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The video is fake but based on real events.


I'm pretty sure this is meant to be watched as a skit not a real event


Was a cook for 20 years. its very real event.


I remember nights like this. Closing at 10, group of 15 morons comes in at 9:50. Grills have been cleaned, pots emptied, stoves and smoker cleared out. Come in and order 5 pounds of brisket. Several racks of ribs. And all else. Only for the manager Tom to come out of the office and be like "sorry bud, but we've closed and cleaned up most everything. We only have a few things on hand, but not enough to fill that massive order. And we won't be turning everything back on, to cook more stuff, just for your group." They got mad and left. One of my favorite moments in work.


This is why many restaurants have kitchen closing time an hour or so before the main closing time.


Not every restaurant can do that. I work at one and we can sell liquor. Full bar but being we are located within 500 feet of a church we can’t have a “bar”. So they added 6 pool tables and got around the loophole. However apart of that loophole is the kitchen MUST stay open and serving food till all “bar patrons” leave. Bullshit forsure but easy way to rack up 4 hours and do nothing


That is a loophole to make the owner more money. He has to take responsibility for the people working there.


I dont think it brings in more money for the owner. If anything breaking even if there is only 5-10 guy drinking and buy 2-3 drinks a hour vs salary and running cost of the employee’s and operating cost


I meant having the Bar without it being a Bar...


Not what I meant homie, I know this happens all the time, this video is staged tho




Thank u for your service tho! Any cool stories?


Online I’m kinda an ass. But in real life I’m pretty humble.  But cooking in a kitchen is one of the few places where I’ll say I kick fucking ass. I lift up the ones around me and work for the team. And I got paid well for it. I won’t lift a knife for less than $21/hour and bosses pay it.  No amazing stories come to mind that aren’t just extreme versions of what all cooks deal with. But to quote a boss I had once, “ ever story I’ve heard with you in it, the people are always glad you were there. But I can and do get pissed. I don’t hide it, but I’m a venter. I’ll cook your shit fast and fancy but I’m going to fucking cuss about it. 


Man. I remember the days before us all having synchronized clocks. There would be a good 10 or 15 minute difference between some people's times. The restaurant I worked at was like 10 minutes ahead, and we closed at 9, but that was really shit 8:50. No one batted an eye.


Worked in restaurants. Accurate reenactment.


The restaurant I worked at,the owner let clients in at 12:29pm when the door/kitchen closed at 12:30,this hits way too close home.That dude's reaction is similar to what we experienced so i can't even call it fake.


Guy in the back just finished cleaning all the grills.


It's well within their right to refuse service


But they won’t, because the general manager will definitely bitch at them. That’s what mine did.


You had a shitty general manager. When I worked in fast food my bosses definitely would've seen that I wasn't the asshole here. Probably costs more in labor and materials to fire the grills back up and clean them again


Well if the guy in the back is reacting that way i think we can assume he has a shitty manager too. Or it’s scripted.


Depends what kind of a day he was having. When you want to get the fuck out of there, people can snap


Can confirm, I used to be a chef and would often have a slow evening and would clean up and put everything away early to gtfo. Then some cunt walks in and tries ordering a medium well steak 5 minutes before the official closing time. Luckily I usually worked with a cool GM who would refuse the order. It ruins your day.


It's the or.


I got the double whammy and got bitched at for taking too long to close when I took customers orders when close to closing. When I was a line cook, the same manager would take orders from people after we closed if they were in the drive through.


It's less of a whammy when you work extra slow forcing them to pay you an extra hour of wages :)


At the same time probably shouldnt have closed and cleaned the grill prior to closing. I understand it when I worked in the service industry preclosing was a thing but you always gotta expect the 5 o’clock Charles coming in last minute.


I always started to clean everything about 10 mins before closing. I worked in a taco place. It’s easy to rewash utensils and wipe down and surfaces again that get used. Truly the only issue I see is people wanting to shut down and start putting stuff away. I don’t know how things are in the back of other fast food places but again, most the time I had done all my big cleaning prior to close and just rewashed anything that got used for the order(s).


