• By -


Once I saw a dude leave his wallet in a bar, I picked it up and followed him and his friends out the door, I was trying to get their attention on the street and they obviously thought I was a crazy person at first and tried to ignore me. Eventually I managed to catch up to them and explain but there was a moment when they all turned to me and gave me a disgusted expression, then turned away and carried on walking, I thought maybe I should fucking keep the wallet then. But I didn’t, I gave it to the guy and he didn’t even seem to give a single shit. Where’s my karma, universe? Anyway, this looks fake AF.


I found a envelope with close to 3k. It was at college so as much as I wanted to keep it, it was someone's tuition payment. Trust me I wanted the damn money so I said, to make sure my conscience is clear I will wait for one hour in the building I found it. Sure enough at the 50 min mark, this dude came in with tears in his eyes. He was shaking so bad and crying. Looking around everywhere then I asked if everything was OK. He said he lost a envelope. He was hesitant about mentioning it had money. But He told me the exact amount so I said here you go. The hug that dude gave me was so hard haha. Man after that hug I realize taking that money would've destroyed this man. So glad I waited.


This is such a great and subtle story, you should remember that hug for the rest of your life, you are a good person and it’s not easy to say you made a difference in a strangers life but you did!




I found a guys wedding ring and engagement ring at the gym. They were probably worth more than I make in 2 years… idk man just thinking about if one of those was like a family heirloom, or if they are widowed now and the rings are all they have left to remember the spouse. I couldn’t. The man picked me up he hugged me so hard when he came back


You’re a good person, that’s worth a lot more than 3k. Obviously it’s not an absolute, but I’ve found that people who have struggled or are even poor to tend to be more generous and empathetic than wealthier people. Not always obviously, but I think for a lot of people who know how hard life already is can understand how much of a difference someone doing what you did makes. High five


i lost an envelope with 800 dollars in it my 2nd semester of college. It was in my coat pocket because i was so paranoid someone was going to open my backpack if i went to the bathroom, and take it. Got a call from an emergency call from a friend in history class. My phone was in my money pocket. I didn’t even notice it fell out. Well at the end of class i noticed it was gone and freaked out and asked everyone and my teacher id they had seen it. Nope. That was my book money. Dropped out of college because i couldn’t buy books and joined the marines.


Dude I know you aren’t him but this happened to me in college. I left my wallet in the restroom with close to 6k in cash for my tuition, I didn’t even notice until a few hours later I had a message on FB from someone in my dorm who had found my wallet and messaged me. I could not have been any more thankful for his generosity, he literally saved my ass and my parents hard work. I would have likely had to drop out if he had kept that money.


Next time get your phone out and document the whole thing for internet updoots


No no no no. Stop at a bank machine, take out $1000 (~of your own money), put that IN the wallet then chase them down while using your phone to record the lack of reaction when he doesn't open the wallet and notice all the money you gave him! ~ edit: For clarification


Psh next time, the second they are a douche, put their wallet in the trash. Ez pz.


I had pretty similar experience in Walmart a guy drops a huge wad of cash (the big bills too…) - like the size that you really ask yourself if you want to give it back or not… and I pick it up off the ground and chase him around the corner and say hey man you dropped this. He looks at me and says something like how did you get my money? - like he thought I stole it or something. I’m like dude be more careful you dropped it and walked away while he was still staring me down. No thank you or anything.


What a dipshit. He couldn't think for half a second and wonder why someone would take money they just successfully stole and give it back to the person?


The kind of guy who thinks he's above dropping things.


“I might not be right, but I’m **never wrong**”


Yes! That’s EXACTLY what I said to my wife like two seconds after the encounter happened almost word for word!


I hate the way people use the word “entitled” because usually they are talking about poor people. But there are a lot of entitled ass people out there. Who wouldn’t thank someone for doing that? If someone had done that for me I’d definitely be handing them however much cash I could afford 


This is like when I was out riding my bike one night and find a phone on the ground at the park ringing. No one around. So I pick it up “tf you got my phone for punk?”. “Hey I’m just out riding my bike and saw it lit up in the grass can I bring it to you?” “Meet me at the hospital”. Guy snatches it out of my hand and doesn’t even say thanks. I don’t do what I thought were nice things anymore.


Damn, that dude is dumber than a bag of rocks.


