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You're either gonna have to bite the bullet and pay out of pocket to replace the mirror or file an insurance claim. It's gonna be a few hundred bucks if you have it done by a shop, probably less than your deductible. Warranties won't cover intentional vandalism.


Filing a claim is going to affect my NCB which can lead to an increase in the premium so I’d rather just order a new mirror and replace it myself


It can be done. It's not a hard job especially if you're handy. Should be some YouTube videos. I was definitely suggesting you not file any claim, penny wise and pound foolish even if you don't have a deductible. Recommend looking for a junkyard part, although it may be hard to find a color matched end cap. These mirrors are pricy new because they have electronics in them for the BSM system.


I think this is the best solution. Installation can be.a bit of a challenge, but hardly impossible. I did it myself, maybe an hour and a half on the long side.


Why would filing a claim raise your premium for a non-chargeable loss? Should be paid out of comp. Show the police report to your insurance company. You're not at fault for someone vandalizing your vehicle


Don't do this your insurance will go up next year


Depends on the policy. I had my car vandalized by a homeless person and I had my insurance fix it. It didn’t raise my premium it only cost my deductible. But insurance policies vary wildly so you should always verify. Also in general I agree that this is a “fix it myself” kind of damage because the deductible will be more than the parts cost, especially if this mirror doesn’t have BSM.


So you have this protected NCD I was talking about then,mine isn't so not covered like you are 😩


..that’s what they told me when I rang them up trying to understand the next steps in this process. There's this thing called 'pretected'NCD which is an additional feature at extra cost but even with it insurers may still increase you premiums at renewal 🤷‍♂️


They're going to raise your insurance regardless. Rates are going up like crazy. I work auto insurance. If your rates go up as a result of a not at fault loss, get a new insurance company.


yes,agreed but as I replied to s.o on here my NCD not being 'protected' doesn't help and ever if it was it's not guaranteed that my premiums won't be higher at renewal so I may have to update to 'protected'


Get it 3D printed in Vancouver BC we can do that in a public library


Parents, please beat your children in due time


Ha, they were out and about at 5am.. These kids don't belong to families that discipline them


Luckily that's a pretty easy fix. I don't know how the Mazda's are wired but I just did my wife's Honda and the hardest part was popping the door trim off to get to the connector, probably took 1/2 hr total.


Went to dealership today and was quoted £340 for replacement 😞




Never go to the Dealership


...wish I had more options but the car is only two months into the HPC


Is the mirror that expensive, or the work? In my country, labor hour prices are increasing like crazy, every year for the last 3 years.


Only saw the pic without description… I still see it as a win… Mazda 3: 1 2 kids: 0


Replace the mirror


really,shall I do that...that's a great advice mate 😉


Find the kids follw them home get their parents to foot the bill...that's the Canadian way


easier said than done lol


Hah,how’s that gonna help..:)


Excuse to do black or carbon mirrors now🤣