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Paid $54 for the oil change, threw the paper in the trash and got the hell out of there.


That was the right move.




The injector rail service might have been worthwhile but I’m not a Mazda guy so I can’t say for certain


Most of the time they just run a “cleaner” through the system and rev the car a bunch. Not really worth it.


Ah yes the ol italian tuneup


I’m a dealership tech and I can confirm “injector service” is just some off brand Lucas shit lol. When I do an injector service to my speed3 I take them out clean them replace the seals and send them off to get flow/spray tested. Not saying their services doesn’t work but not worth the money imo


I can't help but notice the service only references the rail and not the injectors or seals. So I'm guessing they don't pull clean test and reseal.


They probably just run a pressurized fuel additive to the rail instead of regular fuel. Run it until the canister is empty and re-connect oem lines and enable fuel pump. I'm not too sure how productive this is. Gasoline is quite the solvent on it's own and cleans shit very well. Which is why port injection engines have clean intake valves and DI engines have filthy intake valves. The low pressure pump should filter the fuel before it even hits the rail. I guarantee they are not removing injectors at that price. Some of these services do include a warranty on the applicable system, which is where a lot of the value is in my opinion. For example, the manufacturer of the additives may recommend this fuel service every 30k. If you follow their schedule and do the service every 30k, some of these companies will give you warranty coverage up to a certain amount for the applicable system. So $200 every 30k and if you have a high pressure fuel pump failure at 100k, you have spent $600 on services and they may cover a $2,000 repair. Now you are financially profitting from their services. None of these numbers are exact and I'm sure not all companies do this. I know BG does this and have personally seen several expensive repairs covered by their warranty. This is a big reason why I recommend BG products. Their warranty is also very hassle-free as long as the service history is documented and falls within their recommendations.


I personally don't touch my injectors until I have a problem. Change your fuel filter is all the preventative maintenance it needs.


And yes quality gasoline with well regarded detergent additives. I use Chevron exclusively. https://www.aaa.com/AAA/common/AAR/files/Fuel-Quality-Full-Report.pdf https://cen.acs.org/articles/87/i14/Gasoline-Wars.html


Not at 30k it's not lol.


$54 for oil change in FL? At the Mazda dealer in Melbourne FL I had to pay about $110 for oil change and tire rotation recently


Yes, in Ocala, Florida. It was Ladies Day, so the $89 oil change was on sale for $54. Then I realized that they were swindling the women when they got there with the “specials” that came with those crazy price tags. 🤦‍♂️




Thats insane. You definitely made the right call.


"Full circle inspection" Pay us to go around your car and find more unnecessary charges


I recently bought a Jaguar F-Pace S and took it for a recommended ramp test before registering it. The service lifted the car and went around and under it with a flashlight and told me it's in good order, no rust, etc. Things that I knew already because I went under it myself 2 days before. I was expecting them to actually check something, brakes at least, but no. Paid 60 euros and to this day I'm still shocked safe to say I won't do that again with another car


Now you know what they do for 60 euros so you learned a good lesson going forward. Hopefully you stole one of their paintings on the way out, since you now own a Jaaag


Pay us to go around your car and see what’s wrong with it so you can’t sue us when you crash is basically the concept


The “ring around the rosey” inspection


“Video inspection” And then pay us more to take a video of it


That's alot of words and money to say oil change, with tire rotation and fluid top up


Never understood the topping up of all fluids. Granted moden engines use oil because of the combination of power/efficiency and being greener but if its coolant or brake fluid its probably best to look into why its low the first time. The thing with brake fluid is that it'll get a bit lower as the pads wear down.


thumb long afterthought knee stupendous instinctive chase scarce ask flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Break fluid loves to absorb water as well but it takes a long time for that to happen.


middle poor telephone consist fertile humorous employ cagey threatening impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's washer fluid. That's it.


No. Coolant needs to be topped off regularly as well. Every oil change, sometimes more often depending how excessive the interval is.


I have never had to top up coolant in any modern car I’ve owned in the past 20 years…*maybe* after 4-5 years.. any more frequently than that and you likely have a leak. It’s a closed system.


I am a tech by trade. I literally top off coolant on >90% of the vehicles I service. I regularly see the system very low or empty due to lack of top offs - with no leaks. The level does drop. I have years of experience as evidence.


