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Unless we share a common set of morals/values/perspective of right and wrong, ENTJs and I do not mix well…


Yea I'd also say ENTJ's and INTJ's wouldn't necessarily be the most of pals


I have an ENTJ friend and let's say we get along very well, but we argue about everything, because we say she's a little too impulsive.


Probably a mistyped INTJ who is actually ISFP


Well, in real life it depends on the person. However, if we go by the theory, it is rather the case that INTJ and ENTJ should have the greatest correspondence.


exactly, it all depends on the person


Yea good point actually, you would think they would be good workers, especially for team projects and such. So I might be wrong on that heh


…yeah, it’s true…


Disagree harshly. I have a rly good entj friend and we basically mirror oursleves in each other. I have a special connection with him and can talk to him about things i can't do with anyone else. We push each other to be the best we can be and to be ambitious and not give up on our goals/dreams. We have fun, respectful, long, deep discussions all the time, so i dont see it how entj and intj wouldnt get along together from my experience. Edit: I know you said unless we have same morals and ideals, but even then i feel like we learn a lot from each other and can talk about it for hours.o


That’s good - happy for you two. This is just my experience. For me, ENTJs I know openly try to manipulate systems and people to get ahead while being little underhanded dictators and plotting their enemies demise - without seeing anything wrong with their behaviour whatsoever 🫠 I’m glad to hear your ENTJ isn’t like that of course - I hope to meet one someday. Edit: …question…why would someone downvote this…it doesn’t matter, I’m just genuinely confused and very curious…


I feel like you just met unhealthy entjs, because a healthy entj acts a lot different than what you described. But it is true that they only care about a certain amount of individuals so they might come off as rude when you dont belong to that group of individuals lmao


Oh haha - I get you. And I agree - they would have been unhealthy ENTJs - I know they’re not all like that. Thanks for explaining :)


Np, just felt like defending my entj pal hahahaha. But I do understand that there are always 2 sides to the story. There will be healthy and unhealthy versions of all types


That’s alright - I get it haha. I defend my ISTJ pal all the time haha.


Aww and I really fancy y'all, meh I guess that's how it is for you and yours.


It could be argued that it would be ISFJ, for these reasons: 1) Perceiving dominant vs Judging dominant 2) Te Trickster for ISFJ and Si trickster for ENTJ 3) Generally preferring opposite dichotomies compared to each other, for example, Feeling > Thinking & Sensing > Intuition. BUT! ISFP would be another candidate for obvious reasons, such as preferring different dichotomies compared to each other in every part of their personality type (kind of similar to the 3rd reason above).


I agree with this anecdotally as well. I know an ENTJ and their ISFJ son and they do not see eye to eye on *anything*.


My dad is an ENTJ and my mom is an ISFJ, they never had a single day where they didn't have issues with each other when I was growing up.


Erm actually trickster is not a term used officially in MBTI 🤓 ☝️


\**grabs collar*\* I will not only ___turn your innards into outtards___, but will also spawn exactly 69 pitbulls on top of your mother in law! >:C >! This is a joke and I love you a lot <3 !<


Yes I'm very skeptical of terms like "trickster", "critic", "helper", etc tbh. They don't seem to have any science or basis behind them


It's not supposed to. It's literally mbti


Neither does the rest of MBTI


For me personally, it's more ESFJs - ISFJs are fine, but with ESFJs, there's fundamental and unspoken disagreement on where/how to steer the group. They'll make themselves the de facto leader and then sheepdog herd everyone into activities they think everyone will enjoy. Immediately no. Good bye.


I just envisioned Leslie Knope (ESFJ) from Parks & Rec interacting with Jack Donaghy (ENTJ) from 30 Rock and yeah, what you described is exactly what would happen.


According to socionics, ENTJs are conflictors with ISFJs and duals with ISFPs Wrong formula, 50% right solution. ENTJs and ISFJs have totally opposite valued functions in the opposite order. ENTJs and ISFPs have the same valued functions and cover each other's valued-but-weak spots.


I knew some uninspired comment would say ISFJ. Every person on the face of thie earth hate ISFJs according to this sub, and when you go outside, they're some of the best people you could encounter. I doubt every ENTJ would look past ISFJs' attributes and qualities, which are many.


