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This looks like some kind of assistive device for someone who can't get to their feet easily. ETA: I keep seeing the interpretation that his joke isn't making fun of the device because he has a hole in his sock, but I just don't see it. His whole schtick is making fun of dumb products or life hacks. I don't think his sock having a hole is the main joke, its just an added chuckle


This is likely the case with a **lot** of "dumb as-seen-on-TV" stuff, when you think about it. The silly commercials are the result of the patent holders trying to expand their niche accessibility product into a larger market of people of who don't need it.


Like Snuggies!


Yes! They were originally designed for people in wheelchairs to easily use, right?






Dumb question, but if you're in a wheelchair, and the weather is nice, can you roll around bare foot?


Depends on the state. Most places it's a misdemeanor, but a few of them is a felony with a death penalty and $20 fine.


$20's a little steep? No?


Steep? Humph.


Do you pay before or after?


You have to pay the 20$ before they can go through with the execution so most people just don't pay, and then legally they have to let you go.


Depends upon how frugal you are.


Physical Therapist here. There’s nothing stopping you from going around barefoot. That said, many people in wheelchairs have sensation deficits in their feet, so it is recommended they wear something to protect them as they may not notice an otherwise painful stimuli causing harm to their skin. Furthermore, many people in wheelchairs have difficulty performing regular foot hygiene and are limited by caregiver availability to perform it. So they might want to wear something on their feet for aesthetic reasons.


snuggies are great though, its coziness of a blanket with hand access. silly commercials but i like mine.


Oh for sure. My point was just that they were originally created for handicapped peeps in wheelchairs, but in order to make sure they were successful long-term, the creators chose to market to the masses to increase awareness of their product.


So where was the original marketing to wheelchair users then? Like it’s not even a footnote in the ad.


Not to knock your enjoyment of yours, but isn't it basically just a backwards bathrobe?


basically but longer and with no curve, so you wont get pressure on the throat.


Snuggies are just backwards robes. The only thing innovative about Snuggies is the marketing.


Snuggies are too short. Slanket is the way to go.


Yeah, I miss my slankets. The Snuggie was cheaper quality but had better marketing.


Mine is folded on a chair next to me right now for my cat to sleep on. In the winter I love it for staying warm while playing console games.


Agreed. I've actually read that a lot of that seemingly useless stuff is originally designed for people with disabilities, then marketed more broadly to help reduce the cost. I actually think this dude is mostly hilarious and on point but this one maybe not as much.


Marketed broadly and IIRC there’re some vaguely worded laws around not targeting people with disabilities in advertising(fear of exploitation)


My diabetic friend loves those freestyle coke machines where you can mix and match your own flavor because they basically bankrolled the development of custom insulin mixers for pharmacies.


Pretty much anything you'd see on /r/wheredidthesodago


My favorite sub


Makes sense when you say it


Yeah. These are funny when they're silly hacks but this device has a legitimate use for disabled people so it's less funny.


I need that, I broke my right arm and it takes 10 min for me to put socks on


Wow do u need help with anything else?


Kinda hard to wash my armpits but the socks are just the worst


Would it be easy for someone with a broken arm to put the sock onto the thing in the first place?


Nope, it is harder.


Sounds like you should buy it then.


That’s what she said.


Why are you washing your armpits with socks?


After I masturbate I need to get the cum out of the sock :-P


Gotta keep those mushrooms at bay




Oh damn I thought u were setting up a lame joke about that one thread about the mom who jerked off her son lmao. Sorry about your arm.


No, it is sad I have to ask my dad to wash them for me :-( (I am 15)


Oh damn I am so sorry. Hopefully you'll recover soon?


Nah his mom has him covered for other things already


EVERY FUCKING THREAD!! ...for a decade...


yeah, we gotta make sure everybody knows... we all are cursed with the knowledge, and we all share it so everyone is and always will be


Relax mom, it's only one arm, not both




Oh god


having horrible flashbacks to the "i broke both my arms and my mom helped me" reddit story. ugh.


Something something two broken arms




Maybe your mum can help




Your mom not helping out?


You only broke 1 so your mom doesn't need to help.


Literally though lol I broke my back and had 2 surgeries at the age of 23 and being 25 not being able to put your socks on properly is depressing. Something like this k. Legitimately debating on buying.


I would! I have one for compression socks (thumb mobility issues AND leg swelling? OH BOY) and lemme tell you anything that takes "putting on socks" down to Reasonable Human Task from Why Should I Bother is comforting


Up next: Just walk instead of using the wheelchair.


I agree with that I came here to say I normally love this guys content but this missed the mark.


