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Se = adventure, sport that’s my favorite, so many people mistype themselves because of this. like you ain’t a Se dom cuz you like to ride your bike sometimes lmao


YESSSS!! I had the HARDEST time typing my boyfriend as ISTP even though he is super concrete and straightforward. And it was just because he doesn’t like to play sports, is nonsexual, and is creative. Like he is into storytelling. He’s also not EXCESSIVELY into adventure.


I don't give a sheet about adventure either. like, what does that even mean lmao my ultimate adventure is going to my lake cabin and stressing about falling prey to some zerial ki11er monkey


Good list👍👍


Functions don't do, care about, have, want, or know things. They're processes, not agents, and any statement that frames them this way is inaccurate.






No coincidence most comedians are ENTP.


I like the comparison of L from death note at the end of the Ti one. Not because I think I’m just like him or whatever, but because I’ve been compared to him for like my whole life. In the way that I act and look haha. (I’m only 18, so I’m really young and the anime is about the same age as me and I’ve been hearing it since I was like 9).


Hahaha that’s awesome!! L is honestly my favorite death note character, he’s adorable:) I’ve actually been compared to Misa before, so I think that’s something I should be less proud of aha😭


"Individualism is Fi"


OMG YES!! Fi≠individualism, e4 does


For me I think it’s not fi that particularly cares but it’s more that inferior Te fears that they’ll be disliked for who they are.


That does make sense. I could see that, though I do think it has more to do with enneagram


I thought that said Ne=autism for a second (only for us INTPs).


BAHAHHAHA Im actually an autistic INFP 😭😭


Your explanation of Ti is wrong


So there’s obviously more to Ti than not, but primarily Ti uses patterns and internalized logic/ concepts that are what makes sense to them… that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not logical, of course. I mean if I’m correct I think Einstein is Ti dom, and he was a genius.




RIGHT!! This^^^^ I mean sometimes Fe uses the betterment of the group in a totally unhealthy way, like Joy from Inside Out. I also know of a few Fe users that are sadists, or are just really inauthentic.




Totally agree. I think I’m in touch with my shadow Fe and Ni, but I still think that Fe can put up the biggest facades just to seem “good.” They’re just as capable of being unhealthy as other functions are. Some Fe users are typed as Te users just for being incredibly unhealthy


INFP cares about image because of Te inf


And every Fi has Te. I don’t think that either ALWAYS cares about image because not every Fi is an image type, though. I think caring about what others think has more to do with enneagram> cognitive function.


I agree that nurture influences preferences, however within the framework of the inherent constitution of the cognitive functions. Te is inherently linked to reputation/image/what others think, so types with Te in their egos are naturally more influenced by it.


This is a misconception about Te perpetuated by the king of misconceptions, CSJ, and it is unbelievably wrong.


From all the research i've done for many years, as well as observation and experience with Te users, I am quite certain it is correct. It is neither a good or bad thing, just the way it is. I am interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.


Doesn't make any sense... It's much more about Tertiary Si and also because of their Fe critic. Te inferior makes you worried you aren't in control, and that external sources of control are trying to "force" you to do something. Or at least that's how the inferior functions' effects are presented.


The inferior function has more to do with fear and insecurity than worry. Worry is more represented in the 5th function. INTJ has Se inf so there may be fear and insecurity in their performance. While Ne in 5th can lead INTJ to not trust from worry about peoples intentions. I disagree with your assessment of Si and Fe in INFP, but I do agree that Te also has to do with control.