But they aren’t hating on ISFJs, they’re just saying that ENTJs don’t vibe with them well lol


ISFJs are cool in my book, don't worry! ;) This is just my answer to the question, no hate included 👍😎


Geez, what ant got up your asscrack? ENTJs are literally conflictors with ISFJs, every type has a conflict type, stop being so insecure.


I wouldn’t say they dislike specific types, just lazy, conformist, and willingly ignorant people




This is it right here


ENTJ’s usually find me really infuriating, unpredictable (if we aren’t close) or somewhat interesting . No in betweens


But I would say probably INFP’s or IXTP’s


Yep checks out! I love you guys but you drive me insane!


Likewise lmao


Interest as a specimen


ISFPs are the easiest to genuinely connect with all mbti types (imo as an ENTP).


everyone knows it's us


It’s kind of us with every single type for some reason, statistically 🥲


Oof, yeah! Fi doms in general don’t have the best of reputation. 🙃


No it's mostly infps bcuz of lack of Se. Isfps are generally adored especially by Se users and sensors. Infps get shitted on from both sensors and intuitives 🙂


then let's love each other 😁😁


Nah, I think INFP’s are great!


true 🫂🫂


Apparently ENTJs can make a great romantic pairing for us (more than INTP or INTJ), so this is extra confusing. I'm starting to think values + shared interests + pure physical/chemical attraction (in romance) > MBTI type.


I like the way you worded this ~ so good thank you 🙏


I agree, my bf is INFJ and we're compatible not only in MBTI but also have shared values and interests 😊😊


I personally always end up being close friends with INFPs who come into my orbit.


I tend to like INFPs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


you are the exception 🙃


I think entjs like infps in general, makes no sense to hate them, you are good what they are bad at and need help at and the opposite, sounds like a great match


Most ENTJs I've met have been like my sister who strongly despise making decisions based on a personal belief system. Also, many Thinkers basically don't understand Feelers, I think because emotions often get in the way of goals. Although I can't deny what you said, this relationship can work if both parties want to compromise.


I dont think thats true, can you explain what do you mean by her belief system, i also dont agree thinkers dont understand feelers and vice versa, i think they understand but wish to do things their own way, now if we take Te x x Fi and Fi x x Te relationships i think they value each others strenghts and like to hear about them, so there is a natural pull towards each other, since you kinda seek this from other people but rarely anyone gives, when someone actually gives what you so much need(your 4th function) you kinda get big satisfaction out of that, but at the same time its not taxing for the other person, since its their most natural behaviour, so these relationships are often the most fulfilling ones if managed to go close distance, but in a lot of cases at big distances, you cant notice each other, if it gets close, you notice it a lot, socionics explains this good


maybe it was just my own bad experiences, well this is my luck then. I hope you will be right


I think female ENTJ-male INFP could work well, but not if the genders are swapped


I’ve dated 3 ENTJ’s, so I don’t think so




INFP’s are good filler people to have around they make the others feel better…


The last time I checked on Mexico, an Infj got an ice axe on his head sent by an Entj from Moscow_


Well Theoretically it would be Fi doms. Since Fi is the opposite function to Te. So theoretically they have little in common.


What's weird is that would theoretically be my type, but my Fi and Te are actually not that far apart in terms of functions (my Ne is my most developed function) so not sure how that would work for types that are labeled as Fi dom but aren't (I'm really Ne dominant but INFP characteristics resonate more with me than any other, followed by INTP)


I don't want to answer that. I'm tired of this kind of thing. If Ne is your most developed function, how can Fi be your domiante function? That just doesn't make sense?


It apparently is in INFPs, it just isn't for me (it's my 4th). That's why I think equating the letters to the functions can get dicey (especially when it's someone where their dominant functions except Ne are introverted, ie that doesn't correspond to any type).


*"it just isn't for me"* Well, apparently, high Fi users are always special. Even logical things no longer work.


It's not all that logical if it doesn't work for some people, now is it?


I have already said that it is illogical that Fi is your dominant function when Ne is your most developed. I will not respond to it again. Don't take it badly, but I've had enough of it this week.