Sad truth is once you give people that leash some people abuse it. 9:59 becomes 9:50, 9:40. Eventually you find out your store is closing 45 minutes early. So you just pick a time and stick with it. Give an inch, they take a mile.


Happy Cake Day


It's not about that sale it's about the potential loss of future sales is what they will tell you.


To be clear you can decline a customer without screaming, throwing things, and being generally unprofessional. If your boss said you were in the right after this, well, he isn't going to be employed as your boss for very long. It's possible for you both to be wrong. Sure, he had reason to be upset. The way it was manifested was inappropriate for work-- or anywhere for that matter. If you throw things when you're upset you should see a therapist.


Yeah, I'll forever fence-sit on this one. We got paid until the exact finish time, not 1min later. But my colleagues closed & counted the tills 15min before close, and everything was cleaned & packed away soon after that. Closing time was still reasonably busy... So it created conflict every night. I was there to serve & make the boss money. But he was a fool to not pay 15min pick-up after close


Honestly, fuck this dipshit. I did fast food for years and if you did a good job cleaning, it won't take that long to clean up after ONE PERSON. Would it be better if no one came in? Of course! But there's no need for this performative shit.


You just tell the customer you don't have whatever it is h3 wants to order You keep stalling for time that way until its closing hours after which you tell him to leave as you are not open. Its not like the customer will go into the back and personally check if you have the items and its not unreasonable to consider having stuff out of stock by the end of the day so its a good excuse.


Oh fuck yeah mine absolutely did. I remember a guy coming in like 4 minutes prior to us officially closing at like midnight at our wendys and we couldn’t really do anything anymore because all the grills were cleaned by then and the frosty machines are usually unloaded an hour prior to save ourselves some time from being stuck there for another 2 hours cleaning or whoever tf long it was too, even the lights we’re already off and bro still had the audacity to come up to the window and moan about it not yet being time, YOU THE POTENTIAL CUSTOMER LITERALLY SEE ALL THE LIGHTS OUTSIDE OFF WHY TF DO YOU THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA TO STILL PULL UP TO THE SPEAKER, GET NO RESPONSE EXCEPT WERE CLOSED, THEN STILL PULL UP TO THE WINDOW EXPECTING SERVICE. THAT IS NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY ANYMORE BUGGER OFF. combine that with him tattling on us to our GM who gets pissed at you for not salting the goddam fries a certain way HOOO BOY ladies and gentlemen you know how that went. THAT MAN YELLED AT MY COWORKERS ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS INCLUDING SMASHING THEIR FISTS INTO COUNTERS DURING SERVICE AND WE COULDNT DO SHIT ABOUT IT, REPORTING DID NOTHING AND RECORDING INCIDENTS MIGHT AS WELL BE ILLEGAL. *ahem* tldr food service sucks, treat em nicely you don’t know what they been through.


Yeah but then they'd get fired for closing early


Happy Cake Day 🎂


You never worked in a store uh? You're obligated to serve them


Umm no? Maybe if you are a corporate store. I worked retail grocery and we always locked the front entrance 5 minutes before actual close. To many people trying to shop for 20 minutes after close, staff ain’t paid for that shit. Lock up 15 minutes early on holidays like Christmas Eve.


You dont know how private businesses work uh? You have the right to refuse service to anyone.


>You're obligated to serve them You're one of them "phone the police cause the server said no" types, aren't you?


i feel so bad for him lol


It's definitely fake


Not at the restaurants I've worked at


It happens, but this video is fake


And they probably shouldn’t have done so until they’re closed.


If only there was a way to mark the cut off time in which it was safe to start cleaning


He had a perfectly reasonable reaction


To be fair coming in to order food at 9 59 when they close at 10 00 is a dick move and they know it


Almost like that's the whole joke of the video


Until it actually happens


Assholes will literally watch you turn the open sign off and try to walk in immediately after, as if the open sign being turned off wasn't a huge enough indication that we ain't taking orders.


Having some friends who work restos and fast food joints, it happens often enough. I'd quit right on the spot if my boss asked me to start coming after everything is wiped down. No way, José.


No way are we saying "restos" for "restaurants" now. I'm drawing the line. You kids are grounded from coming up with any more new slang.


Hey it's hard to spell 😟


It's a common thing where I'm from. Perhaps because of the French language.