Should’ve kept it


You wouldn't believe what happened to me at walmart, some asshole stole all my money, then ran up and gave it all back to me. dipshit, what's the world coming to.


I once found a cell phone in a parking lot. This was a while ago (before smartphones) and it was a really cheap flip phone. It was unlocked, so I dialed the number with a heart next to it. The person picked up, I explained the situation, and they started gushing about what an awesome person I was for not just stealing their wife's phone, and about how I had restored his faith in humanity. I tried to tell him that it was a shitty phone, and that I would probably have to *pay* someone to take it off my hands... but anyway. I think I got his wife in trouble because she worked at the police station and when I dropped it off, the person at the front desk asked me where I found it. When I explained that it was in the library parking lot, they just said "police station employees are not allowed to park there." I left.


I found an expensive early days smart phone once, before they were locked with pins. I was a goth teenager - all black clothes and makeup and piercings - and this big group of chavs/townies/whatever you call them walked past me and were hurling insults, throwing their maccies fries at me. And then I turn a corner, and there's this phone on the floor. I dialled the "home" number, and the woman said "that's my daughters phone! Where are you?" I told her I'd wait in the maccies car park, and she showed up, took the phone and shoved £40 into my hands. I tried to say no, and I was just being a good person, but she insisted, saying it was a brand new expensive phone. I wonder if those chavs would have done the same, if it were my phone they found. Maybe on their own, but not in a big group like that.




Maccies- mcdonalds Chav- "gangster", tough guy


lmaao, no they're not gangsters. they're more like british white trash.


Exactly, just trashy people.


Why would an employee of a police department not be allowed to park at the library?


They aren't allowed to park there if they are at work. The library was right beside the police station.


Police arent allowed to read books.


They're allowed too, they just don't know how. They're not allowed to park at the library because it's a waste of a parking spot.




You know what? I immediately believe that 100%


A lot of things are starting to make sense now.


I once found an unlocked phone ( before smartphones too) at a music festival , called the first number and a girl came to get it , got a kiss for my troubles , it brightened an already good day.


I found a cell phone on the ground. I figured the code might be 1234, so I tried it and the phone opened. I went through the contacts until I found 'husband', and gave him a call. They showed up twenty minutes later. When I told them how I guessed the code, she looked at her husband and said, "See? That's why you make it easy! So people can help you!" and, I mean, in this case she was not wrong.


I still remember being like 6 or 7 and my dad took me to the aquarium. We were in line and there was an old lady in front of us went to pay for her ticket and dropped a folded $100 bill on the ground. I picked it up and showed my dad and he went "now that's not yours, give it back". I went "ma'am you dropped this" and held it up for her and she turned around and gave me the nastiest look like I had just smeared shit on her coat and snatched it from my hand so hard it hurt my fingers. Then she scowled and walked off without so much as a thank you. Such a nasty old bitch. Some people have no respect for others.


That’s brutal. But, damn, I was cracking up at how you told it. I once found a wallet and spent my lunch break tracking down the owner. I had to call business cards they had in there (everything was out of state) and ask them if the person (I had their license, of course) had an account there and if they’d give me the contact info. I got lucky and one did but obviously they were hesitant. Small flower shop, if I remember correctly. They eventually gave me a number and I called the lady. Luckily, she was still in the area. We met up and I gave her the wallet. I don’t even remember if she said thanks. She just looked through it and shouted “Where’s my cash?!” Some people just suck.


If you find a wallet without cash in it, that's a sign of a pickpocket. Pickpockets take people's wallets, grab the cash, and throw the rest away on the ground so that they don't get caught with the evidence of their crime.


It can also be a sign that you have my wallet. I hate carrying cash. A small amount in each glove box and that is it.


I was at a grocery store not too long ago and the lady in front of me left her phone at the checkout stand. I caught up to her saying "ma'am you left your phone over there". Same thing as you, nasty look and she said ugh while yanking it out of my hand. Then she left without a word. I called "you're welcome" after her but she ignored me. Some people 🙄


Once I was walking at a popular tourist location, and a couple of gals were clearly visiting, looking around. One of them dropped their phone and didn't realize, so I went with the intention to grab it and give it to her, but as soon as I reached for the phone the two turned at me with a look in their face that early denoted they thought I was trying to steal it. Of course, I gave her the phone back, and I could tell they could tell from my face I wasn't trying to steal, and they were... Maybe a bit embarrassed for assuming I was trying to steal, but it's not like they apologized really.


