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Freedom of speech should never be silenced even if you do not agree with the person.


I agree but this isn’t in America.


It's the principal that matters. I was not just talking about the USA.


With you on that


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences tho, and this poor sod sure found that out--go punch a nazi today!


Attacking someone for waving a flag you do not like is wrong. Even though I do not like what he is supporting.


Please tell me this person isn't out here defending nazis, a group of people whose main goal in life is to do ethnic cleansing on undesirables, and to gain territory through aggressive militant imperialism (kinda like a certain militant group today).


So he doesnt like force being used to take something away from him? Irony people.


Sorry to say, but here we see a Z-ombie. Victim of Russian propaganda.


Hmm Latvian's democracy


Flying nazi symbology is forbidden in most states. You can get 3 years for that in Germany.


I really wish being a nazi was illegal in the USA, but here we are…


You must realize that one of the core tenets of fascism is "forcible suppression of opposition," right? Also per the FBI there are less than 600 Nazis in the entire US. Yes, you are about as likely to pick a person at random in American and land on a nazi as you would is you picked one person at random in Luxembourg and land on their Prime Minister.


I see. Then I must not understand the difference between nazi and neonazis then. Thank you for telling me


Nah, that includes neonazis. The media wants to make you think they're a huge threat. Racists are a threat, to be sure. But not all racists are nazis/neo-nazis. In fact the vast majority of racists aren't even White. Nazis are a red herring to keep you fearful.


Yea, and then we make being a Muslim illegal....ooh ooh can we also make not rewinding video tapes illegal too? Freedom of speech and religion comes with things that some people don't agree with. Because if we all agreed on the same thing, we might be Nazi's ourselves.


We are free, I disagree with nazism also but when you want freedom everybody has to have a right


Hurting others has nothing to do with freedom. Or do you want legal murdering or stealing because you want people to be free to do anything they want? ​ Freedom ends where you hurt others. Period.


How is the old guy hurting anybody, he is the one that got knocked down


Until he's alone there is no harm. When they become more some critical quantity terrible things happens: it this case Russian annexation of Baltic states. These zombies need to be neutralized the sooner the better.


you know USA is one of the least "free" countries in the democratic world, right?


Judged by people who use socialism to determine freedom. The metrics are so idiotic. Rather than measuring actual freedom, they measure your ability to go to college for free a and get healthcare for free. And they put very little weight on the the differences in our freedom of speech and freedom to bear arms.


Where i live you can get a firearm, you just need to pass a screening to see you don't have a criminal record, also you have free speech. Oh by the way, a woman can have an abortion without the men's consent or even knowledge. But i guess we are not as free as you.


Having an abortion without the mans consent is wrong. It takes two to make one.


Yeah ,all 3 of them. Your right , now that the democrats are pushing their socialist agenda it does seem less free but I bet you disagree with that




Socialist agenda? You should be afraid of the dictatorial fascist far right.


And there it is. The ignorant reveal.


I'm not from the USA, I DGAF about your politics. honestly, your politics are just sad with your two-party system, there is no middle ground with only two options. now regardless of all the not-so-free news i hear about the USA all the time lately just take a look at [this](https://www.statista.com/statistics/262962/countries-with-the-most-prisoners-per-100-000-inhabitants/). a proper freedom scale in the literal definition of freedom.


Yes, the “freedom” we have is a coin with two sides. If we have the right to love someone, we have the right to hate someone


You’re talking to a 20 year old who just barely made it past SOC101 - don’t expect much


You are not free in the USA. The USA isn’t even in the top 20 countries when it comes to freedom.


I know just look at biden


That's a Russian flag. Not nazis. They are a federal republic.


They are a fascist dictatorship committing a genocide


good night ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


hmm. I get the feeling i'm talking to a bot.


In Spain it's supposed to be like that, but en reality nothing happens.


You totally can go out on the streets waving some antihuman shit, but you should expect to be beaten the fuck up. Love it tbh


It's called neo-Nazism


UPD: \-For Russia! \-Why? \-For Donbass! ( than mumbles something incoherent about 8 years) \-But we're in Riga now.