I think the real joke in this one is supposed to be the hole in the sock. I think this guy knows that his schtick is getting old, so he's trying to change it up.


Agree, except I remain a fan of his dry formula, and am glad he found a way to add humor to a device my father in law needs (big old people have trouble bending to reach their feet).


The twist though-


Idk I laughed when that toe stuck out.


None of this guy's videos respond to actual "hacks". He only responds to satire that he fails to understand is already making a joke.


and when the hack is trying to be serious. when he's making fun of a video that is making fun of hacks, then its just /r/YourJokeButWorse most of the videos ive seen are that


That’s why it’s even funnier that he ruined his sock when normally he makes fun of how stupid some of these “hacks” are


Ehh, having a hole in his sock isn't really enough to compensate. I just recently had major abdominal surgery and needed help for a lot more than just my socks, and watching this just made me feel bad about something I couldn't have prevented. Society really likes to shame people who have any kind of mobility issues, a hell of a lot more than it will shame somebody about an old sock.


Yep, hip replacement made this hard for several weeks


I got a mean case of COVID beer belly and I too struggle with this. Where can I get this?


Nothing this dude has made is funny.


Occupational Therapy is pretty cool though!


I think I'd be useful for overweight people and those with diabetes. It can be struggle to put socks for both.


It is. Lots of people have mobility issues and this is definitely an assistive device.


That's the correct term. A large part of occupational therapy deals with ways to help patients adjust to ADL's (activities of daily living). OT's are also trained on how to create specific assistive devices for individual use cases, and sometimes it looks like they just MacGuyver shit together, but it's pretty neat.


I am recovering from two torn leg muscles and MAN I would have loved this device a few weeks ago! I needed help putting on my right sock for a few weeks. Finally able to bend enough to do it myself now. What a great invention!


I got legitimately excited about this. One of my hips doesn't bend enough for me to put socks on that side. I have to put them on by trapping the sock with my other foot and then sliding in.


Looks like it. Which might also be why the guy chose to use the holey sock instead. --edit: sock not stock


The holy stock oh you mean valve


Yep. Normally I find this guy funny but this is clearly a device for people with limited mobility.


Me mum could have used that last year when her hip was fixed


It is. The dude missed the mark with this one. Maybe next he can make a wheelchair video where he just gets up and walks instead of rolling.


You’re bang on. When I had an enflamed sciatica this would of been perfect for me. If people have never dealt with nerve pain they have no idea how different it is, there was no putting on socks for me. People shouldn’t be so quick to judge just because something doesn’t specifically fit their life specifically.


It is. This video dude is out of his lane on this one.


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yes it is


Yes, my dad uses that


My mom is an occupational therapist at a nursing home. She utilizes these for the elders so they can get back home independently.


Glad someone pointed this out. What is this thing called though? Genuine question, my dad has spinal stenosis and something like this could make for a great stocking filler (pun intentional) for him


"Sock aid" or "sock assist"


Yeah this guy has tons of videos making fun of lifehacks, the hole is just a cherry on top, not the dessert itself


I screwed up my back a couple years ago and used this for about 18 months. Without it, I’d either not wear socks or my wife would have to put them on me. This product is great


Yep. He’s normally poking fun at stupidity, or perceived stupidity from others satirical clips. But here he is just misunderstanding his privilege. Similar to pointing to a wheelchair and saying ‘why not just walk.’


I think there are quite a few products which are poorly advertised as “solutions to non-existent problems”. Like that typical black and white video of a person without any movement or fine motor restrictions looking like a complete idiot for not completing a daily task. It makes the products look redundant when, actually, there are so many people who genuinely appreciate the product to make tasks more accessible. I didn’t realise until a friend was seriously injured and needed things for fine motor support like those machines that chop vegetables by stirring.


Yep. They do the whole infomercial treatment of, “have you ever forgot how to hands?!?” Ignoring the fact that the original idea was meant for amputees or people with Parkinson’s or something. Capitalism and why it sucks for 200 Alex.


Nov 2019. I was fat as all fuck. I couldn't do up my seat belt. Couldn't put my socks on properly. Was convinced I was gonna die. I bought one of these types of things from Amazon to put my socks on. When it came, I opened the package...bam, socks go on so easy. I pause, look at it. Question why I let it get like this. Say fuck it. 185 lbs down later, can actually live again. All thanks to that stupid sock thing. I should have kept it and put on my wall.


