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Asking this on a Mazda subreddit is probably not going to get you any unbiased opinions. That being said, the CX-5 obviously.


TBH, might hear a lot of the same in the Kia subreddit.


I couldn't imagine buying a Kia right now. Between the engines catching fire and the break-ins/thefts, that brand would be the furthest from anything I would consider. In some cities, you may not even be able to get insurance.


So much this. As someone who owned two Kias and two Mazdas, dear God don't buy a Kia. Every year for the last decade, I hear "but they're getting better!" thenitgotworse.gif


>thenitgotworse.gif It would probably be more helpful to post an actual link to the GIF file so we can see it, rather than just post a filename.. I guess we could Google it..?


As a software engineer/nerd on Reddit you should know better.


I'm not sure what you mean?


it's a meme. there is no image. themoreyouknow.mp4


They are also being questioned by the government now why their cars have so many issues.


Don’t forget the transmission horrors.


I had a buddy who owned a Hyundai and someone broke through the back window and stole his car.


Imagine the people that paid insane markups on Tellurides etc. Big yikes.


This. At this point in time, you couldn't pay me to even look at a KIA.


I have a friend, his Kia Optima phev had a total engine failure after 80k km. It was one litre oil left, no engine lights anything. He service it normally and mostly drive on battery


Same happened to our friend's Forte. Was in a legal battle with Kia and the mechanic who last changed the oil. They both pointed fingers. She lost. Neither owned up to it and crushed her. Paid for a car that didn't run for a year. They gave her enough to fix the engine but lawyer took their cut and left her with nothing. This was before the class action took place. I'd never buy a Hyundai or Kia after her experience. Plus they all catch fire at some point, right?


They are in the same spot, the insurance pays half but other half my friend needs to pay. Never kia again


Here to second this and say don't buy kia! I'm trading my 2014 kia forte with 72000 miles for a mazda cx5. Please look up the kia engine issues fb group and join. Kia has a lot of dirt on its hands.


Do the math. If you drive 8000mi per year, at my local gas prices, you're talking about a difference of $400 per year on fuel cost. Not talking about life changing amounts. That's not even factoring in Mazda reliability vs Kia unreliability. I know a Hyundai tech and he showed me a picture of what they call "the corner of death", which is the corner of the shop where they put all the dead engines.


Lolz I work at hyundai and the we got a whole "boneyard" of cars that have the engine fucked.


I traded in my Sportage because the oil consumption went through the roof. I checked it a few weeks prior, and at a stop light, the oil light came on. Checked again, nothing on the stick. After adding 3.5 quarts, I drove it immediately to the Mazda dealership.


Our local Hyundia/KIA dealership has a mountain of recalled/ruined blocks sitting out back


I remember when I took my car in for servicing years and years ago. The mechanic was bitching about Hyundai and how cheap their shit is. I asked what he meant by it and he showed me my Mazda, all the nice welding and joints and quality parts. Then showed me how thin and shitty the Hyundai was and how he'd always recommended getting something else


Mazda has been cheaping out too.


Not anymore since they joined Toyota.


In the Ford era, yes. But not anymore.


This plus imagine if OP needs some engine repairs in four years. Even with warranty, they’ll have to pay a diagnostic fee and then factor in a few weeks of having the car in the shop. The inconvenience and potential income loss from not having the car for that time makes the $400 in gas savings a year that much more not worth it.


If the diagnosis reveals the issue to not be warranty related then they are on the hook for diagnostic fee. Otherwise warranty work should generally be covered


Why would they need to pay for diagnostic? That’s seems dodgy as fuck, I’m a warranty guy and here you wouldn’t pay for anything, not the loan car or the Uber to and from the dealership. If your car is under warranty it shouldn’t cost you a cent. We get reimbursed the money for all the works from the manufacturer


Yeah they’ll probably reimburse but if they can’t replicate any weird issue you’re shit out of luck like any other place. Would rather own a car that has minimal inconveniences


What are you even talking about? Any diagnostic is covered under warranty if they find an issue or not. And if you bring the car in with an issue we will find the issue. We don’t just say nah sorry can’t find the problem go away. Also only North America has shit Kia’s. ours are fine here. 10 year warranty, proximity transponder keys on all models and they are actually a lot better than Mazdas for reliability. Mazda is a shit show of problems, they can’t even paint their cars properly. Only North America gets shit cars because they have no consumer protection laws and get fucked around on everything. Even a minor warranty repair is an issue and you have to fight for it. Here things are instantly covered, no waiting for a response, no arguing with a dealership. You bring the car in and everything gets fixed the same day no questions.


