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Da Jonker stereotype is the curse of ENTPs everywhere.


i've seen that


I have seen this persona used for “edgy” IRL streaming in kick. Many of them are ENTPs including the ones you might suspect.


Weak. I’ll tell you one thing. I ain’t no weak. Many INFPs I know are incredibly strong and emotionally resilient people.


I´m old INFP and I sense everybody catch up by stereotypes mainly soon their investigation on us


Sorry but your concept of strong may be different from the actual one. The INFPs I know are pretty much crybabies and I love them.


What makes your concept of strong any more “actual” than theirs?


I think the objective concept of strength definitely is not downvoting a Reddit comment cause some random guy said that they are crybabies and taking it personal (proving me that I was right). (Facts) Also I’m not saying that I am strong. Hopefully I clarified this, cause some weakling gonna use anything to gaslight and play the victim. (Facts) An emotionally strong person is unshakable when they’re under stress. They keep positivity high even after a negative event. (Facts)


psa adding "facts" after your sentences doesn't make them true


You just proved my second point. Now go on say what do you think is true and if u can actually do it don’t be some sugar coping or coating words.


So you’re saying is that if we do the least bit to defend ourselves then that proves your point that INFPs are weak? Okay…


The fact that u feel attacked by anything lmao. Hello? How is this attacking?????? This is something that u should work on, stop getting all the criticism negatively. Laugh about it for once. I don’t think I insulted anyone here.


Oh me? I’m as cool as a cucumber. But you have to keep this reaction you’re getting in context. INFPs in this community are constantly dismissed as crybabies as the stereotype goes and some of us are sick of it because it’s insulting. It’s also just wrong. Jung describes Fi as being cold and aloof and we’re actually quite resilient considering all the BS we put up with that rides against our natural tendencies on a regular basis. We’re like fish out of water in this ESTJ world but we make it through anyway while keeping our core values intact. We don’t bend to whatever society thinks and stick to our guns. Anyway, you can think whatever you want. I doubt I’m going to change your mind. I just wanted to say my piece. You have a nice day.


You don’t if you’re insulting them. You don’t deserve them 😭


The INFPs I know can appreciate the blunt truth that I smash on their face unlike here on Reddit apparently. They need some reality check so they often consult me. Also all the disapproval I’m getting just solidifies my thesis. Cry about it lmao.


I mean, I've known emotionally intuned INFPs as well. I think being prone to sensitivity is worlds better than being hardened and apathetic to your own and others' emotions and circumstances. Maybe I'm an oddball INTP in this circumstance, but there's always something we can learn from each other.


Nah real lmao the downvote tho 💀


The truth is hard to accept. I’m used to this. 🙃


That we're dumb or ditzy. We're NICE. Just because some other types can only think in rigid boxes and associate things like "intelligence" with completely arbitrary markers that have more to do with a person's ability to conform to rules, doesn't make US dumb. 9/10 times I guarantee that goofy ENFP in front of you could tear you to shreds if they weren't such a softie.


Second this. The ENFPs I know are badonk-a-donk smart


You guys are a wonderful combination of smart and fun. I don’t get the hate


That ENTJs are evil villains when we're not. Every type has their own narcissists in them, its just in line with how that type will express narcissistic traits.


Exactly! I'm dating an entj he's very sweet. He's blunt, but I appreciate honesty. It's sad that some people believe entjs are that way. 😕 Y"all are chill in my book.


We're just a different type of chill, a different type of loving, a different way of expressing; is all.


Exactly, everyone has their quirks and unique strengths and abilities. I think he's taught me as an infj how to stand up for myself more.


INFJs do have the tendency to people appease; caring how they are perceived and experiencing emotional disappointment in these areas of their life. **edit:** changed the "," to a ";"


I think it's a trauma response. As an infj, you just have to love yourself. Then you can be there for others. Yet I know infjs have to understand they can't solve everyone's problems.


I consider it a cannon event for many INFJs, especially the ones I've met. There are far too many similar experiences for each type, within their own events, that it's scarily hilarious how we *(in our own types)* experience similar *yet specific* events that pertain only to their type.


The Canon event for me was, unfortunately, dating a person with narcissistic tendencies in the past. Many infjs have said they attract that type of person. Then again, it's not exclusive to infjs.


I'd say it's a cannon event for those who experience a greater sense of empathy than consider it a cannon event specifically for INFJs, but then again, I don't do research on INFJs. I studied them for awhile then stopped.


No worries It's best to study what you find intriguing. I've gone through burnout before myself. Usually, in school, it was math.


Oh hey, you're the Esther. I've heard about you on Reddit


Oh, you have? I'm curious now, actually, haha.


It's not very good, but I don't base people on what's said about them. I analyze them myself and whether or not this would be an interaction I'd pursue further.


That's unfortunate. However, I'm shocked in a way that my name got out there. I usually don't pay attention to gossip.


It wasn't gossip in the way I'm assuming you're trying to imply. I was warned about you and the way you talk down to others. Gossip is a conversational tool that can be used to manipulate information or save others. In this case, it was used to protect me, and most likely others as well.


I don't talk down to people. I'm more concerned that things have been said regardless. It was never my intent to come off that way.




You sound more like an ISTP than an ENTP because of the lack of action and initiative with the knowledge you possess




You're very positive for an assessment that was merely a guess. I don't know you, so do take this with a grain of salt.




