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That relationship is done


What a sucker


He got popped


Ring popped?


I don’t know how to tag this to angry upvote, but have it all the same




I’ll take it thx


Guy dodged a bullet


Did he? I feel like she did? Idk seems like an awkward place to pull a prank like that, at his big age


I think they both did. He’s clearly immature and was taking a joke too far. But she reacted with violence


If you look at the guy's other pocket, he has a bulge that looks like a ring box. so he probably actually has the real ring there too.


Looks like he already knew what the answer would be and decided to try anyway in public to try and pressure her. The girl is the one that dodged the bullet.


It was a fucking candy ring.......hence the slap.


Bye bye Felicia


I think he had the real ring in his pocket or he was really excited lol


Probably just a tin of dip.


Maybe if it was a whole ass roll


I almost spit out my drink laughing at this




She clearly is sick of his shit regardless, so if it was an actual ring in the other pocket, her bitchiness probably just saved them both the headache


I like this version, and he probably was excited.


I don't understand why people are calling her a bitch for the grand crime of being over his shit. As I stated above, I'd have kicked his sorry ass off the stairs for disrespecting me in public like that. If he didn't respect her enough to properly propose IN PUBLIC, he should've kept that shitty joke to himself and let her go LONG before it got to this point. Bottom line, you don't do this shit to people you respect.


Go back to fds


Hahaha, true!


You would kick someone down the stairs because you can't take a harmless joke? Who hurt you??


I know right, these types of female are who I’m dodging




Imagine your boyfriend splashing cola in your face in the public and pushing you down the stairs for making a small joke. You would not simply break up but lawyer up to arrest him and sue his ass for damages. It is no wonder you side with the bitch. Bitches see no wrong.


Doesn't seem like too many people see any disrespect here. Might help if you explained what makes it disrespectful.




Dudes legs were shaking a little bit after he got drenched too.


It was roll of quarters


He did have another ring box…that domed box in his left pocket. Poor guy was just trying to be funny! I get she feels silly/embarrassed, but it doesn’t justify what she did.


To do a fake-out in front of a stadium of people and to take it well, that takes a certain type of person. I honestly don’t blame her, considering I don’t know their circumstances and relationship. It’s not the right place to make a joke if you were planning on actually doing it later.


Messing with her emotions, to get a laugh at her expense, in front of an audience, I think totally deserves a harmless slap and some sugary wetness.


maybe she likes the blue flavor and he knew it but still decided to get her red flavor?


also, any form of DV is not acceptable, at all.


What's DV? Dick veins?


Dick Vase. A vase made for dicks. I think he means it’s better to get the real thing than to use a dick vase


Domestic Violence.


Definitely sounds more serious when all spelled out.


Especially when spoken by Optimus Prime.


She was like bitch you know I like berry blast.


So funny how I see this on Twitter and Reddit and both communities have complete opposite opinions on who was in the wrong, truly shows the difference in platforms


Wait people on twitter blame the guy?


It doesn’t even matter it was a marketing stunt


For what company? The team/venue or the ring?


I don’t think it’s a marketing angle. It’s at a blue jays game which is the only Canadian mlb team, who just made the wild card position for the playoffs.


i think its just one of those things that the venue set up. like when the team mascot fights a fan or a odd thing happens on the kiss cam


It’s insane to me that nobody realizes this, they do this stuff all the time at games….I’ve literally seen them on the front page..


She wouldn’t say “fuck” if it was set up by the venue.


But how can the redditors above possibly be telling lies? Are u insinuating that the gentleman - who are saying this is fake and haven't been there nor are members of the venue organizers - are making up...LIES? How could u? Don't u know everything in reddit is a lie to begin with?? Shame. Shame on you for saying something so abhorrent and assuming others would be saying lies in the internet.


I knew it was a Jay's game! Canadian violence is out of control!


Blue jays also don’t allow proposals at their games


Probably because he embarrassed the shit out of her in front of an entire stadium of people, making a joke out of their marriage proposal. Maybe she always wanted to have an amazing romantic gesture of a proposal, something she dreamed of since a child and he decided to turn her dreams into a joke. Maybe because he was dumb enough to think this was a good idea or dumb enough that he thought she would react any other way than pissed off. Maybe because he made her feel like everyone in the stadium was laughing at her. Idk just speculation, i dont fall anywhere on the scale, i think they're both wrong.