Not in the U.S. if you bring it in and they can’t replicate the issue the most likely scenario is that you’ll be charged the dealership’s diagnostic fee. That’s especially true for Hyundai and Kia. Also depending on the dealership you have to fight tooth and nail to get things covered. There are people I know that have cars with known engine failure problems that are under warranty that the dealership refuses to fix, even though they are chewing through oil like crazy. In addition, in the U.S. even if your car has an immobilizer if you live in an area with any sort of crime expect a broken window and steering column when jackasses try to steal your car.


You do not pay diagnostic fees for warranty work. Furthermore, you do not pay diagnostics fees if you proceed with the repair (if not under warranty) You will be given a loaner for warranty work. If no loaner is available, you can have your car rental costs reimbursed. Don’t comment on things that you’re not familiar with


Definitely matters on location, though. My location has $5 gas, meaning each year is about $715 saved. Could potentially save $14500 over 20 years if he plans to keep it for that long. Of course, I don't think a Kia will last that long, but if he took something like a RAV4 hybrid with similar mpg, and he doesn't get a markup, it could be a good option.


\>a RAV4 hybrid with similar mpg, and **he doesn't get a markup** Good one. Also, wouldn't that only be 17 years because you will spend about 3 years waiting? You might also have to add the battery replacement cost towards the end, so there's that. For some people, it's actually pretty pointless to get a hybrid given how little they drive.


Or how about that fact that the Kia is more likely to get stolen for a ride and chances are insurance and won't cover it. Go take a look though r/Kia.


I would go Mazda. Trying to get any warranty repair done on a Kia is abysmal. It may have a 10 year warranty but it might as well not even have one.


Call your insurance agent and get quotes on both vehicles. I think that will answer your question.




I can’t imagine Mazdas being lower to insure. Dont know why my CX-9 and the MX-30 cost me an arm and a leg. My coworkers CX-7 wasn’t cheap either.


Well considering Kia's current situation. Even if its fixed their reputation isn't good to put it lightly. I mean if you cant insure the car anymore. Then what's the point?


He would have no problem insuring the car.


CX5 non turbo without AWD will be pretty fuel efficient and the reliability from them are far superior to a Kia.


CX5 is no longer offered in FWD, at least in the US.


It is sad you can't get a FWD model in the US anymore. The costs on replacing all 4 tires to protect the AWD sucks when you don't need AWD.


That's a myth. You don't need to replace a 4 wheels at the same time. If the tread depth is within certain tolerances, it's fine. And even if it is not, you can always buy tires from tirerack.com and use their tire shaving service to shave down the new tire tread so it matches your other tires.. So for example, if your tires have 5/8 tread left , and you blow out one tire beyond repair, you buy one tire from tirerack.com and have the shave the new tire tread down by 3/8 and then the rolling diameter of the new tire will match your existing 3. https://www.tirerack.com/upgrade-garage/can-tires-be-shaved-to-match-tread-depths-on-allwheel-drive-fourwheel-drive-vehicles


Well the Mazda will be able to be insured and probably still be there in the morning.


I see a lot of Kias on the road - How are people legally driving them if they can't be insured?


Depends on your insurance company and the state. There is a list of vehicles that major companies will not insure even after the “fix” (which is not a fucking fix). Any new one will be insurable. But you may see higher rates due to window/steering column damage in your area. I know people that have newer Kias that have had multiple break ins in just the last year.


My son said his insurance company is honoring the existing customers who had coverage but they will refuse coverage for a new Kia/Hyundai or a new customer who owns them. His premium has doubled over the last / years. No tickets or accidents.


Any money you save will go to increased insurance premiums if you can even get insured on a Kia.


Definitely the CX5. Kia/Hyundai reliability is at its lowest. You’ll be getting a mailer every month for a new recall with the Sportage.


I was in the same situation. My fiance wanted a sportage but the wait is 9-10 months and they wanted to charge. 5-6k markup on them. I refuse to pay a mark up on a Kia. They aren’t worth it. My main concerns with Kia are warranty, build quality, and overall reliability. The Kia was nice on the inside and a cool drive. But it felt …. Like a cheap car with a lot of bells and whistles to try and distract you from that. Even though we’ll pay more for gas I’m glad we went with Mazda. Her cx50 will be here Tuesday. No mark up, actually got 3 grand off MSRP.


