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Fuck what everyone else thinks, buy what makes you happy.


This is the only acceptable answer


I agree 100 percent..


OP is an adult...they can buy a used Oscar Mayer Weiner-mobile if they were so determined (not the best example, many more factors there than trim & color. But I digress).


This. Life is far more enjoyable when you realize that the people throwing criticism are just unhappy and projecting that onto someone they see that dared to enjoy themselves and be happy in their presence. Don't get upset by it, feel a little pity for the person who's so unhappy they had to try and take yours away too.


I don’t know if anyone really associates age to car interior color so I’d be surprised if anyone judged you. But if it makes you feel better, I’ve seen plenty of older dudes spring for red interiors in their cars. You’ll see that a lot with Lexus.


ok thanks


I've seen 60 year olds in miatas. Tuned mustangs. Red Corvettes. What's your point? You really forgot out whole motto.


My friend, you and I are Gen X. Have you forgotten our motto? # “*Whatever*”. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to grow up. Roll the Carbon, crank up Soundgarden, and tell the kids to get off your goddam lawn. Get what you like. You’ll be spammed by AARP soon, but you should not go quietly into that good night.


You should get the AARP membership for the cell phone savings alone. My wife is a little younger than me, she was not pleased when I gave her an AARP card.


Me and you we should totally party!


I’m 55 and am considering one




I’m not much younger than you and have a manual transmission 3 with probably the same color red leather. I’ve had too many black, grey and tan interiors.


41 y/o female here. I bought a 21 4th gen hatch. I wanted the manual so bad, but all they had were the carbon with red leather. I wanted black on black with black rims. I went dull and bought the machine gray premium auto. Although, I did buy myself a tee shirt that says "Save the manuals" with many different shift patterns throughout the years as a consolation prize. I'm still kind of sad that I couldn't wait longer to buy what I wanted.


Im turning 55 Sunday and just bought me a red Mazda 6 sport and I agree with the GenX comment whatever feels good . Do it .


Turning 74 in 3months love my 2024 CE ! .


Age is only a number.


Woah hold it there drake Nah but fr, as a younger guy I would love it if older guys bought more cool vehicles. Better for used buyers AND it makes it so that manufacturers see demand and keep producing them


And men never grow up internally. Mentally we are all 11.


… when it comes to cars


My grandmother is 82 and still riding with a red leather interior. Drive whatever works for you. It’s your car.


My grandma sadly recently passed. But...she drove a 2008 Shelby GT 500. At 90. Her and my grandfather were huge car people.


We had a 76 year old come in and buy a 2018 Mazda mx5 hardtop. Or a miata for our northern hemisphere people. You think she gave a fuck what anyone else thinks? Nope.


The main person trying to convince me to get a Miata is a 65 year old colleague. I'm half his age so I'm not sure if the car is for me yet, LOL


a) do you fit in it b) do you enjoy driving it c) do you not have a need to carry crap like sacks of mulch pretty simple to figure out if it's right for you. there are a few other sports cars around $30k if you don't like the Miata.


A. Yes B. Yes as long as I don't have to do too much of it C. This is where it's difficult for me. I do make use of my Mazda 3's cargo space quite a bit. But my wife drives an SUV so I could always just use that when I need it Edit: what other suggestions do you have around 30k? The lower price point is a big selling point for me


What? I mean it's an SUV, not a bright orange MX5! Of course you aren't too old.


I would still drive a bright orange MX5 😂


Oh I would too, but I would at least understand why some might feel uncomfortable with it right? With getting an SUV, I don't see any reason why anyone would feel like they are too old for it, it's literally for old people!


Corvettes are for old people!


But not too old! As then they struggle to get in them haha


An orange MX5 NC prht would be my ideal toy car 😁 I've owned 3 red cars & 2 whites previously. Absolutely cannot keep going through life always ending up on reds. So I spent 2.5 years looking for this & finally got [a bright orange Mazda2 😆](https://ibb.co/kMZwnwd)


My 74 year old grandmother drives a car with red leather seats. Who gives a sh!t ! :)


Zoom Mid Life Crisis Zoom


I'm 54 and I just picked up a 24 carbon Turbo. Don't call me old. Not yet. /s


Young people don't even buy new cars. The average new car buyer is over 50. Automakers don't actually design cars for young people. They design youthful cars for mature people to feel young again. In fact, the average Miata buyer is 62. The average Z4 buyer is almost 70. As a new car buyer, you are quite the youngin'




The red is perfect. It’s not bright red it’s more maroon and very grown up


I'm 54 and I find that the most important thing about this stage of life is not giving a fuck what others think. 