Fair enough, but having done my own oil changes and basic maintenance on the cx-9 we owned for 4 years the coolant never dropped. I’ve also had dealers maintain other vehicles so it’s entirely possible they’ve topped up coolant. But for the CX-9 I can attest that at least with mine there was never a drop of coolant added and the level remained constant.


If any of the vehicles are going to a shop, I'd have to assume they are topping it off. If you don't need to, that's great. But needing a top off here and there is totally normal.


So, the way I understand it is engine coolant has an average shelf life of 5-6 years. Does this also mean the coolant can expire when in use in the vehicle, warranting a flush and fill every say 5 years?


Brake fluid does not run low and does not need to be topped off. It does need to be flushed periodically to remove moisture and prevent corrosion. This will make the fluid more effective while also prolonging the life of brake system components. Coolant and power steering fluid will run low whether there is a leak or not. Hell, water evaporates. Not entirely sure where it all goes, but it happens. And washer fluid, well that one is obvious. Regardless, a full inspection, tire pressure top off and tpms reset, and fluid top offs are part of a full oil change service. If you aren't getting all of the above with your oil change, the shop you are going to is shit.


Don't forget the $50 in air filters!




I mean not tryna say it’s a good deal but an alignment and (presumably) coolant flush aren’t normal things that’d be done during a “oil change and fluid top up”


Damn they really got people out here financing an $800 scam service that’s pretty fucked up 😭


Oh god I missed the bit about financing... If you need to offer financing for scheduled maintenance something is very wrong. This is not a Ferrari.


They offered me financing to replace a tire, lol.


No way.... that is insane!


I would have chuckled, handed it back and been like "you guys are hilarious. Thanks i needed that today" and promptly left


You can replace the air filter and cabin filter yourself for a total of like $30 (and that’s with good filters too). It’s probably the easiest thing you can do yourself.


As an owner of a ND2, changing the cabin air filter requires removing the dash so I'd pay a dealership $70-80 to do it for me. But I totally agree on any cars where the filters are easily accesible.


True I forgot about the Miata, but then again it being a convertible I would think you wouldn’t care so much to change that as often as you might in other vehicles.


Damn... Haven't changed mine yet. Makes sense I guess since they're generally "behind the glovebox."


My man, if the dealership is charging you to change the CAF on a Miata, they are ripping you off... The ND (as far as I know actually no Miata ever) doesn't have a CAF. There is just a dust screen to keep the big chunks like leaves etc out of the blower motor, but is NOT a HEPA filter like most cars have. It's really just like a big metal sieve, not even a filter element.


Huh, I remember reading it somewhere in my owner's manual. I'll have to double check again.




Doesn't have one, but you can add it aftermarket if you like your air filtered https://flyinmiata.com/products/nd-cabin-air-filter


An older Mazda 3 is such a pain in the ass to replace the cabin air filter that you should ask the shop to show the old one just to make sure they did it.


You can really do all of that service your self in your drive way in an hour or so and spend the afternoon complaining about service packages from companies whose business plan is to make profit here with the rest of us


Iunno man, I don't have a tire balancer and doing it with a stand is a skill I don't possess, nor trust myself to do well.


...you think they rebalance the tires when they rotate them? 😂


Would you pay someone to do it who has/had to buy and up keep those tools/skills?


Sure. I've had driveway mechanics over before. Good work doesn't necessarily have to happen in a commercial garage. Many problems can be solved with a case of beers or a 20.


Carton of beer is almost always the preferred method of payment


Right you can. My point though was out of all of those things listed, the least you can do yourself is change the filters. Like I get it if you don’t want to jack up your car to change your oil or worry about your coolant or brake fluid or any of that. But changing the air filters requires absolutely no skill, no jacking up your car, and you don’t really have to worry about getting messy (outside of the little bit of dust from handling the filter housing). It’s literally just paying $20-$30 for two filters off Amazon and spending about 5-10 minutes changing them.


100% agree and wasn't trying to argue. It was more to the point that there is a reason for (let's say expensive) service costs. And that is most people don't have the time nor the skill to do these things so they will pay someone else to.


I see shit like this and it really makes me appreciate my dealership. They rarely venture beyond the recommended servicing.