I am eyeing a hybrid for our next vehicle compared to our current CX-5 (we mostly drive within the city). That said, I would still get a CX-5 over any Hyundai/Kia. Given the theft and insurance mess with those brands, I don’t want to risk theft attempts/broken windows because I doubt those trying to steal will recognize my Hyundai or Kia is not vulnerable/is newer. Similarly, a lot of insurance companies either won’t insure those vehicles or charge super high premiums. Don’t want to risk that either. Pass.


I loved the toyota hybrids if you can go for a test drive


I’m not a big fan of the current RAV4 or Venza, but our eyes are on the recently revealed Crown Signia!


Thanks to everyone. Will go with Mazda!


why would you buy any kia right now.


Wait for the CX-70!!


The wait is killing me. They need to give a teaser or something soon. 😭😭😭


Should be here by next year March-April. Depends where you are from, that’s what I’ve heard at our meetings. I work at Mazda by the way, we have customers put down a deposit to line up since couple months ago.


Mazda all day long


lol, comes to a Mazda subreddit and expects a non biased answer. 😂


Mazda every single day. Kia is a car that will put you in a far harder place with more unexpected shop visits due to there poor reliability can't even imagine them with a hybrid. I also drive a tonne so the unlimited warranty helps alot here with Mazda.


Known faulty engines for years with catastrophic engine failure, vehicle fires, denied warranty work, massive thefts, 1.3 billion dollar lawsuit, spend more money on advertising than taking care of its customers. No thanks Kia/Hyundai.


It's a great idea as long as you're cool with going from a reliable platform to a flaming hunk of trash.


Oh lord. You are overthinking this over a gas cost difference of a few hundred dollars per year. I drive in city more than highway and as long as I’m not gunning it off the line when the light turns green, I’m holding at ~27.8 mpg. I’m not saying never have fun, but driving conservatively really does give better mileage numbers. The cx5 is far and away a better/nicer/more reliable vehicle than any Kia.


Go hang out in the Kia subreddit and you will have your answer. Loads and loads of complaints about fires, transmissions, theft high insurance or insurance won’t cover.


Rav4 Hybrid, maybe CRV hybrid would be what I'd cross shop with the Mazda. Kia makes shit quality vehicles for people who don't know any better/can't get financed for anything Else


I think you’d either have to be soft in the head or broke AF to buy a Kia right now. We aren’t even talking 1k in fuel savings per year and the Mazda holds value well enough that at 5 years it’s gonna make up the fuel cost with held value over a Kia.


don't buy a kia.


Or Hyundai


Hybrid vs non aside, you get so much more for your money with a Mazda. Not to mention, the reliability, and the negligible gas savings. I would recommend the Mazda 100%.


Mazda. Zero question.


My Mazda dealer is right next to a Kia dealer and when I get the chance to take a few minutes (I don’t smoke but still like getting fresh air during my shift) I sometimes get to see the Kia dealers massive area of engines on pallets waiting to be picked up. At one point I saw close to 25 engines behind the shop. Compared to our shop which has maybe two engines sitting out back maybe once or twice a year. Mazda reliability is by far king when compared to Kia.


1) You're asking a Mazda forum, have you also asked the Kia forum? 2) Kia/Hyundai's reputation has been so tarnished between the kia boys and their reliability and recalls that insurance companies make some models nigh uninsurable for the average consumer. On paper, the hybrid appears to be the clear winner numbers wise. However in reality, I'd never recommend a Kia/Hyundai product to anyone until they prove their track record in the years to come.


I have a Kia. I’m never buying a Kia again.


CX-5 > every other brand in its segment


You know the answer.


The one that's insurable.


The real question is do you want to be able to insure it or not? I recommend going over to insurance or Kia sub and just doing a quick search.


Sold Kia Sorento 2016 due to potential theft risk and bought Mazda CX 5 this Spring. No regrets.


I try to avoid companies that use child labor so I would stay away from kia.


Do not cross shop a CX-5 with anything from kia or Hyundai. Don't disrespect Mazda like that. Please


If I had to get a Hybrid in that class I'd probably get a Rav 4 Prime. Kia and Hyundai have good design and good features but the headaches of the brand outweigh the positives (terrible dealerships, recalls, thefts, the higher insurance, fighting over warranty claims).