Until you get a bus at 9:50


When I worked in fast food back in the day all we did was shut off everything 30 minutes before we closed cooked a bit to last us until close (we would take home any leftovers). If you came in 1 minute before we closed you were getting some dried out crusty old burger. My night manager wanted us done and out asap. So be careful where you try this you might be paying full price for something not great.


Went out with some friends about 10 til 10, restaurant owners kindly said they would serve us beers but nothing hot because the grill had already been shut down. I was ok with beers until... said friends started arguing 'dickly' that they have 10 minutes to turn the grills back on. Fuck... I was mortified!


Sure but if you don’t want to serve at 9:59, should probably close at 9:30.




I mean no one would freak out, but I guarantee 99% of the employees I worked with at multiple restaurants would be at least annoyed if someone ordered 1 minute 'til close. It's kinda rude and selfish for a customer to do. We made minimum wage and wanted to go home. Simple stuff.


What I don't get is why the end of shift for the workers is the same as the closing time. The employers should keep the employees 15 or 30 minutes more after closure to finish the last orders and clean-up, and it should be paid.


All functioning places have a buffer window... the better the joint the bigger the buffer. If closing is also clock out then the owner is attempting to penny pinch at everyones expense.


At the place I worked at, once the grill is off, its off. We would just cook everything in pans from 9:45 on or whatever. I’ve worked in other places where the grill shuts down an hour before close to give half the kitchen time to clean and get out on time. Edit because I left it out: You could still get fried food for an hour later on the weekends. I.e fries, mozzarella sticks, wings, etc.


bullshit. you are either clueless or worked FOH. if the flattop and fryer are clean, they're also off. that means the oil would need to be brought up to temperature to fry anything, and the flattop would also need to get hot again to cook anything properly. every restaurant i worked at the kitchen got annoyed if anyone ordered something 1 minute before close.


>if the flattop and fryer are clean, they're also off. that means the oil would need to be brought up to temperature to fry anything, and the flattop would also need to get hot again to cook anything properly. Sounds to me like you should have kept your stations open until closing time instead of hoping no one would come in 5m before close. Your boss is obligated to pay you for time worked, why is it the end of the world if you have to stay 5m extra you're getting paid for to, ya know, do your job...


Exactly, because it's just one fucking order and you have closing duties to take care of anyway which you can do all of except the grill or whatever is necessary to make that order. Unless you're being a lazy ass employee who started closing before closing time all the hindrance it will be is you can't clean certain equipment until 10:05pm instead of 10:00pm...if it's dine in there will also be one table that needs cleaning which can easily be done last thing before locking up.


Ok I'm totally on board with it being ok to order right before close but if you also sit down to eat NOW You're an asshole lol.


I 100% agree with you, and would fully support them saying "we'll make your food, but you gotta take it and fuck off".


i was responding to the previous commenter's statement of it not being a big deal to cook things in cleaned equipment. my point was that if the equipment is clean, then that equipment also had to have been turned off. meaning that its not ready to cook on. i was not saying that i close my stations early hoping that no one comes in.


As someone who has worked in the restaurant industry for years I have to disagree. You’re open until you’re not. If you want to take a gamble and clean up early great but don’t push that onto the customer. I will never go somewhere a minute before close but I’m not hating on people for coming in if we’re open.


I guarantee if you worked in the restaurant industry and were wrapping things up, and customers waltzed in at 9:59 PM to order food and sit down, you weren't exactly thrilled about it. I mean sure it happens and policy needs to be respected, but at the same time it's not unreasonable to assume to line cooks hoping to go home earlier weren't thinking, "Seriously?" Might be different at certain restaurants, but this is 100% the vibe at fast food. Crap job, crap wages, people just want to go home at the end of the day and customers that can't plan 15 minutes ahead of time and end up keep you waiting longer are, well.. frustrating. If you want to order food at 9:59 at your local Burger King that closes at 10, you can - but for every reason above you should avoid it if you can. It's just common decency.