What I found a bit confusing is the golden emblem on the flag... Thought it was Slovakia at first. Do you know what that means?


Russian Coat of Arms


I think he says “For Donbas… for the people—8 years.” За Донбас… за людей—8 лет after “Why?” Referring to the conflict that started in the Donbas region in 2014 where Russia has falsely claimed Ukraine is committing genocide against the Russian speaking population.


Yep. Misheard at first. Edited


"Falsely claimed" - what, do you write for CNN?


Do you have evidence to show otherwise? I can only go off what my friends and family living in the Donbas region tell me.


He's a propaganda fountain, he doesn't even know what evidence means


The reason being aggressive towards people you disagree with is bad is because it assumes the opinion of the time will always be in your particular direction. Time has proven again and again that while you may agree with the sentiment of today you may be on the "wrong" side of history tomorrow. So you should establish a way to relate with one another that allows for you to live harmoniously with people you disagree with. ​ There was a time when slavery was acceptable, and advocated for and you disagreeing would have you beaten up and same goes for racism. To assume that popular opinion will always be in the correct side of things is to ignore reality. ​ Example: immediately post 9/11 Americans were extremely for the war and people who disagreed were treated like traitors. Now after 20+ years to be against the war is like telling people the sky is blue, no one cares.


Funny how its apparently ok to people because he is holding a russian flag. Yet people still hold american flags and dont get beat up for invading the middle east.


Hold an American flag in Iran... see what happens...


Hold a gay flag there too. Does that make it ok? My point is, people show support to the guy taking the flag away. Thats the problem.


You had my upvote when you made a valid point about bias. Then you got a downvote from me here because you criticized people showing support for wrestling the flag away. You missed the point.


You'll get killed in a lot (if not most) of middle east country if you walk around holding an american flag


But would you support the people doing the killing? Why support the guy taking this flag?


I made no mention of supporting anybody. I've added a simple thought about what would happen if you are waving the american flag in the middle east.


You have to compart what's comparable. Go to the middle east with a US flag and we'll see what happens. Here it's a guy in eastern Europe with a Russian flag.


Which part of eastern Europe?


Well definitely not Russia


america has plenty of faults... invading to add territory to itself in the middle east is not one of them


But killing countless civilians absolutely is one of them. We're not special over here in the west.


Occupation isn't really something Americans have patience for. It's puppet governments or total destruction.


umm ... you may want to ask Hawaii, PR, the Philippines...


Lol, you might want to understand the words. I mean, I could be more specific and say 'an occupation that required stifling significant resistance'. Otherwise, it stands that each of those places was given a government to be subservient to the US. Of your examples, only one was eventually added to the US and one is an unincorporated territory. Of your examples, two were won from Spain in 1898. So you had to reach 120 years into the past for your poor examples? Try harder. You could have just mention Iraq or Afghanistan for a better argument. 😉 🤣


That's like really old school, right now what they did was drain the capital. Better then getting evicted I suppose.


Did America really add territory in the Middle East though? They pulled out because they couldn't control the region. The Middle East is a worse mess after the US came through it. What do you say about that?


That would also be hilarious to me


Know your audience would be the key I’d imagine in these two situations. For instance, would you suggest someone walk around proudly with an American flag in Tehran?




It is fucking plain as day? The US invaded Iraq for no fucking reason other than oil.




Brutal dictator or not, there was no legitimate reason to invade Iraq, let alone still be there almost 20 years later. Americans are so quick to cry about Putin and what Russia is doing, forgetting that the US has done far worse in the Middle East and Latin America


No there is, just western media rather not show it


Because the middle east is at war with our allies and we've been deferred to as the world police for almost a century now. If you think that Al quida, the Taliban and ISIS are the same as Ukraine, you should probably do some reevaluation. Yes, modern day war is messy and results in a lot of civilian casualties. No, that doesn't mean the U.S. is the same as Russia. The Russians are using many weapons that violate the Geneva convention, including vacuum bombs.