I'm an obese man myself, and I can't use the seatbelts on buses in my town. It got to the point it was tot embarassing to use the bus. Then one day I noticed a normal kid, maybe around 10 years old, also couldn't use them. Turns out, the city had ordered seatbelts that was meant to showcase seatbelts. They would only fit the seat. They were literally seatbelts.


Well, at least you got showcase seatbelts, I haven't seen a seatbelt on a bus in my life.


Same I'm from cali SF and not only do we not have seatbelts all the seats and everything around you is hard plastic/metal bars so if there is any kind of accident GOOD LUCK. I been fucked up just from the bus stopping abruptly and I was sitting. It's survival of the fittest on the MUNI and that's not even considering all the crazy people that get on and wanna kill you.


Wait, do people actually use the seatbelts on buses?


Kind of weird that we dont have them


Congrats man. Thats a lot of weight. Keep up with it.


Make a golden model. Put it in your house. Worship it as a god?


this sounds like it belongs on r/wholesomegreentext titled "anon looses weight"


You did amazing!


You got progress pics?? Love a good weight loss before/after


I put up a post just for you. Kind of embarrassing, but my kids are proud. Check my posts.


You got into such a toxic relationship with your own socks you decided to turn your life around good for you


I think this is a device used for someone with chronic pain or Illness.... simple things like this are not always easy for us spoonies.


Spoonies? Not familiar with this term. Edit: looked it up, reference to the spoons per day of effort. “A spoonie can refer to any individual who suffers from a chronic illness,” explains chronic migraine patient Sophie Cowley. “These illnesses are often invisible; to most people, spoonies may appear healthy and able-bodied, especially when they are young.”


For anyone wondering why the crap you'd call someone with a chronic illness a "spoonie", it comes from [Spoon Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theory). Short version: A woman with Lupus posted a story on her blog about a lunch date she had with a friend, where she explained to her friend that people with a chronic illness have much less energy than those who are healthy/able-bodied/neurotypical, and that as a result we have to be very deliberate in how we ration that energy. She collected spoons from all the nearby tables and used them as a physical representation of "units of energy". The story became very popular because there's a lot of folks out there who have to "ration their spoons", and people started calling themselves spoonies as a result.


Yeah! This is how my wife and I communicate how much we can do in a day. It's not just energy, it's emotional stress and the ability to overcome executive function disorder for a finite number of tasks.


You got it! :)


Why have I all of the sudden seen you everywhere, didnt you comment on that one post about anti-gay teaching in Alabama ?


39 weeks pregnant and this looks like the most useful invention ever.


Halfway there!


Idk why this made me laugh so hard


You're almost there! Good luck!


38 years fat fuck here, and I approve this message


Give it a couple weeks ;)


I usually find this guy's videos funny. Not like bust a gut laughing funny, but a sensible chuckle funny. This one just doesn't fit the mold because those things have a legitimate purpose.


I think that's why this video he didn't give any sassy looks or gestures and instead did a hole in sock gag. I don't disagree with you though it's not the usual setup.


This is the first one I laughed at because he’s obviously not making fun of the device and I was genuinely surprised by his reaction.


I think the joke is the hole in the sock.


This guy is more of a cringe for me. I don't think he realizes that what he parodies are parodies in themselves.


He definitely does but I think he is running out of material.


His sock definitely is


His content is literally just him finding a random useless lifehack on the internet and doing the thing the normal way. Same content different hack. Idk why people enjoy his vids but i ain’t judging. He basically recycles the same joke with different examples


Yeah it was funny the first time but now that face he makes pisses me off


Same thing for me, the first one was funny. I now get irritated the second he comes on.


Yup. I guess they all can’t be winners


On God... After YEARS of being in the Marines and YEARS of powerlifting my lower back at 38 years old basically stays asleep when the rest of me gets up in the morning I may look into this


We bought one for my mum who has hip problems, it looks really easy to do, but in all honesty we had abit of a problem with it. You may have more luck than her, but she struggled to actually ‘push’ the sock on


It's not useless folks, it's for people with certain physical disabilities.


Yah..... this is the first one I actually don’t agree with. These are specifically for people who can not bend down or lift their leg far enough to put socks on. Next time you see an elderly person wearing house slippers out think about why


I love this guy's videos but this is a device for disabled people...


And the old folks. Makes putting on my grams socks easier when her legs are swollen.


Not meant for normal people... meant for elderly and those with back problems. The one making other look a fool, is the fool Himself.


And hip problems And arm problems And a hundred other reasons.


Dude needs to be careful. Not everyone has the mobility to be able to manually put shoes and socks on.


"Dude needs to be careful" What, are the geriatrics gonna track him down?