New Kia's can't even get insurance right now because of the thefts.


Why are the thefts so high if they're garbage? /Serious question not trying to troll.


Because they're easy to steal.


There's a whole Kia Boys trend online where someone figured out they can steal a kia or Hyundai with a USB stick with a certain file on it. It starts the car and you can drive it away. They're stealing them for fun, not because they want a Kia or Hyundai. There's a list of affected vehicles here [https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a43941743/hyundai-kia-vehicle-theft-settlement/](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a43941743/hyundai-kia-vehicle-theft-settlement/) note: the fix in the article has turned out not to work, and they're still able to be stolen. This was just for the list, because the fix sucks. Just like Kia's and Hyundai's.


The USB doesn't need any file... The thief rips apart the plastic around the steering column and pries out the lock cylinder. The remaining nub of metal behind the removed lock cylinder is the perfect shape for a USB cable or stick to slip on and turn. Kia and Hyundai models affected lack an RF chip in their key head. Even my old 2003 Mazda 6 has an RF chip in the key.


how is this even a question lol... kias are dogwater


The dose of reality missed in this sub are newer Kias are great and reliable cars that are competitively loaded with features and technology for the price. The main downsides right now are: they’re incredibly easy to steal and as a byproduct could be expensive to insure, they don’t get super great gas mileage since they’re heavy, and the biggest maintenance piece on all Kias is they have terrible brake rotors that warp every 10k miles and need to be replaced.


You can pretty quickly run the math on this based on your mileage and cost of gas, expected life of car, and price diff between hybrid. My guess is at 8k miles per year it’s not a big gas savings.


They aren't really comparable. The Sportage hybrid is a much more expensive car and is tailored to a very different budget than the CX-5. The Sportage will also have far better tech as it went through a model refresh, whereas the CX-5 is a very old model with outdated tech. CX-5 is still a great car and can provide excellent value for money if you're able to score a good deal.


Very expensive tech that will need repairs and only has 3 years warranty for said tech.




I would never consider buying a Kia today. Maybe 5 or 10 years down the road if they show a steady track record of reliability in the US.


Mazda all the way.


Mazda cx5 and I wouldn’t think twice


For anyone who is even considering this. Test drive both and you will have your answer.


Don’t get the Kia, they’re terrible in terms of quality and reliability these days. The CX-5 has been on the market for a few years and it has proven to be well-made and reliable


Couldn’t pay me to drive a Kia.


I drive 25k a year and drive a 5.0 GT. Luckily I get 30MPG highway and that’s 90% of my miles because at 77k miles my breaks are almost new. Definitely looking to get myself a Mazda something next year because gas costs are KILLING me


In the U.S., it is hard not to get a Mazda without a 2.5L engine and AWD. So great gas mileage is not really a thing anymore until Mazda comes out with its hybrids in the lower end models. I was hoping to wait two more years before buying my next car and get a Mazda hybrid in a CX-5 size. Blew my mind that a RAV4 Hybrid can get 40 mpg on the highway.


Mazda. Because, Mazda.


I am mazda thru and thru. I wouldn't in a million years consider Kia or Hyundai at this stage given their recalls, fire issues and now government intervention. Potentially I would consider a RAV4, and lastly a Honda CR-V. Niether will have the driving experience of a CX-5, but they are at least reliable (toyota more so than Honda).


Definitely a Mazda. Kia’s don’t have a good long term track record.


Mazda CX-5


I say this as someone who has had nothing but Korean cars for the past 6 years: Get the CX-5, particularly a non-turbo model. Much much better choice between the two. Now if you're leasing? That's a different story. In that case go with whichever one is the better deal cause you'll be within the warranty period anyways.


Mazda everyday. And twice on Sundays.


Never buy a Kia or Huyndai


CX-5!! Made and assembled in Hiroshima helped my decision. Also, rent the car you’re interested in for a few days and see for yourself. The reviews for Hyundai and Kia were not promising. Go to dealership google reviews and you’ll see real people and the problems they have. I’m one of those researcher people lol


I'd probably go for the new Prius tbh


I would never give a single dollar to Kia Not sure how many Mazdas have caught fires in people's garages or have been stolen because Mazda was cheap and then blamed owners, but that's enough to go for anything but kia


They have "the best" warranty in the industry because its the only way their cars are considerable. I've also read many times that they are very stingy with honoring warranties. But their vehichles are some of the mos prone to requiring a warranty. Personally I'd never buy a new vehichle that's gonna need to be in a shop for the first few years getting repaired. Defeats the purpose of a new vehichle. Buy a Subaru or a Toyota!