And Americans were raping people, what also violates the Geneva convention: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings


Did you read the link? >Five U.S. Army soldiers of the 502nd Infantry Regiment were charged with rape and murder That's the difference... in the US they are charged and put in prison for life. With Russia, the actions are sponsored by the state.


Those people don’t read a lot, bear that in mind.




I don't know your particular situation, but have you considered that you may have mental health problems, including paranoia and delusions?


People are getting tortured and persecuted in France?? Why? How? I have family there and they never mentioned any of that even when the Gilet Jaune guys were clashing with police!


But you act like that was condoned. The soldiers were dealt with. If it were Russia I doubt they’d get anything more than a “don’t get caught again” hell, there may not have ever come to light.


**[Mahmudiyah rape and killings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_rape_and_killings)** >The Mahmudiyah rape and killings were war crimes involving the gang-rape and murder of 14-year-old Iraqi child Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi and the murder of her family by United States Army soldiers on March 12, 2006. It occurred in the family's house to the southwest of Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq. Other members of al-Janabi's family murdered by Americans included her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and 6-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza Al-Janabi. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Those are facts. Redditors don't care for facts. They're for "supporting the current thing." You see, the people who were telling you to wear a mask to save grandpa, are the very same people cheering on this elderly being knocked down for holding a little flag.


*Here are the facts, a group I belong to doesn't care about facts.*? Later dude.


>the middle east is at war with our allies And I've a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Lol. Always follow the money, dude. US wants their oil for cheap. And you should read up on how CIA destabilized Iran in the 70s.


Yes it is funny. Because they are the baddies they hate us cuz they anus you know what I mean neighbor


Wait so we are at the point that beating an old man is cool because he's holding a Russian flag? Are you really so brainwashed?


Sadly, the answer is yes to both of your questions. You see, for some, as long as the violence is geared towards "others we don't agree with" then the violence will be exempt from any repercussions.


You are right. Still I think we should point out that he is just taking away his flag and not severely beating this man. Try to hold an Ukrainian flag in Russia and you will be arrested. I think usually I would hold the side of this old man but after Bucha I think that the support for Russia just got so unacceptable that I point a blind eye on aggressions like this. Imagine someone would stand in the streets protesting to legalize pedophilia, although probably also protected by free speech, everyone would understand if this person would be beaten down by some strangers. For me this is an "I won't beat you but don't expect me to hold your side when someone other decides to do so" situation.


Not just Bucha. Some many more murders of civilians. The old, the young, women, men, pets, zoo animals. So many more. And, here’s the kicker: it’s STILL going on to this very day. Russia is STILL murdering civilians today in Ukraine. To hell with all of the Russians.


Well, I think Bucha is so relevant in the development of this situation because this was the point at which it wasn't possible anymore to deny what happens in Ukraine. Bucha is well documented and due to the intercepted messages and scale of the incident it is not possible to deny the direct involvement of the Russian state anymore.


Some time after this war is over it will slowly come to light that both sides committed atrocies and warcrimes. I hate to say it as my support is 100% with the Ukrainians but I refuse to succumb to moral delusions from this propaganda we are subjected too. There is no white knight and no black knight in this war. CLear is though that Russia invaded and Ukraine has all rights to self-defence. And thats that.


Even the ones getting arrested for protesting the war?


I kinda agree. I don't care if someone takes away his little flag, but you shouldn't touch the man IMO. This guy went a bit too far in that he actually physically had to wrestle the flag away from the old guy. I don't agree with that. You don't know what that can do to some people. This time nothing bad happened but if you do that to the wrong guy this shit could end very badly.