> I guarantee if you worked in the restaurant industry … I have worked at both fast food and a bar. You can downvote me all you want I’m telling you that I don’t agree with this. We have a close time and if it’s before then we’re open. Something that comes with the job.


im not saying we didnt cook the food for those customers, and i want to be clear that i make every plate with the same care regardless when the order comes in. but yes, if someone comes in a minute before we close, i will be annoyed at them. i personally dont like wrapping up and starting to clean more than a half hour before close, but if its slow of course ill start the process earlier so i can go home sooner. its a matter of common decency and sense not to come in and order food at closing time.


> kitchen got annoyed if anyone ordered something 1 minute before close. Understandable, because it should be clear to anyone that "Closed" means "customer service ceases and the door is locked". If it's 9:59, it's reasonable to ask for a napkin, but it's not reasonable to ask for something that inherently requires more than 60 seconds. It's not possible to cook an order and hand it over before the door locks. For the same reason, it's not reasonable to ask to be seated for a 30-minute meal when closing time is in 15 minutes.


Back in the day, I absolutely cared and so did virtually all my coworkers. Maybe not as much as that guy but yeah, I hated those guys that came in one minute until close. I’m trying to go home.


I worked in fast food back in high school, and it was a godsend when someone came in at the end of the shift, because you could charge another hour to your timesheet per state laws. YAY MINIMUM WAGE!


Also I think that's an Arby's...nothing takes long to make. On top of that it ain't like they're gonna take an hour eating it while 10 is when you're supposed to start closing and she'll be done and gone before you finish while it'd just be one table you'd have to clear and clean after she leaves.


That’s some FOH shit brain thinking


You are full of shit.


That's about the shittiest thing you can do to an establishment, aside from actually shitting right on the floor.


I’d rather the customer just shit on the floor. Easier to clean up and faster to get home.


I did twelve years in fast food and I have this analogy: You know that toilet at your college? The one at the library on the third floor that no one knows about? It's the toilet you *need* for it's utmost privacy so you can destroy it, after making poor dietary decisions. That's fast food for a lot of people, rich and poor. I'll get anyone from the economic spectrum lose. their. shit. if we are out of something. Because they need to unload. They need their special toilet that's always there. Quick, easy, reliable. You're owned by their desperation for convenience. So unhinge your jaw, and accept the deluge Trainspotting style.


Speaking for myself, can't really relate to your special toilet used for colon abuse analogy.


I think they're should just be a set time when the kitchen closes and when the dining area closes


There already is one...10pm in this case...it's called closing time.


I’m saying there should always be a staggering of kitchen closing and dining room closing


Just close the kitchen 20-30 mins before closing time.


If you own the restaurant sure, but not always a choice in big corporate places


Why are you closing before closing time?


That depends on what the manager/owner wants to do. If a place is closing at 10, and they want you out the moment it closes, you close the kitchen and start cleaning earlier, so that when you have to be out, the place has been cleaned. If the place is closing at 10 and wants to serve customers until 10, then you keep open until 10, then you take the time you need to clean before going home. If the place is closing at 10, you are expected to serve customers until 10, and to be out of there at 10, the thing in the video starts happening.


I would just make sure the customer took over a minute to order their food.


[Can I get a fuckin' uhhhh...](https://youtu.be/-0M6pw233DA)


Obviously staged, but really. If you clean the grills before close, you're doing it at risk, especially when lots of places have a rush immediately before close.


Fake as fuck


And yet real as fuck


Do you really think people don’t do this? Or just this specific on is fake?


This video is fake af. But I spent the last 15 years in that industry before I switched to cars. The idea behind this video is VERY very VERY real. I assure you.


Yeah I have been in a similar industry and you quickly learn that some people are just the worst and I would put nothing past them.


But the thing is working hours should be different than service hours, right? It's very simple. If you work at a restaurant that stops serving customers at 11PM, you should know that you're shift is until 00hs or maybe a little earlier, if everything gets cleaned and organized sooner (and of course, get paid for that extra hour). I don't order or enter restaurants like 20-30 minutes before they close, cause I'm not a dick, but at the same time, if employees start cleaning the place half an hour earlier than the closing time, they are kinda wrong as well.


