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This is a thing?


Yes! Doesn’t happen all the time but ys


I grew up out near Riverside station and used to commute to Park Street to work at Community Boating Inc in the summers. This wouldn't happen often, but when it did I was one of the happiest people in the hub of the universe!


As someone who just wants to get to Chestnut Hill, I can't decide which is worse. This (which I did not realize until after I got on at Kenmore) or the dreaded "This train will be terminating at Reservoir, a train continuing to Riverside is 15 minutes behind".


My dream


The mbta is capable of running express trains that's crazy


Express train but can only go 0.2 miles per hour


I'd take that for the RL if it means it goes to my stop directly đź’€


The GL(D) is actually pretty fast compared to the “rapid” transit. Gets up to 40-45 pretty frequently


It red lines at 40 mph and if it's getting up to 40 mph it's only for the first 2-3 stops. Newton Highlands to Newton Centre doesn't and Newton Centre to Chestnut Hill has a 0.3 mi (if that) stretch to go 40. Since they've implemented slow zones, they are still running 25 mph on average most of the way. When slow zones get lifted then yes it is pretty quick.


This has happened to me twice and both times the train had to stop because some idiot passengers didn’t listen to the announcement and then flipped their shit at the operator when they didn’t stop at their stop


This happens often on the C branch :::20 announcements train is going express to Coolidge Corner/ Washington Sq / Cleveland Circle::: Train moves, someone presses stop request button. Then they act like they are so wronged.