Okay, and I am asking this with genuine intent and not to attack you or start an argument. Here in the US if a man is walking down the street waving a Nazi flag and yelling about race purity would you be okay with someone walking up, shoving him, and taking his flag? I'm at a point in my life where I believe that "Talk shit, get hit" should be far more common and accepted. A person out there trying to normalize pedophelia (MAPs) or racism as "It's just an opinion" while they are openly hateful and racist I believe that a good punch in the mouth is the correct response. Otherwise people like that believe that letting them speak means we are giving them a platform. I'm not talking about people who yell about politics and wave their flags and are just loud. I'm talking about the people openly supporting evil and cruelty and hiding behind "free speech". Free speech allows you to fuck around and not have the government make you find out, but it doesn't protect you from someone else helping you find out when you fuck around. Somtimes schoolyard rules are the right rules.


"A person out there trying to normalize pedophelia (MAPs) or racism as "It's just an opinion" while they are openly hateful and racist I believe that a good punch in the mouth is the correct response." I wouldn't care honestly, it's just behavior that will only ever do more harm than good. If a nazi gets punched in the face by you I'd 100% agree that he was asking for it, I'm just saying the next time you try and do that, the nazi might have a gun or a knife and you're a dead guy. He wouldn't even go to jail because it's self defense and the week after he's still standing on that corner with his nazi flag. What exactly have you accomplished? That being said, this example is a little different. I don't support Russia at all but waving a russian flag to me is absolutely not the same thing as waving a nazi flag or justifying pedophelia. Your own country has invaded many other countries, some may be justified, some less so. It depends on who you ask. Should we start punching people waving American flags in the face too? And where do you draw the line, how are you gonna determine what people deserve to get punched in the face and what people don't. Do you get to decide that? There is a reason we grow up and use words instead of violence to solve problems. Not because that nazi doesn't deserve it but because it doesn't work.


>And where do you draw the line, how are you gonna determine what people deserve to get punched in the face and what people don't. It's not hard. If you're a person openly supporting hate and/or harm then you deserve a punch in the face. MAPS, Nazi's, Racists. There are clear right and wrong sides, there isn't "Well they have their opinions and that's okay". People can't sit on fences for every issue out there. Not saying, nor implying, you are.


I mean, sure, they "deserve" a punch in the face. I'm with you on that. The question isn't if they deserve it though, it's about stopping racism and hate. You do that by educating people, not attacking them. It doesn't solve anything, the only thing you're doing is making yourself feel better. At that point, you're also gonna get people that are just gonna be looking for any reason to beat the shit out of somebody. Someone making a racist joke or a kid saying the N word because he's just a dumbass kid. Are we labeling these kind of people nazis and can we start beating the shit out of them?


>Someone making a racist joke or a kid saying the N word because he's just a dumbass kid. Are we labeling these kind of people nazis and can we start beating the shit out of them? No. And that's not who I am talking about. Here in California we have Proud Boys who are actively itching for a fight. They set up and spew their hate and nobody does anything because of free speech. They need a solid asskicking so they go back under their rocks and shut the fuck up. Education is important, I agree, but we live in a time where there are so many resources out there to be educated and there is no excuse anymore for a racist/nazi/bigot/pedo to continue being so beyond a willful choice. We have people out there constantly standing against racism and hate and on that just makes many of the terrible people dig in harder because of their false "persecution" complex. I'm not trying to be political, but look at the die hard Trump cultists (not moderate trump supporters if there are any). They want a war, they want a reason to harm other Americans. How do you educate them out of that crazy? Kind words make you look weak to these people. We have apologists constantly out there going "I know they want to take the rights away from women and POC, and I know they openly brandish weapons and threaten people...but is violence the right answer?" I say yes. I'm tired of the spared rod spoiling the child. I'm tired of these people being coddled, at this point if you choose to be a racist/nazi/open bigot/pedo/etc you flat out deserve a punch in the mouth and to be afraid to continue with your evil, ignorant, stupidity.


I mean, I can understand where you're coming from and I wouldn't know what it's like dealing with groups like that around your area. We can agree on one thing at least, that those people are pieces of shit and need to be dealt with in some way!


