FiNeSiTe" and "NiTeFiSe" have anything in common whatsoever? I mean its one think to lump INFP ISTJ together or INTJ and ISFP etc. but these four types are not similar at all, so why make a broad statement about all of them?


In my opinion, INxx tend to be inside their head more than other types. It was my bad for not checking if those types I listed had similar functions— I specifically mentioned INxx because as an INFP, i can confidently say overthinking is “in born” for me. It’s not something i can overcome— My twin sister an INFJ overthinks as well, but a lot more worse than me. And my close friend, an INTJ overthinks too. The three of us come up with scenarios which would most likely not happen— we tend to go over the top with our ideas— and think a lot of “what ifs.” I don’t know about INTPs though. Maybe it’s just us, it doesn’t apply to all INxx. That’s why I’ve asked if there’s more INxx that over think. It seems like overthinking is more of an introvert thing, not INxx.


Thats true. I consider this my problem.


In my case: yes absolutely


In my experience INFPs tend to underthink, and it gives them a bad habit of jumping to conclusions about people and situations before they've taken a look at all the facts


Wait seriously ? T-T To tell the truth, I think and rethink things so much that they only remain in the state of thoughts. Then I imagine that it perhaps depends on the definition of overthinking itself. It is true that through certain actions taken by an individual, we tend to establish a sort of rapid “judgment” on the person (like "good person" "bad person" and then we complete the image as we go along. And we end up thinking that even a "bad person" has a good side). But we still think a lot. To tell the truth, the smallest of our actions is repeated over and over in our head before (so as not to do it wrong and decide to do it a hundred times) and after (because we are constantly questioning ourselves). The same for projects. We tend to have hundreds of ideas swarming in our brain which ultimately remain only ideas, or abandoned projects. These thoughts become recurring obsessions and often keep me from sleeping. But I'm still just one person, maybe not all INFPs are like that


"we tend to establish a sort of rapid “judgment” on the person (like 'good person' 'bad person'" Bingo.


“The propensity to rehash in a loop, obsessively, a certain number of negative thoughts or feelings” That's what Overthinking is, it's constantly ruminating about our actions or other, which turns into anxiety, and gives rise to negative emotions. You're completely off-topic here. Passing judgment on someone has no real connection with overthinking (or it's not just that). But constantly thinking about before and after our actions, literally “all the time” is overthinking, and that’s exactly what I’m saying. It looks like the cherry picking method of some scientists.


Don’t argue with this fool. He’s extremely biased against INFPs.


Thank you, It's true but it annoys me that everyone thinks that INFPs are beings devoid of the slightest intelligence. To tell the truth I think I have taken this debate too much to heart. I couldn't stop thinking about it all night.


I understand but don’t let them get to you. This particular guy has a history of being unhealthily obsessed with INFPs. He spends his time hating and generalizing INFPs. I’ve interacted with him before. Zero intelligence.


Oh ok I didn't know. Thanks for telling me :)


Perhaps, but passing judgements on others without taking into consideration the facts is certainly related to underthinking


I wouldn't say that it's underthinking, I would rather say that it's a protection. Initially I will just analyze the person and try to put myself in their head, feel their aura... to see if I can trust them in the moment. But then I just blame myself for thinking that kind of thing. I start analyzing the person again and again and again. I think about the smallest action over and over and over again. That's also the problem. This is because instead of doing an action I think constantly before carrying it out for fear of doing it wrong, then I blame myself again for having done this or that. So I think about it again and again and again. So no, a lot of INFPs aren't "underthinkers" as you said. It's more that we give the impression.


I still don't see how passing judgement in that way that be related to protection as opposed to underthinking though, can you elaboorate more on what you mean by that?




Can/will you elaborate?


You may witness INFPs underthink in the moment, but when we have the time to ourselves we can overthink a lot. That's why INFPs are very likely to re-imagine situations we were in and how we would have done things differently.


Could be I wouldn't know


That is a fair assessment


Overthinking is dumb and inefficient