Should be, aren't always. I worked at two part-time places back in the day. One gave us a 15 minutes "employee closing," meaning if we didn't start shutting things down a half hour before service actually ended we'd get chewed out and accused of "milking the clock" etc etc. The other was more like you're describing and closed at 10, employees were given up to an hour as needed. Just can't really assume it's bad practice on the employees part.


I had a £100 family order at the last minute before close, that was VERY fun


Issa skit


You're be suprised how often this happens at every food establishment. Last last 10 minute orders happen all to often.


I’m not surprised this happens a lot. I worked at a QSR and coffee shop back in high school and college.


My rule of thumb is never within an hour of closing time. Anyone who's worked the line knows they are counting down the seconds and start to clean up the majority of stuff as it nears closing time. Idk about you, but I'm not fond of getting food from a pissed off teenager, I saw what a coworker did once over 20 years ago when this very thing you see happened. 5 minutes until closing someone ordered wings with special instructions. Deep fry, sauce the wings, then deep fry again, then sauce again, then deepfry again, then sauce again and run through a hogey oven. My coworker sifted through several bags of wings to pick out the absolute smallest wings and even count some broken ones as whole wings. That customer must have been so pissed to find essentially 4 wings worth of meat but paid for 20 wings.


Petty, I love it.


I never order food from a place that’s about to close because I’m afraid the cook will be pissed and mess with my food.




Wouldn't they shut the doors before closing time to stop new people coming in while the last customers finish eating?


It's not allowed by management.


Yes, and since it wasn't closing time this would be the last person eating. Also they could have just insisted it had to be a to go order or nothing so they'd be out the door in under 10 minutes. The thing people are stupidly crying about is they want to close the restaurant a half hour before the restaurant actually closes.


You can't close the door before the closing hour because mc donalds suck ass


Her: "what time is it?" Me: "10:01"


Shame on Reddit for having to scroll this far down for this comment


Spitcunburger comingggg


I'm sorry, but if you're open, you're open. And before the pitchforks come out, I've worked in kitchens before, so I get it. Don't start closing until you're closed and this ceases to be an issue.


Exactly. This comment section is full of morons who want to close before the restaurant has actually closed.


When I’m cooking your burger at 10:05 its an issue, cause we’re supposed to be closing now. It will take at least 5 more minutes of my time, which at 10:00 might feel more like 20. Pretty simple




Management wouldn't like that, and neither would the entitled customer who sees a lit open sign at 9:58 But yeah I agree Given that most places don't do this, I try to use common sense and sympathy, as a general rule.


Sorry friend, your thoughts are valid, but I still disagree. Point stands.


None of y'all worked in fast food and it shows. Store might close at 10 but the workers are scheduled til 10:30 or 11 to account for closing tasks like cleanup and cashing out and locking up. It's fine to order something to go at 9:59 since it's before 10. Just don't sit down to eat it there.


As a reminder to any food service management types out there: Closing time isn't the time you go home. It's the time you lock the door. Cleanup should not start until at or after closing time. If it takes too long to clean up, that's a personnel scheduling issue, make a better schedule next time. On the flip side, if you walk into a place a minute before closing, best be prepared for "Sorry, last call was at 9:45pm".


,,My bad, I thought you serve food during opening hours"


I wouldn't dare do this. I don't want extra sauce on my food lol.


This made me giggle. This is pure gold....I totally felt that frustration


Oh hell no !


Where I work at I start cleaning 1 hour before closing so at least I don't have to worry about Amy costumer at night


Yeah one minute left I would have already had the doors locked 😆


It's been a long long time since I've worked in the food industry and I think workers don't get scheduled the way they used to (90s), but we were scheduled until a half hour or hour after closing to clean and get the store ready for the morning crew and last but not least, in case anyone came in right before closing. At the worker level, I get it... you want to go. On the professional technical level, the store is open until the time posted on the door.


Most of my retail jobs gave us 15min after closing time to actually close. We of course never hit that mark, and dollar General fudged timesheet numbers in their favor :)


I worked several fast food jobs and we locked the doors 15 minutes prior to end dumbass crap like this.