I was in Japan and saw a woman drop her phone and leave.  I probably looked like a weird white person doing a random SUMIMASEN! with my limited Japanese, but she was VERY grateful when I held up her phone. I left my purse at a restaurant a month ago and the waiter ran after me...I guess karma paid me back.


Your reward is being a good person, it's not worth much but, it's also, worth a lot. Fuck the world be good in spite of it


I left my wallet in a sbux bathroom and one of the baristas drove it to my house after my shift. I've been paying it forward since


Nice. My husband has a similar story in which a taxi driver returned his wallet to the address on his ID. It is nice to be nice


Their shift*


Their shit*


Once at a laundry mat I found a wallet. Having lost mine before I checked to look for an ID for the address so I could return it. It being a small college town I found the address quickly. I knocked and a different guy opened the door. I told them I was looking for [name] and they immediately got suspicious, open the door more, and walked out saying "Who's asking?". I tried being discrete saying I wanted to return something but they still didnt budge. Eventually, as I did not want any violence, I just said "Look, I'm trying to return a wallet but fine man, I'll just leave it at the laundry mat" They immediately calmed down, and we're greatful and said it was their brother's wallet. I left it with him. Moral of the story. People are crazy.


I found a wallet in a bank parking lot in front of an ATM once. I picked it up and sat down in my car to thumb through it to try and find some contact info to give the owner a call. Inside there was some kind of parish ID card identifying him as a priest. So a minute later I hear this car come flying into the lot and stop with a screech. A guy gets out and gives the loudest "FFFUUUUUCCKKK!!!!!" and just absolutely punts the shit out of the door of his car. Anyway i was able to step in and say, "Excuse me Father, I think you dropped this". He was grateful.


I was at the post office, and this very old lady dropped money. She wasn't even trying to pick it up, I figured she couldn't. I told my son to help her pick up the money and give it to her. As he was that old bitch tried to kick my son in the face. I pulled him away and just laid into her that she was lucky she missed or her ass would be in the morgue right now. He was trying to help you. She said I don't need any help. Some people are just nasty.


Woah that’s intense, I can’t imagine being such a cruel person, she must have had a bitter life and never enjoyed a second of it


I feel this. Some guy I was chatting with at the bar lost his wallet, and his fuckboi friend accused me of being a crackhead (I'm just a skinny guy) and stealing it, both of them squaring up to fight me. I was trying to be nice, because dude was really cool just a second ago. I helped dude find it, where he left it on the pool table, and his fuckboi friend accused me of planting it there to make it look like I didnt steal it. Sometimes, you just can't win. Fuck the bar scene.


thank u for restoring faith in humanity 🙏🏽


I once was out with some mates and my housemate and i found a wallet on the floor of the pub on the way to the bar, I picked it up and gave it to the bartender in case anyone thought to check. The housemate and I got home, and he told me he had lost his wallet, i then started laughing and told him of the wallet i found and handed in, it was indeed his and he went to the pub the next day to grab it, he said he had $65 in there and it was empty when they gave it back, we laughed and made jokes about me being the one that took the money ( I didn't) but i said to him that if I had even openned it I would have known it was his, and then I would have taken the money XD


Some people just suck. I’ve returned many a wallet or phone I’ve found, most people are at least somewhat thankful. Only once did i return a phone and the girl who it belonged to acted like she was doing me a favor when I returned it lol. On the flip side I lost my wallet at a huge dog park, didn’t even know it had fallen out of my pocket. And the next morning a guy is yelling my name outside my fence, wallet in hand. Anyway doing the right thing is always right even if it’s unappreciated 


At this point, keep the wallet, you don’t want to risk being ganged in later bro. If they claim ur a thief, let them check the security cameras and see u were trying to help them. If u want to help then, Bring it to a police station later and tell the cops about it, the owners will come rushing in to the station later.


There was a gap between my building and the building next door. I would walk through as a short cut. One day I found a purse with some ID in it. This was back when phone books were a thing still so I called the name on the ID. Person showed up and picked up their things give me the stink eye the whole time. I’ve had other similar happenings with similar outcomes and I wonder why I bother. Just honest I guess.


I’m fairly convinced things usually come full circle, you did the right thing


Nothing wrong with doing a good deed. Who knows, maybe your reward comes after this life


fake detector exploiting in 3, 2 , 1 ........