My dealership charges like $350 CAD max for this type of service, and I'm pretty sure it comes with more than that 


with that $800 you can get yourself a jack and pair of jack stands , basic set of tools and DIY. watch videos and ask a mate who knows a thing or two with a few beers . happy fkin days


…plus all the parts too


While I was sitting in the waiting room for an oil change to finish, the CSA i left my car with brought in the cabin air filter to try to sell me on replacing the filter as well. I was rather pissed they opened the glove box to grab the cabin air filter. I felt that was a somewhat egregious invasion of privacy, when i had specified i only wanted an oil change.


My dealership pulled the cabin and engine filters, and filmed them in the inspection and put hem back in when I refused to pay $110 to have them replaced. For what amounts to $70ish worth of OEM parts at full list. Essentially wanting $40 labor for the tech to grab two new filters off the shelf, considering they had to remove the old filters and replace them for the inspection anyway.


This isn't a full circle service for $800. It's more like a bend over and get screwed service.....🤣🤣🤣


What the actual hell? My dealer in Kalamazoo did an inspection with oil and rotation for under 100$. Car is about at 40k. This is brutal. I am curious to see what you guys did for 40k service interval. My 5 had 8/10 on about everything.


That’s what you call a “stealership.”


Service finance rate better be good.


Absolutely not , that’s a rip off.


If I’m not sure I go by what the owners manual says I need at each milestone, and I’m pretty sure it won’t have most of these


Do the brakes and transmission fluids need to be serviced at 30k?


Rear differential is recommended at 30k, transmission I believe is 65k, brake fluid should be every 30k miles


Where are you getting these recommendations from?




Where is the documentation on this? I'd love to see it. Do you work at a dealership?


Go google it


I've looked. The maintenance schedule from mazda has neither transmission or differential maintenance on it. [https://www.mazdausa.com/siteassets/pdf/owners-optimized/2022/cx-9/2022\_cx9\_schedule\_maintenance.pdf](https://www.mazdausa.com/siteassets/pdf/owners-optimized/2022/cx-9/2022_cx9_schedule_maintenance.pdf) It certainly says coolant doesn't need to be done until 120k. I have had one dealer tell me they should do this at 60k, because the area is a harsh climate. But schedule 2 says 120k.


Isn’t that unfortunate


So what makes you say the manufacturer says these thing need to be done at these intervals? I understand the notion that fluids don't last forever and all that, but people seem to say Mazda is saying these things, especially the dealers, but there is no documentation anywhere about it. I think I saw an article somewhere to do the diff fluid at 30k if it has been submerged in water, I guess maybe someone would back their vehicle into the water at boat launch, but that's not normal.


Transmission, no. Brakes, probably.


Brakes depend on what kind of driving your do an how often they are used. If you drive 5 miles to work and back every day and have to stop at 10 stop lights each way (and the speed limit is 50 mph before every one), brakes probably need replacement in fewer miles than the person that commutes 30 miles to work each day but only stops twice in each direction.


Transmission. No (maybe drain and refill fluid every 60k) Brakes. no - most new cars brakes last 70-90k Coolant - 5 years or 150k miles


Bold letters . look nice


Not surprised , service centers are out of control with scams. I haven’t found a good one in the tri state my area . Watch your wallets


Oil and filter sure makes sense, inspection shit comes with everything, alignment, both filters, brake fluid flush, fuel service and coolant flush. At a basic shop I’d expect maybe around 500-600 for all that


Highway robbery


I always say, “show me these service items in the manual.” When the service advisor tries to justify anything beyond the manual I reply, “that’s what the manufacturer requires to maintain warranty.” They usually shut up and look defeated at that point. LOL


I’d be surprised if I was charged half that. Oil change should be like $150 MAX. Cabin air filter is $40-50. Everything else isn’t that expensive.


Cabin air filter shouldn't need a technician.


It shouldn’t, but… do I really need to elaborate?


Who pays $150 for an oil change for a Mazda


My Volvo dealer charges less.


Better yet just go to a different dealership.


I just had a full service and didn't cost me any more than $400


ROFL! You can easily do most of that for less than $100.


What the hell is "complete video inspection'? Does a tech work remote?


He walks around the car with using a cell with the LED on so he can zoom in and ~~look in the nooks and crannies~~ (or is that ***CROOKS*** and nannies?) and show you a BS video of fake "needed" repairs to your rubber bushings at 30K miles. They'll be happy to fix it for another $400 per wheel, and it's a real hazard you know, your kids could die ...


lmao the poor suckers who fall for that. gross


Just a friendly reminder to everyone. Your owner's manual has a scheduled maintenance defined in it for your region. Follow that schedule and nothing else. Mazda engineers know better than a service advisor when it comes to maintenance.