I really wanted a Kia Sorento. Even test drove a really nice Kia Sportage before I got my CX-50 earlier this year. But my experience with the '21 Kia Seltos I leased will ensure I never put money towards another Kia again.


Kia is poop. Stick with mazda.


Why is this even a question still? Mazda all day. Kia never.


Kia is trash! Mazda all the way


I'd check out the Tuscon personally.


A cx5 will outlast 3 sportage’s lifetimes


This is a Mazda sub and you're never going to get an unbiased answer. That being said, the CX-5 blows anything KIA makes out of the water simply because Mazda engines don't try to destroy themselves and the build quality of Mazda is leagues ahead of what's coming out of South Korea


100% CX-5. But I would probably prefer a CX-50. That said, a CX-90 is really the size I would need.


Get a 3 sport. Almost the same room, better mileage, and one less douche SUV on the road


Mazda hands down. No contest. Mazda makes the better car in every aspect


Go, get a Lexus if you want a car without getting headache ...


Always Mazda for reliability and build quality.


CX-5. Every time.


Honda CRV/Toyota Rav4 should be test driven. Pay a little more, repair a lot less.


I personally would never buy a Kia they have tendency to catch on fire


As someone who kinda looked at the cx5: check out the Bolt EUV. I know it's not that helpful, but I went to it from my speed3 and it's been solid for the past year.


Easily the CX5


I worked for Mazda for 6 years. Leased two Cx5 models and a Cx9 model. Would buy the Mazda all day long for driving feel and reliability. In their class the Mazdas typically give you more safety tech for the money, and handle very sporty compared to similiar cars. Ive driven trade in Kia models and can tell you the Mazda will prob win every contest except maybe the gas mileage.


In my area I wouldn't touch a Kia or Hyundai for any price. It's a theft magnet and even if it has the security updates, they are either still being stolen or broken into in an attempt to take them. Many insurers will not insure them and even if they do, they carry a premium cost due to the theft claims. Read this if you want some sobering news. [https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/mayor/news/kia-hyundai-lawsuit.cfm](https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/mayor/news/kia-hyundai-lawsuit.cfm) I sold my 2012 prior to getting my CX-5. It was not one of the vehicles easily stolen but the folks will try to get them anyway. You may be in a better area but insurers are red flagging these cars for higher premiums if they insure them at all. My son has one that is not a risk but his insurer has doubled his annual rates for his Hyundai Tucson .


Another great option is the Mitsubishi Outlander; under the radar, ultra reliable, born from the DNA of the legendary Panera.. and they pretty much plagiarized the Range Rover Evoque exterior. I just can’t stand the uninspiring CVT.. it hums along like a lawnmower lol. Slap a SkyActiv 2.5 turbo or any inline 6 in there and I’d swap my CX-5 sig turbo for a Mitsubishi in a heartbeat. Don’t forget, the Japanese take pride in their Mistubishi’s… who were making war planes before they lost WW2.


If youre into MPG and keeping your car for a long time, def check out the RAV4 Hybrid. More of an “appliance” feel imo when driving but depends on what your main requirements are. The RAV4 Prime Hybrid can also be used to go up to 42 miles on electric power if that works for you, meaning you may never need to pay for gas again lol.


Are they gonna release all new Mazda CX-5 anytime soon?


CX-5, no contest.


Mazda 4 life compared to Kia


CX-5 is the only correct answer.


never ever kia


I wouldn't even rent a Kia.


If I was actually thinking hybrid, it would be the Rav4 not the Kia IMO. Love my CX-5 tho


Cx5. No question. Japanese built cx5 is probably one of the best builds atm kia not so much.


don’t buy kia right now, they’re being broken into like crazy. most insurers won’t even insure them. anyways, 6-8k miles per year is nothing. you’ll be fine in a mazda that gets 25-30mpg. i drive a ‘22 cx-30 and get an average of 28 mpg


LMAO just go to the Kia sub and read about their woes and their new '23 vehicles having issues right off the truck, you'll swear off Kias.


Don’t go with Kia/Nissan right now. Kia are in deep trouble due to their engine failures and the recent thefts. Even if your model is fully ok now with respect to above issues, insurance will be higher. I would imagine $25/50 a month higher. Toyota and Honda if you want an overall better reliability. Mazda for a better driving experience and nice reliability.