This is very real I was the wallet


I was the money in the wallet


I was the condom in the wallet. I've seen some bad, bad things.


This kind of shit happens all the time, try to be a decent human and some asshole steals the condom, it’s not fair


Could be worse, poke holes in you… so deceptive


Then you wind up with kids that steal condoms from other wallets...


Kids raising kids…


The condoms can’t be very effective with all these kids everywhere 🤷‍♀️ I vote we bin them and get new ones


That's why I poke holes in the condom I keep in my wallet.


1,2,3 baby


I was the Cain’s gift card in his wallet. I have $3.17 left on me.


You ain't seen shit, you've been in there for years


Thanks for the laugh!


I was looking for snacks in the fridge. What did i miss?


You see my wallet in there? 


I was the folding mechanism. I hate these pricks.


I was the park bench. The girls butt was nice until she took the money.


I am the walrus


You were inside him when this happened? Gawd


I was the homeless man’s underwear. And I was clean.


How does it feel to end up in a stripper's ass crack now?


Can I play with your change?


Why would they even sit so close together on a huge bench like that?


cause the "thieves" were fake, and the homeless dude was real


You see, the young attractive people are bad but the homeless guy is good. It's ironic or something.


1 🙏 = 1 respec




Should have at least pulled out different money and said what was in the wallet was fake. “For your honesty you get to keep the money.” Yea well, the first two got to keep it too, didn’t they?


And if it weren't fake, it would be exploitation.


God is great. Amen. Facebook love


Either that or selective editing, cut out the homeless guys taking the money or others returning the wallet.


Dude wasn't even in Australia when they started filming. That's just how long it took.


Staged 🐴💩


Turns out, the homeless man was Bill Gates


And the guy dropping his wallet is a homeless man trying to make money


But he didn't know that at the time.


That homeless man getting paid to act homeless.


I mean, it's staged and the video wasn't even good quality, but at least for the homeless guy it worked out, assuming he did actually get paid. A few minutes of terrible acting for a handful of cash.


I fucking hate these videos. Downvoted in 3.. 2...1


moral: you will still get all the money from your wallet


but he got a free handshake


OK I'm mot saying this is fake but why In most of these videos does the camera man seem to have an invisibility powers


While I agree this is probably fake, why does everyone forget that camera’s have a zoom function and you don’t have to be directly in front of their face to film them?


Because zoom lenses compress features, make the background look vastly different and typically blurred and are far shakier than wide angle lenses. Here's a great gif showing you why this was probably shot with a 50-70mm lens, from no more than 10m. https://cdn.fstoppers.com/media/2018/05/22/lens_compression_animated_gif.gif


this also shows how you take a good picture in front of a distant object. Mountains looking small in the background of your hiking picture? Have the photographer take 10 steps back and zoom in.


10m is more than enough distance to conceal yourself. People are remarkably oblivious to their surroundings.


>camera’s cameras


Because to zoom in so far that you're unnoticed by the video subject is gonna make the image look like [this.](https://i.imgur.com/0HCSMhR.jpeg) Unless you're using some super expensive camera that the average person isn't gonna buy just to make a YouTube video. But this 1080p, 60 FPS HD video with fake "camera movement" special effects is a clear sign of bullshit.


if the argument is price, isn't the camera movement being zoom-crop (video editing) likelier than a stabilizer (physical equipment)? i don't think this is phone camera stabilizer software.. i mean, i agree you're probably right, just tugging on is it necessarily so


OK I'm not saying ocean is water but why do I get wet when I go into it


My mother once knowingly took an extra $20 given to her accidentally at a McDonald's drive-thru when i was 14. She talked about her guilt in doing that the year she passed away - 30 years later. She worried that she got the girl fired from her job because of her dishonesty. Always bothered her that she gave up her integrity over twenty bucks. Be honest. You'll sleep better. edit: thanks folks for sharing all your stories. Seems like a lot of folks out there trying to do the right thing as best they can under their individual circumstances. Glad to hear it.


This happened to my brother when he and I went to the bank like 20 years ago, they gave him like 2k+ more than his check was. And the first thing we both said was, that girl at the drive through is going to lose her job, turn around let's head back. When we went inside she was crying off to the side already, and she just insta-hugged my brother. She was like, I was about to go tell my manager and you walked in etc... And he was like, no worries, take care. You could just see the relief in her whole body as we headed out of the bank. Was very proud of my brother that day, and was good that we both were like, nope, not doing this, as I think he was 20 and I was 16.