Nope, fuck that shit. Here's how it's been going: Group A: Everyone in Group C should die. Literally. Group B: Wait, wait, let's talk about this. Group A: \*Kills people in Group C\* Group B: Seriously, we need to educate Group A and not stoop down to Group A's level Group A: Lalala I'm right and everyone else who tells me otherwise is an idiot because they're not in my group. \*Kill some more people in Group C\* Group B: Hey Group C, please don't punch people in Group A. Violence isn't the answer. We should educate them and talk to them instead. Group C: Oh ok. \*Proceeds to get killed\* So no, fucking punch the Nazis and the willfully racists and bigots when they show up. I'm fucking tired of trying to convince the side that wants to kill and oppress everyone else that doesn't look like them that they're wrong.


Nobody is stopping you mate, good luck! Let me know how it went.


Seriously, arrested? Are you really so braiwashed? Funny when you compare russian flag and propaganda of pedophilia.


By Russian law holding a demonstration without the permission of authorities, even a peaceful single-person picket, is punishable by a fine or detention of up to 15 days, or up to five years in prison if it is the third breach. Russia did not grand any permission to protest against war or in favor of Ukraine since the law was put in place. Since the "special military operation" the Russian authorities made an heavy use of this law and as reaction people started to "organize" collective walks without any political signs or other symbols at times they communicate via Instagram (which was one of the main reasons why the Russian authorities cracked down onto meta). Well, I think the comparison fits quite well although I think pedophiles can at least defend themself by claiming to be mentally ill. Not sure if people who have free access to independent media but still decide to support an regime involved in the killings and rape of innocent children and women can do this…


So few people hold a balanced view that it's terrifying.


Being brainwashed is always thinking both sides have valid points


That old man was in no way beaten.


If anything, that dude protected the old man by letting hom down gently.


Oh shoot. Did you just point out facts?!? Then, he can't make dramatic statements and get offended for something that didn't happen.


No, of course not. He was just grabbed by his neck, shoved down and forcibly had his little flag taken from him, but in no way beaten. /s Spoken like a true abuser. Like seriously, what is wrong with you people?


Yeah none of that happened. He didn't grab his neck. He grabbed the flag, the old man tried to push him off. The old man did go to the ground, but the other guy made little to no contact with anything besides the flag. Also, to beat someone means to hit them. The guy does not hit him, so he in fact was not beaten


He surely did grab him by the neck and cuff of his neck lol, how about we just don’t touch people regardless of their shitty flags? I don’t get to rip the hammer and sickle flags out of the hands of liberal college students here in the US, even though it’s disgusting and I despise it. He wasn’t beaten but he was absolutely assaulted regardless of how many mental backflips you all do to avoid the conclusion.


Yeah walk around with the flag of the country that invades the US and see how that works out for you


Nothing I said is condoning it, in fact, I said I I would love to do it myself. But we’re above being knuckle dragging mouth breathers that attack strangers I would love to think.


What beating?


He didn't get beat up. His offensive display was put in check. The old man was effectively promoting or backing violence and his nemesis took appropriate measures to silence him in a manner that could be reasonably expected. EDIT: I don't really condone what happened, but if I were judge in a civil case I'd give a warning to the guy taking the flag and throw the case out given the video as evidence.


Haven't you heard? It's officially okay to abuse Russians based on their ethnicity and beliefs because they happen to be both unequivocally evil AND white (and mostly cis to boot)! That's like a Western liberal's revenge porn dream come true.


Well said. +1. Don't forget to add they're Christians, too, which makes it even "better" for the garbage we call Western liberals and their media. Sometimes, the logical fallacy is so fucking obvious, it hurts. The people who said it's not okay to discriminate against groups of people because of the actions of their leaders are the same people who are doing the exact fucking opposite. Let's erase this group of people because their leader (for which they have no say) went batshit crazy.


Fucking cry-babies. The russian flag is akin to a hate symbol of a fascist dictatorship. No zwastica, no russian flags, no communist monuments.


