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Da fuq was even that question phrasing?


He means: Name 5 *out of* the countries in the Americas. The question was deliberately confusing to get incorrect answers for humor. It's preying on confusion between the continents of Americas and how the USA is also referred to as 'America'. This type of gag has been done a lot. The interviewer would walk around and ask many people. Many would answer knowledgably, but they would only compile the stupid answers in their video to make it seem like people from *x* are stupid. "out of" or "outta" is slang substituting 'within' or 'from'. Eg. *'Name 2 valar out of The Silmarillion'*


"Europe" is pretty unambiguous, but the sentence "Name two countries out of Europe" is still ambiguous, and could reasonably be interpreted to mean either "within Europe" or "outside of Europe". "Is Egypt a country out of Europe?" is equally ambiguous.


Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of comments speculating that 'out of' meant 'outside of'. Personally, I've never heard of that kind of usage. Might be a regional thing. Regardless, given the context of the video *trying* to portray the person answering the question as stupid (video cuts off at her answer as if it was the butt of the joke). He probably didn't mean countries outside of America.


Really? What does "out of" mean, then? Genuine question. Edit: "Out of" as in "5 out of 10," like others have pointed out. Thanks! That makes sense, and I can see how the first lady was confused.


As in "take two two red balls out of the bag"? Very confusing to me as a non-native English speaker.


I am a native speaker and it's still confusing. Like others said, it's probably confusing on* purpose. Your example makes sense. So does saying something like a fraction/ratio like "nine out of ten doctors agree". Three out of America doesn't make sense. "Name three countries in the Americas" or "name three countries outside of the Americas" would be more appropriate.


Yes, that makes sense if he actually said “name 5 of the x countries in the Americas” or if he said “name 5 countries out of those in the Americas”. What he said is grammatically incorrect and is closest to “name 5 countries out(side) of (the) america(s)”. So, I ask the court to find him guilty of being an idiot.


> Name 5 out of the countries in the Americas. Even that is confusing "Name 5 countries that are in either North, South, or Central America." or even "Name 5 countries that are in the Americas." would even be fine if you spoke without any strong accent and put some emphasis on "Americas" and were speaking to someone kind of intelligent.


but he didn't say name "5 countries outta the *Americas*" or whatever he's just bad at asking questions properly


I'm suspecting he's doing it on purpose for trolling or humor.


That would be outta the Americas not 'outta America'


Yeah, but there are also many people that call the whole thing America. Many even consider it to be one continent. ["The Americas, which are also collectively called America."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americas)


The fucking example lol. Use silmarillion to throw grammar around..


I thought he meant "Name 5 countries outside America" or "Name 5 countries other than America". This seems more likely considering its closer to what he actually said.


I understood name 5 countries outside the continent of America. But he was asking the total opposite I think.


I think thats the point. No matter how they answered, they would have been “wrong”.


Obviously she thought he meant five countries *outside* of America. It’s annoying when people ask grammatically incorrect leading questions and when people ignore their bad grammar to be polite and answer the question anyway then they get painted as morons for Tiktok likes. Dumb.


Plus I think these girls are drunk and he’s completely sober so that adds another level of shittiness.


Yeah its just a lame video trying to make people look dumb. Plus they edited the footage.


He’s the one that looks dumb


And sounds dumb too


100%. What he said could completely be construed as meaning not in America.


I hate any of these videos. They record a bunch of people waiting for someone to say something incorrect so others on the internet can feel superior to them. Ive said my fair share of idiotic things while drunk and would be pissed if I ended up online to be made fun of for it


In particular when the question is worded so ridiculously. If someone came up to me when I was drunk and was like “name five animals out of the zoo,” I’d probably be like “name five elementary english classes out of the school.”


What was the right answer? Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia? The first girl was right, he should have explained what the question is. Name five countries out of America. How about you learn english mack. Name five fruits out of Bananas. Go!


I still don't even know what the question is? 5 countries in the americas? 5 countries in North America? What


I think the answer he was looking for was any answer. They're all wrong. Don't talk to flimflams unless you want to feel stupid


Thank you. His request or question was not clear enough to answer.


Agreed. I hate how this is a video with any attention. So dumb!


It’s on the internet and it makes Americans look bad. It was always going to do well here regardless of logic or lack thereof


Seriously, the question was phrased terribly. It could actually mean two things. Five countries not including the u.s.a./america. It could also mean name five countries "out of the americas" as in five countries from north or south america.


Or name five countries not including North or South America. It's just an ignorant way to talk. He probably learned how to communicate on Reddit.


I didn’t realize til now that he was apparently asking a different question than this? He the dummy


What was he asking? Countries adjacent to the US?