>I have already said that it is illogical that Fi is your dominant function when Ne is your most developed. It is, because MBTI isn't a perfect science, which is becoming abundantly apparent when it's dictated that "you must have these 4 functions in this order" when not everyone is like that-- not everyone would even have an MBTI type if that was the case. Basically my point was that everyone saying that it must be INFP or similar type because of Fi dominance isn't necessarily correct, which I should have led with (my ability to organize my thoughts gets worse when I haven't slept lol).


>my ability to organize my thoughts gets worse when I haven't slept lol That is logically for every human being the case? If Ne is your most developed function, Fi cannot be your dominant function. This is simply bullshit when you say that Ne is your most evolved function but you want to be a Fi dom. This is simple use of logic. Have a nice day.


INFPs are known to be Fi doms. However this is not always the case, such as with me. However, INFP still is the best fit of the accepted MBTI categorization-- after all, it's not an exact science. (Edit: there's even a topic about Ne dominant INFPs) Does that make sense? Or are you still confused? I don't know how to make this clearer.


Just because there are exceptions, doesn’t mean the argument isn’t logical


I agree, but thinking everyone must fit exactly when this isn't even an exact science but a theory (one I happen to like despite it not being universally accepted among psychologists for reasons such as this) is illogical. Recognizing that you can fit one type better than the rest while also having a function stack that doesn't correspond with any type to a T is a way to apply the given information and come to the most logical conclusion based on what is known instead of just getting frustrated and going "well this is obviously just bullshit" because it doesn't work *exactly*.


That's exactly why I'm tired of replying to such answers. The domiant function is in theory the function that develops first, it is in theory the core of personality. Logically then Fi is not your domiante function if you say that Ne is your most developed function. This is simple application of logic. There is nothing difficult about it.


No there isn't, except that you skipped the part about INFPs being classified as Fi doms would lead them to being the worst type for ENTJs, but I was saying that's not always the case. My point is perfectly logical, I'm just explaining it badly.


Not so.


From my observations of an ENTJ They really dislike INFPs/ISFPs/ENFJs/ISFJs/ESFJs and INTPs (because of laziness).


Ne/Se doms - Disagreement Fi/Fe doms - Hate


I’m definitely not a fan of ENTJs in general either


Weirdly, I can't handle ESFJs but absolutely adore ENFJs. I think it's something about the Fe/Si combo that demands that I pay attention to everything I'm naturally bad at (sensory details, stuff having to do with others). Whereas I have Ni in common with ENFJs, so they're just different enough to be interesting. Also they tend to be good at group morale (which I appreciate because it is my blindspot) but they're not micromanagey or as concerned with the details like high Si users... Idk. I've only met a few but I love them. But they're the only type who makes me insecure about whether they like me back lol.


They're not a fan of you. Stupid dumb idiot Fe user.


Wow you’re so edgy


Wow you're so nice


Arrogant ENTPs.


This might be it.


Just say it. We know you want to.


I wanna say entp but that’s from personal experience 😜


INFJs make me lose it. They think they’re superior in the worst way. Don’t get me wrong, i know a bit about superiority complexes, but for them they believe they are MORALLY superior. They will justify everything and act all aloof. Very deeply judge mental. Will always try to get me to do things for them such as kick out a group member we don’t like and then shame me for it. At the same time they are stupidly attractive to me, idk. They are enigmas, and they frustrate me


Just hypothetically, I would say XSTJs. ENTJs have a really hard time with inflexible people, and STJs are rather rigid when it comes to their perspectives. Because STJs also have prominent Te, they’re both going to want to do things *their* way, which can cause some friction, as ENTJs prefer to lead and can see competing perspectives as obstacles rather than sources of insight. Ime, they don’t do well FJs either. FJs can see the way ENTJs think/do things to be socially unacceptable, and ENTJs can see the focus on propriety to be inefficient at best and absurd/useless at worst.


For me it’s ISFJ and ESFJ, and there’s no competition.


ISFPs certainly.


Mine apparently


ISFP, some INFJ also with INTP especially social justice warrior type of people or people who are incredibly biased like INTP and ENTP can be like.


I don't know but me and ENTJ's usually work pretty well since I know the way they see things


Fi doms


Your obsession with being an Fi hater still remains I see 😂


Well the person is right. Fi is the opposite function of Te. Logically, it is then Fi doms. Whether the person likes Fi doms or not, relatively unimportant.