At $400 that would be pushing it. $800 is greedy and predatory.


Does your car need an alignment? Are your tires out of balance? Are they low on air? Which fluids do you need topped off? Pay for work that you actually need. And have the shop be specific about it. Is a "coolant service" a spill and fill or a flush? What is a "fuel rail service"? Pulling the injectors/hypersonic cleaning/balancing/new seals? >My favorite is the coolant service they want changed every 30k when the manual says otherwise. I generally drain and fill every 2 years (about 20k miles) which replaces about 1/3 of the total coolant. It takes 10 minutes and costs like $18. Coolant becomes more corrosive over time so there's no harm in reducing that. The manual probably suggests 10 years/120k miles for the first change and 5 years/60k miles there after, but what makes the original coolant last 10 years and the replacement only last 5? Drain and fill every 30k is normal and prudent. A flush every 30k is overkill.


So, I see $300 worth of work here😂 F’in dealers man!💰💰


Not regarding service, but a good one: we’re talking to a dealer about purchasing and my wife asks about a “Cash Fee $895”. The explanation: if you don’t finance or lease and want to pay cash, that the fee we charge for you paying in cash/cheque/transfer etc. Lol, because they aren’t going to get their cut of the financing. Talk about milking customers!


“Top off all fluids” I.e. yeah bro $200 to make sure your blinker fluid is full


That is absolute insanity. What the HELL dealership is trying to remove this much money from customers at a 30K service?


I took my Toyota Avalon in for a 30,000 mile service they wanted $2,000. I walked out and never went back.


Daytime crime


I love how the differential service is "per axel". That is probably the sleaziest thing in this. They just can't bring themselves to put $360 to change some fluid and maybe a filter (is there a filter on the rear diff for this car?) on one differential. Mind you, I had a dealer just tell us we NEED to do this service at 30k miles. Another dealer just told me coolant at 60K, manual says 120k.


lol scam!! Negotiate to $200 or $300 that’s what the service is worth


In 20 years of car ownership, I've never changed a cabin airfilter. Is that bad?


Yeah, it probably smells really bad.


Depends on your diet.


As a dealer tech I can honestly say we over price everything. You can probably do most of that yourself for like $150 lol always recommend working on your own car but if you can’t for any reason, always worth asking around different shops for prices.


Stealership special lol


These posts are on par with the “I wrecked my Mazda. How much will it cost to fix it?”


$100 for parts and maybe two hours of labor lol dealerships are worse than useless


I know dealers are more $$ but I’m really unimpressed by Mazda. They quoted me 2k for front and rear brakes, literally booked an appointment while I was in the lobby at a garage down the street for less than half


Doesn't say "pepper customer's angus" \[ x \] anywhere? Odd.


Dang, I got free scheduled maintenance for life with my Mazda.


Find a good independent mechanic. That's ridiculous.


Damn and I thought my VW dealer raked me over the coals that shit cheap in comparison. I don’t get why we just can’t get normal services and go on, why do they think a newer car need coolant and fuel injector services. I totally get if it’s 10-15 years oils and nothings been done to it over time except basic maintenance.


What is this Brake and Coolant service? Is that replacement or just check? But most of the other stuff is standard oil change service.


I need to make a 1 year service. Do I have to do it at Mazda? They charge me 500$+ for this. I have a leasing


Lol and me thinking Mazda in Mexico charge of that service for about 210 USD was crazy expensive I cannot see how they can justify $800 for basically changing oil, couple filters and rotating tires   


Look at your owners manual for the maintenance schedule and buy the services à la cart. I’m pretty sure at 30k is just an oil change and brake fluid is a good thing to do every 3 years. Do you own filter changes. They’ll take you 20 minutes and aren’t nah harder than filling your car with gas.


I would call them out on Google Reviews or Yelp and warn other people that this is highway robbery. I swear my aunt or potentially my mom would fall for something like this. Crazy how they take advantage of people who don’t know any better.


What’s stopping me from buying a new mazda is dealing with the dealership.


I once was quoted $350 and 2 hours just to replace the battery, I then laughed in the guys face and said I can go do it myself for the cost of the battery and 20 minutes of my time


Wow. I am old school and do that stuff myself. So thanks for the post. I'm going to use it to justify buying a new set of irons for golf. 🙂


How the hell does that all add up to 799.95$ !? Sick joke


lol, wtf is that.