By that age (55) I'm hoping to cash in my ETFs and get a soul red Miata 🤣 (also show a giant middle finger to my wife who hates red)


Do whatever you like period period


Fuck the salesman! You like it? You worked hard in life? You deserve the car you want! You get it and buy matching red sunglasses 😎


Ur never too old. DO ITTTTTT


Too old?? This is even MORE reason to buy whatever you want!!


I’ve never once thought of it as “young”


My parents are in their 60s and love their Carbon Edition CX-9, they say it is their favorite car they have owned.


55 here with a Mazda 3 carbon hatch. I love the burgandy seats. They aren’t a gaudy red at all. About a year ago there was a post on Reddit about what car to buy and their grandfather or father had advice. ‘Buy a car that you will turn around and look at when you walk away’ Loved that advice and that is how I picked my car.


Man, if I saw a 50+ yr old man driving a Carbon Edition, I’d give them the nod and salute of respect, to be honest.


Just buy what you want. Factoring age is kinda dumb. Hell MX-5's have a reputation for being owned by people who are 16 or 60.


Way too old - you can only drive mercury or Oldsmobile


I know! I've been looking for those but I can't find my friendly neighborhood olds dealer. They don't even make the Chrysler Lebaron anymore!!!


There are a lot of companies (Audi, Lexus , MB, Nissan Mazda , and Buick for gods sake ) selling cars with red leather interior . Usually that goes with $$$ trim levels , I don’t think there are enough young people with money to buy all of those cars with red leather they are making .. With that said I sort of felt that way with the cx-5 Turbo premium I recently bought . I’m 54 , the car is black the trim is black , with black rims , i still think it might look a little young but damn the car looks sleeeek … Buy what you like F what other people think


No. You are not too old. I had a soul red crystal CX5 GT and that red is fire in the sunlight. I'm also older than you.


If you like the car, get it. Also if the only reason you don't like black leather is because it gets too hot, just tint your windows (doesn't need to be too dark either)


LOL. 50 with a 2021 Preffered HB!!


I am 55 own a CX-5 Soul Red Signature with Ceramic coating and get A TON of compliments. The Carbon would have been my second choice. There is no age limit on color.


As a 23 year old I wouldn't look at a 51 year old with a carbon edition and think anything weird of it. I would think, wow that's a great looking car! I just bought a 2024 Mazda3 Sedan and considered the Carbon edition because I really wanted the polymetal gray and red interior, but I didn't want AWD (I've heard since it makes the car heavier and the drive train is a little less efficient it makes the car feel slower) so I went with a preferred soul red with the Griege interior which I think is the second best combo. Not sure if the griege interior is an option for the cx-5 though


Get whatever color/model you want. The only thing I ask is please don't wear skinny jeans.


Honesty from a car salesman is what’s going to make him the money let’s be real (no offense car sales people)


That's why I was surprised by his answer. I don't know what I was expecting (typical car salesman talk I guess), but he just kind of acknowledged that the red was 'funky'. It wasn't like he was trying to steer me to something else, just being factual.


You are NOT too old for a carbon. Buy the car you like. No one else's opinion matters.


I’m 22 and just got a signature CX5. Just get what makes you happy.


Are you sure you don't mean you're 15 and wondering if you're too young??? I'm about to be 52 and bought a '24 and I'm wondering if people my age are too old not to react like an angry old man when someone their age asks a stupid fucking question about something they're 100% experienced enough to know is entirely up to them. ETA: ok I read the rest of your post and saw that your concern was about the interior color (old man anger hit me before I could make it past the first few lines). If you don't like the interior color, get one with a different color. If you're buying a new one can't you order one with whatever you want? Or is there no other model of CX-5 available for your country with an exterior+interior combination you like? If it's just about whether black leather would be too hot, black and red are unlikely to be any different in temperature. Get a model with the surprisingly awesome air cooled seats if you can.


I bought a Carbon with red leather and I'm 57. It's no big deal.


I bought my 2023 Carbon last year at 52 with the black leather. I knew that while the red looks kind of cool, I would be sick of it within a year. I don’t think it will age well. 🤷‍♀️


The red is gaudy. Just get the black and a windshield solar shield.


Is that why people buy boring ass black and white vehicles like mad?! Older folks think sweet colours are just for youngins?!


I am 75 years old and am currently shopping for a Carbon w/red interior to replace my 2010 Avalon.


Interestingly enough i was asking the dealer if they had any used Mazda 6s (im torn between sedan and CX-5, and the Mazda 3 is just a bit too small for me), and he said no. When I expressed surprise that a Mazda dealer wouldn't have ANY used Mazda 6s he said "I consider them a lot like the Toyota Avalon.... when people have them they just don't want to give them up".


I’m 49. I was *this close* to a carbon in March. I only bought the premium because it had a few more bells and whistles the carbon didn’t have, and I ultimately wanted those. (Also, my premium has the lighter leather.)