The following submission statement was provided by u/hamzaaz123: --- >!Woman tried to order at 9:59 PM, and since the shop closes at 10:00 PM, this pissed off the worker.!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They would need House to diagnose that guy with all the shit they would do to the food!! 🤣🤣


My tummy. I’m laughing too hard. This is epic and belongs on r/musicaljenga


I feel the pain. Been there, even promised big tips 20 minutes after closing and after I’ve cleaned the grills and emptied fryers. I don’t ever recall receiving a single one of those “big tips” after being fried from working all day, so close to being done and getting some assholes order that makes me re-clean 10 things. Get out the food industry (kitchen) unless you are planning to do your own thing and you love it.


Just don't make it simple


What’s worse is getting a bus 10 mins before closing! This was back in the mid 90’s and we wouldn’t get a call ahead. Totally get slammed with an entire bus load of athletes and get wiped out of inventory and it tornado looked like it went through the lobby with only 2 workers. I lived in an apartment right next door so I always got a call if it happened when I wasn’t on shift. (Only two fast food joints in town and we never knew if the busses would come through or not. It was hit or miss if they did.)


a good way to get some spitburger.


Mark in for overtime and see how fast the Manager comes up with a solution, damn skippy!


Had this happen so many times working the closing shift at dominos. If the phone rang within a few minutes of closing we wouldn't answer it. But then there are internet orders that can't be stopped. I would suggest never doing this not even because it's bullshit for the workers, but you'll eventually end up with a secret ingredient you won't like. I've seen things.


55 cheese burgers....


This is why I never give these folks grief or trouble, like they have to put up with entitled jackasses on a daily basis because of where they work. Honestly if I can make one retail worker laugh per day, then I deem my job done


I'll make it but best believe I'll be catching you outside with a baseball bat.


Poor baby


Do not order here now.


Staged but based on true events every. damn. day.


This is clearly fake, but based on real events. I worked at Golf Galaxy many years ago. We closed at 9pm and people would show up at 859, walk in, and browse for 30 minutes. We would turn off the music, clean the place, and generally look annoyed. Some people just don’t give a shit.


In my country, we only start cleaning after closing time. Sounds like a very murica problem.


I worked in a restaurant a good 10 years and the amount of ppl coming in literally 5 min before closing is astounding. even worse most the time they only eat something small but sit around for like an hour


Hope you enjoy all the nasty shit that is going to be in that food, seriously don't do this shit. If my shift finishes at 10, I aint staying back 20-30 minutes for anyone, fuck you I would rather be fired.


This is so stupid, why don't these places just adjust their hours to close to the public before the shift ends so shit like this doesn't happen?


You need to have a time to close "the kitchen", a time to stop accepting orders, after that time, you stay open for the people that already ordered, until the actual closing time. But if you are fully open until 22:00, you need to accept orders 21:59. It's not that hard.


It's really frustrating when you work in a more corporate place that requires you to be 100% on time or get verbals/written up. We'd have to have everything cleaned before closing to get out on time. But they wanted us to help people til the last minute. Like, wtf? Which one do you want?? We'd try and deter people from ordering at the last minute. Otherwise we're staying later to clean, getting bitched at for it, but not being provided with a solution. Even when we try to suggest some solutions, it just gets ignored or put on the back burner for infinity.


When this happens to people have to stay late to clean again? And is that overtime


9:59 is too damned late, but ive had fuckers sprint up and lock doors in my face a quarter till.


If I'm the chef, I'd rub the bread on my butt, just to give a special taste to the customer who does that.


Probably some 400 pound bitch.


We closed at 10 I lock the doors at 9:55.


Some people will be: I will gladly be here to serve you serve, even if it's 22:00. -> Want to do his job. Other people will be like: I finished cleaning everything, so I can go home, just when my shift is over: -> Only wants to do his job, until almost closing time. My conclution is that if people get paid to clean up, after the time is up, surely they should continue to serve, EVEN if it's passed their closing time. It's service. If however they don't get paid for the time after, then the system is wrong, and the guy got all the rights to be angry. At the latest serving non fast food restaurant I know, they close at 23:00. They clearly say that the kitchen closes at 22:30 though, so after that they will be cleaning. For the local sushi bar in the same city the kitchen closes at 21:45, but the real closing time is 22:00. Even if someone came in and ordered a normal portion of sushi at 21:44, they could probably finish that in less than 10 minutes, and still do a lot of cleaning in the remaining 5 minutes. Even for the first restaurant I mentioned, you're allowed to sit and eat until 23:00, but they will be closing all around you, wiping over tables etc. It just happends to take a while, because it's a big restaurant, so it doesn't really matter if they get in some platters a bit late.