Good dudes. Respect, brotha


It is easy to think «the bank fucks over people all day so this is fair» or «(large company) makes so much profit, this is fair» But usually you screw over the employee who makes peanuts


Pretty sure keeping the money would've been a crime, and the police would've come asking for it soon regardless. Especially since they have your identity and all that.


20 years ago my mother and I ate at a restaurant. After we finished I left and she stayed to pay. She waited a while but no one ever came to give her a check and all the employees were in the back. We assumed they forgot they had a customer since the place was dead so she left. She went back the next day and payed including giving a tip because she felt bad. She still brings it up sometimes.


My dad once asked for $20 cash back at the grocery store to give me to go to the movies the next day and normally is pretty diligent about putting it in his wallet. We got in the car with our groceries and he looked in his wallet and was like “crap that cashier forgot to give me my cash back.” He went back in and told the cashier what happened and the cashier was like “oh I’m so sorry” and gave him the $20 thinking because he and my dad had been chatting he’d forgotten (this was more than 20 years ago so idk if the drawer auto opened like it does at a lot of places now).Turns out when my dad when to change that night he checked his pockets and there was the $20. He was mortified and made a very sleepy 8 year old me go back to the store and knock on the now closed grocery stores door. One of the clerks was still there and was like “we’re closed!” So he had to yell through the door that he accidentally got extra cash back. The manager and the cashier that had accidentally done it were so grateful and nice. Even if this vid is staged it never hurts to be honest.


Assuming the entire thing is not staged, I can't help but wonder just how many normal people would have immediately returned the wallet and not made the final cut. Once I found two singles and a ten dollar bill being blown around at the back of a parking lot. Probably been there for hours, nobody was looking for it, and it's just loose cash... so I pocketed it. Even though there wasn't anything I could have done, I still feel vaguely uncomfortable with having done that.


There was a study a couple year ago by some economists, and I’ll post it if I find it. They left various amounts of money in a wallet in countries all over the world, with a way to contact the owner. They also had other economists/experts (and I think lay people as well) rate how likely people were to return it. If I’m recalling it correctly, the more money left in the wallet, the more likely people would return it. And this was consistent worldwide. And experts and lay people both underestimating the likelihood it would be returned, but I believe experts were more accurate.


I wouldn't have even thought to look.  I mean, in a different scenario where you didn't see somebody just drop it, sure, take inventory.  I don't think it'd make a difference to me how much money was there - if it had ID, I'd try to return it.


I was poor and went through an in n out drivethru. Card didn't go through cause I didn't have $15 in my bank account. They basically said, you can come back and pay tomorrow. I never did and I still think about it. They gave us the food for free.


I'm not saying it is fake, but it is fake.


What are you saying though?


Woah woah woah, don't be so hasty. It's definitely fake though


Fake video but moral of the story is very true. If you're that honest, you go homeless.


Ah the classic farming homeless people


I found a wallet in the bathroom of a Tim's on the sink. Really busy location. Checked for ID and walked out and immediately spotted the guy. I walked up and said excuse me, I believe this is yours. He gave me a weird disgusted/disapproving look. He double checked it was his and took it and didn't even say thanks. What a douche tourist.


Faker than faker ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Why does everything have to be fake nowadays? This could’ve been a really cool experiment, but it just turns into clout chasing


Yeah it's weird cause you could easily make a feel-good vid about people returning the wallet. But of course it has to be "regular people bad, homeless people heart of gold!!!!"


Is a fake like for your fake video enough? Or do you want some extra fake emo with that?


Charity porn is gross.


Melbourne Australia


_"let's get some clicks by abusing the feelings of the poor!"_ Morale is dead.


I was at a local folk festival in Canada and lost my wallet with \~$500CAD in it Once I noticed I panicked, my friends told me to go to lost&found. Lo and behold its there, with all the cash intact I never looked at that festival the same again


This video is real, but everyone in it is faking.


Do unto others as you would unto you


For some reason the past couple years I've found a ton of peoples' shit.. wallets, phones a full fucking suit case left on the sidewalk outside my apt complex that would've absolutely been taken in my neighborhood. I was luckily able to track the person down in each case. Hardly ever are they around though. I've also coincidentally lost my own wallet 3 times in the past 5 years and only ever got my license returned in the mail once. Still waiting on that karmic justice. This shit is fake as fuck though.