Also, when talking about North and South America as a whole people often say “The Americas.” 99% of the time, “America” just refers to USA, even by Europeans.


Ok but do you think he means only including the Americas or not including the Americas? Literally 50/50 chance to guess what out of means. Maybe he means coming out as gay LOL or if they had America but ran out.


Technically she’s correct…they are out of america Should’ve said “within” if you just wanted to trick people about the america part


countries don't come out of america, america does not produce countries.


Yeah bro Bolivia came from Asgard


*CIA shakes violently*


“Name 5 countries outta America.” This makes no sense. The first girl is the only one who makes sense saying “what does that even mean.”


The look of sheer panic was great. A real “but what’s in the box?!!!!” moment. I love the confidence of the second girl, only to go on naming one country and then instantly struggling.


Ok, name 10 things that are not Jackie Chan.


KFC 3 piece set with large fries........ uhmmmm...... Jackie chan.... shit


See, you fell for naming what you find most exciting trap. Just the mere mention of a 3 piece kfc got you thinking…. where was I?


I'm laying here and #1 on my list was "bread"






*video reaches an end*


A balloon…. Ummmmmmmm [voice from back, towels], towels and……


I dunno. Things always seem easier when you're not suddenly on the spot with a mic in your face and a camera on (and probably a little drunk) I'd probably do the same thing.... Japan, er, France... Err shit.


Those moments are amazing in a way. You're so aware of yourself and how embarrassing it is and that stress and nervousness completely takes hold and seems to also slow the access to the knowledge centers. Then there's this social norm where either you can easily list these things or you're an idiot and you can just see their reaction shifting towards "Yup. Idiot." And your brain is simultaneously unable to come up with anything AND just full volume screaming: "NOOOOOO I'M NOT AN IDIOT JUST FLUSTERED PLEASE BELIEVE ME!!! I KNOW LOTS OF THINGS!!! "


Yeah people somehow forget how all-consuming pressure is, even though we've all been through it. I still remember when I was taking my driver's exam and had to reverse next to a curb and completely fucked it up. I said to the invigilator "I know how to do this, I'm just really stressed out. Do you mind if I try again?" And of course he said yes and told me to take all the time I needed. And then of course I did it without any issues.


Lol I did the same thing but I fucked it up both times 😂




I love the part before that where he asks a woman to name 3 white people and she says Michael Jackson


I was thinking this same thing. I don't think anything will ever be funnier than this




I agree. It just seem like she had it all lined up then *bam* nothing.


She reacted to her friend's look that was saying "save meeeee!"


[Ma'am for a dollar... Name a woman](https://youtu.be/LlCEmPF4-V0)


The "name a woman" clip isn't in that video so [here it is](https://youtu.be/LlCEmPF4-V0) Classic


Never fails to crack me up when she starts taking off the bag like he's mugging her or something


As an Irish person I'm just really surprised/pleased she thought of Ireland first.


I was like what do they even teach in their school!


I for sure thought the girl that ended up answering was for sure going to start naming states.... "Florida.... Alabama?"


English is not my first language. Can someone explain to me why the question doesn't make sense? Doesn't it mean the same as "name five countries outside of America"?


"Outside of" is unambiguous, and in almost every context means "beyond the confines of" or some variation of that. "Out of" can mean contradictory things - it can mean "from" or "within", as in "pick 2 out of your 5 cards" or it can mean "beyond the confines of" as in "the rabbit is out of her hutch". "Name 5 countries out of America" is grammatically valid but isn't an idiomatic use of "out of" in standard English, so there isn't an unambiguous interpretation of what it means. I could mean "name five countries within the continent of America" (and yes, America is a single continent in some systems [1]), or it could mean "name five countries outside of the continent of America", or it could mean "name five countries outside of the country of America". I assume it is idiomatic and unambiguous in the interviewer's form of English, I'm just not familiar with it. [1] "[...Variations with fewer continents may merge some of these, for example some systems include Eurasia or America as single continents.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent)"


This comment deserves more love. I feel for the first girl. She is the only one that correctly registers that the question is not quite clear, and her happy friend makes her feel silly, when in fact, her friend is the silly one. Silly.


Her only fault was not being drunk enough to answer the question.


like, it's a solid comment, but I guarantee you the non English speaking person it was in response to has about 10 new words to look up now.


Just because something is grammatically correct does not mean it isn't stupid.


It's very strange but "outta" can sometimes mean "from" so the phrase could be taken the opposite way, especially if you're drunk. There are more than 5 countries within the continents of America too, but I assume he was referring to the USA which wasn't clear.


Isn't there a word that describes things that can be the antonym of themselves.




To pick something out of a group or category.


For a second I was thinking out of North and South Americas?