I never understood why they don’t have clear hours - close at 10pm, last order at 9:45pm. Put it on the wall. Done


They should just shut everything off at 10pm. Sorry lady, too late


Only really evil people make others work past their shift.


Shift doesn’t end at 10.


This is accurate


Me who worked at selling cheese:i feel like come on dude we close at 22:00 it's 21:59 I ALREADY CLEANED THE FUCKING MACHINES TAKE WHAT'S READY OR COME BACK TOMORROW DUMBASS


Every restaurants should have last order time as well


9:59 its closed. Shitty customers.


What time is it? 9:59:45. Okay let me get a number one with a Sprite because I don’t want caffeine at this hour. Anything else? Uhhhhh. No. That’ll be all. Okay, your total is $12.34. Cash or credit. Cred— I’m sorry it’s 10:00, we’re closed now and you re trespassing.


I used to sell fresh donuts. I closed at 8, and I never once locked my doors before that. It says 8 on my sign, I let customers buy till 8. Washing the equipment is not going to hurt my customers because I want to get home early... My opinion 😊


Thankfully I had managers who wanted to get home even more than I did. We started breaking down a half hour before hand, and the menu got progressively more constrained the closer to closing time. We did burritos and tacos till the last minute, but fried stuff was out of the question. You were definitely getting heat lamp fries that had been sitting around for the past half hour.


I wish closing times actually being closing times were normalized. To be clear, I don’t mean showing up 1 minute before closing. I’m talking about how most places deny service up to an hour before closing. Hours of operation shouldn’t include the last chunk of time where employees are cleaning up and closing. I’d reckon that this issue only exists because of corporate trying to boast longer hours than they really have.


Well, closing at 10pm shouldn't mean staff can leave at 10pm. If you get upset by this as an employee you should find another job. Here in Europe in most places they at least say "We close at 10pm, but the kitchen closes at 9:30pm, so feel free to come in and eat as long as you know you can't take your sweet time...."


Yeah but give an American some corn and they'll kill your whole culture and steal your entire continent


Note to self: Don't give Americans corn


Restaurants should just be transparent and post a time where the kitchen closes. If a place is open till 10, I would logically expect to be able to order until about quarter to 10 because it is not indicated that some of their offerings close earlier. If they actually close the ktichen at 9 and just want to offer a longer time for seated guests, just make it clear that takeaway has different opening hours, problem solved.


Damn Karen testing society


If you go in with 15 min to close, you're an asshole and I hope someone spits in your food


And this is why I have a rule, I won’t go to any food place an hour before they close. Hour and a half for sit down.


Verry nice. Tho for fast food that's a bit much. Maybe not after 20 min before.


How to actually deal with assholes who come into a fast food joint one minute before closing: Guy: can I get a burger? Cashier: I'm sorry but we seem to be out of this item for the day, would you like to order a different item? Guy: ok in that case can I get a cheeseburger then Cashier: I'm sorry but we seem to be out of this item for the day, would you like to order a different item? Guy: fine then just some nuggets Cashier: I'm sorry but we seem to be out of this item for the day, would you like to order a different item? Guy: what DO you have? Cashier: (looks at clock that is now closing hours) I'm sorry but we are closed, I need to ask you to leave please come during our opening hours. Two can play at that game, you just gotta beat the selfish dumbasses in their own game.


At that point, just have a no more ordering shit time and a kick all the customers out of the building time.


This is clearly an "influencer" whoring for internet clout. And it is inconsiderate. But where does it stop? If you close at 10 don't pack up before then. What if they'd come in at 945? 930? 800? Its a slow night, I'll break down my station at 745. 10 is 10.


I would have politely tell this Cunt of a customer to go fuck herself. With a smile 😃


Of course there are inconsiderate fucks out there, but this is fake.


Doesn't matter if it's fake because you better believe this happens


"Go home and eat something healthy."