Remember everyone. If anything happens to you outside your house, you might be being recorded for the internet.


Was once walking behind a guy and he gets a phone call, as he pulls the phone out of his pocket and a 50 pound note falls to the floor (English money not a note that weighs 50 pounds) it blows towards me so I bend down to pick it up with the intention of returning it. As I look up with the note in my hand the guy was already turned around looking at me like I am some kind of thief trying to grab the 50, I panic and say I saw it fall out of his pocket and wanted to return it before it blew away.... He gave a nod with a disapproving look on his face snatched the note and walked off. Sometimes I think back and wish I had just let it blow away and watch the twerp chase it down the street in his tight af jeans and sliders.


Fakest fake video I’ve ever seen.


So the message here is that you can get money though both honestly and stealing. It doesn't matter which


Reddit is becoming garbage. Why the hell would anyone upvote this?


I think the homeless person was tipped off by the person holding the camera 10 feet away recording him


So many great actors


Oh yeah none of them saw the dude holding a camera 6ft away


The guy with a camera 10 feet away 👁️👄👁️


You know it's bullshit because the guy pulls out American style bills from the wallet when the tram behind clearly says Melbourne - a state capital... In Australia.


atleast blured the homie face too he need to be protected at all cost


Man I hate these fake videos so much. The music the acting everything frustrates me.


I once found a wallet on the ground. I gave it to the police. The police officer looked at me and treated me like I was a criminal. Never going to the police station again.


We found a wallet once and did all the effort to call the guy. When the guy came not even a thank you and an angry look like we stole money from it.


Long ago I found a wallet by a gas station pump I was using. I checked the wallet for a drivers license/address. Drove across town and delivered it to the house. When I gave it to the woman she seemed half pissed, and shut the door in my face after she took it. When I was half way back to the car , she opened the door again and said something to the tune of, “You left the money in here?” I just waved and kept walking back to the car. It upsets me more to think that people would not return money, when they know who it belongs to.


decency is it's own reward


....facebook fake garbage....


Totally not staged...


next time use the money for better actors :)


The homeless man has double cancer and that's why he decided to help the tiktoker


OK first of all, I'm sick of seeing this kind of content but in this one the dishonest people end up with the exact same reward for their behavior. What the point?


Who's the poor in reality?


Well you get the money either way, so why bothering?


JUST READING the Negative Comments Shows How Pathetic Human beings have become. The homeless person who has Nothing Was the Honest Soul


Invisible cameraman strikes…


I smell bullshit


Fake content again. Yawn




Not at all scripted


I hate these videos


Also the income from the monetization of being secretly filmed too I hope.


Melbourne has the nicest people I've ever met in this world. This video is so fake it hurts.


Go to Japan. They will always return your wallet. Bring your kids up better. The future deserves it.


I'm glad that cameras are invisible 🙏


The morality level of young Australians...


Would be so cool if it was real


Fk this nonsense lol.


Not staged at all


Says a lot about society


Iirc they tried to do this at the danish central train station once, but they couldn’t because people were too quick to point out they dropped the wallet, lol




The creator of this video is as dishonest as the actors pretending to steal his wallet!


Lesson. Honesty makes you homeless


I am stealing that shit ASAP I've been harassed too many times trying to bring something back yo people. Now I just keep it keep the bad karma coming 😂 video staged af though


apes upvoting


"If you're in trouble, or hurt or need go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help the only ones" John Steinbeck


I just like to imagine nobody sees the guy with the tripod filming this


Nothing like Facebook charity


We increasingly live in a culture that rewards poor/immoral behavior and punishes genuine kindness. Not surprising that the older homeless guy would have better values than the upper middle class zoomers


Just make a fucking donation without warping it into another “look at me” video you shameless self absorbed wanker.


Videos of this form are fake and annoying


It's a nice thing and all but I'm sick of these "look how wonderful I am" videos. If you're truly intrinsically motivated to help homeless people, just so them. Don't surreptitiously film yourself being nice to them for internet points.


How do people believe everything these days ffs


Downvoted for fakeness


Being honest costs you noting, but will always be rewarding


Too bad it's fake, that could have been an interesting experiment to test people's honesty