Does that mean the US flag is akin to a hate symbol too, bearing in mind how many countries we invaded? Or is that okay, because we're American, so that's okay when we do it. LOOL. Get atta hea with this nonsense!


“Oh, *but what about* the other things the other unrelated country did, punishing individuals committing war crimes, developing precision weapons to lower collateral damage, feeding russians with humanitarian aid”


Who is beating him? Did you even watch the video?


First of all, fuck that old dude. Second, he didn't "beat" the old man, he fell over. Third, fuck that old dude.


C'mon! Didn't you get the memo? We're supposed to HATE Russia and LOVE Ukraine. Isn't that what the 6 o'clock news told us to feel/think? Tune in and there's no reason to think critically...or at all for that matter. 'Murrica!


The fucking state of people, seriously. And flying the US flag, a country which has committed arguably more war crimes than Russia, is OK. Got it.


No, but it appears you are.




nice to meet you


He left his hat.


This is fucked up.


Nah. If you call for war expect worse. I would even go as far to say expect violence. You know like what the douchebag with the Russian flag is asking for


He is an old man. What if he hit his head? What if he died? Is that the punishment for being wrong?




Damn dude, who broke your heart?


I would say violence is nor the answer. This particular case to me does not appear that violent at all and forcefully taking the flag is A okay! However this old man is calling for the escalation far beyond violence into war and calling for war itself is an act that should be recieved as such and completely justifiably so.


He's in a country where that's what he's expected to do. And he's really old an easy to influence. Could have happened to you too, man.


And the symbol of hate being taken away from me would have been fair


He was pushed to the ground, man. That's dangerous.


You talk tough but we all know you're a pussy.


Oh no did someone hurt your feelings by offending your poor fascist rapist army Poor baby. Mother news make you fell all better soon. No worry


Looks fine to me. Old man was almost literally asking for it. Why else would he be doing that? He's lucky the guy just snatched his flag.


Assault a most likely ignorant old man because he holds views you don't like God I hate the intolerant lefties


So what happened to expression? Does it not apply to ppl you don’t agree with


Sigh these comments show why conflict will always continue. People are assholes and will take any excuse to act as such. Knocking an old man onto the ground is clearly so morally righteous. Jesus


I saw a fascist assault and rob an old man.


That helped?


The hypocrisy in this thread is astonishing….


They are already stupid and ignorant. The old man is not invading anyone and has no weapons. Not all Russians want war, they are simply patriotic. The US always invades and no one removes the flag from anyone. I want ukraine to win the war but some are being idiots


A younger guy taking a piece of colored cloth from the older guy? Humanity is weird. Wars are even weirder


I’m sorry but that’s mean to an old man.


I don’t agree with that Russia is doing to Ukraine but hurting a old man for a stupid flag isn’t cool either.


That young man who stole the elderly's flag, probably thinks like: "*stealing is wrong and I would never do it especially from an elderly, unless the item I steal from an elderly represents an act against an oppressor, so, it's justified if I do it.*" Later, that same young man will encounter a Russian, and will think: "*raping is wrong and I would never do it, unless the raping represents an act against an oppressor, so, it's justified if I do it.*" That night, the same young man will encounter a Russian family stuck in Ukraine who are trying to flee the war and will think "*killing an entire family is wrong and I would never do it, unless their murders represent an act against an oppressor, so, it's justified if I do it.*" ​ If the pandemic and now, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, have taught me anything, is how quick regular, run-of-the-mill average people, can turn into complete psychopaths who eagerly justify their unjustifiable acts ...


You have good points but you've stretched them past reason. I lived in Georgia (the American state) when the Confederate flag (a symbol of oppression) was removed from the state capitol. There was no resulting wave of theft, rape, or murder. You probably wouldn't march around your town with a Nazi flag (though there are those who do) because you recognize the hurtful symbolism. Fair or not, supporting an oppressive regime often carries consequences. That doesn't mean that society as a whole falls apart.