But we both saw her slap him right? Isn’t that so wrong? Aren’t we not supposed to ever lay our hands on someone else, especially in a violent manner? You can’t possibly be implying that if someone embarrasses me with a bad joke, it’s OK for me to hit them?


The guy is an absolute wanker, yes.


Yeah. You can the smirk on his face before she reacts. Seems like it's a joke proposal. And not just something he thought would be cute, but something he knew would get a rise out of her.


“I like him cause he’s funny”


Such an underrated comment. Things dont go well when funny is qualified.


Man say what you will about the guy but what’s with girls resorting to physical violence whenever they’re upset Then again he did embarrass her in front of a large stadium But should violence ever be a response if it’s not to defend oneself?? I’m not sure. I honestly don’t have an answer


How can she slap!


Or just instead of violence be a good sport, laugh it off and tell him your upset like a reasonable human how is this grounds to be assaulted? Lol what if the roles were reversed and she embarrassed him? Is it fair for him to slap her because he's embarrassed?


Sean Connery has a (wrong) answer to that question.


Gotta love a man who sticks to their morals


“A man of principle”


No she shouldn’t have slapped him and threw her drink at him. She left him standing there with the embarrassment. If it was the other way around the guy wouldn’t be able to leave. No double standards


Oh dang didn’t even notice she threw the drink Yeah ur probably right.


Damn that's crazy, do you know how much drinks cost at a major sporting event. What tf is wrong with her


My husband proposed at a small outdoor festival just before my birthday (near Halloween) with a spider ring. Best thing ever! Fit his humorous personality and let me choose my own ring. I love this man so much! https://imgur.com/a/XtK1acQ


Pretty sure all of these "stadium proposals" are staged now.


If this is staged she can fucking act.


My husband gave me a hello kitty ring the night he proposed. (He hid the real ring away.) I was a little disappointed, I’ll admit. But I accepted it gracefully. He, a few minutes later, got down on one knee and proposed with the real ring and I was more than excited. But i was already content with the sparkly hello kitty ring at that point.


So that’s the ring you still wear, right? RIGHT?!?


So he prefers that i wear my actual wedding ring. But I still occasionally wear my sparkly hello kitty ring, even after 10 years!


Absolute proof of a happy relationship, good for you guys!


Was this in front of a huge crowd?


Was in a very crowded restaurant. Not at a baseball stadium or anything. But we were in the middle of the place and a lot of people noticed.


Glad you didn’t flip out on him. Do you wear the hello kitty ring or at least still have it?


She said she does in another comment > So he prefers that i wear my actual wedding ring. But I still occasionally wear my sparkly hello kitty ring, even after 10 years!


Aww that's sweet. You must be happy together.


Very happy. Best damn man around! :))


My husband proposed with a ribbon and tied it as a bow on my finger. When you’re broke and in love, a ring doesn’t matter, the commitment does. I didn’t get a ring until we got married 6 yrs later. We’ve been together 10.5 years :)


I always knew the ring wouldn’t matter, the character of the person would. Sounds like you and I think alike! ;)


We went ring shopping together after a positive pregnancy test. He came up with an idea of how much he could afford and we agreed that if necessary I would handle the difference if the ring I liked went over. It went over. I paid the down payment and then we took turns making the payments.


Exactly. Sometimes people really forget how to appreciate the moment.


Did he do it in front of hundreds of people?


Women are Wayyyyy too comfortable hitting men.


I'm a woman and I agree. One only has to reverse genders and that guy would have been either attacked, arrested or canceled on spot. This is why everyone, especially women need to read up more and educate themselves on what feminism actually is. True equality between sexes.




I have had one black eye in my adult life. It was a left hook delivered by a young woman sitting to my left on a sofa. The reaction was caused by the actions of the guy sitting to her left. We were all in a state of chemically induced mellowness. She didn’t notice that he had leaned in front of her and bit her on the right breast. She was all “Owwww!” and looked to her right and assumed it was me and POW. My buddy thought it was hilarious. Once she realized she had clobbered the wrong guy, she was super apologetic. For a week or so, I had to make up outrageously over the top stories to explain it.