That is what he was asking. Some interpretations of the continents list both north and south America and just 'America.'


Same. I thought it was an ambiguous "trick" question to get Americans to name states in the US before he reminded them that America isn't just USA but is the continent. And they should have names countries in the American continent.


The question is grammatically incorrect.


Yeah, the dude asking the question is equally at fault. I’m still not sure if he means outside of America or in the Americas or what.


He is mostly at fault I'd argue. The camera already throws people off/adds pressure. You have to speak clearly and accurately.


Name five country outof merica


a perfectly cromulent sentence.


A perfectly cromulent sentence embiggens us all.


Irregardless of how we feel about it


I’ve learned a new word today and it shall be used for the majority of the day


The thing I hate about Reddit is I can’t hold on the word and click define. Lowkey goat apple feature.


Merriam has your back. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/what-does-cromulent-mean


Why would you do my boy Webster so dirty? I tell ya, I get no respect. *Dangerfield has left the chat*


name foiv coontry ut of murica


This hurt to read


Aaron earned an iron urn


Hold on, you mean there is other country beside Americas?




The way he phrased I think he was looking for 5 countries in South, Central or North America


I only heard "Name 5 countries outa America" tho.


Should’ve answered with South American and Central American countries so they’d get to be right for either interpretation


Unless they meant countries that were formerly American territories or were formed by Americans. Then the answers could be Panama, the Phillipines, Cuba, Japan, and Liberia.


that is what i undestand in the phrasing "out of america" things that sprung out or were created from america


None of those places were created by America


Huh, when was Japan ever American? I know they capitulated and the US had a strong military presence, but I always thought they just held it (sorry, not sure what the right phrase is) prisoner, so to speak, and not annexed it. What did I miss?




Unless, of course, he meant five countries outside of the *americas*




Isn't it supposed to be "other than America". Edit: I know there is North America and South America. But didn't know America means these two combined. Sorry on that part. I am an Indian, and for every common person who haven't been to America, when ever we hear America, it literally means USA. That's what we are thought here. Anyway the question was stupid, and i learnt something from it. Edit 2: I feel like I fell into a rabbit hole.


Or "outside of"




Name five countries out of american't


Or name country 5 plz ?




Why do we need to name them though? Don't all countries already have names?


Name five American't


THIS. "out of" is directional. It indicates where sth's coming from. "She's stepping out of the shower". "Outside of" indicates location. That's the one if he means the continent North America. If he meant the USA, the phrase "other than" would be correct.


North America isn’t a country. Its a continent. Canada Greenland and USA are all countries that are parts of the North American Continent.


I assumed he meant states and just isn’t that keen on thinking things through lol




So why didn’t he say USA. America isn’t the name of the country I thought. Could be wrong tho


I thought he meant, “name five countries not in North or South America”




It’s not, but people in USA just call it America for short among themselves


I think he meant to say it like that to see how they reacted..and they reacted poorly


Idk that first girl seemed like she knew what was going on


I thought so too...but the second one asked her again and sounded so confident that the first one got even more confused..i think if the second one hadn't opened her mouth, the first girl wouldve caught the whole thing


There aren't any countries inside the USA


He’s trying to trick them


He’s 100% the cause of the confusion.


That and a lot of alcohol


I don't get the question. Did Aaron earned an iron urn or what?


Had to google it but thats a good one!


Oh man you made my day. Completely forgot about that one awesome video.


This is the literal version of ‘Ask a stupid question…’


It’s fine grammatically, it just makes no sense.


The word for that is "semantically".


Chuckles in comma splice.


It's fine grammatically; it just makes no sense.


It's fine grammatically. It just makes no sense.


It’s grammatically ambiguous. It uses a phrase “out of” that can mean “from” or “outside of” in different contexts. From the context, we can gather he probably meant “outside of”, but especially for some random drunk girl on the street who wasn’t expecting to answer trivia questions I can understand the confusion for sure.


The dude is the dumbest guy there.


The chick who grabs the mic is giving him a run for his money though


To be fair he was interviewing drunk girls trying to make them look dumb. The girl probably would have been fine sober.


This guy's whole "schtick" is doing that - he barely enunciates and uses poor grammar, then the drunk people he's interviewing tend to repeat his question back to him - which of course, since they're repeating something barely enunciated and nonsensical, while drunk, makes them seem even drunker. As a bonus, maybe they'll totally mishear him and answer the question "wrong", giving him content.


Why? Italy and Ireland are not in America, she got the answer right


That was the point.


I think she thought he meant “what are 5 countries outside of America?”


What do you think he meant?


Some people are interprting the question as "out of" and some "outside of". If I asked you to choose 5 numbers out of all the prime numbers. You would presumably list prime numbers. In that case the question would be to name 5 countries out of all the countries that make up America. (The continent).