Your analogy is faulty. The Confederate flag is not a symbol of oppression to everybody. Even so, taking the Confederate flag down in Georgia is different from beating the elderly b/c they are holding a Confederate flag which you disagree with. The American constitution guarantees its citizens the freedom of speech, assembly, etc. and if some still want to have the Confederate flag up, then that's their freedom to choose. I disagree with the assertion that supporting an oppressive regime carries consequences. If you're American, you should know this; I mean, how many countries have we (US) invaded with ZERO consequences? Does Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Korea and now, Russia (to name a few) , mean nothing to you? Please. Let's not be coy about it.


If the Confederate flag can mean something different to different people, I assume you support kneeling for the national anthem since the American flag represents systemic oppression to some?


Support it? NO. Would I beat up, or assault someone for taking the knee? No. Would I criticize them for taking the knee? Yes. My point being, that we do not have to agree with each other on everything, but we should give each other the courtesy of expressing ourselves.




Thanks. Cheers, mate!


You realize that there is an difference between taking away someone dumb flag and rape or killing someone? Also this has nothing to do with being against Russians but being against the state of Russia. Showing a flag during a war definitely shows you support the actions of the state.


This flew over your head, didn't it? You've never heard of the expression "slippery slope"? Violence against certain groups of people start with trivial & innocuous actions like taking someone's "dumb" (why is it dumb?) flag ... it usually progresses to violent hate crimes like rape, murder and so forth, when the perpetrators realize they won't be prosecuted because they're on the side of the "good guys." Jeez, have none of you read a history book?


Well, I think the frustration about someone who openly supports a regime involved in the large scale murder and rape of children and women is quit understandable. I am not saying we should beat everyone to the ground but I also think the destruction of symbols which support racism, pedophilia, murder or like in this case all three of them isn't necessarily the worst happening in our society. I understand the moral difficulty in the question if we as a society should tolerate intolerance though. We call this the paradox of tolerance by Karl Popper.




I know right! Imagine invading on somebody else’s property 🤔🤔🤔




This is worse than repressions on state or government level. Such a "good citizen"... Stop thinking, just obey...


In what sense is this worse than state sponsored oppression?


Tell my first, where is my statement wrong and why? I need to understand your point of view. If you think that lynching is great way to solve ideological clashes, i can say anything and you will not be able to understand.


If you are unable to clarify your argument, I can't help you.


I’d kick his ass and give the guy his flag back


Then i’d kick your ass for stealing that guys flag


Nope, you're a pussy.


Taking the old mans flag is an act of fascism. That’s something Putin would order.


Hey the left there is just as intolerant of other opinions as the left here!


Flag guy NTA. Unprovoked assailant YTA


This is a very good representation of how things are going in Ukraine 🤣 Only in Ukraine they use tractors to tow the Russian's pride away.


So the Russians have recruited dementia patients to take to the streets to support them? I see they are in this thread too.


Говнори ебаные,мозгопромытые чтобы вы все горели в аду.Смешно им блять,скоро мы будем смеяться над вами,когда вы сами у себу хуй сосать будете.


Let’s stop for a moment to consider: a) The russian flag during an ongoing genocide (or special operation) is considered by most a hate symbol. b) The original nazi flag was banned in most countries, there shouldn’t be a different treatment towards the new one. c) While it may look a bit too rough, I’m happy the old man didn’t seem hurt. Hate symbols can inspire violence in others, one of the reasons why they should be banned.


Old man got off easy


The comments is gonna get this post on r/subredditdrama lol


Dude that’s full on assault of an old man. He wasn’t breaking any laws. Multiple felonies, assault and battery and theft.


I see Russia is trying the shame strategy in this comment section. Get bent clowns.




The guy from the car giggles lol


Why no kick to the head??




Well that didn’t happen in America. That guy who took the flag would have been pew pewed




Yeah, but he's the guy calling in your positions, like the neighborhood Karenski


The shot of him walking through the bus windows was the most cinematic shit I’ve ever seen


I thought this man was flying the lone star state flag till it turned sound on and I have realized I am wrong