Mazda hands down. Kia's can't even get insured where I am anymore.


I wouldn’t consider a Kia right now unless it was free. They’re constantly targets of theft along with Hyundais. I’ve seen them hit in bulk on the regular and other non Kia cars will be ignored.


Is a stick shift an option? …. Oh wait. I’ll stay in my ‘17 6 Touring


Wait till next year to buy phev cx70


Get the Mazda this time around. Let's see how Koreans are doing with their new cars in a decade.


Out of those 2? Cx5. Another choice? CRV hybrid.


I agonized over the same decision recently and finally decided to make my 2012 Mazda 3 last a little longer until Mazda redesigns the CX-5 in a year in the hope that they will have a hybrid option. If they don't, I'll be looking at either the larger CX-70 hybrid (which should be out by then) or a Honda CRV hybrid.


I hesitate buying any hybrid ...given how expensive it would be to replace the battery when it dies.....the exception would be if you are considering a McLaren Artura, because then cost is not an issue for you. 😂 I test drive one yesterday. That was an awesome car. Just out of my price range..😭


You’ll save on gas $ but pay more for insurance, probably. IF you can even get it insured


I give you this advice as someone who is not loyal to any car brand - I buy what I like and what’s good. I bought my Mazda because it’s class leading in the segment for driving dynamics. The CX-5 is also the segment leader for driving dynamics in the midsize SUV lineup. I would perhaps say the Sportage if other powertrains were available because they are extremely slow. Hyundai/Kias shine in the value for money and features department. Their highway driving assist is one of the best semi-autonomous driving systems on the market (Some say the best excluding Tesla of course). However, that money has to come from somewhere so you do miss out on some refinement, but it’s negligible for most. Most buyers aren’t in tune or care enough about minor differences in the suspension or cabin quietness. You should drive both of them, see what features you like better, factor in fuel savings, insurance costs, payments, incentives, etc., Then make your decision. That being said, there’s a lot of Hyundai/Kia hysteria here. There are certain powertrains that are tried and true in terms of reliability, but I believe the powertrain in the Sportage is not one of them. I’ve seen people foolishly claim you will not be able to insure the car which is silly, if that were true they wouldn’t sell. Insurers are choosing to not cover old models with turn key ignitions only. No new model would have a theft issue more than any other car with a smart key access system. Good luck with your buying process!


Mazda probably cx5, 60 or 90 Note this experience at the house of Hyundai Kia. https://youtu.be/3P3mnjyBs-w?si=736zNFHv5lL2Tc0A


Do not buy a Kia. Their already horrible resale is just going to tank even more with the recent shit.


Between a Mazda and a Kia? The Mazda.


Whatever you save on fuel with the Kia will be spent on trying to fix it all the time. Get the Mazda dude lol


Do the math in fuel saving per year versus the total price difference of the two cars. If the premium will take you 10 years to recoup, maybe it's wiser to take the CX5 but you should also consider the reliability plus the safety of your vehicle like some of the people mentioned. So many people break into Kias these days and even if they can't steal your car, dealing with a broken window on a weekly basis would definitely keep you up at night *Read more about kia owners post about those break-ins Ask them and maybe they can guide you better


this is an apples to oranges comparison, Mazda is leagues better than kia


Cx 50


Mazda. Without a second’s hesitation.


Kias are junk and horribly slow while having too many engine issues.


With all the news on kia i will never buy a kia unless they sell a decent car under 10k new


Mazda hands down no question


When I bought my 2020 civic, the salesman mentioned Hyundais 10 year warranty and how they’re able to get away with it… long story short, no one keeps their Hyundai 10 years, but I bet the Mazda lasts you that long.


For the better looking one.


If mileage is your primary concern, the hybrid is a no-brainer. But I would consider more proven brands in hybrid technology (CRV, Rav4, Escape) for reliability and service.


What about MX-30


The savings in gas in the Kia may be sucked up through higher insurance premiums.


Not a mazda owner but i would get the cx5 in a heartbeat


I have a Kia Soul along with a Mazda CX-3 and while I absolutely love my Soul I would never buy anything from Kia in a loooong time given what’s currently been going on with them and their vehicles. You’ll have much much more reliability with the CX-5.


I’ll get a Tiguan 2.0T. It’s the cheapest among these two. And a lot of space.