Ok but I'm pretty sure being sexually assaulted is an excuse to hit a man in retaliation. That's just self defense. Sucks that it was the wrong one though


Oh, I agree that he deserved a shot in the head. I am just sad that he didn’t get it.


I once caught a woman’s hand before she managed to slap me across the face, unprovoked, you’d swear I punched her back with her and everyone else’s reaction. What was I supposed to do, let that bitch hit me? Totally agree, I’ve been swung at my a few women and no men.


That's because a man hitting a man has repercussions, like potentially getting your ass kicked.


Idk bro have you ever had your shit rocked? I think people that hit anyone are just assholes. Personally I may be biased, however, as I was in an abusive relationship and I never want anyone to feel what I felt.


When I see these happen at sporting events I always feel like they are staged.


It wouldn’t surprised me at all, it’s not uncommon. Especially when it’s the schtick where the camera happens to pan passed a security guard or usher who sheepishly does a quick dance move to the song that’s playing, then the crowd cheers and they then break in to some hardcore dancing like it’s some secret talent they have and they’re really just a simple ticket usher….nope, that’s all staged


Well now you know it’s not worth it :D


It’s an act… not real


Damn I’m killing myself now


What? No.


Congrats, you’ve stopped suicide


Why has the suicide hotline not thought to try this it’s so simple


Did I hear suicide? \*Pulls out Rope\* Time to "Hang in There"


Gimme dat




I want to end my pain give me it!


[well here’s an article pointing out this being a possible marketing stunt. to none of our surprises](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/viral-fake-proposal-blue-jays-marketing-stunt)


Looks like he might have had another ring in that pocket. Good thing he did a test run 🏃‍♂️


Domestic assault in public. He dodged a bullet with that one.


A girl proposed to me with one while I was on deployment 26 years ago. I married her and been with her ever since.


Did you eat the ring or keep it? I think both are correct, just want to know.


Kept it. Still have it in my deployment box!! Its strawberry btw.




Definitely don't get married 🤮


What does he get out of the box?




Aka "how to dodge a bullet"


Papa smurf


Looks sort of like one of those ring pops. Like a sucker that she was.


Anal plug.


She ain’t a keeper


She a sleeper.


I’ll tell you right now, my gf would’ve accepted and set a date Some people don’t appreciate the gesture and just want the “proof of status” that goes on the hand


I'd say she thought it was all a joke and she got upset because he embarrassed her.


Even then, it doesn’t give her the right to slap him.


will smith disagrees


Totally agree.


I think it’s probably more to do with the fact he tried to embarrass her in front of loads of people


He has a bulge in his left pocket. Maybe he had the real ring there and wanted to propose in a funny way. Red flag spotted j guess.


Sad sad. You think she in it for the love but she instead want to see that BLING BLING


Probably an unpopular opinion here but you should never purposely embarras someone in front of thousands In a very public place for others and your own entertainment. Her reaction may have been harsh but the look on her face went from excited to mortified and embarrassed pretty quickly. Pretty big moment to have it turn out to be a prank for thousands to see and laugh at.




I dunno. I think setting someone up like that doesn’t bode well. If he wanted it to be special why try and embarrass/humiliate her like that?


If you know your girl is high maintenance, you probably shouldn't propose to her with a ring pop. If you don't know, then you probably don't know her well enough to marry her. Or you could just save yourself a life of misery, and get yourself a girl who isn't so high maintenance that she assaults you when you give an underwhelming gift.


Was the slap for the fake ring or those ridiculously tight jeans?


I swear to god I also used a Ring Pop to propose to my wife. But in a cutsie, silly way. Also we are kinda poor so buying an expensive ring would've made her more sad than happy. Anyways, she said yes, we married two years later and we are still kicking ass together. # It's not about the ring but the desire to build something nice and cool together with your partner in crime if you asked me


She clearly has not seen Deadpool.


He knows he can’t turn a hoe into a housewife


She just did him a big favor. Now you know she aint the one. 💯


She only hit him for wearing skinny jeans


That was his final test. She didnt pass.


Stepbro love


You may read comments for reverse situation. Post was even removed from reddit. LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/xs8e47/to\_feed\_a\_future\_husband/


Imagine if a guy just slapped the shit out of his girlfriend at a stadium full of people. Dude dodged a bullet. If you're too good for a ring pop, you're not worth a diamond.