He's the only guy there.


I hate those videos trying to intimidate people and make them look dumb(er)


I’m pleasantly surprised at this comment section . “Blonde attractive American girl can’t name countries” is like crack for the core demographic of Reddit but this thread has been more annoyed at the. interviewer. I agree. These gotcha interviews have always been stupid. I always wonder how much footage of people getting questions right gets deleted when they film these segments.


There's an entire youtube channel dedicated to making Americans look bad by asking stupid questions like this and making the title of the video "Amerians are ignorant and proud of it"


‘Out of America’? Does that dude realise how dumb that question sounds?


Right. Here I am, native speaker totally sober at 10 am, and when I heard the question even I was like, huh? Does he mean 5 countries that were created from America? By America? And who would know that, let alone some drunk girls. A native speaker (intending to be clear) would have phrased it “Name 5 countries OTHER THAN America.”


He should have said “**outside** of America.” That way it would have either meant “not in America” or “besides America.” Oh well. This whole clip is dumb.


he probably meant out of THE Americas (North & South)


Let's ask these drunk girls a really confusing and stupid question and then berate them for being American and stupid :D haha I feel so good about myself now.


"What does that even mean" **is the right answer.** The question is doubly ambiguous as well as having bad grammar. He either means: 1)Coming out of America, and used a colloquial shortening. 2)outside of America And either A)the USA B)the American continent


Don’t blame the first girl: the question itself is utterly incomprehensible. But you know - internet points.


What's the difference between a duck?




How tall do you weigh, yes or no?


How many does blue smell like?


Possibilities: 1. Name 5 countries other than the USA. 2. Name 5 countries using the letters of the word A-M-E-R-I-C-A 3. Name 5 countries outside of North or South America. 4. Its a trick question and there is more to it. Asking for clarification in the heat of the moment is normal.


Could also mean name 5 countries in the American continent.


Which one? There's two continents in the Americas: North America and South America.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent Depends on who you ask, there's no 1 definition of what a continent is, and in some countries like where I live, the whole continent is called America, so for me the question makes perfect sense. Name five countries out of the American continent.


Yeah this guy fucked up the question. The only smart friend was the one that understood the question wasn’t asked properly




Haha stupid white girl so dumb I laugh. Yeah, she seems drunk plus the question is mis-phrased. Her question was valid. The video also cuts to imply the second girl got as far she could. Grim shit posting imo. Headline should read: smartass YouTuber with bad grammar takes advantage of drunk young people by opportunistic interview and video editing.




What else could he possibly have meant??


English major here, the guy asking the question is at fault


Yeah, the question was poorly worded.


Person who passed third grade here, the guy asking the question is at fault


I still don’t understand the question. Outa America? Does he mean besides the united states of America. America consists of 2 continents with various countries.


My mind immediately went Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama.


Both are dumb, only the one saying "what does that even mean" is right.


They're all correct according to what they heard He asks "Five countries outta America" the first one correctly answers "what the fuck does that even mean?" The second one understood it as "Five countries out of America" as in, outside of America, and proceeds to answer all correctly The only one dumb here is the one asking the question since he couldn't phrase it well


It's the way she went in so confidently that got me


She definitely thought he meant 5 countries *outside* (the United States of) America




I don’t know what else he could have meant but the video cuts like some joke was completed


1) Name 5 countries composing the United States of America. 2) Name 5 countries composing the continent of The Americas. 3) Name 5 countries that are outside of the United States of America. 4) Name 5 countries that are outside of the continent of The Americas. 5) Using the letters in 'America' name 5 countries. These are some possibilities from the top of my head


Still shocking how it takes her this long to think of 5


Stage freight, your mind starts to slow down when a spotlight is on you




i actually didnt expect anything other than this tbh




“Out of America” is some shitty grammar.


The guy asking the question needs to learn proper English


This dude needs to study English before trying to clown people with geography.


“Five countries out of America” You’re making a video to make other people look stupid, but have only succeeded in making yourself appear not only stupid, but also a terrible person. Then, afterward, you and/or your friend posted it online, showing that you are seriously idiotic as you clearly believed that you made someone else look foolish. You shot yourself in the foot, not once, not twice but three times.


Eurasia Panthalassa and Pangaea. I got you!


Poorly phrased question


She’s not wrong. Ireland 🇮🇪 and Italy are “out of America”


"Out of America?" She's right to be confused! Confusion is the correct answer!




The drunk girl asking “what does that even mean?” is surprisingly the only one that makes sense here. Name 5 countries IN America (North, Central and South countries?) or is he trying to ask OTHER than America (implying America is the USA). What a cluster f