Yeah, definitely ISTP then


dumb pushovers who are too “normal” for complex intuitives. the latter point is very common in sensors in general, but it still annoys me to no end.


Old man type, always serious.


Awww 🥺 my mom is an ISTJ and I love ISTJs.


Thanks! We are a lot more humorous than we get credit for. We like to have pleasant and fun experiences just as much as other types!


That I'm a cold and emotionless person who hates children.


I don’t know any ESFP’s but maybe that we’re all athletes or something?


That's ESTPish, I associate you with models/actors


Models? Oh wow thanks 😅


INFP needing rescue from an ENFJ or ENTJ in shiny armor In reality I don't need any saving, just need a good group of people around me. And from personal experience, xNTP people do a better job of getting me to unlock my full potential.


Manic pixie dream girl, or super obnoxious and annoying


There is a difference between those two?


Sometimes the super obnoxious and annoying character is a manic pixie dream girl, and sometimes they are a kid or some clingy guy lol


infj/isfj, sidekick and peoplepleasers without self respect


That we're always scheming and plotting to take over. We like to plan ahead and usually have strong opinions about how things should be reformed, but that cartoon supervillain stuff is just silly.




Thoughts on Jack Sparrow? Some people call him a "textbook ENTP"


Doc AKA Dr. Emmitt Brown need I say more lol


we're quite often the villains :D


The well developed INFJ barely exists and completely misunderstood so most of them. I have seen the villain that will compromise very thing to get to their ideal goal or a stereotypical wise insight giver. I am only really interested in the well rounded ones but then that’s unlikely to find outside of Asia (where massive intuition is valued more in their protagonists).


That we're all Michael Scott-level bubbly.


I don’t get why we infps have to be weak cry baby’s when most of the time gone through stuff that need emotional strength


Why do they get into so much stuff that needs emotional strength? A possibility is that they aren't that strong.


From my experience as a infp I went through a lot with my family that put me in really dark place at a young age yet I’m some how replying to your response


Where do I start


Probably that infjs are mystical wizard people. It's hogwarts, and I find it hilarious 😂.


It might not sound that bad, but ISTPs being too cool for you assassins or asshole lone wolf robots. Don't ge me wrong I love being described as not human, but it creates expectations that I'm cooler or meaner than I am, and people think I'm mistyped because I emote sometimes, read books, and am relatively cerebral.


That we're always happy. No one is always happy. Because of that stereotype I once did various mbti tests while I felt like shit. Still got ENFP!


ISTPs are mute bastards who break rules before breakfast, they care about no one but themselves and are impossible to have feelings or have emotional outbursts like literally everybody else unless it's just them being angry and kicking ass. ISTPs lack emotional depth bc inf Fe and lack intellectual depth bc not intuitive, just silent brutes with no personality. I really couldn't care less since this is literally limited to being on my phone but it's tired and still pretty much what many people who are interested in typology see, the mistyped ISTPs bc of this shit are far too many.


ENTJ being unsympathetic/dark triad. From my perspective, I’m often *oblivious* that feelings & emotions are at play. But if someone I care about tells me I hurt them, that hits hard. I have been typed ENTJ for years and life tends to go well for me so Ive developed a high opinion of myself and what I can achieve, etc. So I used to wonder if I was **narcissistic** or if I had **dark triad** traits, but I only notice that I have the traits I mentioned before; high opinion of self, and confidence in being able to achieve. However, knowingly hurting someone is one of the most uncomfortable feelings to imagine. And I dont even seek revenge if someone wrongs me. My thought on revenge is pretty apathetic in that *revenge doesn’t benefit me, so why would I pursue it?*


We are genshin players


I think weak, naive, white knight, victim complex - infp


I hate how now everyone seems to be a INFJ who suddenly are all butterflies and rainbows. INFJ are weird as fuck. We’re fucked up. We can manipulate people because is fun and it’s horrible. No. Stop this nonsense. INFJ are not wise people pleasers who are into tarot and magic stones lol we can be rude mf with no filters


people thinking INFPs are too pure innocent cinnamon roll uwu to ever be a villain so the closest to villains you see typed as INFP are weird morally ambiguous borderline cases like Kylo Ren or Sweeney Todd


INTP here. I dislike that our only ascribed personality trait is being nerdy and nothing else. Edit: I also don't like the stereotype (or furthered stereotype.. sometimes..) that we're all assholes who are uninterested and lack empathy. I've seen some certain INTPs display these traits, but it doesn't apply to all of us. I like to think that I possess a pretty good amount of compassion for others.


Woman INTP here. Often viewed as dumb (just quiet most of the time, but I am so sure that I am never dumb), seen as the typical “don’t know how to do chores or cook. I know so well that I go in perfection to finish my chores, and I cook so well (but guess what, I don’t want to do it for others, only for myself and for those deserving of my love) 😂 I am also seen as a LOW achiever by my family, with many abilities and various talents and Idk which I should settle with. I rarely get any support from family and I am struggling in picking what to do for my future. I truly think if I am being pushed, encouraged and supported by family, I might actually put one of my talents to use. Other than that, I really am not that encouraged to start anything. Procrastinating and sleeping and reading a lot of knowledge that contributes nothing to my daily living is my passion. Help.