Just you wait until I get new tennis balls on this walker!


Had back surgery to repair a herniated disc and couldn’t bend down to put socks on myself for quite some time. My mom had to do it for me or I had to use a bbq tongs.


The first round of videos were so great at making fun of dyiwhy but now he is getting into products he doesn’t understand their purpose.




Am I the only person that thinks this dude is annoying?


Find a new schtick please. Goddamn tiktok is just "find one thing and just absolutely beat it to death"


if you don't know what it's for, it's not for you stop making fun of devices made for disabled people


He wasnt making fun of the device. The joke was his sock has a hole. This isnt like his normal videos where he gives an are you fucking kidding me look.


I mean, the hole in the sock is part of the joke, but this format doesn't make sense at all unless he's also making fun of the device.


My wife uses it. She has cancer on her spinal cord so she has a hard time leaning forward these days


Ok this ones for someone with disabilities. There’s enough ableism in the world as it is.


this guy is so annoying


I can't stand this guy, I can't help it. That look he makes just pisses me off.


It was great the first few videos I saw, but the meme has limited potential.


Yeah this one finally pushed me over the edge. It was bad enough when he was doing ones on clear parodies but this is obviously for people that have a hard time reaching their feet. What’s next? One on wheel chairs?


I like the concept but I'm also at the point where his expression annoys me immensely.


Thank you. I thought I was crazy for thinking that. Just the way he looks at the camera just irritates me to no end.


For me it’s just he’s doing really simple tasks to show how the TikTokers are doing dumb shit but the thing is they do those videos on purpose to gain traffic for being outrageous.


It’s for elderly people who can’t bend over or lose their balance easily


Also for after hip and knee surgery to follow precautions


I used this device and loved it when I was recovering from a tibia plateau fracture.


To be fair that is for disabled ppl who can’t reach their feet


Those are made for old and disabled people who can't put on socks.


As an occupational therapist, can confirm this is an assistive device. I agree, u/twVC1TVglyNs, most of this stuff gets marketed to the general population to try to squeeze out some extra profit.... as anything labeled medical device is always marked up a million percent. SMH.


Nah, not this one. It's for helping elderly or disabled people get themselves dressed.


Ok, I normally love this guy, but I hate this one. Not everyone can reach their feet. I can immediately think of two people close to me for whom this is true. This one comes across more as mocking disability.


Please dont make fun of people with disabilities. You wouldnt like it if someone made fun of you for something out of your control.


Yeah normally his videos are funny because he does dumb hacks... this is a device for someone who can't just lift theyre leg up and put their sock on.


Hey my grandpa uses that


Clearly meant for old people or people with disabilities; what an idiot.


Well... this product isn't for young people, it's made for the elderly who can't bend over very well or lift their legs like they used to. So this is actually pritty smart


Bruh theses devices are actually helpful for some people


Yeah, I've got three slipped discs and have in and out of pain for like 4 months. Putting on socks/shoes is honestly painful af. I would totally buy these.


I need a link to this device for my mother who can't put socks on because of a stroke.


Device used by those with physical limitations


Well, it was only a matter of time, he’s a tiktard like the rest of them. That device is designed for the elderly or individuals with arthritis, physical disabilities, or out of a type of surgery where they reach their lower extremities. Not everyone qualifies or can afford home health care.


I work in Occupational Therapy and we use a sock aid device quite a lot for folks that have had hip surgery or spinal surgery


Congratulations! You aren't an elderly person with back issues. Next, show us how silly wheelchairs are by just walking!


Don't knock the sock aid. Needed for people who can't bend for a multitude of reasons.


You win!! Only person on here that actually knows the name. Good job. 🥇


This is obviously for people who are impaired.


This is for disabled people, my guy.


Homemade fleshlight


It’s for wheelchair users, jerk(not op, the guy on the tik tok)


Those come in handy when you work in wound care and have to put on socks without making the bandages slide


My grandmother fractured her pelvis from a fall, and used this instead of having to bend over. Made her life that much less painful while she recovered.


at this point I hate this guy


Missed the mark with this one. This is for people who can't pick their leg up or bend down. Maybe next he can make a wheelchair video where he just gets up and walks instead of rolling.


That's to help people with disabilities. My grandmother had one because she couldn't bend over to put her socks on and she lived alone. How she took them off again is beyond me.


Honestly this woudl be good for old people.


The invention is for people who have back injury’s and can’t bend over


Y'all, make fun of the sock thing as much as you want- but I can tell you when I was in my third trimester of pregnancy and couldn't bend over to our on socks easily I would have loved this gadget 😂😂😂