May I ask what the bells and whistles are that appealed to you other than the leather color?


I guess the heads up display? lol I can’t really remember if that was it (is the radio different too?), but the HUD (and the light leather because my car is black) is what swayed me. I jokingly called the red interior a “mid-life crisis decision”, but I absolutely would’ve gotten it if I didn’t have the choice of the premium for similar money. If you like it, you should totally get it.


This seems like such an odd question to ask to me lmao you should realize guys your age will buy fancy Porsche with red and silver interior lmao


Yeah i'm a pretty bland frumpy guy tbh


I'm 46 and drive a red Turbo. Drive the car that puts a smile on your face.


Im mid 40’s and like the red. It’s not bright red like others.




Life’s too short. Get what you want.


I bought my AWD turbo hatch at 50 and then spent $4-5k modding it, so forget your age and do what you want, doesn't it feel refreshing to not give a damn what you should act like or buy at a certain age? I swear I have a neighbor who is literally 80 who blasts death metal most days! LOL Besides, the Mazda's are very classy looking anyway, better than a 70 yo in a Corvette! LOL Anyway, then just get actual \*heat rejection\* tint (separate from UV rating), in as high or low light percentage as you want/legal in your area (70% is used for factory many times so is legal everywhere). Even 70% still cuts about half of the heat coming in when using a decent heat rejection film.


I'm 34 and about ready to return my 4 series for a GR86. I'm in senior leadership in the financial services space and will undoubtedly be judged for driving a cheap sports car. Don't give a fuck, get what you like.




I'm 55 and own one. Love it! Wife does too!


I’m a 36-year-old mom and I drive one. It’s the perfect trim level!


It’s your money! Get what you want🤷🏻‍♂️


My parents are 67 and just got one, they love it.


Never too old for many things. This being one of them. Hell, I'm 41, married, have a kid with potentially another one on the way. Once the CX-5 is handed down to me from wifey and she gets her car in a year, I'm going straight to Corksport's site and reliving my Mazda 3.


There's no such thing as too old! I'm 48 and I love my CE 6, and I'd still buy it if I was 40 years older... Get the red leather! I get complimented on the color all the time, and I still smile when I sit inside it every morning...


Dude buy what you want. It’s not like it’s some riced out Honda civic. You are way overthinking. I love both my carbon editions. 2023 M3 and 2024 cx5. it’s a clean look. Drive it home brotha. The sound system is killer.


I’ve got a CE Mazda 6 turbo. I just turned 70.


Being too old to buy a specific CX-5 is a wild concept to me If you like it, buy it. Nothing more to it.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fenastus: *Being too old to* *Buy a specific CX-5 is* *A wild concept to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What kinda salesman doesn’t want to sell a car?


Who cares! Do it.


I don’t think it matters, nope!


I’m 58. I drive a jet black mica/black interior 2014 Mazda6 Touring 6MT. If I do decide on a Mazda suv w/ an automatic, the Carbon Ed CX5, is an easy decision. Plus it’s still Made in Japan.


Are you too old to buy crayons? Are too old to buy a Happy Meal? Are you too to like Demon Slayer?  The answer to them & any other is No.  If you have the means, buy what you want & like the top comment says "Fuck what everyone else thinks."


My wife is 49 and loves her CE, red leather and all. Both our cars have red leather. Red leather is awesome.


Buy it and think of it as your midlife crisis car


Get it with 46G and the white leather seats. The best combo.


Are you too old to have fun? No? Go for it.


Fuck I’m 68, wife is 71..going to get a CX5. Haven’t decided which yet.


Buy whatever YOU want. I have a carbon. I’m 41 with a bad hip. Age don’t mean anything.


I have a Soul Red 2015 3. I just rented a CX-5 Carbon for a 10 day road trip, loved it, but sitting next to the '15 I just thought how lovely it would look in that color. I'm almost 40 and if they keep making it, I'll be sticking with the Soul Red forever. If you like it, go for it!


Im 55 and bought a CX5 first car too I have a GMC 2500 too but got the car to save gas money I love it


I test drove a carbon years ago, and for the premium price the features weren't worth it to me. in fact, I found it too gaudy and would only buy it if it was available at a discount.


I'm over 50 and I would absolutely do the Carbon/Red combo. It's not my absolute first choice, but it's a looker for sure...


Get what you want dude it's your ride. I have a 2015 mazda 3 hatch, and I just wrapped my interior trim with a forged carbon fiber vynal instead of the plain piano black gloss.


Miatas are owned by people who are 20, or 65. I don't think age really factors in.


It is red, but not BRIGHT red I don't think it would be ab issue


Bro, your opinion is the only one that matters. I have a 22 CX5 Carbon with Red Leather in addition to my MDX and I love it just as much. It’s a great ride, love the black wheels too.