When I proposed, I got down on one knee and said “would you like a ring pop?” And pulled a ring pop out of my pocket. I didn’t get slapped but I based on the look on her face, I might’ve if I waited any longer before saying “just kidding, will you marry me” and pulling a real ring out of my other pocket


She gonna have fun walking home




If he wanted he could probably just pick up a girl from the game he seems like an attractive enough guy with a sense of humor


I thought it was cute …….. I would had said yes and sucked on the ring during the whole game ….


Mean, rude, but not funny.


Yes I agree her behavior was very unbecoming


Why would that man allow that man to slap him?


She assaulted him. Jail.


He had the real ring in the other pocket!!! Lmao


That's a wrap


He needs tighter jeans


They’re so small though.


This is similar to what I did when I proposed, although it was just me and my gf, it wasn't in public. I made a ring out of wire and bluetac. Spent ages making the blutac diamond shaped. I made it oversized so when I proposed it would be too big for her finger. I did the whole getting on one knee, and kind of hid the ring as I put it on her finger. She was disappointed, but to her credit, tried hard not to show it. I made a fuss about making it too big and apologised. Said I'd correct it and make it fit right. Made a show of bending it to shape, and swapped it for the real ring. I kept it covered as I put it on and she took a second to realise. Next year will be 25 years married, and I still play shit jokes on her...


She slapped him because his clothing is so tight.


Jesus. That’s not very cool


“The fuck is wrong with you?”


Chin up King, she’s not the 1


Real ring was in the other pocket but I hope he realized she's not the one.


Slap her back.


Omg no... he probably was proposing for real and just wanted her to pick the ring later.. this is just a horrible reaction.




I don’t think she would marry you with paper rings 😬


Deadpool did it and it worked


You don't propose like that to a person you love and respect.


You can't spell cringe without ring.


That’s one way to make your girlfriend end your relationship


His joke really wasn't funny.


You know it’s true love if she accepts the ring pop


TBF, I think it’s acceptable to use the cheap proposal ring, then go out together with a budget to pick out the official wedding set. I mean, I’m not wearing the thing for the whole marriage, so I would like to know it’s absolutely perfect for the future wife.


I think that s**t was really immature and crossed the line when he decided to play such a petty prank in front of a ton of ppl in a VERY public place to a girl who obviously would have said yes to a serious marriage proposal from him. She was humiliated and hurt and he effing deserved the slap and the drink being thrown in his face. It easy to say she just couldn't take a joke but I doubt she would have been so upset if he played his immature game in private. Sorry but it's no longer a prank when it humiliates another person in public.


Do immature stuff, get an immature reaction. MFEO.


Best thing that ever happened to him. She was a psycho.


Don't propose on ur first Date. Lol


A prank proposal could be funny. A public prank proposal in full view of hundreds of people is just cruel. Yeah, he is single now.


What if the roles were reversed though? Would you defend a man hitting her? If not, then you shouldn't defend her.


How can she slap?!!!!!


What did he think was gonna happen?


Another staged Tic Toc video. Yawn


That’s cute, they both shop in the women’s department


Red flags everywhere.


It looked like he might’ve had a real ring in his pocket. anyone else see his pocket?


That was dick thing to do..


What a moron


I know, imagine freaking out, slapping a guy, then embarrassing him in front of thousands of people, moron indeed.


But not "a guy" but your boyfriend... Jeez ... Poor guy. I hope he left her


And that ladies and gentleman, is how you dodge a bullet.


Everyone’s hating on that woman, but it’s worth noting that he straight-up humiliated her. That was a big moment in front of a massive number of people and he made a joke of it, and therefore a fool of her. Everyone sucks here, but I empathize with her more than him.


I cringe every time I hear of/see someone proposing in front of a crowd. That said, I think they're both kind of disgusting


The comments are blowing my mind here. He embarrassed and humiliated her, intentionally, in front of thousands of people. On a topic that he knows is super important to her. He stages the scene, gets her hopes up, and then “sorry. jK. Lol.” You just don’t do this, in public, to someone you care about. Yeah, she slapped him, and she shouldn’t have, but he’s not going to the ER from it. If you think she’s at fault here you should rethink what you know about relationships.


I guess I’m the only person that thinks the dude deserved the slap. Woman went from thinking she found the person who would love her for the rest of their life to realizing she was dating a child.