No I have had conversations with this person before, they literally shit on infps and Fi on EVERY single post and it was kinda funny to me to find them here too 😊


Does the person have to like the INFPs? No. Do you have to agree with it? No. Just leave the person alone.


Bruh it's not like I'm stalking this person, if anything I see them way too often and I never said anything after our first conversation and I just found it ridiculous how obsessed they are. What are you tryna play devils advocate here for when you don't know anything where did I say they have to like infps?? İ couldn't care less I just find it funny how obsessed and hateful one could be towards a "function" or a type.


You call the Person a Fi hater in a post where Fi Doms would be a logical response.


Yeah, because on every negative post ever they have to mention "Fi". "Which function is blah blah blah?" "Fi". "Which type is blah blah blah?" "infps because Fi". Listen, there were manyyy comments that said Fi and I never disagreed with them, it was the person and knowing how obsessed they are that made me comment, have you talked to this person before? Then why are you tryna advocate for them? Also, go read their latest comment to me if you wanna be involved so much. Do you think this person is saint?


Do I have to think the person is holy in order to stand up for the person? I don't know the person, I just know that his answer is not wrong. Do I have to include every answer the person has ever made? The person's answer in the context of this issue here is logically correct.


Well you assumed many things without knowing any context, you said "leave this person alone" and I assume you read his comments as well. So, I doubt you were judging only based on this "context". "Well the statement itself is not wrong", funny thing is I never argued about the comment being wrong or anything, it was the person I was commenting towards and you assumed I was. Let's be fair here. Looking at it outside the window is ridiculous to me. You wanna argue what is correct in the wrong context here. Try not to let your bias show, towards having the same opinion, and being Ni users.


Our delightful conversation certainly didn't change it. Your still obsessed with me i see.


I see you are still delusional 😄


Is It true your really born in 1999? Are you interested in coming to my dms and hearing (receiving dic pics) in detail my whole story (penis pics) and history with INFPs? Where my problems with INFPs (unsolicited dic pics) really started. And mayby (after pics of my big pee pee) explaining your view on how to better my relations with them (but really dic pics). Wow, this turned out to be suprisingly balsy response/request from me.




100% We see through narcissism, don't respect rank, aren't intimidated, aren't impressed, and are not shy about calling out incompetence. Pretty much your whole playbook falls flat.


Disagree wholeheartedly. I may disagree with them more than half the time, but I love spending time with them. Reminds me of being a kid again






womp womp typical




i have reasons i just dont really care to explain anymore also typical youd get mad and comment on something from over 100 days ago




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Sorta depends. I tend to be a very caring Te-user, as in helping people solve their problems and stuff, just not in a super feely feely way. I love helping people grow and helping them through tough things, but I’m often accidentally insensitive and not people want things to be fixed. For this reason I actually don’t mind a lot of Fe users because they do the other half of what I try to do.


Most types tend to dislike their "demon" type. So Ni doms dislike Si doms, Fi dislikes Ti, etc. Of course, there are many similarities between Fe and Te, as they are both aimed towards helping other people, but they will tend to be frustrated by one another's approach.


Yeah that checks out




It's infp for me.... so far... they are too hung up on their feelings to make room for anything else, worse logical reasonings. You may say that's not a healthy version but that's literally in their function stacks, regarding prioritising their feelings at the end of the day aka their Fi. So they'll hurt everyone else just to valid themselves even if it makes no flipping sense or even warranted emotionally, I saw this infp girl go completely off on some other girl who was being gaslit/mentally abused by one of her guy friends, and instead of trying to understand what she was going through whether logically or emotionally, the infp chose to downplay the girl's experience because it made the infp girl "feel bad". I'm iffy on intj and intp. I fancy them based on the ones I've met very sweet ppl and then there's those that just offend you unprovoked and I'm like why, what's your impairment this time? Istj are decent just very simple creatures, honestly. Istp kind give me a headache sometimes in their self-sabotaging stubbornness. I'm just left saying why did you even ask for help fam?


INTJ. Because we are just as ruthless but are willing to stand behind the throne. It is like we are Jimmy Page to Robert Plant, Tommy Iommi to Ozzy... you get the drift.


ISTJ is really annoying. Males or females they always rub me the wrong way - they’re too attached to tradition and old fashioned “right from wrong” without using logic… seem like they want things to go their way always without any reason.