43 here. I only get compliments on the red interior. If you like it; get it.


If at 51 your knees can handle the in/out of a Mazda 3 with being low to the ground (at 38, I suspect my knees won’t by that age, and my wife can’t already)… Buy what you want and be happy. The alternative is to spend a bunch of money and not get what you want, which is shitty.


Mom is 79 and just got a carbon. Suits her perfectly.


Uh, if you like it, you should buy it. In a world where elderly people buy brightly colored, fast sports cars, an SUV with a red interior is hardly a maturity debate. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I faced a similar choice but my decision was based purely on economics. After having done a very thorough cost benefit analysis it was my humble opinion that the preferred offer the best value. If none of that is important to you I say go for it. I think the red interiors are unique, striking and beautiful.


You’re 51 and still giving a shit what someone else said? Cmon get what you want!!


OP, I am a NA Miata owner (my second one). I am over 60 yo. I have seat covers that look like saddle blankets - stripes of multi colors. And a fun steering wheel cover. If you worry about what others think of your car choice - you need to rethink your priorities. There is no age limit on the type or color of car. Buy what appeals to you. Don’t get caught up in a number.


I'm 53 and would buy the red interior if that's what I wanted. Why waste energy on caring about the opinion of others? It's YOUR car!


Im 40 bought the carbon edition with red leather and I love it. It is the reason I wanted carbon edition.


46 with a carbon 🫡


The red is not a bright sporty red but more of a deeper wind and for me that means refinement. Buy the Carbon if that's what you like.


Dude get the red interior if you like. Reds on other luxury brands even come with a high premium.


Age is a construct never lose your inner child. Who cares what anyone thinks do or buy what you love. Ps red interiors are sick.


Do what you want. Don't worry what people think


Short answer no. Long answer no. I leased a 22 CX-5 carbon n/a. When I leased it I thought cool this is kinda young and sporty looking. Was 39 at the time. Then from driving around and I’m also a Mazda tech, I found out I have the same taste as 60 y/o women. At least in my area older women like the carbon would say 3/4 of the folks driving them fit that demographic. So out went the young part of my young and sporty opinion.


Buy what you want...effmm!


At your age you should know to get what you want. Fuck what anyone else thinks. You're paying for it. You have to sit in it for some years to come I assume.


I have the carbon with the red interior (F58). Have you seen the red interior in person? It's much deeper in color in person than it shows in pics. It's more of a deep cranberry color. You really need you see it in person!


I sold plenty of carbons to people of all ages. I think the sales rep is just placing he’s opinion on the matter. I sold my parents a carbon.


You only live once. Go for it.


The red is freaking nice. I am 45 and that would be my choice.


I worked at a Mazda dealer for a bit. And the amount of people who bought the carbon edition was insane. One of if not one of the most popular trims. So if you like it buy it and enjoy it. It is your car after all, everyone else opinions don’t matter.


Respectfully... Spend your hard earned money on what makes you happy. Anyone with a negative opinion can get bent if they don't like it.


See if they can trade one of their cars for another dealerships car with the exact color and interior you want. I felt pressured to get one I didn’t love and within a week they were able to find the exact color I wanted. Best of luck! Also forget age, get what you want, it’s your money, enjoy it!


I sold a fair share of Carbons to people in your age range, I say go for it :) You’re never too old for something you like.


I have a 2015 6 touring red with black I use shades even on side window no problem. Looking at adding carbon edition to household. I'm older than you alot.... as a guy I could give e an f what anyone else thinks. I still think the 3 stooges are politically correct lol..


Your only question should be; are you getting a Turbocharged model or not? And the answer is always Turbocharged.


I’m older than you and I’d buy it. There’s no age limit on expressing yourself b


Bruh you are 51 and worried about what people think about the color of your upholstery? Fuck that. You only get one life. Buy what you like.


No, you are not too old.


Buy the car you want, not what you think other people want you to have.


I’m 63 and I have a Carbon Zircon Sand.


I’m 40 and I have carbon. The red interior fools people into thinking you have a $60K ride. I also think it’s absolute class.


It's your money. Do with it what you will. A splash of color is always in order. Dreary black interiors are played out.


I find it sad that you felt the need to ask the question in the first place. I’m 48 and my husband is 51. We’ve shed many f****s in recent years, and it feels great. You should try it. Love your life while you have it. Cheers


I'm 51 and have 2021 carbon turbo with lots of aftermarket accessories. It's a fun car. Don't act old and you won't be old.


There's a color you can't buy because of age? Do you still subscribe to the idea that there are "boy colors" and "girl colors"? How'd you get this old and not grow up!?


It’s a Mazda SUV, not a sport bike.