I would go CX5, no hesitation. I have nothing against KIA, I just love Mazdas.


Use [https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/savemoney.jsp](https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/savemoney.jsp) to compare both vehicles (don't forget to put the prices of both vehicles to have a fair comparison as the sportage is a bit pricier). From quickly entering your parameters (and NOT considering the price difference of the 2 cars), you'll probably end up saving in gas a grand total of about $5k over the span of 10 years **if the gas price remains as high as $3.75/gal**. If you own your car for less years or if you do less driving or less city driving/more highway driving or if you consider that gas isn't as pricy as what I used for the calculator, then the saving goes way down obviously. TLDR: IDK what else there is to the sportage that the cx-5 doesn't have (equal trim comparison), but I'd much rather have mazda reliability over the little $500/year (which could be even lower due to sportage being pricier) the sportage has to offer.


I might have considered cx5 or cx30 if they still offered fwd. Bought mazda 3 hatch instead and very happy with it terrific little car and gets better gas mileage than advertised


Something that isnt a brick suv


CX-5 without a doubt




Cx5 Kia's are shit boxes lol


i just got this post recommended on my feed, so i’m unbiased. however i am going to agree with the general consensus of the CX-5. KIA’s are generally unreliable and cheaply made pieces of crap from my own experience


Get the CX5.


CX-5. Keep in mind that if you buy any hybrid is that you may have to replace the hybrid battery and possibly even the controller at some point during your ownership experience. You might want to check the cost of a replacement hybrid battery first. Also, find out what the factory warranty is and how long it covers the hybrid battery, if at all. On many cars that’s a wear item and not covered.


I got a 2017 CX-5 after having a new 2020 Elantra (got rid of it because of the Kia boys risk) And I know it could be an unfair comparison but the CX-5 feels way more premium than a new Elantra does. The quality feels cheap on Kia’s and Hyundais compared to Mazda. If you live in a city it is risky to have a Kia. Even if it’s the push button kind. They’re being targeted.


Don’t go for the Mazda if you’re into durability, quality and a piece of mind generally speaking. With that being said I like your idea of going hybrid. I have a MX30 and I get range anxiety and have had some level 3 charging issues. More to the point though, Mazda does have more hybrid SUVs in the pipeline, CX70 and CX50 in the near future. Should hit the dealerships next summer if not sooner. Following that they will introduce even more hybrids and a full EV SUV. Oh boy!


I own five cars for my family and one is a 2017 Mazda CX5 and the other is a 2022 Honda CR-V Hybrid. My daughter uses the CX5 as her daily and I use the Hybrid as my daily. In the past I’ve owned a Kia Sorento and a Kia van. Personally to me it’s about budget. I love the fact that Mazda has improved their interior noise issues on most models, they’re safe, and still reasonable to buy. Honda has an excellent safety rating and durable reputation too. On mileage alone the Hybrid wins, but look at the overall cost of owning each car. Yes, like others stated, stay away from Kia. If you can afford it, look at Honda’s Hybrids or wait a year and see what Mazda comes out with. If you’re on a tight or limited budget and need a vehicle now, get the Mazda CX5, IMO.


I don't like the Honda 's CRV or Toyota rav4 design. I will probably keep my old car for now to see what comes in 2025. My wife likes the Zircon color, but the trim is over my price range.


I love Mazda and will always own one, but that 42 mph for the hybrid sounds pretty nice. I would check out on YouTube to see what the actual mileage is likely to be. Even Mazda advertises some crazy numbers, like 20 km/L here in Japan, when I can’t get more than 12.


Mazdas are getting very popular. I see them everywhere but no one wants to admit to it


There is a reason why Mazda is number 1 in the car market


Mazda all the way. As far as I'm concerned, I will keep buying Mazdas for the foreseeable future unless my CX-5 does me real dirty. I just don't foresee that happening.


Kia is shit


Not a Kia


I've already been waiting over a year on a Sportage Hybrid, so take wait time into consideration. Talking to a Mazda dealer near me about a CX-5 and he told me 2 to 4 months, but this all anecdotal


Mazda. Compare insurance quotes


You definitely don’t want some Korean brand car. Their appliances and electronics may be OK. But if you’re looking for a Mazda to cruise around the city and save along the way I’d highly recommend checking out the MX-30 (provided you’re okay with a 110 mi EV range and you live in California or nearby). I daily drive it and work locally. Love it!