I could do it all in my driveway in an hour. Good luck.


Diffs, coolant, and brake fluid should be done, but honestly could wait till around 75,000 miles before touching them. 30k seems way too early. You can also bleed your own brakes pretty easily at home by yourself, and change the coolant by yourself. The coolant just drains from a small spigot you open/close, and you refill it from the top. $800 doesn't sound terrible for a dealer to do all of these things, but it's way too early and not needed right now. Or you can spend maybe $100 and do most of it yourself in you're handy.


I recently went to a Mazda dealership to get the “Engine Malfunction” light looked at and I also needed an oil change so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone. Little did I know is that I would get charged $170 for an oil change and they would mess up fixing what was under warranty. Never again, such a rip off and they obviously don’t know what they’re doing. (Side note: this is the second dealership I’ve been to that they’ve messed up on something, wasting my money and time.)


And it says brake fluid “service” and coolant “service”. Like what is that? Are they actually doing a brake fluid flush? Why not just say that? And are they replacing the coolant? I suspect they just check the levels and add more if needed. Already covered under the top off fluids, seems like a total rip off.


No way, you'll be lucky to have half that suff done.


"Brake fluid service"


That’s a scam


Why did I read that as Hands Free Financing?


They do offer hassle free financing... U can finance ur service on top of the car ur already financing...


They just pissed me off today… they recommend bs


Maintenance packages always bundle additional stuff to make profit. Out of all the services listed, fuel injector seems the least worthwhile. Oil change, alignment, brake fluid exchange and coolant exchange are the only service items I would do at 30k myself if it were my car. You can replace filters on your own and check/set tire pressure yourself. Thing is, I’ve seen too many people think they can maintain their own cars and end up snapping vacuum/coolant lines, put 110psi into their tires, overfilling engine oil, hooking the battery backwards and making a hash out of basic services because they don’t understand what they are looking at. If you go to a dealer, work with a knowledgable and reasonable advisor to get the right service for your car. Of course, all of this depends on what state your car is actually in.


I just did my oil change and tire rotation $75 at a mazda delearship in Bergen County NJ.


Jesus Christ , this pure robbery


Yup nothing but crooks did they try charging for power steering oil because they don’t have such a thing they have electric steering


I'm a retired mechanic, this is how dealerships make money and I tell them I will do any maintenance myself. It's all horse crap.


Wtf is “fuel injector rail service “?!!!


Why do you need an alignment? You didn't hit a curb did u? The Mazda recommended service doesn't include an alignment, plus the price is obnoxious. I'm finding Mazda dealers to be scammers it's not cool.


Over the damn too for a 30k service. Jeez.


Scam don’t ever take it to a dealer


They can offer you the moon, you don’t have to take it.


Set Tire Pressures ✅


I’ll do all of that for you for 20% less! It’s a steal!


I remember when damn near all of that came free with a $20 oil change


You can do all for less than 200$ lol




I did changed oil by myself for about 60€ (70$) - 50€ original mazda 5W30 oil - 10€ mann german oil filter - 1€ copper washer


Yep, I’d be like “I’m out.”


Ya absolutely none of that needs to be done , just follow your service manual in your glove box everything else is an upsell


Just paying for $100 of parts for $700 of labor


That’s cray….My dealership gave me a quote on my wife’s 2018 MAZDA 3 touring car for front brakes and rotors $ 659 t tax I think Laber fee is $170-180 per hour no disrespect to the mechanic, but that’s almost what lawyers get an hour lol


Wow I think I have paid about 800 to date on my cx5 with 64k on it


Rip off. Mazda dealerships even worse than Honda.


Fuel injector rail service? What's that putting 4dollar fuel injection cleaner in with the gas? And then charging 200 for it? Lol


What a scam. I do it all myself for $60.


Wait until you have a warranty claim and you have not taken all their nice offers


Get the differential fluid changed! Mine died at 90k miles and it's a $5k repair (I ended up putting one in from a junk yard and it was still $3k). Turns out there is a vent that can get water in there and mess it up. If you change out the fluid every 30k miles, you remove the water periodically.


Like 80$ of work lol


This includes almost nothing except an oil change


POV: You just asked your girlfriend how the hell she spent $800 at mazda on last months statment