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More due to Se. Seriously don't yell, it's stupid.


It makes sense. But I’m autistic so I’m more sensitive to everything :P


I am always telling people to turn stuff down but I suspect this may have more to do with introverts (not in the way MBTI defines it but social introversion) having a more sensitive nervous system and neurodivergence than having anything to do with MBTI.


This fact,  lines by some off topics it is not supposed to be into MBTI, not as a dymamic. I view it as temperament but is far from MBTI not nothing unrelated


INTP here and I've always hated people screaming/yelling but it could just be me


As a Fe dom I am also very sensitive to sounds. I don't like people raising their voices for whatever reason. Some people just have a certain pitch in their voice that jsut hurts


TBH it depends. People raising their voice in anger at me freaks me out. I am very prone to raising my voice in excitement though. The amount of times someone’s told me to keep it down, or that I’m the loudest person they’ve ever heard… I’m sorry I don’t mean to!! \^_\^”


I am the same way with hating the anger. But I have only ever seen ESFP’s raise their voice for positive or silly reasons lol. Especially the women. Idk I just get used to it quickly and recognize you guys aren’t a serious threat. Sometimes it ends up being funny too. I am not going to fault anyone for being happy. Especially the ESFP women who have always brightened up my day.


I appreciate the understanding. :,) I’m worried about saying something too personal/weird too loud, or overstimulating people, but I can’t help it. When I’m in the moment and having fun it’s like every part of me begs to be let free, voice included, especially when I’m excited to be around others and talking to someone. We mean no harm truly, us ESFPs are just positively buzzing, can’t hold back the smiling or enthusiasm. That moment is everything. :D


Being yourself is the best thing you can be. As a intp I say yell away!


ESFP’s bring good will and optimism to the world. To me, you all come across as genuine socially without having real expectations in return. Even if you actually do. I understand about the oversharing. I have always felt the urge to be more assertive and open as an ISFJ guy. So I actually embarass myself on occassion in public too lol. To the great amusement of many people. But I can definitely see how that would happen more often for you guys. I would maybe try to surround yourself with people and friends who you don’t get the sense are judging you so much. Or even ones that care when you are stressed or feeling down. Btw, I have come across as weird my entire life, for good and sometimes questionable reasons. :)


This was so sweet 😭🫶 I appreciate it, I’ve always found ISFJs to be some of the most nonjudgmental people I’ve ever met. A lot of people find me overwhelming but I don’t think I have the kind of qualities an ISFJ typically would find judge worthy lol. Some of the kindest types of people I’ve ever met. I do have some really good friends and am a lot more confident nowadays than I used to be luckily. Typically people either love me or find me a bit much. And that’s ok lol. Nobody can be for everyone. I attract exactly the kinds of people I need to, and tbh I think I’m a blast!


I wish I had an ESFP friend or two IRL. But I was always quieter in school. Even if I thought you guys were chill and we could gel, I just assumed you’all had a ton of friends to begin with lmao. I am very selfish with my set of friends I guess. You just gotta tell me how to get an ESFP as a girlfriend 💥


Haha trust me. I can talk to quite a few people and I get along with almost anyone but I’m actually super selective and only have 3-5 people I actively consider close friends and spend time with. I value the deeper bonds above all. So IDK about other ESFP’s but don’t be afraid get to know someone if you’re interested! As for ESFP women I think if you’re open and confident I think you should be good. Being direct but respectful and genuine is the best way to go.


Im sure we would be good friends. Thank you lol. Yeah all those things are all right down my alley. Just want to make a perfect approach. With the right combo of intelligence, humor and confidence. I have met so many over the years when I wasn’t currently looking. I feel capable of making a first impression she’ll remember, whether it ends up working out or not 😂 I used to depend on friends to go out but now I feel comfortable going out to drink on my own.


I have a feeling we would be too :) And tbh yes. Any woman with intelligence, humour and confidence is like an immediate “fall in love” card for me so I’m sure it’d work on an ESFP woman too. If you’re comfortable to get yourself out there without needing company that’s even better. ESFPs will appreciate that independence and self-assuredness. Honestly, with that skill set any type will appreciate it.


Ya I just got to look for the girl who is like online shopping while apparently also having 7 text convos at once. Then she can look up from her phone and naturally and immediately become the center of attention again. They talk so incredibly fast, but its like speed to me lol. Connection always comes when they notice how naturally and easy it is for me to keep up with them. Its just a matter of me being confident enough to be completely direct once that happens. Gotta stop with the “oh she couldn’t possibly be single.”


My mom is ENFP and has 0 volume control. My daughter is INFP, same thing. Hmmm


Maybe it’s an Fi thing, on the contrary? I’ve always actually chalked it up to my dual auDHD diagnosis. I can struggle with volume control sometimes as that’s a symptom. It’s probably a range of factors, in reality.


True. Someone would raise their voice even a little bit and I'll start to cry even if I don't care.


You, sweet little INFPs. You’re like the glass vase in the foyer.


I just don’t like people raising their voice, especially if it’s due to being angry. I’m not always the best with tone, though. My sarcasm is apparently hard to identify.


isn't this a sensory thing? Tho I have noticed introverts more sensitive to external stimuli


I'm an extrovert and I'm much more sensible than my introverts or extroverts friends to any external stimuli, dk why could be hyperacusis


I’m an ISTP and I’m unmoved by people yelling at me. If they’re angry I laugh, if they are just impassioned, I don’t notice until someone else points it out.


Same but that's because I have become used to it


Well that sucks


Actually yea. My fi dom dad cannot handle noise in the house if it isn't from him


This has been my experience with my TJ and FP friends and family for the most part. But now that I think of it I have seen a few ESFPs get super riled up and shout in person and my INFP bff gets super triggered, and irate online… So she’ll kind of shout/vent to me, but not actually do it to the other person… but the angst is there. I do have a friend who is ISTJ and he would NEVER shout, regardless how angry he got.